[2.4] The Dy'Ness Tank
" I think the Dev's made a boss based around me... as I have never seen that boss you are referring to. At least not that I can recall... I made this on my own and chose my own skins. I ran my skill tree by various friends and they gave me ideas for improvement. Graphics wise, it took awhile to get the look I wanted. I fell in love with the Pumpkin Head, and then found the Ice Crown to add to it. I used to use a Pilgrim Hat and would have loved to have the Pumpkin Head under the hat, but the Ice Crown was the best I could do. @Vadler, that is great to know. I typically do not corrupt my gear, just gems. However, I am willing to buy corrupted gear that suits my needs. IE, the ring. Why risk my own gear when someone else can risk theirs and I can buy it? @Barrier, the build is VERY viable without the Shavs ring. I got accused of using the Shavs ring in PvP in season 1 and I didnt have it at that time. I was using clarity to support my firestorm (Hense the picture). I eventually bought one and restructured the build around it. This was before I posted my build though. As far as how hard it is to get the ring, I cannot say. I used http://poe.trade/ to get mine, so I guess its based off your league. I did try dropping CI in order to use blood magic and didnt like it. I wasnt going to waste the orbs to respec a large chunk of my tree and recolor gear, but it very well could be viable. I just have never done it. @Jurel, try using Firestorm, FirePen, Spell Echo, Inc Duration + Conc Effect. With Increased Duration the spell will last a good chunk of time and stack very well. Its a death by small cuts, not a death by one cut with Firestorm. If you are using a Shavs ring, then yea, hard to stay mana stable, try The Taming. For earlier leveling, it doesnt matter so much if you die, and The Taming will allow you to regen mana. I was CI well before 75 and used The Taming in group play until I got my Corrupted Shav ring. Just because I would cast and then they would die from the group and I would be out of mana... As far as CWDT, I would say it should be based around your regen rate. For one set, you want the most powerful stuff to trigger around half your life/es (20 or 21 CWDT). That way it triggers after an alpha strike for the best benefit (Molten Shell). For the second, use a CWDT 1, with Enfeeble 5 and an Arc 5. It will trigger almost every time you get hit, curse them, reducing damage and have a good chance to shock them increasing your damage. And then figure out where you need the rest. Base it off of how much damage they can deal + utility vs how often you need said benefits/damage. Eventually you will get up to 20/21. For mana stability, I used to use CWDT 20, Arc 20, Cold Snap 20 and Mana Leech. Try a variation for what you need and Ball Lightning is not a bad replacement for Arc in this use for mapping, assuming you are using Arc on your lvl 1. For you, try a CWDT which trigger around 1/4 of your life/es. With quality and a higher mana leech gem, it should be able to generate at least 1 cast of firestorm per trigger. And its easy to take damage... For the lvl 1, you can use almost any spell, I just recommend one with a benefit. IE Shock, Freeze or block off (Frost Wall) as the damage from it will suck and its not there for damage. Or, use an extra aura gem, Herald Of Thunder was my favorite. I have a 5% chance to shock by default from the tree (if lightning damage is dealt). This is one of the best, in my opinion, for Firestorm (assuming you have the shock chance). Although each cast is either a crit or not, each ball that drops counts as a hit. So each ball that hits has a chance to shock and double the damage. For earlier on, instead of using the Cold Pen with Ice Spear and Cold Snap, use Arctic Breath (assuming you are not using Frost Wall). The CWDT are a utility skill, so you can use them to get Freeze, Shock, a high damage Burn and extra armor... Only after you have the regen and maybe mana stability should you look into making the CWDT to kill everything with support gems. Mobs dont block, so cold pen isnt a big deal, especially if your lvl 1 has Arc and shocks them adding extra damage. My current setup was based around fighting PvP while being able to do PvE... As far as Nodes go, Life Regen nodes are better than ES nodes. It may not seem like it, but I would rather regenerate 10% per second than have a higher ES that only regenerates at 5%... My build was based around the ability to absorb damage not just withstand the Alpha. You need enough ES with withstand the Alpha, YES! But then you need to be able to recover faster than anything more coming in... ~Dy'Ness QBotU_DyNess - www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1171890 Dernière édition par DyNess#2755, le 15 juin 2015 00:46:48
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Thanks so much! I'm going to switch around the gems and see how it goes. I have Shav's, but haven't been using it b/c mana wasn't balanced out yet. Hope this works!
