[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]
" First of all, I'd like to thank you for extremely detailed answer. I'd recommend sticking it in FAQ section, such amount of work can't just dissapear within pages of this thread. " That's 100% true. Max dps output is Low-life Occultist with Inner Conviction keystone. However, this setup feels almost impossible to play. Too slow, too clunky, too squishy. " I'd like to play a devil's advocate here. With mediocre bow you can get level 30 ED. With super end game bow - level 31 or 32. As you know, spells scale worse post 30 level, than pre 30 level, so I don't think that +2 amulet is essential, while bow gives you 30 lvl ED at start. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, maybe I don't see a bigger picture here. " After playing various ED builds over last years I think that's double-edged sword. If you kill first pack too fast you have zero regen towards next pack of monsters, which slows your clearspeed. You have to kill packs of monsters ony by one and can't just throw ED on first and run to next one. With dodge capped that might be possible ofc, but sometimes 2nd pack can blow you almost instantly without having regen from 1st pack covering that scenario. In other words, instant killing pack of mobs puts you in some kind of danger coming from next pack. Again, thanks for detailed answer! |
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Hi OP, how did you craft your gloves?
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" Do you still use the same crafting process for the helm that you have in the OP? (using fossils). I could see it being better than add/remove defence, although probably more expensive assuming farming the seeds yourself? " 1. Get a set of ilvl85+ fingerless Elder/Warlord gloves 2. Awakener the other influence onto them. 3. Alteration spam until you get Culling Strike (its the only untagged mod on the OP's gloves, ones with % damage over time are crazy lucky) 4. Regal the item and use annuls/harvest crafting to get yourself a clean base (only targetable mods or a single T1/2 resist, if you remove culling strike go back to 3) *This is the bit i'm not 100% on the order of* 5. Augment Caster, you'll only hit the Warlords %increased mod. 6. I'd say at this point you block suffixes and augment life. 7. Get rid of a suffix and augment then add/remove chaos until you get T1 chaos dot multi. Its worth noting that OP has +1 frenzy charges, which is not a targetable mod.. so technically you have an open prefix. You'll want your third suffix to be a resist. Dernière édition par SScouty#3094, le 21 juil. 2020 22:04:56
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Should I remove flask effect for health or just leave these as is? |
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" I probably would... Given that you've got the triple damage roll already. |
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" Meh. There's a lot more than that burried in this thread. I should probbaly have added an occultist secion in the pros/cons section of the build, but that's about it... " I'm assuming by "level 30 ed bow", you mean +1all, +2 supports, +1 int and +1 str. First of all, this ain't easy to get, at all. I wouldn't call it "mediocre", it's a 25+ ex craft. But most importantly, it's only about 1.1% more damage than a bow without the +2 str/int, but with liquefaction instead. 35% dot multi is insane after all, and you get a free suffix for reliable onslaught or movementspeed. So I prefer using a bow with liquefaction that puts you at 28 with a +2 amulet for total 30. It's overall better distribution of stats imo. If we're talking about synthesised bows for +1 gems... Yeah, these virtually don't exist anyways. Don't count on it. But even then. Even past leven 30, gem scaling is still not negligible. Presence gives literally no dps, but is almost mandatory because of stuns and ES. Even in a scenario where we'd only get ~12% more damage from +2 gem levels, that's stil a ~20% more damage amulet. It's not essential, but if you're going lowlife for damage and are missing out on big damage items because of it... I'm not so sure. That said, you can get stun imunity on gear and jewel impicits, I guess?... |
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I see a lot of ppl in the thread are having both Aspect of the Spider and Blood and Sand. But you cant run both or I am missing something?
And can I get any tips on crafting Hunter influenced belt pls? Should I start with alts/reforges on t1 life and t1 %life? Rly hard to hit them both... |
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"You can if you're using devouring diadem instead of a rare helmet. Also I imagine you mean flesh & stone. |
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" Alt spam can't hit life and % life because both are prefixes. Reforges life with life more common might work for influenced belt. Here is one other way: Buy ilvl 85+ NON-influenced stygian vises (have atleast 3 of these per lab run), then buy new offering that lets you make belt enchant and twice enchanted prophecy, try to find double enchant dark shrine also. Run labyrinths untill you hit the wither enchant. Do not reroll any enchants, just sell enchanted belts for 40-200 chaos each. When you have right enchant on belt, scour it and alt spam untill you have only t1 life (its okay if you hit some suffix that you are planning to keep or is harvest removable. Regal it and hope to get desired or target removable modifier. If not, hit it with annulment. If you remove t1 life, alt spam again. Fill suffixes with augment fire/cold/lightning (can only roll resists) if you wish, add aspect of spider instead of one resist. Slam with Hunters exalted orb. If you hit % life, good for you, augment chaos and you are done. If you hit chaos damage, it might be better to forget +% life and bench craft +20 increased dmg instead. (You could totally augment influenced modifier too but might end up having to remove chaos/crit/1-2x influenced modifier,augg chaos and aug influenced modifier again. Augment life could mean increased Flask Life Recovery rate, and then its 50/50 gamble to lose t1 life for another life remove/add) If you have really bad luck and get one of flask modifiers, you either remove crit & aug influenced modifier or remove/add influenced modifier Then its just add/remove cold/fire/lightning/chaos for t1 rolls and numeric rerolls to eventually reach perfect. 2nd way: You can also just try your luck with no influenced enchanted belt with only t1 life and slam with hunters exa for ~9% chance for %life. Really straightforward if you get it (that is whay I did). But if rng gods are not with you, just do reforge life spam untill you get double life,but as said, chances are quite slim. Flat life, chaos dmg, bench craft % damage easy. Dernière édition par Tarzanlepa#5473, le 22 juil. 2020 11:38:02
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delete this, posted in wrong thread sry
Dernière édition par MercurySnow#7914, le 22 juil. 2020 13:26:23
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