[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]
" You are correct, it was in gem description, I skipped it somehow. I tested it a bit, it feels bad. I shares cooldown with flame dash (surprisingly really annoying), is shorter than phase run and has diminishing buff value. Phase run is just better. NVM all I said ^^' |
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" So I decided to grab a deshret maraketh jewel for wind dancer, and I was wondering about a specific interaction for ghost shrouds: Wind Dancer says 20% more EV if u've been hit recently, so does the 4% of EV gained as ES from ghost shroud take the 20% more EV if u've been hit, or the 40% less if u haven't been hit? |
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" I'm not 100% sure, but I assume it's 20% more. "when hit recently" effects effect recovery from the hit that triggered it, as the trigger happens after the actual hit. The only exception to this are modifiers to damage taken, since they are checked before the hit actually damages you. Wiki seems to confirm this: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Hit#On/when_hit_effects Do tell me how that goes, I could update the thread if it's working fine ^^ I'll need to test it on my std trickster first, but it could be an option to at least mention. Thanks, gl hf! ^^ |
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For lethal pride, mine gives me +28 strength plus 5% increased strength and a 4% life node. My total strength is 144. Should I divine it? What am I aiming for?
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" You probably could divine it, the goal is to get enough strength to run steelskin (155req), and as many %life nodes as possible. On my standard char, I have two +20 strength nodes, giving me +72 when we include the modifications to minors/travel nodes. Just placing the jewel in this spot guarentees +32 strength from them. I only have one life node, but I think 2 is achievable. Strength and life modifiers are very common. It only took 3 divines to get my jewel, so even if this was lucky it shouldn't be unthinkable to hit something good. 5% increased strength nodes are kinda meh however, +20 has much more value. Also keep in mind you have 40 str on one of your rings, making the requirement much easier to reach. If you were to upgrade your rings, you'd probably loose this strength and rely much more on lethal pride for attributes. |
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this is my gear so far. Life and enchant are missing on the Helmet. Because I don't get 3R2B1G on my chest (5k chroms deep) I swapped out Spirit Offering for Arctic Armour. I am at Delve 400. I have 4,7k life and 1,9k ES. I am dying nearly often, I don't feel save. My Single Target Damage is bad. How can I improve my char to be a better delver? Will doing mainly Delve with this char.
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" Hi! So, I took a look at your character. It's overall well built, but there are a few things that probably make the build overall kinda meh. Here's a list of a few things I noticed, more of less in order of importance: -/ Small thing first: use vorici technique to off-color chests. By just spamming chromes, that's never happening... :/ Speaking of your chest, sell this and buy a much better roll, or divine it. Luck's on your side, the most thought after stat on it is usually the cold damage, but that's w/e for ED. But the evasion roll really matters, and you're at the minimum. Hyrri's can get up to 2.9k evasion, and gives huge ES from ascendancy. TL/DR: sell this chest and buy a new one, divine it and vorici it. -/ Not gonna lie, please change your amulet. Craft an amber elder amulet to get life, endurance charge and chaos multiplier if you can, but even if you can't, please change this XD Soul of steel or Constitution also goes a long way, please consider one of them. You'll get a nice damage and survivability boost. -/ Level up, or respecc a bit. The nodes you left out are life nodes: the melding wheel, 5% life node near trickster, and a jewel socket for 7%. You are also missing Arcane focus for some reason, did you help alira? If yes, spec out of that. Your life/ES levels are kinda low, ending up at ~6.9k ehp. For reference, I have 5600HP and 2800ES. The difference is pretty massive. I'd probably drop... the corruption wheel? Or maybe atrophy. Idk, do what PoB tells you. -/ Replace dusk wound jewel. Area damage doesn't affect ED dot, only the initial hit. You can probably find a better jewel for cheap. AOE on it probably doesn't even reach a radius threshold, so it's w/e. -/ Upgrade your rings. you're missing two endurance charges, and 40% damage. At least they both have t1 life, so gratz for that. But otherwise, you clearly tried to fill resistances on your rings because some of your other gear pieces are lacking, and you're loosing tankiness/damage from this. -/ Questionable belt and abyssal jewel imo. Don't forget you can craft the aspect yourself for 15c, so don't search for it on poe.trade. And try to get a free prefix to craft leo 20% damage. -/ Elder fingerless gloves are really nice. Not much to say really... -/ I don't know what to think about this helmet. Honestly, I probably wouldn't use it. It really doesn't have that much ES, I'm not sure the -9% chaos mod is enough to compensate for the ES loss. Especially since ES from your helm gives massive amounts of flat evasion from your ascendancy (which drastically empowers ghost shrouds), I'd consider using something else. A well rolled vertex, or maybe a rare with 320+ES on it. FYI: A 320ES+ enchanted helm with -9% is around 12ex to craft right now, assuming you grab an enchanted base for 7ex (cheapest at the time of writing). It'll give you life, added resists to get better gear elsewhere, more evasion, more ES and more damage. -/ Empower 4. 11% more damage, straightforward. You probably know about it, that's why it's in the end. -/ Get a better roll soulstrike. Whatever, but it's literally 2c, so... Anyways. As you see, no real mistakes, but there are a lot of things you can improve. You seem to have a good understanding of the game, so I'm sure you can upgrade a few pieces to make everything feel much better. You probably have noticed, I didn't say much about damage. That's ED, sadly. ~1M is low, and there's not much we can do about it. That said, you still have a lot of options to get more increased damage and chaos multiplier. Just gloves and amulet with elder mods will give you 32% chaos multi, that's already ~18% more damage. Leo crafts on jewelry is 60% increased damage, enchant is 40%, gloves are 16%. These are mostly multimodable/achievable things, and a total of 116% increased damage isn't anything to laugh at. Same for defences really. 2 additionnal endurance charges and soul of steel will bump your phys mitigation from 5% to 20%. Lots of things should be upgraded to make everything feel smooth and safe. I leveled up to 97 purely by mapping, I only started rotas after to make it go faster. It means you can too, with the right gearing, you shouldn't die. Hopefully this helps, I'm sorry everything isn't as you'd have wanted. Feel free to ask anything more you want, I'll try to answer as best as I can^^ GL hf! |
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Thanks a lot for this big response! I will try to do my best to do all the changes! So, maybe i wrote a little bit misunderstanding. The build is very nice, I am at Delve 460 now. Dying sometimes, but that is delve and sometimes brain afk. Thanks a lot for this. I will definitely play this in the next league too. ED is a cheap starter to get a job in the first days and later it is really good to fast progress Delve. Sick!
