banthom a écrit :
Can anyone help me out a little. I am showing 500K less DPS than the OP with pretty much the exact same build with the exception of a few missing skill points. What am I missing that is supposed to make up 500K DPS per totem?
Thank you.
You need to go to your configuration tab and add +1 to a bunch of your curses on you (8-10). As well as Shock, at least level 3.
The OP build is missing quite a bit, too. If you add Arcane Cloak, Wave of Conviction (totem), and Assassins Mark (need Whispers of Doom anoint or Windshriek boots), you can double your DPS quite easily, and even more with right setup.
Check this out: https://pastebin.com/ExhssC5u
Posté parSkylerOG#3817le 13 avr. 2020 09:39:45
SkylerOG a écrit :
banthom a écrit :
Can anyone help me out a little. I am showing 500K less DPS than the OP with pretty much the exact same build with the exception of a few missing skill points. What am I missing that is supposed to make up 500K DPS per totem?
Thank you.
You need to go to your configuration tab and add +1 to a bunch of your curses on you (8-10). As well as Shock, at least level 3.
The OP build is missing quite a bit, too. If you add Arcane Cloak, Wave of Conviction (totem), and Assassins Mark (need Whispers of Doom anoint or Windshriek boots), you can double your DPS quite easily, and even more with right setup.
Check this out: https://pastebin.com/ExhssC5u
Thank you for the reply. I never knew about changing up the configs. I will check your POB out, gonna have to do some reading I guess to figure out your play style with these new added skill gems.
Posté parbanthom#0314le 13 avr. 2020 10:03:29
banthom a écrit :
Thank you for the reply. I never knew about changing up the configs. I will check your POB out, gonna have to do some reading I guess to figure out your play style with these new added skill gems.
No prob.
Here's how I play this char:
> Ramp up 8 power charges & 3 endurance charges by casting totems. Then always moving, but as far away from big mob packs as possible. This is a kiting build. Don't ever run directly into mob packs or stand stationary when mobs are near. Drop totems, move around or to outer edge of next pack, drop totems, move to outer edge of next pack, and so on. Easy map clearing with pretty much one attack button.
Most of the time, the DPS from 4, or even 2, arc totems is more than enough to easily demolish everything, and I can move through an entire map without ever stopping, except to pickup valuable loot items as needed.
I don't really worry about curses or wave of conviction totem debuff while map clearing, unless it's a massive mob pack or there's yellow/red mobs, or I'm running an incursion in the map, or maybe it's got some nasty map mods that make mobs much more difficult.
> Phase run is slotted in my movement key (left mouse button for me), so I'm consistently moving fast just holding it down. It's slightly annoying at first hearing phase run go up and down (up 3s, down 1s), but you get use to it after a bit. And you can't beat the movement speed and the ability to run through mobs blocking your way when needed.
> Always/continually running arcane cloak about every 10 seconds (6s up, 4s cooldown), which procs level 21 arcane surge (up 8s of every 10s), and mashing +dmg flasks in between every mob pack. Typically saving vaal righteous fire and vaal haste for boss fights or bigger mob incursions.
> Then for boss fights, I do everything above, plus I'll drop down a wave of conviction totem to start, along with VRF & VH, mash all my flasks, make sure arcane cloak/surge are on, and hit the boss with blade blast to apply conductivity, assassins mark, and unnerve. Reapplying them every 10s if needed. Then just kite around, running and using flame dash as needed (typically in a clockwise circle at max distance from target), refreshing 4 totems every 5-7 seconds to keep curses up.
And that's about it. I'll drop a purifying flame/consecrated ground if needed for a big life regen boost sometimes, but that's about it. I don't like to stand still, though. Standing still = dead too often.
Posté parSkylerOG#3817le 13 avr. 2020 11:42:26
Phase run is too a bit clunky. Always break it with totem deploy or flamedash.
My typical gameplay - dash - totem - dash - totem =)
Cloak binded to use whenewer i try to deploy totem )
Posté pardaiverok#3109le 13 avr. 2020 16:57:32
SkylerOG a écrit :
banthom a écrit :
Thank you for the reply. I never knew about changing up the configs. I will check your POB out, gonna have to do some reading I guess to figure out your play style with these new added skill gems.
No prob.
Here's how I play this char:
> Ramp up 8 power charges & 3 endurance charges by casting totems. Then always moving, but as far away from big mob packs as possible. This is a kiting build. Don't ever run directly into mob packs or stand stationary when mobs are near. Drop totems, move around or to outer edge of next pack, drop totems, move to outer edge of next pack, and so on. Easy map clearing with pretty much one attack button.
Most of the time, the DPS from 4, or even 2, arc totems is more than enough to easily demolish everything, and I can move through an entire map without ever stopping, except to pickup valuable loot items as needed.
