[3.23] 🧙‍♂️⚡BattleTrapper 2024 by 📺/ThatDanishFellow ✔️A9 ✔️HC ✔️Block ✔️All-Content ✔️L-Starter ✔️UPD🔥TES

King_Haart a écrit :
CLloyd0 a écrit :
Lovely build and awesome guide! I find my single target damage is lacking though - it takes a decent amount of time to down T16 bosses and any other challenging content.

I definitely still have a handful of 'easy' improvements:
- Need more levels to grab Thread of Hope/Lightning Nodes, and a jewel socket or two
- Need to (finally) get proper flasks (oops)
- Need to get a better weapon - waiting for something to pop up that I can get trigger on
- I need to figure out some more trap throwing speed. I have 8% crafted on my belt but that's pretty much it and I think this is hurting me.

Aside from that - I can't really figure out where the huge discrepancies in DPS between my working POB and yours is. Even taking into account what I feel like I'm missing (levels, flasks) and making sure the configurations match, I'm not even at 1/3 of the DPS that you have.

Obviously there's some big chase items (+4 Shavs, for example), but I can't believe that is going to triple my DPS!

I don't think DPS can get as high as in the PoB anymore. I've been fine so far myself, but I'm only up to A4 Conquerors so I would guess I'll need more DPS for A5 + Sirus. Getting all the Auras is a noticeable boost though so get Enlighten if you don't have it yet. I am still using Darkness Enthroned as the Abyss Jewels when boosted can give an extra 15-20% DPS, only a top-tier ES belt with throw speed will really justify switching away, and those are very expensive.

Don't wait on trigger for the weapon, use Arcanist Brand. My DPS went up a TON once I looked more broadly and picked up my current want for like 50c or so, and I haven't actually found one yet with or without trigger that gives me more DPS short of 10ex ones... so I got lucky but if you are less particular about what needs to be on there you can find ways to boost your DPS at the cost of little luxuries like trigger.

Get throw speed on gloves next, that helps. For boots, I went with Chill immunity because I'm not frozen often and flask triggers can deal with that, but chill is very irritating (especially chilled ground) and seems to happen more often.

Cicatryx a écrit :
So I was just reading your crafting section for shield.

Since reduced mana reserved is a suffix, if we try to force slam recover energy shield on block via harvest, we only protect the current prefixes and will lose the reduce mana reserved.

Or am I doing something wrong when messing around with craft of exile emulator?

You shouldn't need Mana Reserve if you have enlightenment. That said, I would kinda like it myself to see if I can get Arrogance + Wrath + Clarity to take up only 79% of life so that the one Expedition modifier with culling strike doesn't insta-kill us.

A few things:)

First, what King_Haart points out about trap throwing speed is very true. You need/want it, it's huge. Watch my 3.15 status video and at the end pay attention to the throw speed examples I'm showing:)
Same for the curse setup as Haart said. Don't wait around for trigger. Use arcanist brand and maybe later switch to trigger if you still want trigger.

Second, the POB is up-2-date with all 3.15 nerfs and changes with one exception: Unique Flasks (POB updated the blue flasks to 3.15 but not the unique... I guess because they become legend items on standard or w/e), but i'll change that in the next POB update.
Meantime in the POB you can just replace the bottled and wise oak with 3.15 copies and it'll drop by 8-10%. ​
But yes, 2 million (and even higher) is achievable in 3.15, you can pull my character from the POB from my account. None of the gear or settings are fantasy-made.

The problem is you're trying to compare your lvl 81, to a lvl 99 character. You're 18 skill-points behind, that's MASSIVE. You don't have the cluster setup, no flasks/wise oak, bottled faith anything like that and you're comparing this lvl 81 to an almost min/maxed character :)

My own current league character that I haven't played much (this league just hasn't been thrilling to play due to a tiny playerbase), but still, my current league char, with NO corrupted shavs, no bfaith, no big watchers and subpar in every socket in comparison.... But still my current one sits at 900k and is demolishing end-game, like A8(9) etc. Guardians blow up in seconds etc.

Honestly once you surpass a certain threshold of 700kish¨, its almost irrelevant and is more of a *I wanna min/max to have more goals!*. You're already killing end-game bosses like a hot knife through butter if you're sitting at 700k-1mil.

In REAL terms, your dps in POB is only showing avg hit for ONE SINGLE lightning ball. Your traps shoot 9 of them and if you throw them somewhat on-top the boss, they ALL(depending on your aim?) engage with him due to his unit size. This can be even further enhanced by stuff like Chain Reaction (ascendancy) and 20% Divergent Cluster Traps.