Oh, just as a side information: Arctic Armour is not working with cwdt :D Dernière édition par ententrainor#1295, le 23 oct. 2019 17:38:34
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" Shit, just read that after buying withering step 20q :) Seriously, I have some questions about my gear if you have so time to have a quick look : 1/ I didn't manage to reach the magical 75% evade cap. Even with green nightmare I have 65% (+8% with pantheon) so 73% but no 75%... And I have the crappy Freedom of Movement and an amulet with +15% EV so where are the 2% missing ? 2/ Sorry for the dumb question but ... what gear should I upgrade first ? 3/ My Lethal Pride gives me 50 Str + 4% life + 12% totem placement speed + 1% life regen/s + 10% reduced damage for critical strikes I think it's nice QOL stats and that I shouldn't reroll it for more strenght .. (I have plenty on my ring so I can run lvl 20 steelskin) What do u think ? Thanks for feedback ! |
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" 1- Did you count the quartz flask? Pantheon is 5% btw, not 8%, the phys reduction is 8%. With flask up and no pantheon you should be at 75%cap, and with pantheon and no flask at 70%. Looks normal to me. I actually had this discussion with someone earlier in this thread, and I would have really liked to find 5% additional dodge chance, but just couldn't, sorry. I needed to change the explanation text on green nightmare to better explain this, I didn't do it apparently, thanks for the reminder. 2- Alright, longer answer:
■ The first thing I'd buy is boots: http://poe.trade/search/eneyousigoikiz Buy these (foe urge for 8ex is a freaking steal, buy this without hesitation) and multimod like mines. It'll be more life than you have, freeze immunity and a whooping total of 104% total elemental resistances. Boots like these are insanely op because they have everything you want, and make resist capping easy, allowing you to focus on nicher items on the rest of your gear. Don't forget to enchant them for Movement speed or regen too ^^ ■ Watcher's eye Big damage, and keeps the life you get from jewels. Nobrainer slot imo, I'm surprised you don't already have one. ■ http://poe.trade/search/ohoamotometeka Upgrade your gloves. Yours are good, but an extra 16% chaos multi, some spell damage and 40 flat life (multimod life actually gives more than 100 life on gloves, lol) will help immensely. You'll probably need some more resistances before tho, so do boots first. Especially since you'll need to snipe the market to get good boots, you can't just go buy them whenever. ■ Rings. If you upgraded boots you'll be able to upgrade rings, you'll have enough resistances. Faster ES start, and 20% damage on both is nice QoL. Huge props if you can get temple rings with 5% life on top, or nice vermillions. ■ Amulet Same thinking as gloves, really. Big damage slot. An elder amber will give you big damage, aoe, more strength and much more ES. Just a tiny bit less life, sadly. It's worth it anyways! Could also use soul of steel imo ^^ ■ Corrupting blood immunity jewel Something I don't have, but it's nice. Dunno if you feel like that's a problem or not, I know it can be frustrating at times. Didn't kill me very often tho... ■ Helmet I put helmet last because it's expensive. You probably know what to look for, there's a section for it in the guide. It's the last thing I'd upgrade, vertex is really nice, no need to spend 35ex to upgrade it really. ■ 21 gems Void manip, controlled destruction, malevolence and discipline will all benefit very well from being level 21. I see you're offhand leveling your own gems, that's usually what I do too, it pains me to pay several exalts for small power gains like this. It's not negligible tho, and auras are cheap. Your call. 3- Yes, that's really nice. I'd keep that. I see you're french btw. Don't hesitate to discord me: Darkxell#1655 Gl hf! |
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