[3.16] Konsta's Champion Double Strike Starter - Good DPS, good defenses. Starter.
" Thanks! I went ahead with a 15% helmet.. i found a couple evasion bases for ~70c each. I bought both and ended up with 2 decent helmets after about 10 crafts total:
Helm #1
187 accuracy 93 life 27 cold res nearby enemies take 9% phys <open prefix> crafted evasion/life hybrid Helm #2 15% double strike enchant +82 life 28% light res reflect nearby enemies take 9% phys <open suffix> crafted dual resist. I'm leaning towards #2 for the open suffix option of more flexible resists, but the extra life and accuracy is also nice on helm #1. Whichever i pick, i think i can easily get my investment back selling the other. Thanks for the note on the Tombfists... i see what was wrong w/ my search. I didn't have the "implicit" filter selected for Vulnerability on hit. I like this option as it will let me do a 2L CWDT for steelskin or IC. Good to know on the banner! I was hoping that was the case. I already forget to pop certain skills on bosses.. not that it's mattered to much yet. I'll probably go the endurance charge route once i unlock that craft.. my only issue so far is rippy bosses like elder guardians or beyonders that can 1-shot me before i get to them or invuln phases where i can't leech but they can still blast me. My HP is still pretty low, only 4700. |
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I do not know what's the problem. On the red maps, I die, the whole environment kills me with one blow. Plain Atziri kills me with one blow.
Metamorphs kill me with one blow. Dernière édition par yltor#0585, le 27 janv. 2020 09:39:17
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Once i got Tribal Fury on my amulet, this guy went to a whole new level. Map clear and metamorphs are smooth as butter. Just about everything pops the instant i whirling near them. I managed to level up to 91 and farm a good deal of currency over the weekend. Sitting at around 10ex right now. I'm looking to start upgrading further with my profits... Here are the issues i'm running into now:
I'm starting to hit a wall with some map bosses (summit boss 1 shots me consistently) and the harder bosses like Elder guardians or special bosses like Carcass or Core bosses. Basically all the bosses i can't just insta-nuke within the double Vaal DS clones time period. Especially once i start juicing a little bit. 4 prime sextants w/ the basic players/monsters take x% more damage on AL5-6. I get a lot of random rips while mapping too if i happen to run across some ranged monsters that freeze. Basically anything that has periods of time where you aren't just standing their killing them, i'm very very prone to being 1 shot. I always reroll maps that have extra crit dmg + extra damage, no leech, phys reflect. So my quant is usually between 50-75% on the map, so only moderately juiced with AL6 and the 4 prime sextants. Getting to level 95 will be a big help as i'll get the last couple life nodes + the notable w/ armor, %max hp, and flat hp. I gotta get there though, which i lost 60% of my EXP bar back to 0 last night lol. Summit boss really ripped my ass (had to get my molten strike jugg to finish him on the last portal). In your opinion, what should i upgrade? - I'm looking at a rare claw first. Do you think the elder mod w/ ~35% chance to steal rare monsters' mods is worth getting? Or just 400+ pdps + crit + 1.8+ APS as a main focus? - Would a rare chest w/ 100+ life and +%max HP be better than BotB for survival? - My boots are outdated; can squeeze out a little more life and resists.. and definitely putting "cannot be frozen" on them, as that's one of the biggest dangers i can't avoid reliably unless i am permaflasking. Not sure what else to look at to push further. Dernière édition par guardianXXXIII#6455, le 28 janv. 2020 15:30:19
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" Hi, I took a look on your char on POB and following basic points: -It seems that you are missing two passive points (4 if you killed all bandits). These are probably from quests. Type /passives to show what is missing -Use these points to path to "constitution" - you end up with 5.767k life -Look to upgrade your amulet. It has very low life roll. Getting Life roll of ~70 will boost your life to 5.9k -For the chest, best option would be elder or hunter chest with very high flat+%-life rolls and +attack crit. However the attack crit is for sure not mandatory at any level. In terms of defences, belly is for you roughly at similar level so no need to change immediatly -Remove the 3 nodes from "depth perception". You have very good accuracy already, and these 3 points give you only under 5% of more damage. -Use 1 point of these to "attack speed and accuracy" (second starting node for Duelist) to offset the lost damage. This gives you ~4% more damage, almost completely mitigating the damage lost. -Use the 2 remaining points to take life nodes. You should now be at around 6.1k life with all the changes -For even additional layer of defences, replace sulphur flask with Rumi's. This will give you 35% of attack block in total. The damage and shock immunity from your sulphur are not that important Regarding freezing, I did not have any particular problems. You do have freeze immunity flask which should in general solve any problems regarding this. If you have problems with flask management (flask empty often) - roll another frezing immunity to replace sulphur current affixes. For boots your current ones are fine. If you want to min-max the damage, look for tailwind on crit. Another option for even more thickness would be to replace these with Kaom's roots - however this means that you'll be needing to fulfill the resists with rings + amu. Hope this helps! |
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Now to think more about this, Kaoms roots would be way to go for you. They give freezing immunity and a lot of life. This basically should be very good for you! However, you then should get the needed resists from rings+amu. Getting rare chest (with good life rolls) will help you to cap resists.
