(3.12) Queenliness Wanderfinder | (∩^ᗜ ^)⊃━ - - -☆゚.* | All Content (Power Siphon Kinetic Blast)
Hello All and Toma_Hawk,
Thanks for this incredible build ! :) I'm playing in bestiary with your build and it's a lot of fun to play with. I just have a little problem, certainly my stuff but i can't find where. I only have 13k dps and +57% to movement speed. Somebody could help me please ? Thx a lot :) My stuff :
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" Maybe you need some mana leech? Try to find a skill node for it! This question comes up every other page on this thread, maybe it should be added to the FAQ? " It would help if you could state what exactly you're having trouble with but a few things I could spot: - Get more levels! You are still missing some very potent nodes on the tree and just need more levels to fill them out. - You are missing the Alchemist cluster on your tree. It is very important to this build as it pushes you over 50% flask effectivness and grants you an extra projectile from Dying Sun. - You have many jewel sockets but very mediocre jewels. Either respec the points or get better jewels. - Your Vinktar is not the optimal type. Try to get the attack version. At this point even an Atziri's Promise would be better. |
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Thx a lot for your help Monti_jones ! :)
I'm going to modify all that and see the result. In fact, I just asked myself the question why am i so weak compared to others ! I really appreciate your help, thx again :) |
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" I see many questionable choices. In your tree : - Written in Blood wheel is one of the less profitable life buff per node. Imo, you should only consider it as an ultimate investment. - Thick Skin have the same problem, but with a bit better %life/node ratio than Written in Blood. Personnaly, I go for it in the range of lvl 92. Before, I take some 5% life node behind Golem's Blood, Art of Bravery and Cruel Preparation, then respect them when I hit lvl 92 ; - You miss Golem's Blood. It's a buff or 15% life for 2 skill points. It's way better ratio %life/skill point than Written in Blood and Thick Skin ; - 2 skill points for mana leech is too much. 1 node should be enought ; - You miss Throatseeker wheel. It's one of the most powerfull dps wheel you can have in your tree. From your current stuff, it's a 13,2% dps lost. - Arcing Blow wheel (excluding Crackeling Speed) is as powerfull as Thraotseeker wheel. For 3 points you miss 13,1% dps buff ; - Phase Accrobatic is, even if some of us see it dispendable, an extremly powerfull keystone. Remeber we don't have so much defensive mecanics. Dodge is one of them. Cutting from one of the most powerfull dodge keystone don't look to be a wise choice imo. Those tree are the path I would follow from your level until level 92+ : Level 87 tree ; Level 90 tree ; Level 91 tree ; Level 95 tree In your stuff : - Your piscator have realy bad rolls. A 16+AS / 385+Accu / 27+CS cost something like 10-15c. It's relativly cheap upgrade imo. Don't miss it ; - Your helmet is ok. But Devoto is far behind Starkonja. Starkonja is way more balanced than Devoto. A Starkonja +1 barrage cost 3-4 ex. It's certainly expensive, but it worth any currency you can spend in it imo. This is not a top priority change, but you should think about it. - Your shield is awfull. Seriously, you could vendor it. You can find 600+Eva / 70+life / 90+total res for like 5c man. Right now, there is a shield for trade at 5c : 84life/95total res/660eva. Keep in mind that the shield slot is here to get as much as defensive stats as possible. This should free some defensives affixes like res from your rings. And if you don't need res on your amu & rings, you may fill those affixe slot with dps affixes. Imo this should be your top priority in terms of upgrading. It can be cheap and can give you an extraordinary flexibility on the rest of your stuff ; - Your ring need a base of : adds x-xx light dmg to attacks / %elemental dmg with attack skills. Rest should be filled with (in priority order) : life / missing res / accuracy / other kind of usefull mods. This should be your second top priority in terms of upgrade ; - Your boots are realy badly rolled. A pair of Atziri's Step with 73+Life/16%doge spell cost 1c. Change this. It does not worth to keep yours while you the enchant isn't usefull. Try to sell them for the enchant, evenif I don't think you will get so much from them. After this, try to get the 1-160 light dmg to attack enchant. Or buy it. This should cost something like 1ex from this point of the league. - Your belt is a "meh" belt. Not so bad, but not realy well rolled. Try to get one with better roll. A 100+ total res with nothing eles (you have to craft the life on it) would cost something like 50c. You can drop the WED master craft if this gives you enought flexibility on your other items to get more offensives rings. If this does not alow you to do this, keep your's. Or look for a Stygian Vise with better rolls than yours. But this should be an expensive buff. If you are low on currency, this may be a realy questionnable upgrade, but still an upgrade. The jewels ... in general, most of your jewels aren't good. Imo, you should change most of all you have atm. There is 3 situations : - The Murderous Abyssal jewel for Tombfist ... Follow this search. This should be what you are looking for. You can find a realy playable jewel for something like 20c. - Searching Eye abyssal jewels ... Those jewels are your main source of dps in this build. With the WED from piscator and from your rings and amu, you should have a realy powerfull buff. It's a bit hard to gives you advice on what to search. Some of us like dual flat light affixes. Personnaly I would do a search like this one. This can be expansives upgrades, but it can provide one of the best ratio upgrade/currency. - Non abyssal jewels ... Since Abyss League thoses jewels are depreciated. Here I would recommand to ask for Toma_Hawk. I don't know what's the most effective affixe combination. Dernière édition par LAGROSSESIMONE#3551, le 10 mai 2018 09:55:32
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Joined late in league but i was way too lucky and i m having a blast with your build! Alot of room to improve for sure but still thank you for the effort Was thinking to play the same build in the upcoming league though i m abit sceptical about those Barrage extra projectiles "balance" (25% to 20%) how would they affect the build and if another single target skill is better. |
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Thx LAGROSSESIMONE ... lol :D (sorry your nickname reminds me of the creepy bars in the depths of France :D)
Really impressive explication, i'm horrified by my noob attitude ;) For my defense it's only my third character after the level 80 ... i appreciate a lot your incredible explanation about my stuff and my build ! Thx a lot i'm testing all your advice quickly ! |
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Si tu parles Français, n'hésite pas à me MP ou m'ajouter directement in game. Ca sera plus simple pour moi de t'expliquer ça dans ma langue maternelle qu'en Anglais vu ma maîtrise pitoyable de cette langue.
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Si tu parles Français, n'hésite pas à me MP ou m'ajouter directement in game. Ca sera plus simple pour moi de t'expliquer ça dans ma langue maternelle qu'en Anglais vu ma maîtrise pitoyable de cette langue.
Super merci beaucoup j’apprécie ! Je devrais jouer ce soir je pense, je te rajouterai dans mes amis :)
Pour l'anglais j'ai vu pire, et rassures toi je suis pas guère plus doué :p |
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I could've sworn that i added it to the F.A.Q., now i did :) Also thanks guys to help others out! Heard that Power Siphon will get a rework :3 Maybe the new Singletarget for us?
My Body is Ready
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I really hope we can use Power siphon. By far my most favorite skill in this game. Also nostalgia from old school wanders.
Im so sick of barrage. IGN - Bootloops
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