SkylerOG a écrit :
DonKupidon a écrit :
Please help. Why is righteous fire killing me?
This game has 2 versions of every offensive skill/spell gem. One is generic/standard/regular, and the second is attached to the first, but doesn't work like the first. It is called a "Vaal" gem, and it does what the generic version does, PLUS some added benefits. And it is only a single use spell/skill that refreshes depending on the number of MOB's you kill.

In this build, we do not advocate using the generic version of Righteous Fire. We only want the Vaal version of the gem slotted/used. This Vaal version does not continually spend 4% of your life/energy shield every second. It only penalizes you for 30% of your life/ES upon it's single use capacity. But at the same time, it also gives you +30% MORE damage. The generic version does not do this. Only the Vaal spell does.

You want to make sure you slot the Vaal spell and not the other.

Why did you ditch the Inya's Epiphany? Isn't the 40% extra damage better than any rare boots you would get?

So I made a few changes according to your suggestions, I just can't figure out where the extra 700K dps you have is coming from. My effective crit chance is 95% but my actual crit chance is only 74 and it doesn't seem to matter what gear I add, I can't get it into the 80's. I know I am missing about 100 less multiplier than you as well. I even added the awakener controlled destruction support to POB and it didn't do a whole lot.

I tried a T16 Forge of the phoenix and got absolutely demolished by the end boss. Using WOC, AM, and conductivity, and my arc barely tickled the guy. I really enjoy this char but I feel kind of disheartened if I can't kill map bosses. Only having a 9 ex budget doesn't help either.

Just imo: if you are running 100% reduce cursed setup, then lowlife unique belt will boost a lot of dmg. I think Arcane cloak + 2nd wind + arcane surge + inc dur is the best defense combo this league for non-reserved mana build.
I am right now switching back to this build, from my meme build totem bodyswap, thanks for the guide.
banthom a écrit :
Why did you ditch the Inya's Epiphany? Isn't the 40% extra damage better than any rare boots you would get?
First, it's only "increased damage" and not "more damage". If you mouseover the boots in POB, you'll see they really only add about 3.5% more damage total with 8 power charges up.

While that's certainly decent, it doesn't make up for the resists that are necessary for better survivability.

The OP build is running around with -2 chaos resist and only 63 fire resist, and that's with helping Alira (+15 to each elemental resist).

I killed the bandits so I have 2 extra skill points, and I have capped elemental resists and 41% chaos resist (75% with Atziri flask), plus more mana regen. Plus easily made up the DPS difference in other gear items, such as my belt and amulet.

Those 2 extra skill points allow me more flexibility with the skill tree. For instance, I don't get the +1 power charge node (Infused) from an amulet anointment. Instead, I used those 2 points to get it, and then I anointed my amulet with Whispers of Doom, and then significantly boosted my DPS with Assassins Mark as a result.

Or, I can put those 2 skill points in the Precision node, which makes up for the 3.5% damage difference while also giving me more movement speed and dex, which allows me to raise Vaal Haste and Phase Run up higher, which equals more damage/cast speed and even more movement speed.

Not to mention I have 5% more movement speed between Inya's and current rare boots already, too.

It's just not worth losing any of that for only 3.5% more damage that I can quite easily make up elsewhere because I have more flexibility with prefixes and suffixes on gear (since I'm not desperate for resists on rares), on top of 2 extra skill points.
Dernière édition par SkylerOG#3817, le 16 avr. 2020 13:42:08
banthom a écrit :
So I made a few changes according to your suggestions, I just can't figure out where the extra 700K dps you have is coming from. My effective crit chance is 95% but my actual crit chance is only 74 and it doesn't seem to matter what gear I add, I can't get it into the 80's. I know I am missing about 100 less multiplier than you as well. I even added the awakener controlled destruction support to POB and it didn't do a whole lot.

I tried a T16 Forge of the phoenix and got absolutely demolished by the end boss. Using WOC, AM, and conductivity, and my arc barely tickled the guy. I really enjoy this char but I feel kind of disheartened if I can't kill map bosses. Only having a 9 ex budget doesn't help either.

One thing I noticed is you don't put your target on consecrated ground, which is +100 crit strike chance. Instantly takes your crit chance from 76% to 85%.

I have 2 ways of puting my target on consecrated ground. My Bottled Faith Sulphur flask (which is extremely expensive, so I know it's not viable for everyone), and Purifying Flame. I also have Commandment of Light enchant on my gloves, but that only drops consecrated ground under my char when I'm hit with a crit strike. But the radius is decent (and the life regen is great).

A normal sulphur flask doesn't have near the radius on consecrated ground that bottled faith does, and it's not really wise to get close to bosses to try and drop it on them with a generic sulphur flask, so purifying flame is really the best option if you can't afford a bottled faith.

If you're dead set on keeping that Portal gem rather than swapping in PF, then that's your prerogative. You could also swap Blade Blast out for PF and use PF to apply curses too, but then you lose Unnerve. It's whatever your preference is.

