Tobinator a écrit :
I use a watcher's eye jewel with the mod
1-1.5% of fire damage leached as life while affected by anger
This is not a requirement for the build to function it's just nice Atziri's promise is enough leach for all mapping/endgame bosses.
Posté parDefnotblack#3058le 11 janv. 2018 04:33:58Banni(e)
What do you think about other spell, like Glacia Cascade or Bladefall?
About reflect, I think you can get 100% reduced reflect damage now with new shaper mod on ring and body armour
Edit: I just try the build and run into mana regen problem, how can you solve this?
Dernière édition par H0X9#4347, le 11 janv. 2018 13:28:57
Posté parH0X9#4347le 11 janv. 2018 05:29:28
Tobinator a écrit :
With a jewel for 20ex :D
Posté parSpasko#3134le 11 janv. 2018 06:17:03
Defnotblack a écrit :
darktuga a écrit :
how much of a dps decrease is it to play this build without enchant and cooldown recovery? i wnana try this build but dont wanna sink in much currency at the start
The Lack of Cooldown gear is minimal you just scale less attack speed and more towards spell/fire damage. I would say about 7-9% damage loss there
The helm enchant for simplicity's sake is 25% of a damage loss. It does however vary because of corpse explosion and overlaps with 4 corpses sometimes you'll miss an explosion or 2 on the boss making it closer to 20% damage.
For refrence:
Budget Gear Under 5ex Just remove CD rolls on gear
Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/26hC5RuB
3.97 APS
125k Average Damage VD
55k Average Damage Corpse Explosion
3 VD explosions
3.97 * (125,000 + 55,000) * 3 = 2.1m shaper DPS actual damage loss of about 40%
You may not 1 phase shaper at this level of DPS but it would be close. Would not be a hard fight
thx 4 the anwser going to try this build and if i do have fun i will invest more into it
Posté pardarktuga#5409le 11 janv. 2018 06:52:22Banni(e)
H0X9 a écrit :
What do you think about other spell, like Glacia Cascade or Bladefall?
About reflect, I think you can get 100% reduced reflect damage now with new shaper mod on ring and body armour
Edit: I just try the build and run into mana regen problem, how can you solve this?
Other spells are viable. I have not done that Path of building numbers but I do know Bladefall is Vastly Superior for map clear but lacks single target.
You could however use an offhand poet's Pen setup with Bladefall/spell cascade/controlled destruction and unearth/bondyswap/faster proj. I will test the setup and post a short clip for you if it works out.
Lvl 19 bladefall Level 1 other gems just a proof of cencept
I prefer the Map clear on Volatile dead off screen just feels clean but the movement with unearth/bodyswap/faster proj was really nice.
Dernière édition par Defnotblack#3058, le 11 janv. 2018 16:34:56
Posté parDefnotblack#3058le 11 janv. 2018 16:01:56Banni(e)
Defnotblack a écrit :
H0X9 a écrit :
What do you think about other spell, like Glacia Cascade or Bladefall?
About reflect, I think you can get 100% reduced reflect damage now with new shaper mod on ring and body armour
Edit: I just try the build and run into mana regen problem, how can you solve this?
Other spells are viable. I have not done that Path of building numbers but I do know Bladefall is Vastly Superior for map clear but lacks single target.
You could however use an offhand poet's Pen setup with Bladefall/spell cascade/controlled destruction and unearth/bondyswap/faster proj. I will test the setup and post a short clip for you if it works out.
Lvl 19 bladefall Level 1 other gems just a proof of cencept
I prefer the Map clear on Volatile dead off screen just feels clean but the movement with unearth/bodyswap/faster proj was really nice.
Tks for your quick test, i think bodyswap is clunky cause of unearth targeting issue
Posté parH0X9#4347le 11 janv. 2018 21:45:56
why the boots need Cooldown Recovery?
Posté pardalkq123#3424le 12 janv. 2018 01:46:53
Could I use a watcher's eye with damage leech from vitality rather than anger till I can afford one? Will it be a huge difference?(I can't afford the VD enchant either)
Posté parArkanePanda#2164le 12 janv. 2018 07:29:16
ArkanePanda a écrit :
Could I use a watcher's eye with damage leech from vitality rather than anger till I can afford one? Will it be a huge difference?(I can't afford the VD enchant either)
You can absolutely. Damage wise it isn't that much of a difference.
The Helm enchant is a lot more important. Maybe just use a cheaper helmet base to be able to afford it
Dernière édition par Rake7#7894, le 12 janv. 2018 09:16:04
Posté parRake7#7894le 12 janv. 2018 09:14:07
Rake7 a écrit :
ArkanePanda a écrit :
Could I use a watcher's eye with damage leech from vitality rather than anger till I can afford one? Will it be a huge difference?(I can't afford the VD enchant either)
You can absolutely. Damage wise it isn't that much of a difference.
The Helm enchant is a lot more important. Maybe just use a cheaper helmet base to be able to afford it
Thank You =D I'll try to get the helm enchant first then, it's about 6ex on devoto's which apparently is the cheapest base. Will upgrade to a anger watcher's eye in the future then
Posté parArkanePanda#2164le 12 janv. 2018 09:21:48