[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]
I've been using this for the shock and auto despair, but mu poe-fu isnt that hot... any opinions on it? |
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" It's not a terrible idea, but I don't like it much. Shock is pretty trash for the build. 15% inc damage is ~7% more damage overall, since it's additive with wither. Perma despair is however very nice early on when you don't have enough damage to kill everything in a single witchfire pop. My problem with it is that it costs 35% mana, which replaces discipline. A t1 life roll on a ring and discipline to me is better than perm despair and 15% shock. If you really want perma despair, maybe you could try Mark of submission? To be fair, I don't like it either as it'd res starve you have it has no life. If you have more money, delve or hunter rings can have despair on hit too, + life and resistances. In your setup, it'd be less damage but much better defenses to ditch skitterbots, get an enlighten 4 and fit in spider aspect + flesh and stone. You'd get a free ring for life, endurance and resistances which is invaluable, aspect is the same damage as shock and flesh and stone is insane. Dernière édition par Darkxellmc#0807, le 24 nov. 2020 07:40:54
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With devouring diadem and elighten 4 i have malevolence, discipline and skitterbots.
Thank you for the additive damage part, it gives perspective :) I could easily replace the bots for flesh and stone and another ring, and that would help a lot but hurt survivability... I guess that's why the delve ES helm is suggested, to push dps higher while pushing defences too! |
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you can also use vermilion ring base for nice quality of life and later on craft bis with that
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"Vitality won't counter 1-shots, most corpse explosions are 1-shots, they're much worse than porcupines and more prevalent cuz GGG keeps adding more. The only counter to them is to stay back / run forward and backtrack for loot later (the latter was my strat for delirium league). Many corpse explosions scale with the hp of the mob rather than its damage, and the hp grows much faster the higher content you run = guaranteed 1 shot. Anyway vitality is health regen and it's less noticable on a build that can regen so much from essence drain. Be sure to pre-dot a pack before you run into it. |
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So I haven't played this build in some time cus I had damage problems and decided to wait till I get some upgrades. I upgraded most of the gear (spent around 10-15 ex) and tried it out on a normal t14 map and a conqueror. Again my damage was abysmal and I died at the conqueror fight which is sad cus I could do that afk with my templar that had 1/15th of the budget. It feels really bad investing so much and feel so weak. Now I know I'm a noob and I messed something up it's just at this point I really don't know what I did wrong or WTF I'm doing. Anyway I'ma link my gear and maybe someone can tell me where I fucked up. I'm lvl 81 with last lab still to do.
Thanks again and sorry for the long post. |
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Why not use divergent Flesh and Stone for an extra 20% spell damage from switching between stances for 4 seconds?
Also... showing off this craft: |
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" It looks not that bad. You should add a third aura (for example aspect of the spider) and lvl enhance support. Maybe something in a tree or flasks. Im facetanking t16 minotaur. " It's just an "increased", not more as on berserk. Doesn't worth it. |
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" Well, that's pretty typical of rerolls. It's either that or the opposite, feeling much stronger since you have a bigger budget. The gear you bought/crafted is pretty good, but everything around it is lackluster. The first thing I'd change is your sapphire ring for more resistances, to fit a +1 gems amulet. that's 11% more damage. Other than that, nothing needs changing in your gear (can't see your jewels tho). The thing is, you bought gear for your character and just expected it to work as better than your well rounded guardian, since you invested more. Sadly, gear isn't everything at all. There's a plethora of small things not related to gear that add up and make a character strong. - Uber lab is 20% more damage and resistance against dots (mainly chaos). - Enchance on your div. berserk support grants ~5% more damage per level. for a few chaos, that's 15% more damage. - Your essence drain gem isn't 21 and you're missing 11% damage there too. Empower 4 also grants 11% more, but that's more expensive. - get awakened swift affliction for ~5% more damage. - Aspect of the spider is missing in your gear, and would provide 7-15% more damage, as well as a nice aoe hinder - You are level 81. Due to the low flat life this build has, you're probably barely at 4k life + 1.5k es, levels give a decent amount of flat life. Also, you're most likely missing damage/utility nodes on the tree, you should get at least 10 more. - check your pantheon. Flat evade chance, speed, and most importantly 5% hybrid dodge makes a big difference on tankyness. - Level/quality your gems. Quality on totem support makes you place much faster, quality on wither makes the debuff have better uptime, quality on contagion and supports grant aoe and cast speed (don't use anomalous contagion btw). Overall, there's not a big mistake you did, but the little oversights add up quickly. Things you probably did instinctively on your first character (levelling gems, pantheon, lab...) have to be redone, and you sadly can't throw your character in the same kind of content till you haven't caught up. The list of things above would double (1.20 * 1.15 * 1.11 * 1.05 * 1.07 * 1.15) your damage output, while also significantly boosting the tankyness and qol of your character. Hope that helps, gl hf! |
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" 20% damage isn't too bad, that'd be ~3% more. But honestly, isn't it really annoying to swap stances all the time? Also, you're not protected in blood stance, and I don't see where on your hotbar you'd put the stance sapping button. idk. Just get the quality for increased evasion and forget about it imo. |
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