I have a quick question. Trying out this build right now and absolutely loving it. But I have trouble understanding the dps calculation. The skill toolbar dps is completely whack (mine is at 32k atm), so I'm trying to calculate my actual dps with the formula you've provided.
VD average damage from hit means the actual fire damage of each ball, right? What about the average damage of the corpse explosion? Is there a spreadsheet with the hp pools of corpses you make via unearth, desecrate etc?
Seems to me that, even though my clear speed is ridiculous, my actual dps is nowhere near 3m.
P. S.
I took some liberty with the build. And it's not finished yet (refurbished FP inq).
Dernière édition par vevrica#3743, le 27 janv. 2018 17:01:43
Posté parvevrica#3743le 27 janv. 2018 17:00:26
vevrica a écrit :
I have a quick question. Trying out this build right now and absolutely loving it. But I have trouble understanding the dps calculation. The skill toolbar dps is completely whack (mine is at 32k atm), so I'm trying to calculate my actual dps with the formula you've provided.
VD average damage from hit means the actual fire damage of each ball, right? What about the average damage of the corpse explosion? Is there a spreadsheet with the hp pools of corpses you make via unearth, desecrate etc?
Seems to me that, even though my clear speed is ridiculous, my actual dps is nowhere near 3m.
P. S.
I took some liberty with the build. And it's not finished yet (refurbished FP inq).
I think corpse explosion is not as big (to take it in claculation) because it is not scaled by any modifiers and can't crit ( penetrate resistance of boss)
After you have to turn Power charges and Frenzy charges, Turn all yours pots and then you will sit at 80+k pro ball. Tought those digits are unrealistical - you will be dead if you will try to stay and lay damage. You have to run 80% of time :)
Posté parlapilesos#3379le 29 janv. 2018 03:55:53
So to be clear about the max APS. That is let's say 3.82APS without frenzy buffs? So it's ok going over with the charges and not have the bug?
edit: nm.. after reading some more and testing it seems I am getting too much APS. When removing the faster attacks gem I see VD being cast on every possible attack and with faster attacks theres just way less VD projectiles being created.
How bad is it to have a 9% AS poet and an 11% poet? Seems better to dump the 11% one for a 9% one :)
You don’t stop playing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop playing. Dernière édition par JohnnyV76#3764, le 29 janv. 2018 14:21:33
Posté parJohnnyV76#3764le 29 janv. 2018 12:14:43
JohnnyV76 a écrit :
So to be clear about the max APS. That is let's say 3.82APS without frenzy buffs? So it's ok going over with the charges and not have the bug?
edit: nm.. after reading some more and testing it seems I am getting too much APS. When removing the faster attacks gem I see VD being cast on every possible attack and with faster attacks theres just way less VD projectiles being created.
How bad is it to have a 9% AS poet and an 11% poet? Seems better to dump the 11% one for a 9% one :)
Corrupt it before dumping :)
Posté parlapilesos#3379le 30 janv. 2018 03:33:20
Hello, maybe someone else already ask about it, but can you explain, why Physycal to Lightning?)
lapilesos a écrit :
vevrica a écrit :
I have a quick question. Trying out this build right now and absolutely loving it. But I have trouble understanding the dps calculation. The skill toolbar dps is completely whack (mine is at 32k atm), so I'm trying to calculate my actual dps with the formula you've provided.
VD average damage from hit means the actual fire damage of each ball, right? What about the average damage of the corpse explosion? Is there a spreadsheet with the hp pools of corpses you make via unearth, desecrate etc?
Seems to me that, even though my clear speed is ridiculous, my actual dps is nowhere near 3m.
P. S.
I took some liberty with the build. And it's not finished yet (refurbished FP inq).
I think corpse explosion is not as big (to take it in claculation) because it is not scaled by any modifiers and can't crit ( penetrate resistance of boss)
After you have to turn Power charges and Frenzy charges, Turn all yours pots and then you will sit at 80+k pro ball. Tought those digits are unrealistical - you will be dead if you will try to stay and lay damage. You have to run 80% of time :)
The numbers are pulled form path of building. Corpse explosion is super relevant because on the bosses that have enough life you do significantly more damage face tanking and spamming flasks. Also aslong as you namelock your always hitting corpse explosions. I switched over to a 7k life variant of the build recently. POB link is on page 4 of the thread
Posté parDefnotblack#3058le 31 janv. 2018 08:45:01Banni(e)
AtTheDriveIn a écrit :
Hello, maybe someone else already ask about it, but can you explain, why Physycal to Lightning?)
There is no relevant skill gem for you to use in the last slot of that poets pen. (Support only) it gave a significant enough amount of damage enough to use unearth as a clear skill if you really wanted. It also had to be blue for a bodyswap gem switch.
Posté parDefnotblack#3058le 31 janv. 2018 08:48:28Banni(e)
Defnotblack a écrit :
AtTheDriveIn a écrit :
Hello, maybe someone else already ask about it, but can you explain, why Physycal to Lightning?)
There is no relevant skill gem for you to use in the last slot of that poets pen. (Support only) it gave a significant enough amount of damage enough to use unearth as a clear skill if you really wanted. It also had to be blue for a bodyswap gem switch.
hah so simple, am already started thinking that am stupid noob or something like this..so ty for you answer and build, i will try it, hope it will be great!
lapilesos a écrit :
What you think about fingerless glowes crafted with Insanity essence? This 16% more sounds pretty juicy.
It would save you 4 passive points and some quality on gems
Posté parDefnotblack#3058le 31 janv. 2018 10:07:36Banni(e)
Angelsergiuboy a écrit :
I have to go for Rare helmet with the enchant of full rez to replace my full rez belt with HH , is HH insane on this build or it's just better with a cooldown recovery belt?
farming shaped channel with this build got 3 ex drops today because the build can clear at a decent speed but I would like to go over 9000 with it and aim for lvl 100. should I get a HH or it's not worth it?
It would break the build because haste aura I dont see it being needed but it would be good none the less its a headhunter.
Posté parDefnotblack#3058le 31 janv. 2018 10:09:06Banni(e)