[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]

Tarzanlepa a écrit :

I made a thing!
I learned something from my assassins garb fiasco, made the crafting process a bit simpler and outcome is actually an upgrade from Hyrris!
Sadist garb with evasion fracture would have given like 100ES more but evade chance would have dropped by 5%. With ES fracture evade chance would have taken even bigger leg down. I choose to increase both evade chance and ES instead + free one suffix slot from other gear! Maybe its time to start looking towards 26% dodge boots or that 1 abyss socket helmet next because I also free'd onea gem slot by crfting ornate quiver! Harvest crafting is absolutely crazy!!! :)

Quick question,

How do you have 2 crafted mods, without multimod?
Dealz a écrit :

basically my question is in general all influenced items can be reforged using Harvest craft to get their specific modifiers provided that the modifier has a tag with associated seed?
Yes. You can take an amulet with +1 to int gems and add both chaos mods (gems & multi) within 4 chaos augments, it's harder to ensure top rank of chaos multi and no chaos res, because they share the tag, the +1 to chaos gems is very easy to get, a +1 int amulet fulfills all requirements for other mods (+1 int requires hunter amulet of ilvl that is enough for other mods) and there are only 2 chaos prefixes +1 to chaos gems and chaos leech, and the leech one has life tag too so can be removed with life without ruining the chaos mods.

Asmordeus a écrit :

How do you have 2 crafted mods, without multimod?
Afaik you have to annul it and be lucky. You could also try stuff like "remove random non-defence mod and add defence", it still can brick though.
Dernière édition par Viktranka#3883, le 31 juil. 2020 09:30:29
drawmonster a écrit :
Dealz a écrit :
drawmonster a écrit :
So I'm slowly getting some half way decent gear. I'm making my way through the flow charts now. Only my second league, and still haven't figure out how people earn so many Exalts so fast...

Could some of you more experienced players take a look at my POB and see if there are any glaring mistakes I'm making? My damage feels pretty good. I still get one shot occasionally, and not sure what's killing me most of the time. But I can easily do T16 maps and bosses for the most part. Still haven't beat Sirus or any of the others. Wanted to progress the build more before I worked on them.

So just want to check for big holes or mistakes I'm not seeing.


Thanks in advance!!

This is my first league and I'm wondering the same thing, how people make so much Exalt! I've researched a couple of methods but wondering about others.

I've got just 1 drop the entire time I've been playing, my main way is just to sell all the valuable Uniques, Bases, Gems etc that I get as drops and the Chaos recipe has proved very useful.

I recently done Sirus on my 2nd attempt barely lol, I died but my ED DoT killed him and I had 1 portal left.

I'm pretty comfortable up until he does he's 4 way beam clone phase then I fall apart lol I guess I just need more practice.

I also get 1 shot occasionally which is annoying (XP) but what I also noticed is sometimes certain enemies will hit me for an insane amount of DoT which isn't Bleed, a couple of times its drained my life so fast I don't have time to hit my flask but even then I still die from the continued DoT.

Which makes me wonder which Map Modifier I should avoid?

I already don't Map on No regen/60% reduced as they can be annoying.

Right there with you. I die way more than I'd like. I put the "killable" in "unkillable".

I don't see much.

Make sure you complete the pantheons. I can't see if you did from the PoB.

The quality not increasing defenses on the armor is working against Escape Artist.

You could have a little more life on your abyss jewel.

You could run the CwDT setup to avoid a number of two-shot situations. The offering and steel skin help a lot. Then you could drop spreading rot for another 7% life jewel or flat life abyss jewel. It would be easy to try out because it only requires a 3-5 link armor and then you could also add Phase Run which helps further by phasing you half the time.
Asmordeus a écrit :
Tarzanlepa a écrit :

I made a thing!
I learned something from my assassins garb fiasco, made the crafting process a bit simpler and outcome is actually an upgrade from Hyrris!
Sadist garb with evasion fracture would have given like 100ES more but evade chance would have dropped by 5%. With ES fracture evade chance would have taken even bigger leg down. I choose to increase both evade chance and ES instead + free one suffix slot from other gear! Maybe its time to start looking towards 26% dodge boots or that 1 abyss socket helmet next because I also free'd onea gem slot by crfting ornate quiver! Harvest crafting is absolutely crazy!!! :)

Quick question,

How do you have 2 crafted mods, without multimod?