So you are not doing 700k... you are doing 700k x 9 x 3(cluster) = 19mil¨¨ each time you right click. If you have high throw-speed, you can do 3 throws per second... so now you're doing 3x19mil per second.

For reference, though my gear was good last league (the char in the POB in this guide) it's not THE BEST possible gear, which people like Vennto and Ankhain can attest to... as them and several others had better gear last league on their min/max'ers)

I tend to taper off once my dps is blasting bosses and focus more on content creation/guide updates;p

Get levels, fix your cluster setup once you reach 90's and get the curse setup for bossing. Throw speed and flasks are instantly things you can sort out by throwing currency at it. You don't need a bottled faith or corrupted shavs, it's a reason its under luxury/high end items in the guide... I don't even have either of those in current league and you've seen my videos or maybe some streams from this league (i hope) ;D

p.s. You don't need a reserve shield. Its a past thing that I haven't removed, but simply labeled "high end/luxury!" because min/maxers still go for it to clear up room for things like lvl 1 precision(more crit) or other small min/max ideas, gems that interact with watchers eyes etc. I'll make that more clear when I update the crafting section.

In the interim between now and the 3.16 patch notes I aim to stop by every section in the guide. I'm currently in that process of re-writing several parts of the guide and streamlining, adding/changing stuff based on feedback and based on what people have been confused about or are often asking extra questions into. I'm doing it offline and then i'll re-upp it all when it's ready. :)

Here's a good weapon filter, you have plenty options and you really don't need to wait around for an open suffix. Brand trigger works great too.


goodluck mate :)
Dernière édition par oestergreen#1184, le 28 août 2021 01:44:56

So you are not doing 700k... you are doing 700k x 9 x 3(cluster) = 19mil¨¨ each time you right click. If you have high throw-speed, you can do 3 throws per second... so now you're doing 3x19mil per second.

For reference, though my gear was good last league (the char in the POB in this guide) it's not THE BEST possible gear, which people like Vennto and Ankhain can attest to... as them and several others had better gear last league on their min/max'ers)

Can attest to that - the Harvest PoB had 3.2mio dps per projectile, when I minmaxed the build with 2.5 mirrors I was able to push that even further to 3.6mio and I still had options to further improve it. But those were different times.

Right now I'm sitting on I think 1.4mio but not even trying to minmax it.
- I'm only 95, so theres some power left
- Only 2/6 triple multi ES jewels
- no +4 shavs
- not really minmaxed Belt with %light
- no watchers eye AT ALL

When I worked a bit on PoB to test what's still possible then u can reach still something like 2.2mio, while I would consider 1.9/2mio reasonably available for minmaxing, that means without a triple watchers eye like I had last league and which is not always available.

The reason I stopped were mainly due to less time but also, as Oster sais, there is barely a reason for it. I sniped a +4 shavs for 30ex and resold it for profit since u don't really need it. With Headhunter this build is more than capable of running triple beyond Nemesis, which I would consider very hard content and one of the most profitable things u could so so since this league sucks in terms of player retention there was no real necessity to push this build further.

Simulacrum wave 19/20 you can still get 5 waves of loot. Last league I had 6, so there's the small difference where u might want to minmax further, and for 100% deli. Other than the very VERY endgame mapping... This build just kills all content. Also, feared + all uncharted realms I have done them as well this league, just not rare-corrupted anymore 😂
So while I would consider 1.2mio dps the threshhold where the build starts to feel extremely good (bit higher than Oster) I still can agree completely that there is barely a need to minmax it at all.
Dernière édition par Vennto#1610, le 28 août 2021 03:34:56
The final comments on this build

So, this league is pretty much complete for me. There are a few leftover challenges that I will grab in September to reach 36/40, other than that I am done and stopped, as mentioned earlier, upgrading the char further. After playing this char for the second league its time to say good bye to this build, as I never play a build more than twice as this game just offers too much crazy stuff to just stick to one build. But I tell you that: Only the best builds get a second roll from me anyway, so this one is right up there. So after 2 leagues I just want to throw out a few final words about this build and this thread.

Build - starting it
I leaguestarted this build in 3.15 and was not entirely happy. As others mentioned many times, the single target DPS in endgame lacks a bit of a punch if there is not much currency put into it. After revisiting the build, though not league-starting with it this time, I learned a lot: For me the key to t16-mapping is:
- 6-link shavs
- a good weapon
- boot enchant
- good jewels, stick with triple crits or double crit + ES, those are all pretty cheap compared to the real endgame triple multi + ES
- and: levels, levels, levels.

Dont make the mistake to rush for t16. If you stay a bit lower and just give the char and your gems time to scale the dps will settle at a point where its doable. Also, having a focus on high ES helps A LOT, as this build can actually tank quite a bit so you can overcome a lack in dps with a ES-Block shield.