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I have updated the skill tree, gems and stats. I had no issues in Act 4. ~Dy'Ness QBotU_DyNess - www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1171890
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Posted an update to the skill tree and gear. Jewels are now linked in. I dropped the Lvl 21 Mana Leech for a L19Q23 to free up a passive point from a dex node. After the jewels, both the tank and the dps have increased. Current stats are posted. ES: 17,170 Armor: 4,270 Regen: 3,391.1 Chaos: 100% Fire: 75% (113%) Cold: 75% (164%) Light: 76% (204%) Firestorm: 1136-1708 (1480 average) -Duration: 2.9 seconds + Spell Echo -58 Fireballs dropped per cast. ~Dy'Ness QBotU_DyNess - www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1171890 Dernière édition par DyNess#2755, le 14 juil. 2015 07:04:57
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Hi dYness!
This is a very intersting build in terms of creativity!Energy shield regen as proven by you can be extremely powerful if u invest in it correctly!Im planning to trying this build! 2 questions : 1)i see you got many lvl 21 gems and expensive gear to achieve this great results so i want to ask if you levelled differently and then speced into it because it will be like zero dps and endless maps to reach high level without your gear! 2)I thought of low life as an option with Shavsrones or Lorica and Springleaf that adds 6% of life regenrated per second!Since u are maxing your regen i thought this cheap shield can become a good alternative for a low life version of your build and maybe has the potential to improve it though iam not so sure!Have you ever tested with this shield? |
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Thank you! I did not level much differently than I play now. Except I did it with far less tank up through the 80s I believe. I went CI as soon as I could and as this was not my first toon, I had some fairly decent CI gear already waiting for me. But as soon as you can get up to roughly 300 or 400 regeneration on your ES, you should notice the difference. From there it should be fairly easy to get up to around 1K regen and that should cover you for most of the situations. Going as high as I have was my desire to be covered in all situations, and I can still die. Early in this setup I used a Shavs Armor, and I did try a low life version, but found it was not for me. I lost too many resists and ES trying to use blood magic to reserve my auras. Granted, I didnt plan for it from the start and just kind of respec'd a few points to throw it together. As far as Springleaf, that might work out rather well at the lower levels. 6% Regen is nothing to turn down. Let me know how it works out. As far as cheaper gear and gems, almost everything works. Firestorm, while mana heavy, can be used from early in the game through to the end. While early in the game, use mana potions. Before I had a Shavs ring, I used Clarity Aura along with The Taming ring. And an average damage of 800 per fireball was enough to easily solo clear the old 78 maps. If you are looking for higher damage, using a different spell along with taking more damage nodes would be the way to go. The most important part is to have fun! Enjoy. ~Dy'Ness QBotU_DyNess - www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1171890
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Wish you could Add a LEveling Tree each 20 points...
im new tyo ES and would love to play your tank. Any chance you add a Leveling tree section ? |
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Hey, as a returning newbie player i'd like to thank you for sharing this build. I'm currently lvl 71 and i have to say that i really like the survivability of this wonder even with (below the-)average gear while also being able to kill stuff with relative ease.
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@thyraa I really wish I could. I built this toon up soo long ago and over many skill tree resets that I honestly do not have a path to build out on. For an idea, please look at: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1271604. He took my tank and did his own thing with it and posted a level up section. @Atros I am glad this is working out for you. Like I said, it doesnt take top end gear to get a decent regen. Best of luck to you progressing and powering up. ~Dy'Ness PS: I owe an update to the first post as the tree has changed slightly to add two more Jewels. QBotU_DyNess - www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1171890
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I am currently having a little bit of trouble with managing this build. Maybe due to being a newer player.. as well as I have not been able to find a 6link chest yet so that's been rather hard and my lightning resis is terrible.. My two questions are.. What amount of ES should I put Chaos Inoculation on.. and should all the cast when damage taken plus their gems be leveled up or should I just keep them at level or rank 1
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