[3.6] "The KnightKing" Budget League Starter -> 5+Mill Shaper DPS This Season

I started tier2 with crap gear. No problems. Build with potencial.
I mean this build isn't as smooth as ED contagion, but if you wanted to play a smooth sailing meta build, you wouldn't be here... ;) I opted to try this build as my league starter this time around as I was wanting to play another occultist that could take advantage of the new ES leeching mechanics. I agree that in hindsight and with knowledge of current prices, trying to get a low-life build going as a league starter isn't the greatest idea. However, I've found that dmg + clear speed are fine, and I can wipe all bosses in sub-5 seconds (only ~T6 maps atm, so take that as you will). I did make some changes to the tree to prioritize more ES leech, and am currently sitting at 1.9k hp 3.5k ES @lvl 80 with the absolute most basic of gear, I'm talking like no pieces purchased for more than 5c. Few changes I made to make it overall more effective with dumpster gear:

Im also using phase run + qs flask of adrenaline to move quickly between packs in order to avoid having to stop and channel constantly.

swapped skilltree up a bit - the original passive pathing for 3.6 had some (in my opinion) inefficient nodes, my skill tree is public if youre interested.

Use bane with a 2x curse setup - projectile weakness + frostbite. Temp chains didnt do much against uniques, which is really the only time I use it. Hit a boss with bane and then IS them out in a few seconds.

As to survivability, I do get banged out fairly quickly sometimes even with cwdt, but those occurrences are fairly few and far between, and are usually do to me winding up face tanking in the middle of a pack. Prioritizing ES on gear vs life (we are devoting way more nodes to %increased ES scaling) will also help.
Ok, guys if you get a staff 5L with socketed gems to power charges, then get a solaris lorica and you setup immortal call it is wayyyyy better.
Ok, guys if you get a staff 5L with socketed gems to power charges, then get a solaris lorica and you setup immortal call it is wayyyyy better.
Uhm, I'm failing to understand how power charge on crit and controlled destruction works, as you need to crit, and CD gives -100%, could someone explain to me how this works?
Mariaxi a écrit :
Uhm, I'm failing to understand how power charge on crit and controlled destruction works, as you need to crit, and CD gives -100%, could someone explain to me how this works?

To understand Controlled Destruction you need to understand POE's funky math with % increased vs % more. It wont actually remove all crit chance. That being said, I think ES leech is the better gem comparatively speaking.
hey what do you think going ci until have shavronne ?
my ing is killwitches
Kurnis a écrit :
JN1K5 a écrit :
samord a écrit :
Cant join the Q&A (@work). I read somewhere on this thread WO was doing 50k and IS 3mil, why not going pure IS then? Or these numbers are wrong?

Winter orb in this build should be known as (Generic Cold Channeling Skill) as we are not scaling it... Hell I will be playing around with Devine Ire as well this league.

We are basically playing a Channeled IS build. Which is really fun. It's up to your playstyle choices... but WO is not the damage we are scaling

How are you liking Divine Ire?

Im using your build, level 77, and I'm having a hard time. My PoB dps is only 112k, and I haven't been able to switch to LL yet (and I don't have prism guardian). My damage feels really low, but I'm not sure what to upgrade next, and I have almost all the damage nodes on the tree.

Any advice?

Thus far I like Wint orb better than Divine Ire. Oof... not having prism Guardian would make it really tough around the high levels. Like your pastebin and I will let you know.

Several people following my stream have voiced how hard the time is to get the shav's wrappings... The only decent solution which doesn't solve everything is a Solaris Lorica and a shaped ilvl 68 staff with either Supported by Cast While Channeling or Power Charge on Critical.

The Solaris Lorica is hard to color so here's where you put on probably two aura/reserved mana effects with Blood Magic and you use the staff to get a psudo 6Link... use a Jewelers touch on it to give it 5 links and recolor to 4 blue and 1 green which shouldn't make it cost too many chromes. you will either need to buy the base with the "Supported By" affix or you will need to alt it until you see it - Just make sure it's a ilvl 68 Shaped staff.
Stressman a écrit :
I started tier2 with crap gear. No problems. Build with potencial.

Thanks for the report in man! Appreciate it a lot, often times the folks that are not having problems do not update :)
I'm wondering if taking Ghost Reaver is really necessary. it was necessary when there was no ES leech, but now we have lots of sources for ES leech so that's a waste - also the -50% to ES recharge rate really slows down the time it takes to completely charge up. and the ONLY positive is +100% to max total recovery per second from ES leech - I wonder if that is so great now that our leech/sec is capped at 10% and there are other passives we have taken that give us + max recovery from leech - isn't there a point of diminishing returns (or no further gain) that we pass at some point making the +100% unusable ??
I'd appreciate any input on this.


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