[3.10] OneShotKill Elemental Hit Ballista Hiero - 9.6 million DPS - EZ Boss Killer + budget friendly

shirt10 a écrit :
and hitting lvl 60 to wear my Frostferno. Tripled my damage numbers....


Yeah that 2nd Lab and turning into 60, when we equip our Frostferno Helm...

Then we take our seat at the Frozen Throne in Northrend...

Oops! Sorry wrong game... What I mean was...


"Killing Spree!" (Hmm sounds like from another game also ;) )

shirt10 a écrit :

what I should upgrade next

One big DPS gain you can get from upgrading current equipment is going for the Accuracy Affix. This might sound unbelievable but +500 accuracy for you currently gives more DPS compared to having a 2 level higher Elemental Hit Gem (I checked on POB). Yes, that's how important Accuracy** is to this build's DPS.

** Aim to reach Near 100% with your "Chance to Hit %" stat, after which, Accuracy don't do much. Usually it's enough with just 1-2 Tier 1 Flat(Not %) Accuracy affix on your rares. Don't worry about the "Chance to Hit Evasive Monster %" stat

The best place to get Accuracy is from
- Gloves (Up to 600)
- Quiver/Ring/Amulet (Up to 480)

Your current glove is pretty good, that 17% speed only comes from using a Deafening Essence, so perhaps look for the Accuracy on your Quiver/Rings.

For reference, Stats in order of DPS boost for this build is roughly in this order

A. %Attack Speed
B. Flat Accuracy(As explained above)
C. %Global Critical Multiplier
D. %Increased ("Generic"/Fire/Projectile/Elemental etc) Damage (All these types gives the same increase per %)
E. %Global Critical Chance(Low DPS increase, better to go for other affix like the ones above or affix like resist, etc)
F. Adds # to # ("Generic"/Fire etc) Damage (%Damage Works better for our build)
G. % Accuracy(Flat works better, just "ignore" this)

Attack Speed and Accuracy** gives lots of DPS, these are the stats we try to always look for in the rare items we use. Crit Multiplier doesn't give as big boost until you get your Crit Chance higher and have more points invested in Critical Chance in the Passive Tree. Go for the remaining ones after prioritizing the above.

A "Trick" that I use to determine an affix's DPS(In Game)


So some might not be familiar with POB, and obviously we are not gonna buy an item just to test if it increases our DPS and its not likely the seller will lend us their item to test if it increases our DPS before we buy.

So here's a "trick" that I often use in game especially in the past when I am not familiar with POB.

I buy Jewels with "1 affix"



Socketing the above jewels one by one into the jewel slot will help me determine how much DPS increase I get from each particular affix.

Then I can do some simple calculations to work out how much DPS is 1% ASPD, 1% Crit Multiplier, 1% Increased Damage, etc

From there I can roughly determine whether an item is a DPS increase or decrease, likewise with the Life one, whether % or Flat Life gives more increase.

Just putting this here in case someone find the trick useful. :)

As for 3.10, not much info is out for now, let's see if there's anything interesting for us in the coming days. :)

My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide

Dernière édition par Vei#5870, le 27 févr. 2020 à 12:30:33
Vei a écrit :

** Aim to reach Near 100% with your "Chance to Hit %" stat, after which, Accuracy don't do much. Usually it's enough with just 1-2 Tier 1 Flat(Not %) Accuracy affix on your rares. Don't worry about the "Chance to Hit Evasive Monster %" stat

The best place to get Accuracy is from
- Gloves (Up to 600)
- Quiver/Ring/Amulet (Up to 480)

Your current glove is pretty good, that 17% speed only comes from using a Deafening Essence, so perhaps look for the Accuracy on your Quiver/Rings.

For reference, Stats in order of DPS boost for this build is roughly in this order
- %Attack Speed
- Accuracy(As explained above)
- %Critical Multiplier
- %Increased ("Generic"/Fire/Projectile/Elemental) Damage All these types gives same the increase per %
- %Global Critical Chance(Low DPS increase, better to go for other affix like the ones above or affix like resist, etc)

Attack Speed and Accuracy** gives lots of DPS, these are the stats we try to always look for in the rare items we use. Crit Multiplier doesn't give as big boost until you get your Crit Chance higher and have more points invested in Critical Chance in the Passive Tree. Go for the remaining ones after prioritizing the above.