I also have +crit chance on more of my gear (gloves, amulet, abyss jewel, better void batteries), along with Doom Cast node, which you're missing. All together that's nearly 200 crit strike chance difference right there, on top of the 100 from dropping consecrated ground under the target, too.

As for the DPS difference, it's just a bunch of little things adding up to a lot.

I have Doom Cast, an extra jewel with totem damage and crit multi, a lot of +dmg on my belt, more on my amulet, slight differences in gem levels/quality(arc shock effectiveness, for instance), arc enchant on helmet, cast speed enchant on boots, bottled faith flask, more crit chance (which also means more shock chance), more shock effectiveness, more crit multi. It all adds up.

But even with our differences, I'm surprised you have that much trouble with map bosses.

I have my pantheon entirely completed, and I swap it around a lot depending on who/what i'm fighting. Sometimes I swap in defensive flasks too (like a Rumi's), or additional life flask (the usual instant/seething divine + a catalysed eternal/blood of karui is nice because you can effectively use both at same time).

And I probably use more buttons/skills/spells/flasks than most people. Not a lot of people like that and refuse to do it. It's complicated to continually mash arcane cloak, consistently 3-5 flasks, vaal righteous fire, vaal haste, drop consecrated ground under you AND the boss, hit boss with a spell to apply curses, periodically drop a debuff totem (WoC), and all while continually moving, mashing flame dash all the time, and dropping your main arc totems and watching their health incase the boss destroys them too quickly.

It's not simple at all, but I like the challenge and style of play. Some of these build videos from uber rich content creators with their insanely unrealistic one-button face-tank 500ex builds just look boring to me.
Dernière édition par SkylerOG#3817, le 16 avr. 2020 13:48:47
SkylerOG a écrit :
banthom a écrit :
So I made a few changes according to your suggestions, I just can't figure out where the extra 700K dps you have is coming from. My effective crit chance is 95% but my actual crit chance is only 74 and it doesn't seem to matter what gear I add, I can't get it into the 80's. I know I am missing about 100 less multiplier than you as well. I even added the awakener controlled destruction support to POB and it didn't do a whole lot.

I tried a T16 Forge of the phoenix and got absolutely demolished by the end boss. Using WOC, AM, and conductivity, and my arc barely tickled the guy. I really enjoy this char but I feel kind of disheartened if I can't kill map bosses. Only having a 9 ex budget doesn't help either.

One thing I noticed is you don't put your target on consecrated ground, which is +100 crit strike chance. Instantly takes your crit chance from 76% to 85%.

I have 2 ways of puting my target on consecrated ground. My Bottled Faith Sulphur flask (which is extremely expensive, so I know it's not viable for everyone), and Purifying Flame. I also have Commandment of Light enchant on my gloves, but that only drops consecrated ground under my char when I'm hit with a crit strike. But the radius is decent (and the life regen is great).

A normal sulphur flask doesn't have near the radius on consecrated ground that bottled faith does, and it's not really wise to get close to bosses to try and drop it on them with a generic sulphur flask, so purifying flame is really the best option if you can't afford a bottled faith.

If you're dead set on keeping that Portal gem rather than swapping in PF, then that's your prerogative. You could also swap Blade Blast out for PF and use PF to apply curses too, but then you lose Unnerve. It's whatever your preference is.

I also have +crit chance on more of my gear (gloves, amulet, abyss jewel, better void batteries), along with Doom Cast node, which you're missing. All together that's nearly 200 crit strike chance difference right there, on top of the 100 from dropping consecrated ground under the target, too.

As for the DPS difference, it's just a bunch of little things adding up to a lot.

I have Doom Cast, an extra jewel with totem damage and crit multi, a lot of +dmg on my belt, more on my amulet, slight differences in gem levels/quality(arc shock effectiveness, for instance), arc enchant on helmet, cast speed enchant on boots, bottled faith flask, more crit chance (which also means more shock chance), more shock effectiveness, more crit multi. It all adds up.

But even with our differences, I'm surprised you have that much trouble with map bosses.

I have my pantheon entirely completed, and I swap it around a lot depending on who/what i'm fighting. Sometimes I swap in defensive flasks too (like a Rumi's), or additional life flask (the usual instant/seething divine + a catalysed eternal/blood of karui is nice because you can effectively use both at same time).

And I probably use more buttons/skills/spells/flasks than most people. Not a lot of people like that and refuse to do it. It's complicated to continually mash arcane cloak, consistently 3-5 flasks, vaal righteous fire, vaal haste, drop consecrated ground under you AND the boss, hit boss with a spell to apply curses, periodically drop a debuff totem (WoC), and all while continually moving, mashing flame dash all the time, and dropping your main arc totems and watching their health incase the boss destroys them too quickly.

It's not simple at all, but I like the challenge and style of play. Some of these build videos from uber rich content creators with their insanely unrealistic one-button face-tank 500ex builds just look boring to me.

