[3.17] Wallach's Hierophant Freezing Pulse Totems (No Further Updates)

Is Atziri's Reflection Golden Buckler really worth the 20ex invest

took me 200h to get that many currency and i'm cleaning T16 and delving under 100 ez atm
NoStRoMoSs a écrit :
Is Atziri's Reflection Golden Buckler really worth the 20ex invest

took me 200h to get that many currency and i'm cleaning T16 and delving under 100 ez atm

I just bought mine the other day:

When I was thinking about whether to bother or not for me it came down to if there was any other build I was going to look to have as my "main" character that I would end up pouring most of my currency into this league. The 20ex is really just the start. It's likely closer to 30ex once you start looking at Watcher's Eye's & The Cowards Legacy Belt on top of potentially a big re-gearing to fix resists / get more EHP.

So I think that if you are not looking to do the very hardest of content it is definitely "better value" to go with a well-geared "normal" setup than the high budget variant. If however you were considering keeping the normal variant but investing 30 ex into Awakened support gems then the Reflection route is going to be more damage for the same kind of price.

Sorry to hear about your trading experience recently DerSchurke. Thx for posting about it though. I stayed away from the cheapest offers and went for one that was a bit more expensive but the guy selling was a nice bloke - he didn't try anything funny with me at least. I still pretty much triple checked it though!!
Ty for the clear answer, it make a lot of sense. i'll spend my money on new build since i'm only 500h in. Also i looked you up and i changed my skill tree to reflect yours and gain 20kdps loosing only mana regen i didnt need. I'm at 104k if i hoover over my freezing pulse icon and with flask and curse in fight it goes up to 250k. It's enough for all content i fought so far. thx a lot.
hello, greeting to all freezing pulse totem player,
I switch from arc totem and hope the leveling is more safer,
The atziri’s reflection is too far away for me,
I am thinking what’s the next upgrade process,
as the resist and hp is hard to maintain,
If I upgrade to an unique item.

I got cheated by ppl selling 6 link too, in the past season,
usually they give you the right item,
but tell you to pay less or more currency,
or beware of the wrong stat,
the next transaction will be a cheat.

Hey, thanks for the build, its awsome! Could you/someone take a quick look at my gear/gems and see what i should focus on next. I play SSF so keep in mind i cant trade. Trying to 6l a Soul Mantle atm, no luck yet.
Hi All,

I did this build last league and completely smashed everything. Got to 600k tooltip dps without any buffs (flasks arcane surge) etc.
Granted the wands have been nerfed a bit, i still shouldnt be having severe difficulty clearing content.

Last league I had 4k HP, 1.5kES and 3kMana and was quite tanky. This league I have 3.9kHP, 1.4kES and 2.8kMana (but I am 5 levels lower) yet I get one shot from almost everything except White mobs.

Really struggling to find out what the problems are here. Please may someone have a look:

I am missing flash freeze on my amulet and the projectiles mod, That is in the works.
Flasks do not need to change because they are similar to what I used last league. I didn't bother with any unique flasks because my damage was so high.
Havent got an Empower level 4 yet - working on this, Last league this boosted my DPS by 20k so I am factoring that in.

Currently my tooltip DPS is 98k.

All T15-16 content is really hard which is very unusual. Metamorphs are a no go due to instant gibs. Elder guardians are a no go because I cant damage them enough and they just one shot me. Havent tried shaper or shaper guardians yet (not encountered)

Just really puzzled and need fresh pairs of eyes to help. Many thanks in advance.

DerSchurke a écrit :
What a crap - I could only cry. Finally i had it all together for the switch to Atziri and then it happened the first time in my POE career that I am so freaking stupid to let myself get scammed. Bought an Atziri Mirror for 18ex :(

As a daddy of three small kids with only minimal time to play in the evening that really throws me back. I hope i can find the motivation to try again to save up that amount.

What a shit start into the year. Expensive lesson learned :(

I almost fell for the same scam. A guy was selling for 18ex (1ex below the average price) but I took my time and asked him if he planned on selling the real deal, which he didn't answered.

I see some people are struggling, i'll give my OPINION about some things that may change your game for the better.

- PHASE RUN ! Not only makes you faster in general, it SAVES YOUR LIFE a lot, phasing trhough or out of pakcs, or as an extra burst of speed to dodge stuff. The level and quality makes a difference here, link with increased duration somewhere. I said before, i have no idea how people play without it xD.

