[3.23] 🧙♂️⚡BattleTrapper 2024 by 📺/ThatDanishFellow ✔️A9 ✔️HC ✔️Block ✔️All-Content ✔️L-Starter ✔️UPD🔥TES
today is my luck day lol, i got the reduced mana res on shield with the first aug influence try (if i hadn't would be very hard to get since i would have to use rem/add influence and could remove the ES rec on block) also i got the boots enchant in the first run of the gift to the goddess next I'll look for a better glove, since now I'm using bear trap i don't need a ''6 link'' in the glove anymore it will be easier to find one ok i removed the quote to not use that much space in the forum lol Dernière édition par Kettl#7477, le 20 févr. 2021 14:19:37
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" Thank you mate :) There's definitely a benefit to hitting your traps closer to the center mass of a boss. The closer, the more damage because more of the lightning balls will hit/pass through the boss when the traps trigger. Generally bosses are quite big and it's enough to just somewhat land the traps near them, but the more of them you land like so, the faster you'll kill. Our damage is calculated by each single lightning ball and each trap shoots 9 of them out. You throw 3 traps in one press, so 9 x 3 x your DPS. I pretty much only use sigil of power for endgame bossing and because the socket was available for something:) You toss the sigil first, then start laying lightning traps so you benefit from the sigil stage increasing as you spend mana tossing traps. If you want or feel you need the damage, you can optionally toss in a bear trap at the end right as the boss/target activates. (if you do bear trap first, you'll overwrite the bear trap while spamming lightning traps) Most of these extra dmg sources are not really needed though, but can be the extra bit you need if you feel your dmg is lower. If you'd like to watch how I clear both fast and safely, then visit my twitch or youtube (twitch/dissentxtv) You can always watch some vods from whenever I last streamed. (i also post some of my content in the guide under current league material) Generally your items seem good, so I think it's more of a playstyle habit. If you really do feel you lack damage, let me know and i'll do a POB on your character. :) |
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" Just a heads up before you re-craft. The gloves having 2 extra socketed gem stats (advanced traps/slower projectiles) is still really really good, even without having spire traps in the gloves, because the extra trap throwing speed and the extra projectile damage are global mods, hence they also affect your lightning traps, regardless what you socket in your gloves. :) |
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" Thank you for taking the time to reply i appreciate it, let me spend some more hours into the character and min max a little more and see that i do some better mine placement, i believe my placement was perhaps off. |
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Just hit 98 today, still cold conversion, build only really continues to get stronger. Damage is kinda silly at this point with 1.2 million average hit against Sirus, against normal mobs it's ~1.9 million. There's still some headroom to increase with +gems and better dmg rolls on my weapon. The biggest damage boosts for me recently have been moving to all 2x crit multi jewels, and dropping one of my cluster jewels for yet more crit multi jewels. I'm likely going to give Divergent Lightning Trap a go, it looks like it could be fun (20% chance for projectiles to return). I haven't the slightest clue if it'll actually be good or not, but I'll be sure to share!
10k es might even be in the cards when I get some better boots/gloves, perhaps a better rolled shavs. I found an alternate skill pathing on poe.ninja that I've borrowed which trades some nodes to the right of our thread of hope socket for some more ES nodes farther down. This move granted me ~800 es and I lost a negligible bit of damage. Sitting at a much more comfy 9.3k es compared to the sub-7k I had at the time of my last post. It makes a much larger difference than I figured, and the %es on block roll on the shield is even more impactful now. It's been neat to watch your gear progress Dissent. I'm not sure if you've considered it, but it would be super cool to see what your crafting process has been (outside of the brief overlay in the guide here) and how you plan to achieve your other desired rolls. I imagine I could've saved a good bit of currency by self crafting rather than just buying my items, but I've found the learning curve kinda steep. Most self crafts for me have been just quick and dirty temporary items for me so far, like my current boots for example. Alternatively, if you have some references you typically refer to for crafting, I'd love to know those as well. For anyone lurking reading this and wondering if they should give this build a go, definitely do it. It's great fun at most every point in your progression, especially once you get your shavs and get some nice crit going. Even while life based with tinkerskin it felt quite good. It's hard to go wrong with this regardless of budget, I guess is my point. This might even eclipse golem builds as my favorite at this rate. Anyway, gear!
