[2.6] THE DISCIPLINER: 2.2k Base ES Aura, 10 Auras, 4 Curses, Insane Defenses Support Mana Guardian


I have to confess, I really love what I am seeing here !!!

Can I ask you to had buff screenshots of your party memebers ?
Or if you can't have screenshots, at least tell us the Avg damage/DPS "before" and "after" you bless them ;)

I'd really like to see how buff they are on there main skill.


Is there any chance u could add a tree for level 70-80 or so? do you just rush the aura nodes?
IGN: Raise_Ur_Donger
Alexlulz a écrit :
i think a necro sup makes any other sup useless i saw this build idee work better if u focus on mana/es only instead lowlife or auras

I mean, "useless" is a pretty tall claim considering I can double people's life pool on top of all the auras...but yes, it comes at the cost of not adding as much clear speed as a necro support. I stated at the beginning what the design goals of the build are. As for focus, yes you can get 19 jewels and 25k mana, but that's easier to do what I've done here, and since I want this build to be an all in one defensive package, sacrificing auras for more life costs survivability overall.

francium a écrit :
What is your ES regen delay and recharge like? I'm currently running a guardian support @91 and found myself getting Zealots Oath and a rejuvenation totem to keep my ES topped off, along with a Kingmaker equipped Animated Guardian.

I know my tree and gear is pretty bad at the moment because it is my first attempt at a guardian and I couldn't find a guide i liked and modified a tree.

You can see from the defenses screenshots I only have 10% faster start of ES recharge from my shav's, and recharge is the standard 20% per second (1765 in my case). Luckily my Sorrow of the Divine is almost always up, because I agree that this build is hard to play without ES Regeneration, and this build is too point starved to pick up Zealot's Oath from the tree.

Rhareg a écrit :
ZweihundertMorder a écrit :
What is the reason for taking all the Lifenodes in the Scion Life Wheel but not the noteable?

I guess you can use Liufe to give more Armour, but then taking the shorter path through the noteable and taking other noteables like Disciplin and Training at Templat start would provide more life?

I think he's using healthy mind in the jewel slot right under scion to change the life into mana nodes.

EDIT: Its in the Text "The base concept here is to get all the aura nodes, then get as many jewel sockets as we can for Grand Spectrum jewels, with the notable exception of the two scion jewels that can overlap the scion life wheel with Healthy Mind jewel"

Yeah, this guy nailed it. I'll add a note about that in the skill tree section to make it more clear, as I've gotten that question a few times now.
[3.3] FACETANK THE WORLD: Instant Leech Immortal Double Strike: poeurl.com/b0JX
[2.6] THE DISCIPLINER: Insane Defenses Support Mana Guardian: poeurl.com/ZGS
Cronkicroc a écrit :

I have to confess, I really love what I am seeing here !!!

Can I ask you to had buff screenshots of your party memebers ?
Or if you can't have screenshots, at least tell us the Avg damage/DPS "before" and "after" you bless them ;)

I'd really like to see how buff they are on there main skill.



Yeah, that's a good suggestion, although the bonuses they get on their defenses tab will be bigger than the bonuses on their main skill tab, I'll include both so people get an honest look at the differences the build can make. I'll try to add that this weekend as I'm a bit busy with the holidays for a few days.

EDIT: Added "Party Effects" section to top of guide

demondied1 a écrit :
Is there any chance u could add a tree for level 70-80 or so? do you just rush the aura nodes?

I do rush the aura nodes, and I included a brief step by step in the text for how I approached the final tree, but giving an early end-game reference tree wouldn't hurt. I'll have that up in a few.
[3.3] FACETANK THE WORLD: Instant Leech Immortal Double Strike: poeurl.com/b0JX
[2.6] THE DISCIPLINER: Insane Defenses Support Mana Guardian: poeurl.com/ZGS
Dernière édition par PsychicMuffin#7617, le 2 janv. 2017 03:17:39
nvm had an extra not needed aura on
IGN: Raise_Ur_Donger
Dernière édition par demondied1#4937, le 31 déc. 2016 05:09:06
Can it tank 16k Izaro hits?
Zloberik a écrit :
Can it tank 16k Izaro hits?

I wasn't aware uber izaro hit for 16k, because I get hit by his stuff all the time. With endurance charges and flasks I am at cap 90% physical damage reduction. Granted big hits reduce the effectiveness of armor, his slam still only hits me for half of my 9k ES at most. With flasks down I try to avoid it because although it still doesn't kill me, it hits for more than I am comfortable with. Also with our evasion, enfeeble, and izaro's poor accuracy, he misses a lot.

When I add the videos tomorrow I'll include one of me facerolling uber izaro.
[3.3] FACETANK THE WORLD: Instant Leech Immortal Double Strike: poeurl.com/b0JX
[2.6] THE DISCIPLINER: Insane Defenses Support Mana Guardian: poeurl.com/ZGS
Updated guide with screenshots of party member unbuffed and then buffed by me. Had trouble with video recording software so that may be a few more days =).
[3.3] FACETANK THE WORLD: Instant Leech Immortal Double Strike: poeurl.com/b0JX
[2.6] THE DISCIPLINER: Insane Defenses Support Mana Guardian: poeurl.com/ZGS
I got to 90 last league using the "#1 guardian support" build and am currently a necrobot thouhg not liking how squishy I am. If I love to simply walk around and pick up loot with some friends is the extra ES and curses worth doing vs the other builds' style?
BerMalBerIst1 wrote: What if GGG doesn't nerf anything and decides to buff a bunch of stuff?

666lol666 wrote: In that case someone has kidnapped their kids and is forcing them to do so. These guys are allergic to buffs, they are in love with the nerfhammer!
Hey could I get some advice? I've only really ever played the supports in this game (currently running a necro aurabot, but last league I ran a similar guardian build).

I don't have Shavronne's at all, and I'm still trying to gear up. I've gotten most if not all of the uniques you've listed. What would be a good point where you could say the build is doing well?

My friend and I are doing medium mapping, so like 8-11 ish, and I just can't seem to stay alive. Level 70 guardian, I've gotten 6 of the Grand Spectrum, and one of the Healthy mind. I've got the flask, I've got about 3.4k total energy shield, and 3.5k reserved mana. I'm even running all of the defensive auras.

Is Shavronne's really the make or break for the build?


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