[2.6] THE DISCIPLINER: 2.2k Base ES Aura, 10 Auras, 4 Curses, Insane Defenses Support Mana Guardian

At what level do you suggest to transition into the full build?
krone7 a écrit :
I got to 90 last league using the "#1 guardian support" build and am currently a necrobot thouhg not liking how squishy I am. If I love to simply walk around and pick up loot with some friends is the extra ES and curses worth doing vs the other builds' style?

Well, I am unfortunately very biased at that question, because I designed this build after looking at other guardian supports and not being satisfied with everything they could do. I included a few comparisons to other guardian supports in the summary since I figured people would want to know why I felt that way =P. I'm currently sitting at a 9k ES pool with crazy defenses and stun immunity. I rarely feel truly threatened unless I'm doing crazy maps or guardians, which is a big deal because I haaaate dying; it can literally ruin my evening. You wont' give your friends the same clear speed with this build as a necrobot, but you will make them much tankier, and if they are ES based, probably invulnerable. The curses mostly are a big deal on nasty bosses and other unique mobs, but given the spiky nature of damage and penalty for dying in PoE, I consider that a big deal.
[3.3] FACETANK THE WORLD: Instant Leech Immortal Double Strike: poeurl.com/b0JX
[2.6] THE DISCIPLINER: Insane Defenses Support Mana Guardian: poeurl.com/ZGS
Twistntie a écrit :
Hey could I get some advice? I've only really ever played the supports in this game (currently running a necro aurabot, but last league I ran a similar guardian build).

I don't have Shavronne's at all, and I'm still trying to gear up. I've gotten most if not all of the uniques you've listed. What would be a good point where you could say the build is doing well?

My friend and I are doing medium mapping, so like 8-11 ish, and I just can't seem to stay alive. Level 70 guardian, I've gotten 6 of the Grand Spectrum, and one of the Healthy mind. I've got the flask, I've got about 3.4k total energy shield, and 3.5k reserved mana. I'm even running all of the defensive auras.

Is Shavronne's really the make or break for the build?
Shav's is absolutely NOT make or break in ANY way, which is why I stated in the introduction that it works well on a budget. I was easily surviving with a solid 6k ES pool while still wearing Solaris Lorica. Unfortunately, as I listed as a con in the intro, a high level really matters a lot in the build as well. It looks like your character list is private in your profile, so I'll give you my reference Level 70 Tree here, which is the earliest I recommend transitioning to the build. Like yours it has 6 GS jewels, which will put you around 1100 base mana at level 70. 9 levels later we pick up 3 more jewel sockets, and now we're suddenly at over 1800 base mana (66% more!). This results in a ton of additional base ES to you and your party, and given how good our mitigation is, can make all the difference you need.

All that said, tier 10 maps are level 77 zones! One of the reasons GGG changed the maps from being named by level to being named by tier is because players were making the mistake of thinking that if they were at the level of the map, it should be doable, but that is actually extremely difficult! Level 70 is actually a very normal level to switch from dried lake to just starting mapping, to build up a map pool and get better loot, since dried lake is possibly still better xp than mapping at level 70. I remember doing a lot of beach maps at 70 after I switched =P. SO, don't worry about shav's, just take it easy on the map levels and do whatever maps you can do quickly and safely until you get those levels. Remember you still get full XP up to 9 levels above the zone you're in, although you should move up when you do feel safe.

thatguyromix a écrit :
At what level do you suggest to transition into the full build?
I gave a pretty good answer to that in the reply above =P. I think level 70 is a reasonable point, which is why I included the tree. Remember that you must have ephemeral edge, solaris/shav's, prism guardian, and alpha's!
[3.3] FACETANK THE WORLD: Instant Leech Immortal Double Strike: poeurl.com/b0JX
[2.6] THE DISCIPLINER: Insane Defenses Support Mana Guardian: poeurl.com/ZGS
Been playing this build for the past couple of days and I'm currently level 83. I've been having a blast(and so have the people I've partied with)


I tried the build with Skyforth, and it worked fine, but once I started hitting yellow and red tier maps and doing Breaches sustainability became a huge issue and I had to unfortunately drop them. I haven't acquired a Valyrium or Eye of Chayula yet, and I'm not sure I will for now, been running plenty of Tier 11-16 maps and getting stunned hasn't been an issue yet outside of the Minotaur fight, though if I get a lucky +1 Corruption on a Chayula I might consider it.

Currently sitting at 6250 Mana with 6082 reserved, 1045 Life with 1035 reserved with an ES pool of just under 6K. At level 84 I will get my 10th Grand Spectrum socketed so it should help quite a bit.

