10ex PoB tree doesnt have eldritch battery while the other link in the guide that shows official site's skill tree has battery. Both are lvl94. Which one should we use ?
I also got lucky and dropped a Carcass Jack. I skipped MoM because I can't cast spells with it since I'm low ES.
Should I skip or take eldritch battery with Carcass Jack ? I have like 800 ES and 200 mana. I thought not taking it with this armor was the play but sometimes I can't spam skills while bossing.
Any advice would be appreciated.
10ex POB tree has Eldritch Battery on the helm.
If you don't have MOM, you don't want Eldritch Battery.
Noob here. What weapon and stats am i looking for to level with from levels 20-60. I didn't see any mention in the guide of what to level with until 60 besides lifesprig and i dont think im supposed to use that til 60. Thanks
i got to maps with ease and only double spell damage wands. It was mentioned a few post earlier that you also easy get to maps with double wielded +1 to chaos skill wands (vendor recipe : a magic wand/scepter and a chaos gem)
Other stats, beside defences/resistances/life, are more or less secondary or QoL as the damage scales with gem level + number of linked supports.
Note that if you plan to use cane of unravelling you need 113 strength which needs to come mostly from gear as we only get a few strength nodes and one +30 strength node from tree.i had to pick up a second +30 just to equip the cane.
Dernière édition par Singulare#6376, le 21 sept. 2020 09:26:03
Noob here. What weapon and stats am i looking for to level with from levels 20-60. I didn't see any mention in the guide of what to level with until 60 besides lifesprig and i dont think im supposed to use that til 60. Thanks
i got to maps with ease and only double spell damage wands. It was mentioned a few post earlier that you also easy get to maps with double wielded +1 to chaos skill wands (vendor recipe : a magic wand/scepter and a chaos gem)
Other stats, beside defences/resistances/life, are more or less secondary or QoL as the damage scales with gem level + number of linked supports.
Note that if you plan to use cane of unravelling you need 113 strength which needs to come mostly from gear as we only get a few strength nodes and one +30 strength node from tree.i had to pick up a second +30 just to equip the cane.
Is there any other stats on the wands i should look out for besides just spell damage?
Noob here. What weapon and stats am i looking for to level with from levels 20-60. I didn't see any mention in the guide of what to level with until 60 besides lifesprig and i dont think im supposed to use that til 60. Thanks
i got to maps with ease and only double spell damage wands. It was mentioned a few post earlier that you also easy get to maps with double wielded +1 to chaos skill wands (vendor recipe : a magic wand/scepter and a chaos gem)
Other stats, beside defences/resistances/life, are more or less secondary or QoL as the damage scales with gem level + number of linked supports.
Note that if you plan to use cane of unravelling you need 113 strength which needs to come mostly from gear as we only get a few strength nodes and one +30 strength node from tree.i had to pick up a second +30 just to equip the cane.
You can also get by with just Spell Damage and resists on the dual wands. If you get lucky and one drops ( or buy one for 1 Alch) stick a Reverberation Rod on your 3L ED set-up. I made it to BA and still going that way so far. Other gear stats will also be a determining factor for survival. Get your Wither/Totem set-up on the boots as soon as you can also helps.
Noob here. What weapon and stats am i looking for to level with from levels 20-60. I didn't see any mention in the guide of what to level with until 60 besides lifesprig and i dont think im supposed to use that til 60. Thanks
i got to maps with ease and only double spell damage wands. It was mentioned a few post earlier that you also easy get to maps with double wielded +1 to chaos skill wands (vendor recipe : a magic wand/scepter and a chaos gem)
Other stats, beside defences/resistances/life, are more or less secondary or QoL as the damage scales with gem level + number of linked supports.
Note that if you plan to use cane of unravelling you need 113 strength which needs to come mostly from gear as we only get a few strength nodes and one +30 strength node from tree.i had to pick up a second +30 just to equip the cane.
You can also get by with just Spell Damage and resists on the dual wands. If you get lucky and one drops ( or buy one for 1 Alch) stick a Reverberation Rod on your 3L ED set-up. I made it to BA and still going that way so far. Other gear stats will also be a determining factor for survival. Get your Wither/Totem set-up on the boots as soon as you can also helps.
how long do I use bane for and when do i switch back to ED + contagion?Am i just looking for life/res armors?
If you're using this build, it's worth checking out the Replica Maloney's Mechanism. You can drop witchfire brew and have permanent frenzy uptime against bosses.
Plugging, it in, it's 1k less damage than an endgame 40% dot multi bow in the endgame PoB.
Despair should also be permanently active.
Is it worth to invest for 6-link staff if I just finished leveling my Empower gem to lvl2? I can afford now this staff but wondering if it is a good idea to force buy with empowered at lvl 2
It's time-consuming and wondering what I can do next to improve my dmg. My ED is just 90K dmg over time and I can tell that quick killing rare monsters are going to be difficult now. My ED gem is lvl 19 and awaits for vaaling
Dernière édition par mefistofx#6003, le 21 sept. 2020 14:30:24
first time i play ED trick, im low lvl can u explain what the rotation of skills?
Cast Totems , contagion, blight for clear and ED for single?
Cast totems in a middle of mob pack. Totems will cast wither in radius and draw attention from you. Then contagion and immidiately ED. Then with blight try to kill as fast as possible those mob you hitted with ED. The faster ED-bearer dies the faster he spread ED to all mobs around. The more mobs affected by ED the more heal you'll get.
Just some QoL tip: try to do 4th slot in boots and stick there Phase Run. Hotkey it to your left mouse click and u'll get almost permanent movement speed inscrease + phasing.
Dernière édition par AethGorr#2170, le 21 sept. 2020 15:29:42