1. Get ilvl 86+ 6 link Zodiac Leather and 30% quality it with fossils
2. Deafening Essence of Doubt untill atleast 1 good t1 prefix along with the essence mod
3. Numeric defence rerolls for perfect flat Evasion
4. Fracture prefixes to lock 430 Evasion in place
5. Deafening Essence of Loathing until 10% attack dodge
6. Target remove/annul it clean
7. Craft multimod, dex + quality, 10% spell dodge
8. Remove non defence add defence to remove multimod. If you remove crafted mod, recraft it and remove defence for open prefix (important, else u will 100% delete spell dodge) If you remove attack dodge, go back to step 5.
9. Remove / add defence untill t1 % evasion
10. Numeric defence rerolls for perfect % evasion
11. Augment fire/cold/lightning/chaos for resist of your choosing
12. Remove/add your resist untill t1
13. Numeric rerolls on resist untill perfect
14. Watch your currency tab and cry

This is alternate that you might want to consider. https://i.imgur.com/so2DQSR.png
Crafting process is pretty much the same, except you start with alt spamming/dense fossils/def reforges for t1 hybrid. Also you might want to 6s and 6l AFTER successful fracture. Anyways I have clean i86 6L 30Q 3W Zodiac bases if some1 is interested to take my route and beast split base prior to fragment instead.

My POB also has other variations of possible Sadist garb crafts if you wish ti compare https://pastebin.com/wHfqhMv2
Dernière édition par Tarzanlepa#5473, le 31 juil. 2020 12:29:27
Do I need Enlighten support lvl 3 if I have aspect of the spider?

I have malevolence and discipline active, plus I have aspect of the spider
Should I invest 40c in a enlighten and use flesh and stone anyway, or another aura, since the guides says i should only use flesh and stone if I dont have aspect spider

(Maybe this was already asked or is explained but i dont really understand, thanks in advance)
Would anyone be willing to write down a guideline to craft chaos damage rings everyone is using?

I feel like there should be a better answer than throw down your essence and pray.

Onkelbuenz a écrit :
Would anyone be willing to write down a guideline to craft chaos damage rings everyone is using?

I feel like there should be a better answer than throw down your essence and pray.

1. Get a crusader vermillion ring
2. Use Deafening Essence of Envy on it (its important that every unwanted modifier is removable so sometimes you have to use multiple essences)
3. Craft harvest caster for spell damage
4. and go from there with life, resistance (harvest) and endurance charge (bench)
Dernière édition par Neruxian#7193, le 1 août 2020 06:19:07
I've assembled some crafting options for the gear in Harvest into a single post. Of course others have other preferences, and I've noted a few variants. All of this came from the past 100 or so pages of this thread and credit goes to many others. I'm just documenting for my own crafting and thought I would share because the questions keep coming up.

I'm in the middle of several of these crafts, so they aren't proven and the example items are pulled from other's posts in this thread. If you see anything I've missed or can improve upon please let me know and I will update accordingly!



1) Acquire Hunter i84+ base of your choice, or 82 if you would rather have Aspect of the Spider over a resist.
2) Scour
3) Gilded Fossil
4) Scour
5) Alt spam for +1 to Level of all Intelligence Skill Gems
6) Fertile Catalyst
7) Regal
8) Ensure all prefix mods are harvest removable, if not, consider selling the result and starting over, or risk harvest remove non-chaos/life/resist.
  • If suffix mods are removable or desired, continue, otherwise consider harvest reforge keeping prefixes. Be sure to block any open prefixes before taking this step, as this reforge doesn't prevent new prefixes from appearing.
  • Consider leaving removable affixes in place as this process is assisted by blocking all prefixes/suffixes in addition to specific bench crafts
9) In whichever order works with your existing affixes, do the following:
  • +/- Life (block suffixes and bench craft prefix % of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life for best odds) - 10 tries
  • +/- Resist (block prefixes and bench craft #% increased Cold Damage) - 9 tries
  • +/- Chaos until +1 to Level of all Chaos Skill Gems and T1 +#% to Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier (block all but one prefix and one suffix) - ~15 tries to hit one after the other
    * If you get one you want, you could craft prefixes/suffixes cannot be changed to lock it and get the other in fewer tries.
10) Targeted Divines
11) Fertile Catalyst again to finish out what was lost during the Regal
12) Anoint Constitution

The physical damage reduction variant is nearly the same craft, with a different base. Awaken a hunter with + 1 int using a Warlord with +5% physical damage reduction and then continue with step 8 above, skipping the resist in step 9. There is less opportunity to remove untagged mods safely because to starting with a desired prefix and a suffix.



1) Acquire an Ornate i84+ base
2) Gilded Fossil
3) Add Hunter influence using a Hunter exalted orb
4) Scour
5) Transmute and Alt-spam for T1 DoT Multi (not Chaos DoT Multi!)
6) Regal
7) Ensure all suffix mods are harvest removable, if not, risk harvest remove non-chaos/life/resist.
  • If prefix mods are removable or desired, continue, otherwise consider harvest reforge keeping suffixes. Be sure to block any open suffixes before taking this step, as this reforge doesn't prevent new suffixes from appearing.
  • Consider leaving removable affixes in place as this process is assisted by blocking all prefixes/suffixes in addition to specific bench crafts
8) In whichever order works with your existing affixes, do the following:
  • +/- chaos until T1 Chaos DoT Multi (block prefixes to avoid chaos res) - 5 tries
  • +/- a res of your choice (block prefixes to avoid damage rolls) - 8 tries
  • +/- life (block suffixes, bench craft #% of Phys Attack Leeched prefix to block it) - 10 tries
  • +/- speed until T1 move speed (block suffixes) - 2 tries
  • Bench craft prefix of your choice
9) Targeted Divines