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" Ty mate:) Really nice gearing yourself too and gz for lvl 98! I can totally understand wanting to self-craft and save a lot of currency;P I mostly self-craft everything or I start out with a lower-tier cheap item while I'm working on crafting something end-game'ish. I have plans of adding all my gear from this league to the crafting section and shortly explaining the process. I've also added a tips and tricks section for those new to crafting, which i'll continuously update. Tips & Tricks:
Firstly, it's important to use a good source of information about the base items you intend to craft upon. For this I suggest www.craftofexile.com Choose the base group, choose the base type and that's it! Now you can see every mod that exists on that base-type, how high it can roll depending on ilvl and what the 6 different influences can add to the item, mod-wise. This is also a huge help in knowing which mods are targetable with harvest crafting (via the tag names) and which ones are not. Now the tips&tricks: 1) Always fix quality first on an item, preferably a grey base if 20% is all you need, otherwise perfect fossils if you're going for 30%. (Hillock in fortification/transport can do 28% on an already crafted item) 2) People often make the mistake of NOT using their regular crafting bench while harvest or augment/regal crafting. Remember your bench is an easy way to add an extra suffix or prefix or a specific targetable mod, for harvest crafting. Example; imagine I got a shield with reduce reserve % and some other misc stats, but not any ES mods, which means I'd normally have to reroll it, or use expensive augment defence harvest crafts. Well, instead go to your regular bench, pay less than 1c value to add a random defence mod and now you can use the "remove def/add def" recipe, simply removing your bench craft to replace it with the harvest craft. In same style of thinking; let's say you have an item with only 1 ES mod and you want to have 2 (so raw ES and % ES) but you're afraid of hitting the 1 good ES roll. Simply bench craft something non-es related on your item and use the dirt cheap remove-non def/add def recipe. Some of these things will always be gambles, because often there are multiple mods you've hit, but these are simply ways to lessen the risks and increase the gambling odds in your favor. Many people don't use the regular crafting bench enough, to increase their own odds of NOT hitting one of their good mods when crafting. 3) When using crafts that say "reroll item but keep suffixes" or "keep prefixes", always remember the craft may still ADD extra mods IF there is space on the item. Example: "reforge while keeping prefixes" ... if you only have 2 prefixes on the item for the recipe to "keep", it can still add a 3rd random prefix. So to prevent un-intentionally bricking your items, always bench-craft the missing prefix or missing suffix, before you reroll the item with "keeping suffixes or prefixes", this way the craft won't randomly add something to fill the missing mod slot. 4) Keep annulment orbs in mind! Depending on prices, they can speed up your crafting success a LOT. In ritual league annulments cost 1-2c each, so they are dirt cheap. What this means is when you're rolling your item from scratch and you hit lets say 1 good mod, then augment a crap mod.. instead of starting over with alterations, you annulment orb because that's a 50/50 and much cheaper than using another 100+ alteration to try hit that one good mod and hoping for a good augment again. 5) Crafting is also a huge source of income, perhaps one of the biggest. A lot of time while crafting you may un-intentionally hit mods/mod combos that are great and expensive, but for other builds. Instead of just continuously rolling for your own mods, consider selling the item or finishing the item and then selling it. This way you often turn cheap bases into multiple chaos/ex items and you can always use the profit to buy new bases and continue crafting for whatever it is you were aiming to get. (ps, a price-check tool like Awakened Poe Trade comes handy to quickly check values of certain mods on a certain base) https://snosme.github.io/awakened-poe-trade/download 6) ... more coming. Dernière édition par oestergreen#1184, le 22 févr. 2021 09:49:37
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This build got me to 36/40 challenges. A9 sirius was a joke. Just wanted to say thanks!
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" Ty m8:) And good job! Glad you got the awesome 36-challenge hideout reward! |
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One question from a newbie POE player trying to follow this build:
How do we deal with chaos damage? I'm following exactly your PoB and I've already capped my elemental resistances (75%). I have started playing maps (playing really safe because of low hp + shield, while I get currency for shavs -really expensive on console- to switch to FULL ES), but chaos damage often 1 shots me. Should I invest on chaos resistance gear or there is something on skill tree/Unique gears that I overlooked and will reduce the amount of chaos damage taken? From what I've seen from PoB even at level 100 our chaos resistance is 0%, is it right? Thanks in advance! |
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" Ty m8:) And good job! Glad you got the awesome 36-challenge hideout, it's quite unique as league rewards goes. " Hey Skynner, I wish that I could see your character, but seems they don't yet cross-platform enough that we can check someones characters directly from console onto PC ;P We actually have 0 chaos resist (normally all characters got -60 chaos resist after kitava act 10, we go up to 0, cuz' of the amulet we use). Depending on how you're playing it, I would rather go CI than running around low-life without a shavs:) CI also means you're gathering ES gear/using ES gear and CI is only 2 points you have to change/regret when swapping to low life. Search Chaos Innoculation in your poe-tree and go for that + full ES on all gear. Get a cheap 5 or 6 link temporary chest with as much ES as possible to carry you while you farm currency for a shavs on console. :) |
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