For the normal map bosses they seem to go down just fine. It was the juiced up shaper phoenix map boss that made me reconsider what I was doing. As always I appreciate the extremely well thought out response. I am working my way up to doom cast, but I think I might be stuck at 92 so not sure what to sac to get it.

I didn't select concentrated ground because I wasn't running a sulfur flask or purifying flame because my crit chance was so low. I didn't have PF equipped because I noticed that you didn't have it selected on your POB so I just figured it wasn't being used. Now I know why. I will take another look at my gear and see where I can make some changes. Maybe just skip the hard bosses for now.
Looking for opinions/Suggestions

I've read this thread forwards and backwards almost daily for the past two weeks.. I'm a little ocd with things.. Been following along and made some changes based on what I see other people like. I have been enjoying the build immensely. Thank you all and OP, Thanks for the writeup.

SO I've finished all the acts or prologue. Playing the maps now. I haven't hit a wall yet but I've come to a few encounters that require multiple resets/deaths or for me to go really really slow..

Currently Level 78
I have maxed out my resistances, except chaos @ 69%
My crit chance is 94.35%
Crit Multiplier is 4.53
Chance to ignite 95%

I can clear most mobs creatively quickly, but would like to go faster.
My obstacle is health.. I am feeling like a glass cannon.
I drop my arc totems, double curse and a WOC totem, 4 totems clear in a few seconds. but if any stray shots from enemies come Im running for my life or reseting.

Looking for input on health and sustainability?
I plan to take off the critchance on gear as I pick it up in the tree.

Where are the power charges from? I'm only at 4%???

My build link below.

Octaaviux a écrit :
Looking for opinions/Suggestions

I've read this thread forwards and backwards almost daily for the past two weeks.. I'm a little ocd with things.. Been following along and made some changes based on what I see other people like. I have been enjoying the build immensely. Thank you all and OP, Thanks for the writeup.

SO I've finished all the acts or prologue. Playing the maps now. I haven't hit a wall yet but I've come to a few encounters that require multiple resets/deaths or for me to go really really slow..

Currently Level 78
I have maxed out my resistances, except chaos @ 69%
My crit chance is 94.35%
Crit Multiplier is 4.53
Chance to ignite 95%

I can clear most mobs creatively quickly, but would like to go faster.
My obstacle is health.. I am feeling like a glass cannon.
I drop my arc totems, double curse and a WOC totem, 4 totems clear in a few seconds. but if any stray shots from enemies come Im running for my life or reseting.

Looking for input on health and sustainability?
I plan to take off the critchance on gear as I pick it up in the tree.

Where are the power charges from? I'm only at 4%???

My build link below.

Wow, where to start........

1. You're quite low on +maximum life on some of your gear. All I gotta say is work on upgrading where you can. You also have a completely useless mod crafted on your helmet. You should have a +max life instead of %armour/es. You also need to upgrade those boots and get some +movement speed. I imagine you feel like a turtle running around when haste and phase run are off. That'll allow you to get rid of Haste & Clarity/reserved mana (you should only be using Vaal Haste, if at all).

2. You don't have Mind Over Matter, which for you is around 660 effective life missing. However, you can't even effectively use that right now because you're running Haste & Clarity. And that's another problem, you need to work on your mana regen so you don't have to rely on clarity. And once you get rid of all your reserved mana, you not only get a buffer for MoM and Divine Guidance, but you can add the Clear Mind Jewel to your passive tree, which is a decent +5% more damage boost on top of some mana regen for only 2 passive points.

3. You don't have any of the +1 power charge nodes. I would definitely forego Whispers of Doom and Throatseeker for now (that frees up 9 points) and put 3 towards Instability, 2 towards Overcharge, 1 in MoM, and the rest to finish the wheel to Written in Blood. You can work on getting Whispers of Doom later as it's really only needed for bossing since most trash mobs die pretty easily with just 2-4 arc totems and no debuffs or curses. And ultimately, when you have the currency and a really nice amulet, you save those 5 passive points by just getting the WoD anointment on your amulet. OR... try to get you some Windshriek boots, which are actually a pretty good modification to this build for budget concerns.

4. Dump that Gift's from Above ring and get another Kikazaru. Right now, you're feeling 40% of all your curses you put on yourself from Soul Mantle, which is crazy. You're destroying your movement, damage, cast speed, resists, and other defenses from those curses, even at only 40%. Honestly, this is priority #1 of this whole list.

5. If your dex is X, don't raise the level of phase run (or vaal haste) higher than the dex requirement. When the gem pops up to level it, just right-mouse click it and store it away until you get more dex somewhere.

6. If you're using max arcane surge with arcane cloak, you really don't have to have one attached to flame dash/phase run (especially not a level 19 one as it won't proc until you spend 345 mana worth of flame dashes/phase runs). This is why I recommend slotting a Purifying Flame there instead, which will give you consecrated ground whenever you want it. Drop PF on bosses to add 100 crit strike chance and drop it on yourself to add significant +life regen. If you insist on keeping arcane surge with flame dash/phase run, at least stop leveling it at 7 so it only costs 32 mana to proc a lesser version of it.