I don't really worry about curses or wave of conviction totem debuff while map clearing, unless it's a massive mob pack or there's yellow/red mobs, or I'm running an incursion in the map, or maybe it's got some nasty map mods that make mobs much more difficult.
> Phase run is slotted in my movement key (left mouse button for me), so I'm consistently moving fast just holding it down. It's slightly annoying at first hearing phase run go up and down (up 3s, down 1s), but you get use to it after a bit. And you can't beat the movement speed and the ability to run through mobs blocking your way when needed.
> Always/continually running arcane cloak about every 10 seconds (6s up, 4s cooldown), which procs level 21 arcane surge (up 8s of every 10s), and mashing +dmg flasks in between every mob pack. Typically saving vaal righteous fire and vaal haste for boss fights or bigger mob incursions.
> Then for boss fights, I do everything above, plus I'll drop down a wave of conviction totem to start, along with VRF & VH, mash all my flasks, make sure arcane cloak/surge are on, and hit the boss with blade blast to apply conductivity, assassins mark, and unnerve. Reapplying them every 10s if needed. Then just kite around, running and using flame dash as needed (typically in a clockwise circle at max distance from target), refreshing 4 totems every 5-7 seconds to keep curses up.
And that's about it. I'll drop a purifying flame/consecrated ground if needed for a big life regen boost sometimes, but that's about it. I don't like to stand still, though. Standing still = dead too often.
Wow thank's for the great breakdown. I have never had any problems with my current setup on trash so it is good to know I can still play like that. Boss damage is where the OP's build felt kind of lacking. I will def give this a shot.
Posté parbanthom#0314le 13 avr. 2020 17:21:51
Please help. Why is righteous fire killing me?
Posté parDonKupidon#9858le 15 avr. 2020 12:38:06
DonKupidon a écrit :
Please help. Why is righteous fire killing me?
This game has 2 versions of every offensive skill/spell gem. One is generic/standard/regular, and the second is attached to the first, but doesn't work like the first. It is called a "Vaal" gem, and it does what the generic version does, PLUS some added benefits. And it is only a single use spell/skill that refreshes depending on the number of MOB's you kill.
In this build, we do not advocate using the generic version of Righteous Fire. We only want the Vaal version of the gem slotted/used. This Vaal version does not continually spend 4% of your life/energy shield every second. It only penalizes you for 30% of your life/ES upon it's single use capacity. But at the same time, it also gives you +30% MORE damage. The generic version does not do this. Only the Vaal spell does.
You want to make sure you slot the Vaal spell and not the other.
Posté parSkylerOG#3817le 15 avr. 2020 23:50:38
daiverok a écrit :
Phase run is too a bit clunky. Always break it with totem deploy or flamedash.
My typical gameplay - dash - totem - dash - totem =)
Cloak binded to use whenewer i try to deploy totem )
What do you mean by cloak binded to use whenever you use totems?
Posté parbanthom#0314le 16 avr. 2020 01:00:43
SkylerOG a écrit :
DonKupidon a écrit :
Please help. Why is righteous fire killing me?
This game has 2 versions of every offensive skill/spell gem. One is generic/standard/regular, and the second is attached to the first, but doesn't work like the first. It is called a "Vaal" gem, and it does what the generic version does, PLUS some added benefits. And it is only a single use spell/skill that refreshes depending on the number of MOB's you kill.
In this build, we do not advocate using the generic version of Righteous Fire. We only want the Vaal version of the gem slotted/used. This Vaal version does not continually spend 4% of your life/energy shield every second. It only penalizes you for 30% of your life/ES upon it's single use capacity. But at the same time, it also gives you +30% MORE damage. The generic version does not do this. Only the Vaal spell does.
You want to make sure you slot the Vaal spell and not the other.
Why did you ditch the Inya's Epiphany? Isn't the 40% extra damage better than any rare boots you would get?
Posté parbanthom#0314le 16 avr. 2020 01:38:26
SkylerOG a écrit :
DonKupidon a écrit :
Please help. Why is righteous fire killing me?
This game has 2 versions of every offensive skill/spell gem. One is generic/standard/regular, and the second is attached to the first, but doesn't work like the first. It is called a "Vaal" gem, and it does what the generic version does, PLUS some added benefits. And it is only a single use spell/skill that refreshes depending on the number of MOB's you kill.
In this build, we do not advocate using the generic version of Righteous Fire. We only want the Vaal version of the gem slotted/used. This Vaal version does not continually spend 4% of your life/energy shield every second. It only penalizes you for 30% of your life/ES upon it's single use capacity. But at the same time, it also gives you +30% MORE damage. The generic version does not do this. Only the Vaal spell does.
You want to make sure you slot the Vaal spell and not the other.
Thx a lot for u help!
Posté parDonKupidon#9858le 16 avr. 2020 05:29:07