[2.4] The Dy'Ness Tank

Greetings And Salutations!

I think I am the only one I've seen running around like this, and finally figured I would share. (BTW, the name is pronounced Die Ness)

Love to drink? Love to play PoE as well? Tired of waking up with a hangover and wondering where all that lovely XP went? Then this build is for you. Welcome to STUPIDITY, redefined.

A couple notes to begin with:
1) Don't go complaining that I have too much ES... etc... because I have spent almost all my points on defense. You spent yours on offense and have some nice damage...
2) This has been a work in progress and yes some of the gear is expensive. But the idea started with lower end gear and you can make it work too.
3) Pi2rEpsilon has taken this idea and built his own variation: Scionic Flametank (CI-ZO 13%+ ES regen, Incinerate, newbie-friendly) http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1271604. It should do rather well and he has posted he skill tree through various stages of leveling up.
4) Updated: 20161004 Screenshots. Check out the screenshots... Rest will come in a few days.

My first toon in POE was a summoner witch based off of Rathik's at http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/479976. Credit where credit is due.

I got the idea of a regen based tank with that toon. And ultimately that toon is where this tank was born. From there, I thought, what if I added damage to this kind of regen? I love firestorm and the rest has been many adjustments and corrections over the course of time.

My starting armor:

I do not remember who it was, but shortly after I started playing, they took pity on me and traded me this. Along with some upgraded gear. I had made a bid on something in trade chat, and after the fact, realized just how low I had bid. Thank you, whoever you are.

The Basics:
There are a couple different ways of tanking in POE. Block, dodge, leech and regen. This is a regen tank taken to the max...

[2.4] Stats in Sarn Arena:
ES: 21,406
ES Regeneration: 4,784.2 (22.34%)
ES Regeneration Spike: 10,167.8 (47.49%)(See Screenshot)
Armor: 4,637
Chaos: 100%
Fire: 75% (109%)
Cold: 75% (176%)
Light: 76% (204%)
ES Recharge: 5779.6

The first part of the spike comes from the boots. The second part is produced by the endurance charges and the third comes from the gloves and absorbing a couple of critical strikes.

[2.4] Primary Gear:

Here is my current gear.

I am working to get a better mods from running the Labyrinth. This just happens to be what was on the gear when I updated this post.

[2.2] Alternate Gear:

This is an alternates I used to use occasionally in place of Shav's ring. With my corrupted version, I have not needed to use this in group play.

[2.4] Flasks:

My flasks really have not changed much. True, there are new flasks I can switch to and use. But this is what I currently have setup.

[2.4] Skill Tree:




The 2.2 Tree is pretty much the same as the 2.0 and 2.1 tree. Keep in mind the Scion does get 2 skill points from the Ascendant class. I spent them to get regen from the charges. I may change that in the future, but it seemed like a nice place to quickly place them.

Bandits were all killed for the skill points.

These go next to the Quick Recovery (+14% + Jewel) and the Melding (+15% + Jewel) nodes.
I have dropped the
... in favor of a +8% ES Jewel with other benefits and a slight rework of the tree. Without it, much more tanky, but unless I am fighting a boss or pvp, I miss the extra 10% causing my cwdt to trigger that much more often.

[2.4] Screenshot:

2.4 Screenshots:

2.2 Screenshot:

Stand there and drop firestorm. Literally, almost nothing can kill you. Including Mirrored (Reflect) Maps... Since I hit 95, the only boss I really need to move for is/was a 78 Dominus.

The build is based on the idea that you regenerate faster than they can deal damage to you. It uses several Cast When Damage Taken (CWDT) to return damage and allow you to face tank almost everything. This is not a reflect character. You have to take the damage and then something can trigger. There is a good side to this though. Corrupting Blood, Elemental Reflect mob, Elemental Reflect MAPs are all easily done. I dont notice most of the CB and reflect mobs I run across. And on a reflect map, I just have to be careful and am not really slowed much.

The only corrupting blood which troubles me is the boss in room 2 of Atziri. Atziri herself doesnt cause me to worry. Occasionally she can score a nice back to back crit and kill me. The biggest issue is getting past that CB to get to her.

