[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]
" Thx for hint! Why my build have a low dot dmg? https://pastebin.com/LUfrFtFC Any ways to increase it? |
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this build guide is the best I’ve seen on these forums, so detailed and precise so I’m definitely giving this a go, looks awesome!
Dernière édition par Cøpe#0803, le 20 févr. 2020 11:01:40
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"Can't believe you have 6 lvl 21 gems and Essence Drain isn't one of them. |
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" I just forget about it, thx My build now: https://pastebin.com/SGcE4u8A |
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Started this build a few days ago, trying stuff for my next league starter.
Really fun build, very smooth mapping, LOVE delving with it. Not really THAT unkillable, especially comparing it with my old Hoag mana guardian with 15k ES, but this still has very still solid defenses. Maps with chance to dodge is unlucky are risky from what Ive experienced, and obviously you cant facetank some encounters. For some reason I kinda struggle with blighted content (its doable, but could be way better). My gear is mostly what the build recommends, somewhat worse because I didnt want to spend too much on this and Im also lazy. Looking forward to start next league with this build, maybe even try to get to 100 with it. |
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" Hi! Here's a few things: ■ TREE - Remove the node on the right of Resourcefulness - Remove the 3 attack and cast speed nodes near the start, take the 3 damage nodes just above instead. Cast speed doen't affect our dot dps. - Remove the 3 unused dexterity points near the start. - At the top, path to wicked ward for 1 point and remove the 2 point path (saves 1 point). With the saved poionts, you should probably pick up hear and soul, quick recovery and the 6% life node next to blood drinker. If you have enough points, pick up the jewel socket next to MoM and put a good rare jewel there (at least 2 dmg mods and life). ■ GEAR (offence) - Buy an awakened swift affliction gem. 20% quality it for 10% dot multi (about 5% more damage overall). ■ GEAR (defence) - Get a better roll on hyrri's ire, to get more ES and evasion. - Get a deshret timeles jewel for wind dancer near PA. Other than that, pretty nice gear. Already 1.2M shaper dps on ED only. If you wanna try for more damage, A 6l vaal blight+blight will almost triple your singletarget damage... But at the cost of slightlyless defenses. Life gained from your tree will make up for it tho. You may upgrade your gloves and left ring, but not strictly needed. Culling strike on gloves isn't bad. Also, level more if you can. Glhf! " " Thanks for the feedback! ^^ Yeah it's nowhere near unkillable if we compare it to a Tank Guardian... I'm trying to show that this character template is relying on actual defensive layers other than high enough damage+fortify to stay alive. Still, random t16s are perfectly fine, things only get iffy in 700+ delve and t19 maps. Tripple beyond t19 is really deadly, unsre how you're supposed to do that without a headhunter. Tanky enough to tank shaper slams, after all :p Anyways. Thanks for the kind words! Gl hf! |
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UNKILLABLE - no chaos res xD Lol bullshit
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Hey there.
I have been trying this build as my 6th build in metamorph. 84 so far worth this character, but it sends to be quite a struggle to do t16 metas and bosses and for conquerors ect I have to pull in my other characters to slay them. Is it not possible to do the end stuff without the bow setups? I'm ending league next week before I go to Thailand on vacation and don't think I will make enough exalts to get a bow setup. Trying to sell some old stuff from my stash and other toons, but time will tell. So far it's been a fun build. Can imagine it will be a bit hard to do as first character in a league since it need a little bit of investment, but maybe I give it a shot next league again and hope I can make enough currency to get equipment. Spent a lot on all my different toons this league so this last character was a bit poor. Could you take a look and see what you would upgrade first, to improve the staff setup in currently is rolling. Thank for build guide 👍 |
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" I don't see why you'd need chaos res on a build that has 6k hp and 3k regen against it. The only thing that actually hurts chaos damage wise in the game rn is caustic ground from t19 beyond, t16+ zombie metamorph's caustic ground and poison. That's great, because we have poison immunity, and we take 55% reduced damage from caustic ground (25% + 5% shakari, 6% from ghost shrouds and 10% from prolonged pain, 20% less from wind dancer). Also, contrary to VERY pupular belief, no, metamorphs don't do noticeable chaos damage. This probably comes from the large bursts from caustic bround and the fact thay they look like they deal chaos damage. They actually deal the same as the enemies used to build them (they use very similar skills...) " Well, I looked at your gear, not bad. That said, you're level 84 and have invested about 1.5ex in your character total. It's possible to clear t16 with a setup this cheap, but of course it won't feel smooth at all, and you'll often die. This is to be expected on pretty much any character tbh. The gear you currently have equipped is just life+resistances (you at least have good life rolls on most pieces), and you have a 6l cane. On a leaguestart, this would be very good gear to have around t5-10 maps. By the time you reach t16 maps, you'd most likely be able to sell the cane and have about 5-10ex to craft a bow. The bow doubles your damage output, so it's a pretty large upgrade (not counting the fact that you wil also equip a quiver). Your only cheap upgrades I would do before buying a bow are: 21/20 vaal blight and qualitied up gems, as well as a few more levels. You can vendor level 20 gems with a GCP to get 20% quality gems btw, do this on all supports and secondary skill gems. After that, you'll still have to polish the rares you have equipped. Get a +1 amulet (10% more damage), rings with %life and endurance charge, gloves with dot multiplier (10% more damage), awakened gems (12% more damage), aspect of the spider (8% more damage), damage% crafts on jewellery/gloves (15% more damage), levels and better jewels (10-15% more damage, more life), watcher's eye (11% more damage)... And once you have a lot of currency at the end of the league, a rare helmet (16% more damage), double influenced gloves for cull (11% more damage) and amulet for dot multi (8% more damage). Your ed tooltip is around 150k unbuffed, mine is 790k. Here's the difference. My point is: your gear is fine, you're just expecting it to perform better than what you invested in it. I looked a bit at your characters, and you seem to have tried a lot of very different setups during the league. I would advise you to try to focus one one more than the others. Your cyclone slayer seems to be your best toon available to you now, and yet it's equipped with 1c weapons. You started upgrading it past life+res stage, with an enchant and a damage amulet, but it's probably running in more or les the same issues. Trying out different characters is expensive. Not only do you always end up spending more than what you'll sell things for when you stop playing it, but you're also investing a lot of time doing non productive activities. You levelled 8 characters. This is a lot. If we assume 50h total, you could have farmed easily 300 maps. If you just farm zana missions, you're gaining 20c/map just for selling fragments. So you would have made 10 times the worth of your character (10ex) in 90 maps (45 zana missions). Heck, there's people who pay 1ex just to kill your sirus rn. You can sell things you have for as much as your entire character is worth. Imo, it's a bit late to bother minmaxing characters in metamorph, especially if you're going on vacation. Next league, you could consider picking a build you'll enjoy playing longer and invest more time into it. Get past the life+resistances stage on the build you choose and start scaling your defenses and damage. You'll be surprised by how much smoother everything will be. Gl hf, and have fun in Thailand! |
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" Thanks for the lenghty reply. I gave 100 chaos or something like that for each of my cyclone weapons, since they were expensive at the time i bought them with their stats/Dps ;) you are right, i spread my time out on to many characters, så maybe i should try next league with maybe just one or 2 toons :) It's just so darn hard sticking to one toon and i had that problem since 2013 :) A lot of good suggestions in your advide so will try it out again in next league again and see if i can manage to get a bow setup running. Will be interesting to see how much the build will change with the new cluster jewels/skilltree in delerium which looks quice nice. |
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