[3.15] Crimson Bow Gladiator, RoA + Puncture | Pure Bleed Build | All Content | In-depth
" It's global damage increase for Puncture, so both hit and damage with ailments. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3053600 - My Guides
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My experience so far with the build(not elite player, so take it with a grain of salt):
clear speed - medium, okish survivability - okish(towards low). You have only life pool and some dodge/evasion(unless you invested in gear heavily). One shots will happen. NOT HC VIABLE BY ANY MEANS(unless, again, someone will argue that with proper gear etc...but reality is on hc you want to be beefy, tanky from getgo with ok clear speed/single target, otherwise it doesn't make sense and only silly amounts of exalts might save). single target - low But overall it is fun build to play, especially if person didn't played bleed bow previously. |
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" Glancing at your character and a few things stand out: 1) Your quiver is actively lowering your damage. Bleed is based on your physical damage done, but your quiver is converting 23% of your physical to lightning damage, which you then dont even deal cause of brutality support. Also crit strike multi does little for this build. You want a phys damage multi quiver, but at the very least replace that quiver with even a garbage quiver and your damage should go up considerably. 2) I would replace your amulet with a damage multi amulet if possible. 3) Elder bow will skyrocket the damage as well. |
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Went for Split Arrow instead of RoA -heavely inspired from toplads on PoeNinja
Clearspeed is very good Single Target is ok'ish but im playing Puncture on a 5L Surv is nice as I got some Chaos Res/Endurance Charges And its hella fun to play :D Looking forward to tacle redmaps with this badboy |
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" By any chance, do you have a POB of this left side tree ? Best regards. |
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Check out my Char, I used this very left side of the three (ShaadBleed)
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I decided to league start this. I've been doing some minor speed run practice with a bunch of different builds and decided to make this my starter. On day 1 I managed to get a lioneyes fall jewel for 20c, coil for an ex and with a chin sol I got into red maps pretty early. Ended up getting one of the earliest ilvl 84 base elder bows and got a bow made. I kind of tended to let the build tell me when I needed to look into gearing more but all in all feel like it was a pretty strong league starter build if you have the knowledge to get to maps early and make some of your own gear. It was definitely much easier this league as well. One of my goals this league was to craft all my own gear and I've basically done that sans a few pieces (uniques mostly). You can save immense currency this league crafting your own gear. I bought my bow for a couple ex, quiver for 10c, and crafted them all.
I'm playing a more armor based version than the one recommended as I enjoy that a little more personally but this version definitely wouldn't have been an option as league starter if I didn't have a plan to sprint to maps and get a very early lioneyes fall jewel. Just that item made yellows maps easy with all the extra damage in the tree and then I could quickly get into a place where I could make a more currency and get the coil. All in all I think bleed glad is in a really great place where you have lots of options you can play this build as between split arrow/rain of arrows, armor vs evasion etc. It's also a really fun build to practice crafting your own gear in this league in. Some survival tips this league with the new tree options. If you go armor base you can take wind dancer for what amounts to a free 20% LESS damage. When you combine that with crusader chest phys taken as lightning on a strong roll and molten shell I don't die very much at all. I could easily be much higher level but I will run any maps mods including phys reflect. Totems kill packs just fine even on t16 at my gear level and I just one shot yellows with puncture and debuffs. With the right setup this build can pretty much do anything. |
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" this is what happens when you herald abused last league. You just forget how the normal builds function. |
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Hi, went for split arrow instead of RoA, because its more enjoyable for me, although i feel like my clear speed in anything above t11 maps is pretty bad.
This is my pob https://pastebin.com/S9UD8HZU hopefully you can help me out abit :) nice in-depth guide :)! edit: changed some gems around and mapping feels good - single target is still abit low tho Dernière édition par dream3_r#2263, le 27 juin 2020 19:28:58
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First time making a bleed char as starter, i went divine flesh 86% chaos res 50 %elem dmg is taken as chaos dmg, clear speed is great with the correct flask and frenzy charges up, im 99% ailment inmune so i dont worry about shock ignite freeze or chill (grat def layer) but i feel my single target dps low, i killed elder and sirus 6 no death easy dodging anf puncture/ballista them out
Please if u have the time check my character im thinking on getting a watcher eye with the 15%ailments dmg faster while affected by malevolance but idk if it worth. |
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