It uses mana leech and now a corrupted Shav ring to recover mana to use with firestorm. The build has 2 casts of firestorm before it is mana dry. With the addition of the corrupted Shav ring, as long as I get hit by something, I tend to remain at full mana.

Firestorm - FirePen - Spell Echo - Conc Effect - Mana Leech - Empower
Firestorm is an under appreciated spell in my opinion. Some people will complain that it causes their computers to lag. But its damage is rather nice for being a spell you can get at a low level allowing you to power up the gem throughout the course of the game.
Currently my firestorm does 1136-1708 (1480 average) per ball that drops. It may sound low, until you consider 29 of them drop per cast, with spell echo and a double cast is 58 per click. Each one has a small AOE and not all will hit any one target. But I have had no issues clearing 78 maps and their bosses with this damage. I have finished the 81 Shrine map, was able to make it to the final boss in the 82 Core map with no issues.

On top of firestorm, this build uses 4 sets of CWDT. The old setup was:
LVL 21 CWDT (3580) - LVL 21 Fireball - LVL 21 Molten Shell (On Scepter, L20 Elemental Prolif)
LVL 21 CWDT (3580) - LVL 21 Ice Spear - LVL 21 Cold Snap - Cold Pen
LVL 20 CWDT (3240) - Arctic Breath - Glacial Cascade - Added Lightning
LVL 20 CWDT (3240) - Enfeeble - Arc
New setup will be posted after I enter the Hall of GM.
Also, the specific spells do not matter so much as they are all different, and provide a useful function. The problem with 2 spells being the same, is they cannot both trigger at the same time.

Each spell with CWDT is on its own timer and I tried to use different spells for different things. I found that it was easier to get more bang for the buck with the higher CWDT gems.

A few key pieces for this build are the Chaos Inoculation and Zealot's Oath key stones with the Discipline and Vitality auras. Both auras are running at an effective level of 26. Zealot's Oath converts all life regen % to ES regen. And if you noticed on the tree, this build has gone out of its way to grab as many regen % as it could.

This stat has been secondary to ES on my build. It reduces the overall physical damage taken as well as reducing the amount of damage you will take from effects like Bleed and Corrupting Blood. This is one of big reasons I choose to use a LVL 21 Molten Shell (+1,040 Armor) instead of a lower level one. If they actually cause enough damage (1,664 physical prevented by armor and block) to pop the shell, then it leaves a nasty surprise. Otherwise it is 14.5 seconds of increased armor. This is also the reason I run 2 Granite Flasks.

Leveling Help and Other Things:

-I used to have mana leech on an old ring. This allows you to swing your weapon and recover mana on hit, so you can keep moving (If it is too dangerous to pull the Shavronne's off for a second).

-When I started using a Shavronne's ring, before I got the corrupted one, I used a mana leech gem on one of my CWDT.

Hall Of Grandmaster Submission:

***Updated 2015August20.***

Since I was given the opportunity to re-submit my Grand Master, I did so.
All I am going to say is be careful, it is similar to the post above.
19,320 ES, 3815 Regen, Lvl 96.

OK, since I fought myself, its only fair to update this area...
Granted, it was my Lvl 94 submission from January...

For the most recent submission:
-Tear out the Potency Of Will node.
-Spend 2 points to get Ghost Reaver.
-Spend 1 point on a 6% ES node.

For CWDT, 3x21 1x20.
20 - Enfeeble, Flame Golem
21 - Molten Shell, Cold Snap
21 - Life Leech, Fire Ball, Glacial Cascade
21 - Life Leech, Lightning Warp, Frost Wall

PvP on Patch Night:

I have since fallen in rank, but not in points. When I achieved rank 6 I was not using the Shav ring. People asked if I was, or accused me of using Aegis. I decided to try the Shav ring and had to adjust my setup by adding mana leech. Better for PvE, and I am on the fence as to whether or not it is better for PvP.

Responses To Questions/Posts:

GunHulk a écrit :
Could this be scaled down for a cheaper build and PVE?

This build started with a much cheaper set of gear, which was slowly built up over time. As this has been the only toon I have been playing, it was the only one I upgraded the gear on. Also, what was linked was my PVE build with a slight change to allow PVP. For pure PVE, gear focus should be on ES and Armor secondary. Instead of Enhance, you should go for Empower and you can drop the Shavronne's ring for the Taming for most of the map and switch to Shavronne's for the boss.