You did a really good job with the build and it's a great guide, simple and straight forward. I'd like to play this as my league starter myself in the future(Assuming GGG doesn't change Guardian in any major way)
I have to say I love this build but I find lightning damage to proc EE isn't a great choice in the current meta as look at how many HoWA builds there are from BF to ST.. I honestly think going cold is the best atm from what I've seen
I had some a few of questions:

1) How do you deal with elemental weakness maps? My resistances drop below cap one these. I was just planning on trying to get some ele resist on my rares, but that would be difficult to do in addition to chaos.

2) Buddy I play with is a Raider cycloner and I'm finding it hard to keep up with them. Any tips on getting my speed up or slight changes that wouldn't hurt the build?

3) For Regen you show you have 1k ES per second. I'm only getting 800. Would you mind taking a look to see what I am missing? I was unable to find anything.

Thank you for both your time and your guide!
zell580 a écrit :
I had some a few of questions:

1) How do you deal with elemental weakness maps? My resistances drop below cap one these. I was just planning on trying to get some ele resist on my rares, but that would be difficult to do in addition to chaos.

2) Buddy I play with is a Raider cycloner and I'm finding it hard to keep up with them. Any tips on getting my speed up or slight changes that wouldn't hurt the build?

3) For Regen you show you have 1k ES per second. I'm only getting 800. Would you mind taking a look to see what I am missing? I was unable to find anything.

Thank you for both your time and your guide!

I'm not the OP, but I have a pretty high level Discipliner myself and I think I can help you.

1. After looking at your gear you should be ele weakness capped with your auras. Are you sure you're not mistaking elemental weakness for minus maximum resistances?

2. I play primarily with a vaal sparker and I found it quite hard to keep up until I got a pair of gloves with the Essence of Insanity affix "Socketed gems have 16% more attack and cast speed". Though Raiders are probably the fastest class in the game currently and I think keeping up with them is near impossible for almost anyone.

3. % Regen, which we get a ton of, scales with by your maximum energy shield. The image he shows of his defenses are at level 93, at 85 you still have a bunch of mana and energy shield you still need to get. By 93 you should be regenerating the same amount of ES/s as he is.
eJonKou a écrit :
zell580 a écrit :
I had some a few of questions:

1) How do you deal with elemental weakness maps? My resistances drop below cap one these. I was just planning on trying to get some ele resist on my rares, but that would be difficult to do in addition to chaos.

2) Buddy I play with is a Raider cycloner and I'm finding it hard to keep up with them. Any tips on getting my speed up or slight changes that wouldn't hurt the build?

3) For Regen you show you have 1k ES per second. I'm only getting 800. Would you mind taking a look to see what I am missing? I was unable to find anything.

Thank you for both your time and your guide!

I'm not the OP, but I have a pretty high level Discipliner myself and I think I can help you.

1. After looking at your gear you should be ele weakness capped with your auras. Are you sure you're not mistaking elemental weakness for minus maximum resistances?

2. I play primarily with a vaal sparker and I found it quite hard to keep up until I got a pair of gloves with the Essence of Insanity affix "Socketed gems have 16% more attack and cast speed". Though Raiders are probably the fastest class in the game currently and I think keeping up with them is near impossible for almost anyone.

3. % Regen, which we get a ton of, scales with by your maximum energy shield. The image he shows of his defenses are at level 93, at 85 you still have a bunch of mana and energy shield you still need to get. By 93 you should be regenerating the same amount of ES/s as he is.
1) I try to note in extra bold that you will in fact need 40 fire res from your rares (slightly more if you don't have level 23 purities yet) which is a tad annoying. It can be hard to get your 31 dex, and chaos res, and int, and the 40 fire res suffixes from only 2-3 rare slots, but the fire res is definitely the most important. I would prioritize it like so: dex > fire res > int > chaos res. The chaos is only really good if you stack it pretty high, due to increasing returns on resistance, and if you play carefully and/or know the game pretty well you don't often get surprised by large amounts of chaos damage.

2) Yeah, I originally ran animate guardian but I just couldn't handle dropping faster attacks off whirling blades for this reason. It's hard to squeeze any more attack speed than we already have (essence craft is a clever idea if you can manage it on our pressured rare slots!), but as far as supports go this is as fast as it gets. If 20/20 faster attacks with Prayer of Glory and our crazy aura effect haste isn't enough to keep up...not much you can do except curse the clear speed meta. Raiders are pretty nuts. I guess my best suggestion is to run more difficult content that is more rewarding but your raider clears slightly slower, as this build excels at enabling that kind of play.

