Done with the league, the build is very good.
I'd say the most important advice I could give to players who are new or trying traps first time (especially while league starting) is:
- patiently upgrade and don't rush content, this build won't kill end game bosses in the first few days or at least my dumbass didn't until I got 6l shavs, I ran yellow maps till level 90 and I'm not even joking
- get used with the staggered damage and the two-step > throw, two-step > throw method when running maps.
- Listen to oester's advice and read whole original post (!!)
- don't spend too much time in life variant of the build, transition to CI as soon as you hit lvl 70+
- dense fossils and zeal essences are love
- no discussion get Pyromaniac ➡️> Perfect Crime ➡️> Born in the Shadows ➡️> Chain Reaction or at least leave chain reaction the last ascendancy points otherwise you'll have a bad time progressing with your level in maps until you fully ascend.
- avoid -block chance maps like the plague.
- don't get glancing blows unless you have ES on block shield
- 7.5k ES and ~900k dps is what you need to beat all content. I didn't roflstomp deathless feared or maven but more mechanically good people could.
- you can do HoGM just unsocket wrath so you don't reserve more than 50% life
- yes chain reaction is better than explosives expert. really.
- explore alt quality gems, like divergent tempest shield, anomalous bear trap, anomalous inspiration, divergent cluster traps
Second-class poe gamer Dernière édition par pr13st#1040, le 30 août 2021 05:58:23
Posté parpr13st#1040le 30 août 2021 05:51:59
pr13st a écrit :
Done with the league, the build is very good.
I'd say the most important advice I could give to players who are new or trying traps first time (especially while league starting) is:
Great feedback and some good advice there for any new trapper. I'd be willing to bet you that the second time around, with all this knowledge and trapping methodology you gained, you'll reach this content even quicker and with less gear req. :)
GikGokJung a écrit :
Finally i can clear this league. thanks for you build, it's very fun.
Yw mate! Glad you cleared it all and gz reaching 98, even considering how broken some Expedition rares were until only recently:) Now you can join the 3.16 waiting room;P
MadHatterAbi a écrit :
Hi there, another update from me :) I got a lot of stuff, shavs +2 and a lot of good gear overall. Love this build, I always enjoyed traps but it's so nice to smoothly clear maps and not die due to defences. I will definitely buy better shield and bottled faith but I'm pretty much done, so if anyone is struggling go check my character :) Void sphere is a life saver, cannot recommend it more.
Thanks again for the build and constant updates!
Appreciate the feedback! New players that are coming here to check up for 3.16 will also appreciate having lots of great inputs from you all, so again, thanks :)
I'm working on improvements & additions to the guide for 3.16 that can help any new POE player or just new trapper get situated faster in a league. :)
Dernière édition par oestergreen#1184, le 30 août 2021 06:24:21
oestergreen a écrit :
The problem is you're trying to compare your lvl 81, to a lvl 99 character. You're 18 skill-points behind, that's MASSIVE. You don't have the cluster setup, no flasks/wise oak, bottled faith anything like that and you're comparing this lvl 81 to an almost min/maxed character :)
My own current league character that I haven't played much (this league just hasn't been thrilling to play due to a tiny playerbase), but still, my current league char, with NO corrupted shavs, no bfaith, no big watchers and subpar in every socket in comparison.... But still my current one sits at 900k and is demolishing end-game, like A8(9) etc. Guardians blow up in seconds etc.
Of course! Have a looooong way to go to get anywhere near your min-maxed character. :)
Since last post I've leveled up a lot, filled in a lot of the things I was missing, and now I'm at 734k PoB, fully buffed/flasked. Starting to feel pretty good, though still not deleting bosses.
Slow but steady progress. :D
Posté parCLloyd0#6707le 30 août 2021 15:42:22
Any advice for running simulacrum with this build? 900k average hit (With flasks, without 560k), 7k es, 5% es on block 74/72 block.
Build is not finished yet at lvl 92, but I don't think even 2k ES would make a big difference.
I literally get oneshot by white mobs in wave 20 most of the time because of the low phys mitigation this build has (Despite blind and 10% "enfeeble").
Apart from that great build. first trapper I have ever played and enjoying it.
Dernière édition par Sorafina#4581, le 31 août 2021 08:09:37
Posté parSorafina#4581le 31 août 2021 08:05:48
So some white mobs CAN one shot you. This is T9 map.
There's some sort of mod that affects this.
Initially, when I died, I've noticed yellow mob with "can leech life".
So I bought an amulet with Bloodless annoint - didn't help. So it is not life leech, but something else.
In picture you can see mods of a mob. This is a single mob, just one tapped me. Not only it went straight through ES (I got Shav's), but also took a portion of ES itself.
For reference, these are my stats(I do get to almost max spell block):
But every single hit will kill, completely no chance of blocking it, tried it several times. Insta death:)
Dernière édition par ShoveMoneyDeeper#4932, le 31 août 2021 08:48:26
Looks like you were culled by the Expedition modifier that makes the enemies kill when hitting you if you have 10% or lower life.
Posté partaggedjc#2661le 31 août 2021 08:45:20
Sorafina a écrit :
Any advice for running simulacrum with this build? 900k average hit (With flasks, without 560k), 7k es, 5% es on block 74/72 block.
Build is not finished yet at lvl 92, but I don't think even 2k ES would make a big difference.
I literally get oneshot by white mobs in wave 20 most of the time because of the low phys mitigation this build has (Despite blind and 10% "enfeeble").
Apart from that great build. first trapper I have ever played and enjoying it.
As stupid as it sounds, but - more damage. And goin to roughly 8k ES sometimes helps out too. That being said, wave 20 can be a pain in the ass depending on the mods you get.
Posté parVennto#1610le 31 août 2021 08:47:20
It says that on modifiers on pillars or you just can get unlucky?
It's a visible modifier that you can avoid if you choose.
Posté partaggedjc#2661le 31 août 2021 08:50:17
This is my fourth character this league and honestly first time I've noticed there's modifiers on there or that I would need to care about them:D Earlier was just looking at yellow text so they wouldn't be immune:D