- FLASKS LIVES MATTER. Flaks make a huge difference in your game, kill faster = less pots used, less dying. Flasks need to be well rolled and have at least 20% quality. Together with pantheon you need to take care of the usual killers, bleed, freeze etc. You don't ever need 2 health potions, and you should never need a mana potion outside NO REGEN maps. DIAMOND FLASK is a big dps boost, Silver flask is ok, the unique cinderswallow is pretty fine to use, i traded for bottled faith later. WISE OAK is probably the best one, the 15% cold penetration is huge, and the elemental resist(or resists) is pretty nice.

- TOTEM PLACEMENT SPEED. I use it crafted in my ammy, most people use pandemonium there so, crafting in boots is an option. It feels so much better. Not only you can get your charges/curses up faster, but obviously the lesser time you use to cast a totem , the faster you are able to go back moving. After a long time playing with it and trying to take out, it felt like i had temporal chains working on me all the time. I strongly recommend this one.

- UPGRADE PANTHEON. Get the immune to poison and one of the first big ones. Monsters with chain are a problem for us totem boys, so keep that in mind if you are using one of the others.

- A8 MODS, the 24% makes a big differente in some, careful with "-X to maximum resists" for example, this one is the rippiest for me.

- FREEZING PULSE 21/23 or 21 is a nice upgrade.

- VAAL RIGHTEOUS FIRE is very nice to burst things, like metamorphs.

- DIVINE your item if it has garbage rolls. You don't need to hit the jackpot, every little thing helps.

- CORRUPTED JEWELS. You can get corrupted jewels kinda cheap, immunity to corrupted blood/hinder/maim are easy to get on first snows for example.

- DELVE is very good $$, but this build isn't great for it. Find a depth you are SAFE and go sideways forever. For me it's around 300.

If you are wondering how far this build can go, i'm probably very close. Deaths are extremely rare, Sirius deathless in most cases (if you die early the fight is terrible, for everyone i think), also kill any metamorph/elderslayerguardianthing in 2-3 seconds 98% of the time. I didn't play totem builds last few years, and can say i am surprised how strong it is at the moment, specially good for this league.
bogossogob a écrit :
DerSchurke a écrit :
What a crap - I could only cry. Finally i had it all together for the switch to Atziri and then it happened the first time in my POE career that I am so freaking stupid to let myself get scammed. Bought an Atziri Mirror for 18ex :(

As a daddy of three small kids with only minimal time to play in the evening that really throws me back. I hope i can find the motivation to try again to save up that amount.

What a shit start into the year. Expensive lesson learned :(

I almost fell for the same scam. A guy was selling for 18ex (1ex below the average price) but I took my time and asked him if he planned on selling the real deal, which he didn't answered.

Really sorry to hear about what happened to you, 18ex is a kick in the teeth.
I got scammed yesterday by someone selling a 6l Soul Mantle (for 0.1ex below next seller...so seemed fairly legitimate as i sell items just below 2nd seller) and somehow i didnt see that he put a 4l into the trade. 2.9ex down the drain!

What GGG should do is add a 2nd tier to the trade system:

Trade window opens, you both hit accept. It then goes into a 2nd window where you have 10s to check your item or cancel (only the buyer can cancel, the seller has to wait).

It wont be much slower than normal trading if people know what they want. Yeah some people can abuse it but there is no solution that helps all.
kevinbrightblade a écrit :
In what order would you prioritize awakened gems?

Based on my reading and ignoring cost it seems like:

1. Added cold damage
2. Curse on hit
3. Controlled destruction
4. Cold penetration
4. Spell cascade

My reasoning is that the +1 to gems and lack of other sources of flat damage for Freezing Pulse makes the Awakened Added Cold Damage the best dps boost of the three main setup awakened gems.

Next the Awakened Curse on Hit allowing dual-curse will upgrade build's supporting mechanics. So this is also a big change you'd want to incorporate sooner.

From there the Awakened Controlled Destruction beats out Cold Penetration due to the cast speed bonus you get from quality. And Awakened Spell Cascade comes last since it's a quality-of-life improvement.

However redoing this list taking costs (both leveling exp and currency) into consideration I'm not sold on Awakened Added Cold Damage being #1 since the +1 to gems only kicks in at level 5. Awakened Controlled Destruction and Awakened Added Cold cost about the same right now, but Awakened Controlled Destruction would give you the cast speed boost at level 1.

Also the currency costs of Curse on Hit (9-10ex) and Cold Penetration (1ex) means that they might move in opposite directions on the list? You're probably better off buying 2 or 3 of the main setup awakened gems than just Curse on Hit on a dps-per-exalted orb basis.

Any counter arguments or opinions?

Just lucked into 7 ex and need to make a decision:
Option 1) Awakened Added Cold Damage
Option 2) Both Awakened Controlled Destruction and Awakened Cold Penetration
Option 3) Continue saving for a Watcher's Eye
Option 4) Continue saving for Awakened Curse on Hit

What do I do!?


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