LegacyXI a écrit :
Would this build be good to pick up the skill Ghost Reaver on? It seems like it would benefit from keeping the shield up at a much greater pace.

Ghost Reaver was a key skill I used prior to the recent skill tree reset. It is still a very viable node for this build, and I am debating going for it with 5 of the last 6 points I will have when I get to 100, but then where would I stick the life leech gem? Although it is not as good as it used to be, it is still very effective. Each leech effect expires at the same time with only the highest taking effect, and the AOE doesnt add up anymore, it doesnt stack as nicely as it used to. This change has been in place since 1.1.0 released March 2014. Based off of the Max ES and the leech rate, you should be able to leech life steady off of each fireball in addition to some of the CWDT. The CWDT triggers together but only the highest damage would be leeching life, as it doesnt stack. In addition, I found that I prefer to have a solid and stable regeneration amount vs how much damage can I do, just in case I need to move around, run out of mana, get frozen or stunned etc... which is why I took it off for this stage.

[2.0] Update coming, but since leech stacks again, I have been trying it out.

Life Leech Example:

Reference: http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Life_leech

Assuming 16,000 Max ES with the standard leech rate of 20%.
(16,000 * 0.2) = 3200 Max Per Second

Assuming 910 average damage per fireball with 10% life leech.
(910 * 0.1) = 91.0 life leeched.

(91/3200) = 0.0284 seconds to leech the 91 life.
With Enhance, Firestorm drops a fireball every 0.06 seconds, although with Spell Echo, the two casts tend to overlap. It may be more effective with Empower.

So assuming 45 fireballs drop per cast+echo, and that you are hitting a crowd in PVE, you could effectively leech 4095 life over a period of roughly 2 seconds.

Yes... I need to update this area and will get around to it eventually. Sorry.


Level 94 Vids. (Pre 2.0)

Side Notes:
I enjoy trying new things. I was asked to post a video. Here is the link to the very first video I have tried to upload...
http://youtu.be/owJElush31w (30:59)

-78 Courtyard
-Area has patches of chilled ground.
-Players are cursed with Temporal Chains.
-Monsters Cannot be stunned.
-Slaying monsters together can attract monsters from beyond.

This is my SLOW RUN. As I do not have many boosts to movement speed, Temp Chains and Chilled Ground drastically increase the clear time. But I thought this would be a fun map to post as my first video.

Boss fight starts at 7:15. Everything after is just me putzing around the map to mostly clear it. Clear speed was just over 30 minutes.

Shock And Horror:
http://youtu.be/3aoHMPfCdeY (1:13)

Hall Of Grandmasters:
-http://youtu.be/fg8EINPCLSY (55:23) - Drunken Run 1.
-http://youtu.be/pe48Eo3zq4Q (43:05) - Semi sober run 2.
As it stands 2 of them can kill me... QueenKii and Hrimfjolldr which blocked off 2 paths on run 2. Both builds (from what I see) are known to cause me issues. I still solo cleared around 2/3 of the map.

Necropolis Map Boss - From Zana Daily - Face Tanked.
http://youtu.be/4O1gb5_rdnM (2:33)

I recolored some gear and am back with my pure PvE setup. Primary changes: Empower instead of Enhance for Firestorm. Fireball is on the scepter. Ice Spear and Arctic Breath are on the gloves and supported by a lvl 10 Cold Pen. I am leveling 4 of them at the moment.

