[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]
Hello fellow ED tricksters. :) Im just thinking what we can do to craft even more powerful endgame stuff with maven orbs and harvest crafts
So I just watched a video on making triple elevated crafted rares and I imagined how to do one for the gloves. Kindly correct me if I miss steps or share incorrect information Steps 1. Find a fingerless silk gloves that can roll either the culling strike from warlord or the increased damage over time multiplier from elder 2. (optional) elevate both mods using augments and maven orbs 3. use awakener orb keeping the fingerless silk glove as base 4. Pray you have an empty prefix or it can be harvested away 5. If prefix cannot be harvest crafted , annul till you get one off and if you hit desired mods( culling or DOT) back to step 1 ( 15 ex down the drain) 6. Craft suffixes cannot be changed and scour to empty all prefixes 7. Recraft suffixes cannot be changed 8. Augment caster to get increased spell damage 9. Augment influence to get whatever and use maven orb 10. Both elevated suffixes should be protected and you have 50/50 chance for % increased spell damage mod to elevate 11. If spell damage is hit just augment caster and maven orb again 12. Once you get the third elevated mod you want just augment life and harvest craft resistances or defence mods as needed For boots Im not sure what triple elevated mods we want. Elevated dodge from redeemer, elevated spell dodge from elder and poison or shock immunity from elder? I prefer freeze immunity from redeemer bit too many cold tagged prefixes so its hard to guarantee . |
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Exiles, who follow this build, does your character regenerate rage enough, that when you enable buff, it stays always up? My buff always expires in about 10 seconds after enabling. And I have to wait, when 50 stacks are up again. I have 17.4 mana regen. May be I missing some source of regen? I have only Chainbreaker and base mana regeneration. Do I need % mana regeneration somewhere on rare item, and if yes, then what's value of mana regeneration in result is desired? |
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" Don't wait until the rage bar is full to use it. if you have ~25 rage when the cooldown of the skil is over, it's fine. If you use berserk with half as less rage, it'll only last like 20% less time, since the rage consumption is exponential. You get the best uptime (a bit more than 50% for this build) by just spamming it on cooldown, easily achieved by putting it on left mouse button. If you want more rage, the boot enchant for mana regen is a very easy way to get a large value of it. I do not recomment ring mods, as there are other valuable suffixes you could use there. |
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" Only worth it for the elevated chaos dot. +8% dot multi is nice. The rest is a colossal waste when you can do this rather easily. |
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can you update tree to 3.13? thanks!
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" The pobs and trees are up to date, as nothing changed. |
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Hey everyone. Could someone advise me on two things, please.
First - can another aspect, namely cat or crab, be better defence-wise instead of the spider one? I feel like the Cat's 15% avoidance may be good, but that fact it's every 6 secs for 4 secs looks rubbish. And crab looks good against one-shots, we rarely get hit so can recharge those charges fast, but I'm not sure it's good on bosses, since hard bosses as I understand inflict different types of dmg, not just physical. Secondly - are 3 endurance charge totally mandatory? I bought an interesting cogwork ring with fractured essence chaos dmg (suffix), and thought to make it my "resist ring" with 3 resistances, including chaos, resist quality mod, life and crafted increased dmg in prefix, and it looks like a nice balance between defence/offence, but if I put endurance charge instead of 1 resist, it becomes kinda meh. |
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" Aspect of the crab is fine. The damage reduction is pretty potent and it doesn't take a socket, it's not bad at all. It is kind of an anti-synergy with wind dancer, but if you are reliably dodge capped you'll be fine. For endurance charges, I think an endurance charge is better than a chaos res roll. Getting 3 charges gives 12% phys reduction, it's something you really feel. That said, each league is adding a bit more chaos hits than the previous one, so getting a chaos res roll somewhere isn't the worst idea. For chaos dots, exposure therapy + ED's regen is more than enough. I wouldn't really use a cogwork ring tho, that seems backwards. Using a cogwork sacrifices 32 res from a ring implicit and a prefix, for the oportunity to get an additional 48% resistance. Besides, I don't see why fractured chaos damage is valuable, if you'll harvest craft everything else on the ring anyways. I looked at your character a bit, I'd advise you to get better gear. You're rescapped by having small resistances roll everywhere, that's really problematic for minmaxing. Don't forget each time you need 3 rolls of 15% res instead of a single 45+% roll somewhere, you're giving up 2 suffixes that could be used for damage. I know it's kind of boring because it won't increase the strength of your character now, but if I were you I'd craft good boots now. Yours have 80% res and 68 life. If you make a pair with 150+% res, you'll get a lot of room for damage on jewellery later (especially your amulet, it realy needs an upgrade). On my character, I ended up having res everywhere I didn't need something else, so it gave me a lot of room to wear items like this: TL/DR: You are at a point where your character works, but you're starting to minmax it. You need to make room for non resist items before you start equiping damage gear. But you also need to think in the long run, and since rings have a lot of potential damage and boots don't, it's far better to get resistances on boots. |
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" Thank you for such an in-depth look through my character. I'm currently crafting new boots bit by bit, this is what I have at the moment, my goal was to try and get both of the dodge suffixes on these from Redeemer, since I thought it would be nice to have even a T2 roll like on these linked ones for 8% dodge chance, especially for spells, since for attack hits I already overcap with elusive, but I think it's good to have as much flat as possible for bosses like Sirus, when you are not killing anything and need that flat. And I'm mostly trying to be more tanky, since I like that style of gameplay and character feel, just saying. So I thought to remove all the junk here, then get a good life roll (T2-T1) for prefix, then there is the matatl one, close prefixes with "cannot be frozen", and for suffixes, I'm not sure what's better - two resists and redeemer's attack hits dodge, or 1 resist and 2 dodges (att/spells). My idea of getting that ring came from the catalysts options, since I thought it looks potent that you can change ring quality to increase resists there. ALso, because it seemed like for rings, damage-wise there is basically only the spell damage option either on prefix or suffix depending on the influence, and maybe an essence chaos mod (would that not be difficult to get with the influence together)? That's considering we're locked for +endurance for crafting. Although I see on one of your rings you got both the +dmg pref and endurance, did you annul the "3 mods craft" there? Amulet and gloves are kinda bad as well, yeah. Crafting gloves slowly too, currently have a pair of fingerless gloves with 1 removable prefix/suffix and Culling Strike, double influence (hunter/warlord), so aiming to make it with life/increased spell damage/increased damage over time Prefixes, and culling strike/chaos damage over time/resist? suffixes. And on amulet, well, as I understand that's expensive to get those +1 gems mods, so putting it off for a while. I'm so sorry for this much text, I'm just so thankful to be able to talk to someone who is very knowledgeable in this matter, moreover with the author of the build himself, thank you very much for all the advice, sincerely. Dernière édition par Bethrezhen#4970, le 24 févr. 2021 12:31:54
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Hey dudes. I didn't see any info on best belt enchant, which should I go for?
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