Again, top quality reply, thank you!

I had not looked at my Chance to Hit stat before and it was sitting at 82% (I think, low 80s for sure).
I went ahead and shopped for these two items

and in addition my next passive tree node gave some accuracy as well.
Now sitting at 98% Chance to Hit and my damage has again flew up!

Ran T16 maps and 3 safehouses for Jun - awesome :)

This info is going to assist in 3.10 SSF mode so much!
shirt10 a écrit :

Again, top quality reply, thank you!

I had not looked at my Chance to Hit stat before and it was sitting at 82% (I think, low 80s for sure).
I went ahead and shopped for these two items

and in addition my next passive tree node gave some accuracy as well.
Now sitting at 98% Chance to Hit and my damage has again flew up!

Ran T16 maps and 3 safehouses for Jun - awesome :)

This info is going to assist in 3.10 SSF mode so much!

That's a very nice Quiver there! Tier 1 Life and Crit Multiplier! Somemore on a great base(With that Pierce Implicit), Perfect! :)

Just to add two things which I didn't include earlier on the "Stats in order of DPS" which is "Flat Dmg" and "% Accuracy".

Here's the updated one(Also updated my earlier post)

Stats in order of DPS boost(Roughly)

A. %Attack Speed
B. Flat Accuracy(Until "Chance to hit %" reaches near 100%)
C. %Global Critical Multiplier
D. %Increased ("Generic"/Fire/Projectile/Elemental etc) Damage (All these types gives the same increase per %)
E. %Global Critical Chance(Low DPS increase, better to go for other affix like the ones above or affix like resist, etc)
F. Adds # to # ("Generic"/Fire etc) Damage (%Damage Works better for our build)
G. % Accuracy(Flat works better, just "ignore" this)


P.S. Added the Above and also a "Recommended Anointment" Section to my writeup at Page 173
My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide

Dernière édition par Vei#5870, le 27 févr. 2020 à 17:43:01
i have nearly every item and my dps is around 9k with 6totems i reach 51k. How the fck do you reach 9.6mill dps ? my rings could be better and i dont have the 40% in kaom´s, yoke without curse just a +13 to all att.

kloplopper a écrit :
i have nearly every item and my dps is around 9k with 6totems i reach 51k. How the fck do you reach 9.6mill dps ? my rings could be better and i dont have the 40% in kaom´s, yoke without curse just a +13 to all att.

Firstly, 9.6m DPS comes from POB(Path Of Building)'s DPS, in case you are referring to the in game mouse over DPS.

Secondly, with nerfs in the recent leagues to items and gems this build uses, it's actually no longer possible to reach 9.6m DPS anymore with the Original Post's info (The Title and Original Post content is actually not updated for for 3.9 despite it saying 3.9)

Thirdly, I did some research and was able to reach 7m POB DPS(Mouse over DPS is 127k in hideout, which means 889k with 7 totems) My writeup on this can be seen on my forum signature below.

Here's a screenshot of my current Mouseover DPS in my hideout using what I suggested(with very good upgrades) in my writeup. Only auras on, no totem up/casted recently, no flask used, etc

Auras are Grace, War Banner and Precision Level 2.

Mouseover DPS in hideout

Hope that clarifies.

Feel free to check out my Metamorph char Vei_MTMI in my account and ask if you have any questions.

My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide

Dernière édition par Vei#5870, le 28 févr. 2020 à 05:01:50
i am trying to save this build so i follow some suggestions of page 173.

i am not fare to have all gems at level 20 /20% (not have all at moment), but i am so far to have the dmg of some tooltips i saw in this thread (127k, i am aroun 47k)

i have some question about bow and gloves.

actually it is suggested this

during the thread this
(i think for hit can't be evaded that solve the accurancy at all)

but i start with this 2

for have +1 totem and 100% at short range (at moment pob report more dmg at short range with this last choice, so i use it with boss using X key).

my gloves was
that has attack speed, so i not see big difference with
(first look better in pob and have jewels too, but lose one of suggested setup for the gem)

My profile it is pubblic, what i have to improve to reach at least 70k in tool tips ?