7. Try to upgrade your 2 rare jewels with some +% maximum life to go along with crit multi. Remember "attack damage" does nothing for this build as it's all "spell damage" (arc). Nor does the "projectile damage".

8. Get some more fire resist. That bismuth flask isn't up all the time, and ultimately you want to replace that thing with a Wise Oak and Sulphur flask. You probably need at least 2 life recovery flasks. Get one that's Seething Divine (instant), and one that's Catalyzed Eternal (2.7 seconds). You can mash them at the same time since one is instant, otherwise you can't run 2 duration life recoveries at the same time. One overwrites the other. Also you want a Staunching suffix on one (bleed removal) and Heat suffix on another (freeze removal), at the very least. And depending on what you've done with your pantheon, you may want/need ignite and poison removal too. But those can be mitigated by capturing certain bosses for your pantheon.

9. As soon as you can possibly manage it, get the Conviction of Power node and finish your ascendancy. It makes a world of difference with respect to power charges and ramping them up and keep them at max. Like HUGE difference in QoL.

10. When you can, try to get Wave of Conviction separated from your Arc/Soul Mantle with a spell totem support of it's own, so you can add a Controlled Destruction gem to your Arc. That's a massive MORE damage boost. (go read up on the difference between "Increased" damage and "More" damage)

11. And last but not least... as soon as possible, try to get you some Void Batteries. That's 2 more power charges and probably +200% MORE damage for you. Maybe even more than that.

Good luck.
Dernière édition par SkylerOG#3817, le 23 avr. 2020 18:48:27
SkylerOG a écrit :

1. You're quite low on +maximum life on some of your gear. All I gotta say is work on upgrading where you can. You also have a completely useless mod crafted on your helmet. You should have a +max life instead of %armour/es. You also need to upgrade those boots and get some +movement speed. I imagine you feel like a turtle running around when haste and phase run are off. That'll allow you to get rid of Haste & Clarity/reserved mana (you should only be using Vaal Haste, if at all).

2. You don't have Mind Over Matter, which for you is around 660 effective life missing. However, you can't even effectively use that right now because you're running Haste & Clarity. And that's another problem, you need to work on your mana regen so you don't have to rely on clarity. And once you get rid of all your reserved mana, you not only get a buffer for MoM and Divine Guidance, but you can add the Clear Mind Jewel to your passive tree, which is a decent +5% more damage boost on top of some mana regen for only 2 passive points.

3. You don't have any of the +1 power charge nodes. I would definitely forego Whispers of Doom and Throatseeker for now (that frees up 9 points) and put 3 towards Instability, 2 towards Overcharge, 1 in MoM, and the rest to finish the wheel to Written in Blood. You can work on getting Whispers of Doom later as it's really only needed for bossing since most trash mobs die pretty easily with just 2-4 arc totems and no debuffs or curses. And ultimately, when you have the currency and a really nice amulet, you save those 5 passive points by just getting the WoD anointment on your amulet. OR... try to get you some Windshriek boots, which are actually a pretty good modification to this build for budget concerns.

4. Dump that Gift's from Above ring and get another Kikazaru. Right now, you're feeling 40% of all your curses you put on yourself from Soul Mantle, which is crazy. You're destroying your movement, damage, cast speed, resists, and other defenses from those curses, even at only 40%. Honestly, this is priority #1 of this whole list.

5. If your dex is X, don't raise the level of phase run (or vaal haste) higher than the dex requirement. When the gem pops up to level it, just right-mouse click it and store it away until you get more dex somewhere.

6. If you're using max arcane surge with arcane cloak, you really don't have to have one attached to flame dash/phase run (especially not a level 19 one as it won't proc until you spend 345 mana worth of flame dashes/phase runs). This is why I recommend slotting a Purifying Flame there instead, which will give you consecrated ground whenever you want it. Drop PF on bosses to add 100 crit strike chance and drop it on yourself to add significant +life regen. If you insist on keeping arcane surge with flame dash/phase run, at least stop leveling it at 7 so it only costs 32 mana to proc a lesser version of it.

7. Try to upgrade your 2 rare jewels with some +% maximum life to go along with crit multi. Remember "attack damage" does nothing for this build as it's all "spell damage" (arc). Nor does the "projectile damage".

8. Get some more fire resist. That bismuth flask isn't up all the time, and ultimately you want to replace that thing with a Wise Oak and Sulphur flask. You probably need at least 2 life recovery flasks. Get one that's Seething Divine (instant), and one that's Catalyzed Eternal (2.7 seconds). You can mash them at the same time since one is instant, otherwise you can't run 2 duration life recoveries at the same time. One overwrites the other. Also you want a Staunching suffix on one (bleed removal) and Heat suffix on another (freeze removal), at the very least. And depending on what you've done with your pantheon, you may want/need ignite and poison removal too. But those can be mitigated by capturing certain bosses for your pantheon.