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" Thank you very much for the input!! Way more detailed than i expected or hoped for :D Re: the passives... this would explain the weird thing i kept seeing in my PoB where it was saying "requires x level" always being 2 lower than i actually was lol. I'll fix that right away! I did Alira bandit for the crit/res. I'm excited to have more points to play with :D The amulet was a slot i shopped for a long time and finally settled on the one i have, just so i could get Tribal Fury. The main issue is i require mana leech and 59 INT on this slot without needing to rejuggle everything else. Plus i really want crit multi there, and that really limited my options. I ran into a couple like this with 70+ life but they were 10+ ex and i didn't want to go that deep on an amulet slot. I like your idea on the flasks. I'll make that change tonight. I do need to be better about flask uptime.. i get lazy and stop using them proactively while mapping/clearing. That's usually when i get randomly frozen and gibbed. I also plan to rebind my "of heat" flask to space bar as it's much easier to hit reactively while using my movement skill. I'll look at the boots options. I've been active searching some triple res/100+ life boots with open prefix for "Cannot be frozen", but going Kaom's and redoing my jewelery setup might end up being better and cheaper. Would love some tailwind and/or elusive boots, but holy cow those are expensive right now. Thanks again man! I'm still loving the hell out of this build! My favorite so far (i'm a new player, this is my first league). Played Enki Arc Witch, Hybrid's MS Jugg, and now this. This one most fun for sure :D |
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[double post]
Dernière édition par guardianXXXIII#6455, le 31 janv. 2020 09:23:08
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This build is very fun to play (as a new player), although it hits the wall on 14+ maps where you just die all the time.
Some tips from my 20+ deaths so far at lvl 91: * you really want 6k life asap, the game seems to be balanced around 6k life for melee builds and anything less than that means you'll just die too much. * get Kaom's Roots. You really don't want to be stunned/frozen/chilled. With good + flat life / +% life / treble resist armor, you'll have more life and only slightly less resists than BOTB with 110life/120 resist boots, for a similar price. * even with Kaom's, don't kill strongboxes yourself because of the explosion. Just pop 2 boys and dash away letting them do the job. * your best maps are wide open spaces. Anything crammed, with lots of corridors, etc. is bad. You want mobility to outmaneuver packs of ranged mobs. * maps with twin bosses are bad if you can't hit them both at the time. * so are maps with -max resistances or elemental weakness as with so few gear slots dedicated for resists, you'll not be overcapped by a lot. * if you're using Abyssus, you definitely need endurance charges on all the time, esp. on maps with vulnerability Where this build shines is taking down big guys within a couple of seconds (maybe more for Warlord). On the other hand, bosses with multiple phases are a pain as you need to carefully manage your resources and more likely to die the longer the fight. |
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" This is mostly my experience as well. Hitting 6k life was huge.. my death rate went waaaay down once i hit that. I don't have Kaom's roots yet, so i've just been running Brine King pantheon + "Of Heat" flask on almost perma-uptime. This has been another massive QoL to random freeze death's i was having before. One tweak i made on the tree, based off some advice from Konsta (though i didn't do quite what he advised), was to spec out of Depth Perception and i went into Gemini instead. This gave me more defenses via weapon block and was actually a DPS boost. I had lots of accuracy on my gear, so that's what enabled this change. For the phased/long boss fights, as you mentioned those can be quite challenging. I've found that going with 2 life flasks and the life flask pantheon (forget the name) helped quite a bit with those. Finally, getting a 400+ dps rare claw really pushed this dude over the hump... I'm able to kill all the guardians, elderslayers, and sirus on awakener level 3-7 (don't have all 32 stones yet for AL8). I have farmed up enough fragments to do the Elder and Shaper fights, i hope to do those sometime this week. Clear speed is absolutely bonkers now... once you get your Arena charges stacked up you are just insanely fast with whirling blades.. clear maps, metamorph's, and map bosses crazy fast. I don't do the annoying phased boss maps like Reef... this build needs it's cooldowns to thrive and that fight has 1000 phases of invulerability.. hits pretty much every weakness the build has.. can't leech, can't pop cooldowns and nuke, lots of near unavoidable damage, etc.. |
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I posted earlier this league but I just wanted to post an update. I upgraded a lot of gear since my last post and my character is tankier than ever. Currently sitting at 7k life with 2.3m-2.5m shaper dps with the forked pob (for impale dmg). Current pob: https://pastebin.com/Mv28kqBQ Feel free to look at my gear for inspiration :)
Few key points: I got the unnatural instinct jewel from a drop and decided to try it mainly for the res and melee dmg, still not sure if it's worth the passive points. The watcher eye was a really big QoL, basically gives me 100% uptime on my flasks (with the nice dmg for pride) Had some fun rolling Lethal Pride and ended up with: +36 strength 20% increased melee damage 5% increased strength 4% increased maximum life 30% increased melee critical strike chance If anyone is interesed, I also have a lethal pride which gives +8% max life/1% regen life per sec and 30% melee crit and another one with 20% phys dmg/0.4% life leech/40% melee dmg I bought the ammy with the Discipline and Training already on it, I thought of changing it back to Tribal Fury (I had tribal fury on my last ammy) but I didn't miss it as much as I thought I would, and I really enjoy having 7k life at the moment. Dernière édition par Methical#3828, le 4 févr. 2020 12:23:09
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