Build - minmaxing
While I understand that it´s hard for some people to get hundreds of ex or mirrors, there are not many non-headhunter builds that are worth investing into, and this one is. The beauty of this build is that every currency you put into it is a recognizable upgrade in dps. You buy a triple multi ES jewel for 15ex? Seems a lot for one slot, but u FEEL IT. You get +2/+3/+4 shavs? instant 12% dps there. T1 Trap throw speed gloves? Hiyah, endgame feels smoother. Pretty much everything you do has an instant result on your gameplay-experience, which feels very satisfying.
Not only that: I haven´t had many builds that felt so powerful in every situation. T16 mapping while minmaxed can be done (even this league) while sacrificing dmg for more clear, gems like chain and faster projectiles come in handy. The build can also do 100% deli, simulacrum, all uncharted realms, double and triple nemesis when u combine it with HH... there is just no limit (other than deep delve probably).

Build - other nice things
As a last point, when I am looking for new builds I always look for "beauty". That means: not wasted stuff, 100% instead of 96% conversions, synergies... etc.
And this build has that. For example, with a single RMR wheel and englighten 3 you can run all auras. Enlighten 4 is just luxury. The interaction of our ascendancy and zealots oath is just pure beauty as it improves the regen to a point where it is a lot higher than on life-builds, as we reach higher flat numbers while we regen on a percentage-base. Born in the shadows is incredibly powerful, we pretty much have a blind-aura like that on top. The thread of hope enabling like 5-6 passive points is huge, there aren´t much builds that utilize it that well... It is just a very well thought-out and clever build overall.

I am close to being sad that the time on this build ends, as its just a very good experience. I would like to thank Oster for keeping up the thread so well and answering questions. Dude, if you need any help upgrading the guide in terms of crafting, let me know :)

Overall rating of this build: 9/10

See you all on the next project!

Just wanted to say thank your for the build. Much appreciated. I have played mine build before, failed big time :) and wanted to try traps since. I loved this guide and the build. Thank you for sharing with us.

I have managed to put some items together without spending tons of currency, which I don't have. The build feels amazing but I couldn't managed to max my spell block.

I am looking for some advice on my build. My cold resistance is highest so don't think wise oak works for me ? What should I do guys ? My main struggle is below.

I am mostly fine doing t16 maps. I only die if I end up in between 30 mobs at once. My boss damage doesn't seem to be great and just asking little improvements. I don't want to min/max everything. Especially this league :(

Thanks again for reading.

POB ; https://pastebin.com/y0cv9ZiX
Dernière édition par Hadrice#7661, le 28 août 2021 04:28:30
Hadrice a écrit :
I am mostly fine doing t16 maps. I only die if I end up in between 30 mobs at once. My boss damage doesn't seem to be great and just asking little improvements. I don't want to min/max everything. Especially this league :(

Thanks again for reading.

POB ; https://pastebin.com/y0cv9ZiX

Read the last 10 pages, you are missing crucial upgrades that are mentioned over 500 times in this forum-discussion.
Okay thank you. I realized everyone is saying the same thing :)


Hey, not been playing for a few seasons and dont have much time to play.

So need a few tips about what i need to fix on my build.
What stats i should go for and if i have missed something.
All help is good :)
idk what to do first time doing a low life build and i keep dying in red maps i have more than 200 deaths, dmg seems low too i cant break the 600k wall. The mobs jsut 1shot i dont even have the time to click vaal discipline that im dead, i spent around 10ex or more and it doesnt feel that smooth to play. This is my pob: https://pastebin.com/1487vsTj
Also i have 6.3k es but pob shows less idk why
Loaker99 a écrit :
idk what to do first time doing a low life build and i keep dying in red maps i have more than 200 deaths, dmg seems low too i cant break the 600k wall. The mobs jsut 1shot i dont even have the time to click vaal discipline that im dead, i spent around 10ex or more and it doesnt feel that smooth to play. This is my pob: https://pastebin.com/1487vsTj
Also i have 6.3k es but pob shows less idk why

Cause u are doing wrong what everyone is doing wrong. You go for the big endgame upgrades first.

In the last 20 pages we literally explained 100 times: dont go for the cluster setup pre 95. You don´t use normal jewel slots at all and missing out tons of dmg there, your ES is very low (u should aim for at least 8 to 8.5), your shield misses like 150es, you didn´t even divine your wise oak flask.
10ex is not much, especially when you spent it on a watchers eye instead of focussing on cheap upgrades that push your build.
Dernière édition par oestergreen#1184, le 29 août 2021 02:18:45


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