9. As soon as you can possibly manage it, get the Conviction of Power node and finish your ascendancy. It makes a world of difference with respect to power charges and ramping them up and keep them at max. Like HUGE difference in QoL.

10. When you can, try to get Wave of Conviction separated from your Arc/Soul Mantle with a spell totem support of it's own, so you can add a Controlled Destruction gem to your Arc. That's a massive MORE damage boost. (go read up on the difference between "Increased" damage and "More" damage)

11. And last but not least... as soon as possible, try to get you some Void Batteries. That's 2 more power charges and probably +200% MORE damage for you. Maybe even more than that.

Good luck.

Seriously I greatly appreciate you taking the time to write all that out.
Thank you.

So I leveled up a bit more and made some $$ after I wrote that up and bought a nice pair of void batteries.
Switched things around, added +life to the helmet, changed out the boots, added a clear mind gem, which I probably paid to much for and could have bought the windshriek instead..o well.. maybe tomorrow.

Added Life flasks to my POB profile.. Still working towards better flasks.

The list:
Removed Clarity, haste and phase run from the build.
Pulled WOC off my chest and added Controlled destruction.
Put WOC with spell totem and minion on my MainHand VoidBattery
Swapped the gift ring for another kikizaru ring.
Swapped haste for Vaal Haste.
Swapped phase run & #2 arcane surge for Purifying flame and culling strike. With the flame dash & PF connected to culling strike & increased duration I feel like a bulldozer after a curse and shock treatment. Everything just kinda poofs away..VERY COOL!

Backed out of the passive nodes and applied the points per your recommendations. As a note I had to grab a dex node (+30) when I was leveling, and now I'm kind of stuck with it as my gems need 77 dex, and I'm at 108

Ascendancy - I only have one lab complete of the Level 75 Eternal..so I'm a ways off.

Pantheon - I have the OP recommendation:
- Soul of Arakaali
- Soul of Garukhan
I have some others unlocked as well, if you want to know.

More grinding and more shopping..

Shopping List:
Life Flasks poison & fire
Wise Oak
+Life Gear
+Mana regen
+Life Jewels
+Crit Jewels
+Fire res Gear

1. Where should I head next with my passive points? Grab another jewel? Go to throatseeker? Doomcast?

2. When I am looking at/for new gear.. How should I prioritize? Life/mana/Res/CritC/CritD?

3. when you play the build do you curse then totom? does it matter? This will be the second character I have played into end game, my first char that will be mapping..

I hope I covered everything you asked or recommended.
Let me know if you see anything else that can be tweaked.


Thanks for reading and replying. It's greatly appreciated.
Be well.

Octaaviux a écrit :
Seriously I greatly appreciate you taking the time to write all that out.
Thank you.

So I leveled up a bit more and made some $$ after I wrote that up and bought a nice pair of void batteries.
Switched things around, added +life to the helmet, changed out the boots, added a clear mind gem, which I probably paid to much for and could have bought the windshriek instead..o well.. maybe tomorrow.

Added Life flasks to my POB profile.. Still working towards better flasks.

The list:
Removed Clarity, haste and phase run from the build.
Pulled WOC off my chest and added Controlled destruction.
Put WOC with spell totem and minion on my MainHand VoidBattery
Swapped the gift ring for another kikizaru ring.
Swapped haste for Vaal Haste.
Swapped phase run & #2 arcane surge for Purifying flame and culling strike. With the flame dash & PF connected to culling strike & increased duration I feel like a bulldozer after a curse and shock treatment. Everything just kinda poofs away..VERY COOL!

Backed out of the passive nodes and applied the points per your recommendations. As a note I had to grab a dex node (+30) when I was leveling, and now I'm kind of stuck with it as my gems need 77 dex, and I'm at 108

Ascendancy - I only have one lab complete of the Level 75 Eternal..so I'm a ways off.

Pantheon - I have the OP recommendation:
- Soul of Arakaali
- Soul of Garukhan
I have some others unlocked as well, if you want to know.

More grinding and more shopping..

Shopping List:
Life Flasks poison & fire
Wise Oak
+Life Gear
+Mana regen
+Life Jewels
+Crit Jewels
+Fire res Gear

1. Where should I head next with my passive points? Grab another jewel? Go to throatseeker? Doomcast?

2. When I am looking at/for new gear.. How should I prioritize? Life/mana/Res/CritC/CritD?

3. when you play the build do you curse then totom? does it matter? This will be the second character I have played into end game, my first char that will be mapping..

I hope I covered everything you asked or recommended.
Let me know if you see anything else that can be tweaked.


Thanks for reading and replying. It's greatly appreciated.
Be well.

No problem.

1. I'm assuming you understand not to have golem linked with spell totem+WoC, otherwise you try to cast a golem and it casts a totem instead. Just making sure you knew that. Since our wands are only 3-links, it's super easy/cheap to unlink them (do 2+1, obviously).