Homo_Lupo_Lupis a écrit :

i have some question...

There are lots of things you mentioned so let's tackle it 1 by 1.

Before that, I would like to clarify what I suggested on page 173 was for Temporary Leagues (Updated my post on page 173). What I have written below are all with reference to current 3.9 items unless Legacy is mentioned.

A. Legacy Chin Sol with 100% more damage with Arrow Hits at Close Range

If you have access to Legacy Chin Sol, i.e. you are playing Standard, the original suggestion from first post is still pretty good and feel free to follow it.

Though keep in mind Ballista Totem was changed, we place our totems besides us now instead of putting it at whereever we want within a certain range so the damage from Chin Sol goes down if the enemy is not at close range.

If you don't have access to Legacy Chin Sol/playing temporary leagues then I think my suggestion is better as it does more DPS at all range.

B. Lioneye's Glare versus Quill Rain

Think about this.

1. What is the main advantage/reason to use Lioneye's Glare? 100% Hit Chance, Great!

How do I get 100% Hit Chance when using Quill Rain? Oh, I just need one to two Tier 1 Accuracy Affix on my item. That's not that hard.

2. What is the main advantage/reason to use Quill Rain? Super Fast Attack Speed! Fantastic!

How do I get fast enough Attack Speed when using Lioneye's Glare such that the damage is the same as Quill Rain?

So, to answer the above, I did some calculations base on my 1m DPS POB pastebin, and its about 60% more attack speed required assuming using a Lioneye's Glare(with 20% Increased Attack Speed on the bow itself)

Hmm... how many affix on rares do I need to get 60% more attack speed?

I think it's obvious that getting one to two Tier 1 Accuracy Affix is much more easier than getting 60% worth of Attack Speed from rare affixes.

In fact, if anyone follows the Passive Tree Path I suggested, one Tier 1 Glove Accuracy affix(480-600) is actually enough. I myself am only using one Tier 1 Accuracy Affix from a Glove and is already at 98% hit chance at my current Level of 95(Will be 100% Hit Chance at Level 99)

Though there is one thing I would like to highlight which is that When our equipment from our rare slots isn't as good, and especially if Chance to Hit % is very low. Lioneye's Glare is a decent choice as the difference compared to Quill Rain isn't as big. As our rares become much better, godly/insane, this is when Lioneye's Glare starts to fall off substantially compared to Quill Rain.

C. Corrupted Tombfist with Good Abyss Jewel versus a Good Rare Gloves


Good Rare Glove
- More upside, i.e. higher Possible Stats(ASPD, Accuracy, Resist, etc) than Tombfist(T1 Accuracy and ASPD is the highest on Gloves compare to other rare slots)
- More Socket for Gems
- Higher Evasion(Even more if you get those prefix that increases Evasion)

Corrupted Tombfist with ASPD implicit and Good Abyss Jewel
- Might be easier to find than a good rare glove
- Able to Socket Abyss Jewel
- Lets you intimidate and/or maim enemies on hit

Using a Tombfist is fine but overall I think a good rare glove is better than the current 3.9 Tombfist.

D. Increasing DPS

*Note that all suggestions below are base on and checked using Quill Rain as the Bow. Results will vary with other bows(Not tested)

Going through your character, these are my suggestions to increase your DPS further

- Change Amulet Anoint to Master Fletcher (Easiest and Cheapest)

- On your Passive Tree

1. At the Watchtower Notable area, you allocated the left path(Which gives ASPD) instead of the right. The right path(Crit Chance/Multiplier) actually give more DPS from their numbers so consider switching to them.

2. You have a +10 dexterity passive allocated on the top left of the Acrobatics Keystone, not sure if you are going for some Notables/Passives further up but if you reallocate this to the Heartseeker Notable, it will give you quite a big DPS boost.