3) Yeah that's pretty much dead on the money, just get some levels.
[3.3] FACETANK THE WORLD: Instant Leech Immortal Double Strike: poeurl.com/b0JX
[2.6] THE DISCIPLINER: Insane Defenses Support Mana Guardian: poeurl.com/ZGS
eJonKou a écrit :
Been playing this build for the past couple of days and I'm currently level 83. I've been having a blast(and so have the people I've partied with)


I tried the build with Skyforth, and it worked fine, but once I started hitting yellow and red tier maps and doing Breaches sustainability became a huge issue and I had to unfortunately drop them. I haven't acquired a Valyrium or Eye of Chayula yet, and I'm not sure I will for now, been running plenty of Tier 11-16 maps and getting stunned hasn't been an issue yet outside of the Minotaur fight, though if I get a lucky +1 Corruption on a Chayula I might consider it.

Currently sitting at 6250 Mana with 6082 reserved, 1045 Life with 1035 reserved with an ES pool of just under 6K. At level 84 I will get my 10th Grand Spectrum socketed so it should help quite a bit.

You did a really good job with the build and it's a great guide, simple and straight forward. I'd like to play this as my league starter myself in the future(Assuming GGG doesn't change Guardian in any major way)
Yeah it's a bummer about skyforth, as I would love to have 30% ES on my amulet, but it's just not worth it. I'm surprised stunning hasn't been a problem for you, as I thought the same way and played with a +1 curse foible until like level 91ish. I suddenly realized that 75% of my deaths were to stunlocking, everything from fast incinerate snakes to lightning breaches could just straight up kill me from full. Maybe I'm just bad =P, more power to you! This build is a pain in the ass league starter, but it does enable red mapping pretty quickly for your friends. I doubt it will get nerfed as it's in a pretty reasonable spot as far as meta is concerned. If anything, I would expect auromancers to get nerfed first, as path of clear speed is getting a little out of control.

Deejs18 a écrit :
I have to say I love this build but I find lightning damage to proc EE isn't a great choice in the current meta as look at how many HoWA builds there are from BF to ST.. I honestly think going cold is the best atm from what I've seen
Yeah HoWA was not that popular when I made the build, or even when I wrote the guide xD, it happened pretty fast. That said, with the amount of builds that run hatred, and how good fire spells are, if I didn't proc EE with lightning I would probably just drop it from the build if I public partied a lot. Other methods I've tried are just too clunky and the benefit isn't as consistent.
[3.3] FACETANK THE WORLD: Instant Leech Immortal Double Strike: poeurl.com/b0JX
[2.6] THE DISCIPLINER: Insane Defenses Support Mana Guardian: poeurl.com/ZGS
PsychicMuffin a écrit :
eJonKou a écrit :
Been playing this build for the past couple of days and I'm currently level 83. I've been having a blast(and so have the people I've partied with)


I tried the build with Skyforth, and it worked fine, but once I started hitting yellow and red tier maps and doing Breaches sustainability became a huge issue and I had to unfortunately drop them. I haven't acquired a Valyrium or Eye of Chayula yet, and I'm not sure I will for now, been running plenty of Tier 11-16 maps and getting stunned hasn't been an issue yet outside of the Minotaur fight, though if I get a lucky +1 Corruption on a Chayula I might consider it.

Currently sitting at 6250 Mana with 6082 reserved, 1045 Life with 1035 reserved with an ES pool of just under 6K. At level 84 I will get my 10th Grand Spectrum socketed so it should help quite a bit.

You did a really good job with the build and it's a great guide, simple and straight forward. I'd like to play this as my league starter myself in the future(Assuming GGG doesn't change Guardian in any major way)
Yeah it's a bummer about skyforth, as I would love to have 30% ES on my amulet, but it's just not worth it. I'm surprised stunning hasn't been a problem for you, as I thought the same way and played with a +1 curse foible until like level 91ish. I suddenly realized that 75% of my deaths were to stunlocking, everything from fast incinerate snakes to lightning breaches could just straight up kill me from full. Maybe I'm just bad =P, more power to you! This build is a pain in the ass league starter, but it does enable red mapping pretty quickly for your friends. I doubt it will get nerfed as it's in a pretty reasonable spot as far as meta is concerned. If anything, I would expect auromancers to get nerfed first, as path of clear speed is getting a little out of control.

I'm currently level 91 and I haven't found stunning to a huge issue for me, but I have considered dropping one of my flasks(Probably granite) for a Kiara's Determination, and try to get a crystal belt with some flask mods to help sustain it. Stunning can be very dangerous some times and I died during Minotaur fight and Esh breachlord because of it.


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