2. Remove those 4 points from "Overcharged", as well as the +30 dex node (so you free up 5 points) and get 2 at "Overcharge" (which gives you +1 power charges and +18% increased power charge duration), and get 2 at "Precision" (+dex/cast speed/movement speed), and then the 5th one start heading towards Coldhearted Calc. This will solve part of your dex issue while also giving you a good DPS boost too. This should leave you at 98 dex with current gear.

I think you got confused between "Overcharge" and "Overcharged" since they're basically the same name, but one is present tense and the other is past-tense. Overcharged is a waste, especially once you get Conviction of Power in your ascendancy.

3. With 98 dex, don't level Vaal Haste past 7 (96 dex requirement), until you get more dex. And don't level phase run past 5 (also 96 dex requirement at that level).

4. Since you don't have Whispers of Doom or Windshriek boots, you can only apply 1 curse at a time, which needs to be Conductivity. This means Assassins Mark is sorta useless for the moment. Which means you temporarily have an open slot in that 4-link (assuming it's your boots). You need Vaal Righteous Fire somewhere, so this is the likely spot for it (do not use standard Righteous Fire as it will kill you, only Vaal RF). Since AM is only at level 19 and you're still trying to level it, I would get a junk wand with a blue socket to put in your alternate weapon (press x for weapon swap) so it'll continue to level (while on the alt/swap side of your Void Batteries). If you keep it with Conductivity, they will continually overwrite each other since you can only have 1 curse applied at a time right now.

5. Culling Strike is useless since we have Ancestral Bond and only our totems can deal damage (or maybe I'm wrong and flame dash burning ground still does damage? but i'm not sure about that). Either way, with 98 dex, I would put phase run back in that slot (level 5 or less, remember) and hotkey it to your movement button. But as I've mentioned before, that's just me. Some people don't like phase run going up and down constantly, or the fact it turns off with the use of any skill, but I'm use to it and I love it's +movement and phasing ability. It's not like burning ground with culling is going to kill anything faster than your arc totems already are.

6. I'll post for you what I think your PoB should look like after this, but I'd recommend heading towards "Infused" next to get that 8th power charge (unless you want to make that your temporary amulet anointment, because it's fairly cheap[crimson oil+2 silver oils], until you can afford Whispers of Doom anointment, which is very expensive), then probably path through Coldhearted Calc-->Assassination-->Trickery-->Blood Siphon, and then go do Doom Cast. Probably save Throatseeker and the 4th jewel socket (next to Instability) for last, unless you get a couple really nice jewels.

7. As for gear, obviously if you're having mana regen issues, start there. I'm not sure if you do at the moment since you don't have Conviction of Power yet and aren't spamming your totems probably as much as you will, but you will once you do because that's how you keep up max power charges (and endurance charges, and curses on yourself). Plus MoM with arcane cloak (which you should be using constantly when engaging mobs) is obviously a massive hit to your mana pool regularly, too. After that, +life/es, +crit chance/crit multi, and +mana and +stats, probably in that order of priority. And of course, get that fire resist to at least 75 (which I think you can do with Windshriek boots). You're obviously overloaded on lightning resist, so you have plenty of room for adjustments. You'll also get some resists with each endurance charge, but that doesn't come until you get Conviction of Power.

8. When I play, I almost never use curse or wave of conviction on trash map mobs, unless there's a huge pack of blue/yellow/red and/or the map has some insane mob mods. I just run around casting Arcane Cloak about every 10 seconds, and dropping 2-4 arc totems from max distance and try not to get too close to mobs. This is called "kiting". Don't run into mobs and drop your totems on your head. And if they run towards you, flame dash out and drop your totems on their heads. Keep distance whenever possible. But most of the time your arc totems should be all that's needed to clear maps until the boss.

When I fight bosses, after spamming totems to ramp up max power/endurance charges (thanks to Conviction of Power) and curses on myself, I typically start off with 2 arc and 2 WoC totems (just for a split moment until WoC fires at least once and applies -lightning debuff), and almost instantly replace the WoC totems with 2 more arc totems. Then I hit it with Blade Blast to apply unnerve+Conductivity+AM, and then Purifying Flame to put it on consecrated ground (which applies +100 crit strike chance). At the same time, I'm casting Vaal Righteous Fire, Vaal Haste, and my +damage flasks, along with constantly casting Arcane Cloak about every 10 seconds (which procs Arcane Surge). Then as the fight goes on, I'll occasionally refresh a WoC totem to re-apply the debuff, along with Blade Blast again to reply unnerve+curses, all while consistently dropping down new arc totems and mashing my flasks again and arcane cloak. And most of all, moving. Never standing in one spot for more than a second. I move/flame dash in a circle, typically, the whole fight.

9. Adjust your pantheon depending on the map mods and/or bosses you might be facing.

For example, if you alt/alc/chaos a map and it says monsters poison on hit, you want to change your lesser pantheon to Shakari. If it says monster do extra cold damage and there's patches of chilled ground, you want to go with Brine King and Yugul. If it's extra projectiles and patches of burning ground, you switch to Lunaris and Abberath. Etc. etc.