- Replace your "Cataclysm Silver Cobalt Jewel" with a Triple Attack Speed Jewel (Example Below)

- More Accuracy - Around 300 more. Could look for an Abyss Jewel with 200+ accuracy(Up to 240) and attack speed and replace the one in your Stygian Vise

- A "+2" Skill Amulet i.e. +1 Dexterity and either +1 Fire/Cold/Lightning

- Level 21 Elemental Hit :)

Example of a Triple Attack Speed Jewel

The remaining 4th affix could be either of the following depending on your preference

% Increased Damage with Bows or
% to Critical Strike Multiplier with Fire/Cold/Lightning Skills or
% Increased Maximum Life

Hope the above answers your questions.

My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide

Dernière édition par Vei#5870, le 3 mars 2020 à 05:59:45
First of all, thank you!


Vei a écrit :
A. Legacy Chin Sol with 100% more damage with Arrow Hits at Close Range

If you have access to Legacy Chin Sol, i.e. you are playing Standard, the original suggestion from first post is still pretty good and feel free to follow it.

i think will take legacy chin sol and +1 totem on for static bosses (so can gain +100% dmg at close range). i will set like now on my X key and reply CWDT setup.

Vei a écrit :
B. Lioneye's Glare versus Quill Rain

nice. i will use Quill rain ant try to setup more accurancy on ete jewels

Vei a écrit :

C. Corrupted Tombfist with Good Abyss Jewel versus a Good Rare Gloves

Like you said it was for:

- Able to Socket Abyss Jewel
- Lets you intimidate and/or maim enemies on hit

becasue i had a +10% attack speed corruption on it

Using a Tombfist is fine but overall I think a good rare glove is better than the current 3.9 Tombfist.

Vei a écrit :
D. Increasing DPS

- Change Amulet Anoint to Master Fletcher (Easiest and Cheapest)

i can't od at momente because i need +11 int or can not use helmet and bow gem, maybe too high levels?

Vei a écrit :
- On your Passive Tree

Maybe in the past i need dextery so i take a point and then forget, now i will correct this and the wrong way, TY A LOT FOR THIS DEEP RESEARCH !

Vei a écrit :

- A "+2" Skill Amulet i.e. +1 Dexterity and either +1 Fire/Cold/Lightning

- Level 21 Elemental Hit :)

i can't affort this now, i have aroun 3/4 ex at all :)

Homo_Lupo_Lupis a écrit :
Vei a écrit :
D. Increasing DPS

- Change Amulet Anoint to Master Fletcher (Easiest and Cheapest)

i can't od at momente because i need +11 int or can not use helmet and bow gem, maybe too high levels?

Yeah this build doesn't invest much in Int, and because of the gems we use, like Combustion, Flammability, usually we will need at least 1 decent source of Int from equipment.

Possible Sources

- We can craft up to +30 Int(+17 on Belts) if there is an open Suffix on one of the rares we use.

If not, the easier places to find Int are

- Amulet's Implicit which can give up to 30 Int
- Normal Jewels or Abyss Jewels which can give up to 16 Int

If you can craft or get some Int when you upgrade your jewel, you can change the amulet anoint to Master Fletcher which will give you some good DPS boost.

And your welcome, happy to help :)

P.S. Added a "Double Curse Option" Under "04 Possible Gem Setup" Section on my writeup at Page 173
My 3.15 take/update to Lunasicc187's OneShotKill Elemental Hit Hierophant Guide

Dernière édition par Vei#5870, le 3 mars 2020 à 08:59:32
@Vei I really want to try this build for 3.10, I just wanted to ask how was your damage for A8 bosses and the conquerors?

Also are you updating your pob for 3.10 if you get the patch notes?

One more question one the 3 curse setup. For a cheaper but the same life pool can't you use the following setup?

1 Curse that you get normal

1 Curse from the awaken gem

1 Curse from the amulet anoint

Or do you get less damage by changing the anoint on the amulet?

Thanks you
Dernière édition par DTBA#0152, le 9 mars 2020 à 10:24:42


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