1) Acquire i84+ Two toned boots with Matatls This search is NOT 100%, verify they have Matatl's before purchase
2) Ensure three prefixes, and fracture Matatls (This has a 1/3rd chance of working. If it fails start over.)
3) Gilded Fossil
4) Perfect Fossil
5) Deafening Essence of Loathing
6) Ensure all suffix mods are harvest removable, if not harvest remove non-chaos/life/resist. If you lose the essence mod, go back to 5.
7) Ensure all prefix mods are removable or desired, continue, otherwise consider harvest reforge keeping suffixes. Be sure to block any open suffixes before taking this step, as this reforge doesn't prevent new suffixes from appearing.
  • Consider leaving removable affixes in place as this process is assisted by blocking all prefixes/suffixes in addition to specific bench crafts
8) In whichever order works with your existing affixes, do the following:
  • +/- Life (block suffixes, bench craft #% increased Energy Shield, +# to maximum Life) - 9 tries
  • +/- Resist - 8 tries (twice)
  • Bench Craft Cannot be Frozen
9) Targeted Divines
10) Obtain a great enchant like move speed



1) Acquire i85+ Hubris Circlet with 40% Essence Drain Enchant
2) Add Hunter influence using a Hunter exalted orb
3) Gilded Fossil
4) Perfect Fossil to 30%
5) Obtain T1 flat ES and T1 % increased ES
  • Method 1: Harvest reforge more defense modifiers - ?? tries
  • Method 2: Dense Fossil - 90 tries
6) Ensure all prefix mods besides your double T1s are harvest removable, if not harvest remove non-chaos/life/resist. If you lose the T1 mod, go back to 5.
7) Ensure all suffix mods are removable or desired, continue, otherwise consider harvest reforge keeping prefixes. Be sure to block any open prefixes before taking this step, as this reforge doesn't prevent new prefixes from appearing.
  • Consider leaving removable affixes in place as this process is assisted by blocking all prefixes/suffixes in addition to specific bench crafts
8) In whichever order works with your existing affixes, do the following:
  • +/- Chaos for -9 to nearby chaos resist (block prefixes) - 7 tries
    * Alternatively, Block Prefixes and aug Chaos twice and remove once for a 50% chance to keep the good mod
  • +/- Life (block suffixes) - 10 tries
  • +/- Resist (block prefixes) - 8 tries
  • Bench Craft suffix of choice
9) Targeted Divines



1) Acquire i84+ Crusader Vermillion Ring or 82 if you would rather have Aspect of the Spider over a resist
2) Scour
3) Life and Mana Catalyst
4) Deafening Essency of Envy
5) Ensure all suffix mods besides the essence mod are harvest removable, if not harvest remove non-life/resist/caster. If you lose the essence mod, go back to 2.
6) Ensure all prefix mods are removable or desired, continue, otherwise consider harvest reforge keeping suffixes. Be sure to block any open suffix before taking this step, as this reforge doesn't prevent new suffixes from appearing.
  • Consider leaving removable affixes in place as this process is assisted by blocking all prefixes/suffixes in addition to specific bench crafts
7) In whichever order works with your existing affixes, do the following:
  • +/- Life (block suffixes, bench craft attack damage leeched as life prefix) - 22 tries
  • +/- Caster (block suffixes) - 5 tries
  • +/- Defense (optionally bench craft flat maximum energy shield prefix if you want to target the % Crusader mod, or roll for either) - 17 tries
  • +/- Resist (block prefixes or bench craft adds x - y {element} damage to attacks blocking the only prefix) - 10 tries
8) Bench Craft +1 to Minimum Endurance Charges
9) Targeted Divines
10) Blessed
11) Life and Mana Catalyst again to finish out what any lost on the essence

I'll update this post to include the Belt, Gloves, Cluster Jewel and regular Jewels just as soon as I have time and figure them out.
Dernière édition par Stucco4565#1857, le 7 août 2020 08:20:35
thebenjin a écrit :

had the idea to something a little different as I reached 100 and had an extra socket in quiver and started using aspect of the spider and thus no longer needed the socket for the aura.

allows me to add an extra abyss gem which is pretty big i feel.

What do you guys think?

How did you get the defense rolls without losing the socket? Already it is pretty hard to get the two T1 rolls.
I've got a question about Transcendent Mind:

According to the tooltip, it gives 24% DOT multiplier when socketed near Instability.

The rare jewels I use, each give 10% increased damage, 12% increased DOT, 12% increased chaos damage, and 7% increased max life.

Why is Transcendent Mind better? Something with "dot multiplier" being better than "increased dot"?


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