Check this out: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/The_Pantheon

Get ya a bunch of Divine Vessels and run maps that allow you to capture those specific map bosses and complete your pantheon at Sin. Then use that thing to help you with maps. Don't just settle for one greater and lesser pantheon, get them all with all their bonuses/buffs and consistently switch them around as needed depending on the map mods you're facing.

You're especially going to want this for when you start corrupting maps and can't change their mods.

Okay, here's what I would do with your existing PoB: https://pastebin.com/0ceP9LUd

I adjusted your tree, flasks, and some gems, as well as a few boxes checked in your configuration tab that should be (consecrated ground, shocked, curses on you, etc.).

You'll notice your DPS is up considerably with the proper configuration.

Again, good luck.
SkylerOG a écrit :

1. I'm assuming you understand not to have golem linked with spell totem+WoC, otherwise you try to cast a golem and it casts a totem instead. Just making sure you knew that. Since our wands are only 3-links, it's super easy/cheap to unlink them (do 2+1, obviously).

2. Remove those 4 points from "Overcharged", as well as the +30 dex node (so you free up 5 points) and get 2 at "Overcharge" (which gives you +1 power charges and +18% increased power charge duration), and get 2 at "Precision" (+dex/cast speed/movement speed), and then the 5th one start heading towards Coldhearted Calc. This will solve part of your dex issue while also giving you a good DPS boost too. This should leave you at 98 dex with current gear.

I think you got confused between "Overcharge" and "Overcharged" since they're basically the same name, but one is present tense and the other is past-tense. Overcharged is a waste, especially once you get Conviction of Power in your ascendancy.

3. With 98 dex, don't level Vaal Haste past 7 (96 dex requirement), until you get more dex. And don't level phase run past 5 (also 96 dex requirement at that level).

4. Since you don't have Whispers of Doom or Windshriek boots, you can only apply 1 curse at a time, which needs to be Conductivity. This means Assassins Mark is sorta useless for the moment. Which means you temporarily have an open slot in that 4-link (assuming it's your boots). You need Vaal Righteous Fire somewhere, so this is the likely spot for it (do not use standard Righteous Fire as it will kill you, only Vaal RF). Since AM is only at level 19 and you're still trying to level it, I would get a junk wand with a blue socket to put in your alternate weapon (press x for weapon swap) so it'll continue to level (while on the alt/swap side of your Void Batteries). If you keep it with Conductivity, they will continually overwrite each other since you can only have 1 curse applied at a time right now.

5. Culling Strike is useless since we have Ancestral Bond and only our totems can deal damage (or maybe I'm wrong and flame dash burning ground still does damage? but i'm not sure about that). Either way, with 98 dex, I would put phase run back in that slot (level 5 or less, remember) and hotkey it to your movement button. But as I've mentioned before, that's just me. Some people don't like phase run going up and down constantly, or the fact it turns off with the use of any skill, but I'm use to it and I love it's +movement and phasing ability. It's not like burning ground with culling is going to kill anything faster than your arc totems already are.

6. I'll post for you what I think your PoB should look like after this, but I'd recommend heading towards "Infused" next to get that 8th power charge (unless you want to make that your temporary amulet anointment, because it's fairly cheap[crimson oil+2 silver oils], until you can afford Whispers of Doom anointment, which is very expensive), then probably path through Coldhearted Calc-->Assassination-->Trickery-->Blood Siphon, and then go do Doom Cast. Probably save Throatseeker and the 4th jewel socket (next to Instability) for last, unless you get a couple really nice jewels.

7. As for gear, obviously if you're having mana regen issues, start there. I'm not sure if you do at the moment since you don't have Conviction of Power yet and aren't spamming your totems probably as much as you will, but you will once you do because that's how you keep up max power charges (and endurance charges, and curses on yourself). Plus MoM with arcane cloak (which you should be using constantly when engaging mobs) is obviously a massive hit to your mana pool regularly, too. After that, +life/es, +crit chance/crit multi, and +mana and +stats, probably in that order of priority. And of course, get that fire resist to at least 75 (which I think you can do with Windshriek boots). You're obviously overloaded on lightning resist, so you have plenty of room for adjustments. You'll also get some resists with each endurance charge, but that doesn't come until you get Conviction of Power.

8. When I play, I almost never use curse or wave of conviction on trash map mobs, unless there's a huge pack of blue/yellow/red and/or the map has some insane mob mods. I just run around casting Arcane Cloak about every 10 seconds, and dropping 2-4 arc totems from max distance and try not to get too close to mobs. This is called "kiting". Don't run into mobs and drop your totems on your head. And if they run towards you, flame dash out and drop your totems on their heads. Keep distance whenever possible. But most of the time your arc totems should be all that's needed to clear maps until the boss.

