[3.17] Wallach's Hierophant Freezing Pulse Totems (No Further Updates)

Why freezing pulse isnt connected with faster projectiles? Why hypothermia is better? Also wondering why there is no faster casting
raptas a écrit :
Why freezing pulse isnt connected with faster projectiles? Why hypothermia is better? Also wondering why there is no faster casting

Have you seen this build in action? Once you see 4 totems spamming freezing pulse you'll understand, it's better to counter mob resists than having a faster spell that does less damage
i just crafted me a new Chest, if anyone wants my old chest just whisper me ingame:

Price is 25Ex

Dernière édition par Lightzorzz#0476, le 4 janv. 2020 à 11:49:31
Mentalmike a écrit :
bogossogob a écrit :
DerSchurke a écrit :
What a crap - I could only cry. Finally i had it all together for the switch to Atziri and then it happened the first time in my POE career that I am so freaking stupid to let myself get scammed. Bought an Atziri Mirror for 18ex :(

As a daddy of three small kids with only minimal time to play in the evening that really throws me back. I hope i can find the motivation to try again to save up that amount.

What a shit start into the year. Expensive lesson learned :(

I almost fell for the same scam. A guy was selling for 18ex (1ex below the average price) but I took my time and asked him if he planned on selling the real deal, which he didn't answered.

Really sorry to hear about what happened to you, 18ex is a kick in the teeth.
I got scammed yesterday by someone selling a 6l Soul Mantle (for 0.1ex below next seller...so seemed fairly legitimate as i sell items just below 2nd seller) and somehow i didnt see that he put a 4l into the trade. 2.9ex down the drain!

What GGG should do is add a 2nd tier to the trade system:

Trade window opens, you both hit accept. It then goes into a 2nd window where you have 10s to check your item or cancel (only the buyer can cancel, the seller has to wait).

It wont be much slower than normal trading if people know what they want. Yeah some people can abuse it but there is no solution that helps all.
First thing GGG should do is actually start banning the scammers and stop protecting them with "naming & shaming" rules that even if a person has a proof someone scammed him, that post will be deleted and reddit is the only place you can warn about scammers.

They're getting bolder every season because they aren't punished. I'm usually a poor casual and don't trade for big items, but my mate had at least 3 scam attempts performed at him this season and 1 of them unfortunately went through, so he lost 9ex on scam.

People doing cancel swaps and putting 4+2 link chests, rank 3 empower / enlighten instead of rank 4, stacks of 1 of currency instead of 10, corrupted items instead of non-corrupted, unupgraded prophecy uniques that have the same icon (kaom's way, death's opus, hyrri's demise... apparently atziri's reflection too), if you trade anything that is 6-link or multi-ex value you have to like triple check and don't trust anyone.

It's different when a person can do honest mistake (for example give you wrong map because he gets 100s of whispers about different maps), but the 4+2 links are so obvious it's planned, but on some backgrounds it's really hard to see, depending on the chest piece art.

It's just annoying all the responsibility is on the buyer side and thieves are fine to roam free if they managed to get away, because there's zero punishment. Ofc they'll keep scamming, they lose nothing and gain tons of free currency from the victims of the procedure.
raloP a écrit :
- PHASE RUN ! Not only makes you faster in general, it SAVES YOUR LIFE a lot, phasing trhough or out of pakcs, or as an extra burst of speed to dodge stuff. The level and quality makes a difference here, link with increased duration somewhere. I said before, i have no idea how people play without it xD.

Do you recommend to use it self-casted, or some CWDT support? High or low?

raloP a écrit :
- UPGRADE PANTHEON. Get the immune to poison and one of the first big ones. Monsters with chain are a problem for us totem boys, so keep that in mind if you are using one of the others.

Which major Pantheon god do you recommend to upgrade for this build in particular?
One of the things I tend to do when shopping for upgraded uniques is check the flavor text at the bottom. It will be different on the upgraded one from the "basic" version. So if the flavor text for a Reflection is "At last my beauty is beyond reproach" I know I'm ok. I sometimes have my price checker run it too just to make sure it comes up with an average price that seems right.

It took me getting scammed to start taking a lot longer to check items if the value is over a couple of ex.

Anyway, Atziri's Reflection is obviously a popular target for scammers atm so anyone shopping for one be wary!

I've been using Phase Run in the build once I switched to Proj Weakness from Frostbite. The dex requirements for both at lvl 20 are the same so if you can meet one you should be able to do 20/20 on the other. Quality is extra movement speed so that's definitely worth getting if you can. The ideal 3-link for it would be phase run - inc dur - efficacy. Efficacy doesn't do that much though so can easily be dropped. Without inc dur I found it to be a bit too short in duration to bother with.
Dernière édition par DrHarvey12#0114, le 4 janv. 2020 à 13:03:25
DrHarvey12 a écrit :

I've been using Phase Run in the build once I switched to Proj Weakness from Frostbite. The dex requirements for both at lvl 20 are the same so if you can meet one you should be able to do 20/20 on the other. Quality is extra movement speed so that's definitely worth getting if you can. The ideal 3-link for it would be phase run - inc dur - efficacy. Efficacy doesn't do that much though so can easily be dropped. Without inc dur I found it to be a bit too short in duration to bother with.

Currently I'm using a flask slot for phasing and fully agree with poster wo phasing this build is not so sweet. I don't have experience with phasing run gem. It is uses frenzy. How long it is up? I can free up gem slots (still using frost wall with cwdt - time to retire) for this but it is worth it? With flasks I can keep the phasing up and running as long as I kill.
The one free flask slot with atziri or onslaught can give a huge boost to totems (bigger than any awakening gem...)
Aeris85 a écrit :
raloP a écrit :
- PHASE RUN ! Not only makes you faster in general, it SAVES YOUR LIFE a lot, phasing trhough or out of pakcs, or as an extra burst of speed to dodge stuff. The level and quality makes a difference here, link with increased duration somewhere. I said before, i have no idea how people play without it xD.

Do you recommend to use it self-casted, or some CWDT support? High or low?

raloP a écrit :
- UPGRADE PANTHEON. Get the immune to poison and one of the first big ones. Monsters with chain are a problem for us totem boys, so keep that in mind if you are using one of the others.

Which major Pantheon god do you recommend to upgrade for this build in particular?

Phase run as high as possible, 21/23 if you can, self cast linked with increased duration, i use it on 4 link: inc dur(2123)/phase(2123)/cwdt17/steelskin19

I use soul of lunaris mostly, but brine king may be better
freddirty a écrit :
With flasks I can keep the phasing up and running as long as I kill.

I didn't find a flask that gives you Phase Run on kill? Or how do you meant that?

@raloP: Thanks for the explanations ;) !
Dernière édition par Aeris85#6697, le 4 janv. 2020 à 13:50:46
zotox a écrit :
raptas a écrit :
Why freezing pulse isnt connected with faster projectiles? Why hypothermia is better? Also wondering why there is no faster casting

Have you seen this build in action? Once you see 4 totems spamming freezing pulse you'll understand, it's better to counter mob resists than having a faster spell that does less damage

I do see my 4totems 😀 i guess cold pen is better later in the game, but hypothermia gives dmg to chilled enemies.. and faster projectile gives the same dmg all the time +makes them fly faster 🙄


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