When I fight bosses, after spamming totems to ramp up max power/endurance charges (thanks to Conviction of Power) and curses on myself, I typically start off with 2 arc and 2 WoC totems (just for a split moment until WoC fires at least once and applies -lightning debuff), and almost instantly replace the WoC totems with 2 more arc totems. Then I hit it with Blade Blast to apply unnerve+Conductivity+AM, and then Purifying Flame to put it on consecrated ground (which applies +100 crit strike chance). At the same time, I'm casting Vaal Righteous Fire, Vaal Haste, and my +damage flasks, along with constantly casting Arcane Cloak about every 10 seconds (which procs Arcane Surge). Then as the fight goes on, I'll occasionally refresh a WoC totem to re-apply the debuff, along with Blade Blast again to reply unnerve+curses, all while consistently dropping down new arc totems and mashing my flasks again and arcane cloak. And most of all, moving. Never standing in one spot for more than a second. I move/flame dash in a circle, typically, the whole fight.

9. Adjust your pantheon depending on the map mods and/or bosses you might be facing.

For example, if you alt/alc/chaos a map and it says monsters poison on hit, you want to change your lesser pantheon to Shakari. If it says monster do extra cold damage and there's patches of chilled ground, you want to go with Brine King and Yugul. If it's extra projectiles and patches of burning ground, you switch to Lunaris and Abberath. Etc. etc.

Check this out: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/The_Pantheon

Get ya a bunch of Divine Vessels and run maps that allow you to capture those specific map bosses and complete your pantheon at Sin. Then use that thing to help you with maps. Don't just settle for one greater and lesser pantheon, get them all with all their bonuses/buffs and consistently switch them around as needed depending on the map mods you're facing.

You're especially going to want this for when you start corrupting maps and can't change their mods.

Okay, here's what I would do with your existing PoB: https://pastebin.com/0ceP9LUd

I adjusted your tree, flasks, and some gems, as well as a few boxes checked in your configuration tab that should be (consecrated ground, shocked, curses on you, etc.).

You'll notice your DPS is up considerably with the proper configuration.

Again, good luck.

Awesome feedback. Again, thanks so much, I had no idea how much damage I am truly "missing" from this build.

I'll answer your bullet points and then add in whats happened in 24-hours..lol

1.- Yes, I un-linked one of the sockets for the minion.

2. Yup, that was the first one I saw, it was too late last night to be making these changes but I was excited.. So I backed out those points and re-allocated to "overcharge" and "Precision" I also pulled that lone dex node off. Sitting at 98 Dex now.

3. I have vaal haste sitting at level 5, so it satisfy the dex req.

4. Pulled AM out and dropped on Alt wand for leveling. Put the Vaal Rightous fire in its place. I'll shop for some windshrieker boots over the weekend, they seem to be running 30-50c, I will look for a set, might hold off to buy for a bit..

5. Swapped Culling strike for phase run.. I'll see how it feels.. I'm pretty sure the Flame dash does do damage, because I can dash a mob with no totems and they all seem to "poof" maybe some more experiments and research, but it feels like it burns(FD) and kills(CS).. but I dont know Im always smacking buttons..
When I try to move fast, my totems are not killing faster than I am moving..yet

6. thank you. I'll heat down the tree towards those.

7. I dont seem to have mana issues, and last nights tweaks with some gear arranging seems to have helped survivability. Before I was feeling like a glass cannon. I am definitely heavy on the res now, so need to start looking for better balance.

8.. Thats alot of buttons.. I am not sure how I am going to drop Vaal fire..
Left click is phase run, middle click is Arcane cloak, right click is Arc
Q - flame dash, W-Storm brand, E-Purifying flame, R- WOC, T-Minion.. I guess I could do Ctrl-T for minion and re-assign Vaal fire to T or R..

Vaal haste doesn't cast with CWDT??

9. I will work on unlocking the pantheon and read up on the nodes.

I compared the POB and I cannot believe how much damage comes from the flasks.. Over 200k DPS!!!!!!!!that's crazy. Took me 10 minutes to figure out where the onslaught charge was coming from..
I made all the adjustments to match and I am sitting at 502k/dps with 65% crit, your build is 672k/dps with 85% crit.. That is all flasks!!

So that should cover today's work. I bought some jewels this morning and hit level 82 so I unlocked a fourth socket, the one next to instability..
Take a look at the jewels and tell me if I should pull one/swap and go down to 3 jewels and grab the next passive, or wait for the next leveling.

I added the two jewels I bought into your POB file and re-saved it with the link below, this way it keep your recommendations cleaner..
Let me know if it was money well spent or did I flub it all up!?

Brood Spark-Crimson Jewel
8% increased Global Crit Strike
17% increased crit strike chance with lightning skills
5% increased max life

Hypnotic Glimmer Cobalt Jewel
13% increased Critical strike chance for spells
14% increased critical strike chance with lightning skills
7% increased max life


Again Appreciate all the help and insight. Greatly appreciated.

Be well.

Dernière édition par Octaaviux#5967, le 24 avr. 2020 23:45:07


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