Firestorm Damage: 1129.6 per Fireball
Max ES: 17,386
Regen: 3193.2/sec

Current Tree:

Double Dominus - 78 Map
http://youtu.be/0qWoBJxys4Q (4:52)
Crazy Dominus - 78 Map
http://youtu.be/KnbOqBj7lG0 (4:16)

Level 95 Vids. (Pre 2.0)

Corrupt 78 Map - Part 1 - Map (23:59)
Corrupt 78 Map - Part 2 - Boss (3:40)
Level 78 Courtyard Elemental Reflect Map of Hordes
http://youtu.be/-y2BItJhpSk (9:28)

--Yea, yea, I owe the new tree and linkage. Mainly was just messing around trying things.
Regular Atziri - No Deaths (37:35)
Hall Of Grandmasters - Full clear, 1 death. (58:02)

[2.0] Partial Hall Of Grandmasters

[2.0] Level 81 Shrine Map Boss - Piety (3:34)

[2.0] Level 82 Core Map Boss - Round 1 (7:17)

I looted the map prior to starting the boss in Round 2.
[2.0] Level 82 Core Map Boss - Round 2 - Part 1 (11:13)
[2.0] Level 82 Core Map Boss - Round 2 - Part 2 (2:04)

[2.0] Atziri Kill For Friend (5:59)

[2.0] 78 Map - No Life or Mana Regen (21:36)

Probably the last video I will post prior to the update.

Yea, a map with No Life or Mana Regeneration... Yet somehow... I survived. And yea, not even going to LOOK at the boss under these conditions... A couple close calls. But still, I am a regen tank. And in a map with no regen, I regened on... at 801.9 ES per second.

How? The Shav ring works even in this situation. It is not LIFE regen converted to ES, it is ES regen...

This should go to show that even with ONLY 800 ish regen, your character should be exceptionally tanky and that going above and beyond is more for extreme situations where you just want to go for a smoke while the bosses exhaust themselves.


[2.2] Hall Of GrandMasters Run (40:15)
As promised, a new video showing what 5000 es regen looks like. I spike to almost 6000 with Consecrated Ground. At 1:22 it shows, only for a moment, but was sitting at 5914.4 without Essence Drain.

Yes I died a few times, 5 in fact and I used all of the portals. I was able to clear almost everyone though. The first two deaths are in the first hall so you will not have to wait long to see them.
Death at 27:15
Finishing the first hall and for another two deaths begins at 35:55.

-GRiZLAZ in Hall 3.
-mull_gubben in Hall 4.

[2.4.0] Malformation Map - Essence Dy'Ness (11:24)

[2.4.0] Fragment Of The HoGM (1:26)

[2.4.0] HoGM Full Clear (25:42)

[2.4.0] Atziri (24:57)

PvP Flavor of the Moment:

This is my current tree and gear setup, as I have been using it for PvP for a couple of weeks now. This is the flavor of the moment.


Alternate Gear:

PvE Alternates: (Using same tree and colors for dailies.)

Elaynes_Dy'Ness (Talisman League):

DyNess a écrit :

Playing so not responding to posts atm.

But sharing...
Current Tree:
Current Gear:

Video is my first run at Normal Dominus. 2 deaths so far. Both to Talisman holders. I turned on ZO at lvl 34. My ES was almost equal to my HP at the time.

Skill wise, its a mixed bag of what has been found and available to buy (Vendor). Same for the gear. I would prefer a fire or chaos golem... but, when life hands you an Ice Golem, you dont complain, you run an Ice Golem... lol.

Leveling: Using Zombies and Spell Totem + Skeletons for cannon fodder.

I will get around to posting answers to any questions later, still driving forward on this toon and wanted to let you know. Eventually I will make a section on the front page for this toon.


I figured it was time for me to add this. I took a break over the holidays and have recently started playing again. Currently sitting at level 81. Until after my break, Elaynes was almost a pure self found. A friend kicked me a Firestorm gem at level 1, saving me a couple hours, and some minor gear which we were in party for.



Prior to Rigwald:

I have spent around 2 Exalts on gear, on the market. The most being the dagger which cost 1 Exalt. Other than that, it has been 1-8 Chaos each for cheap items, which offered a solid upgrade compared to what I had found so far. Armor and Helm were found. Shield, boots, gloves and belt were purchased. Some still required sockets and links after purchase, which is probably why I got a decent deal. I completed my first Rigwald last night and the video is below, and his ring has now joined my equipment.

Actual stats will be coming soon, but I am currently sitting at around 1350 ES regen per second; and, at level 82, will be grabbing Warrior's blood for another 1.8%.

Now that my ES regen has crested well over 1000 with the gear upgrades, I have started on my mass CWDT power up.

Rigwald Video:

This was my first attempt at Rigwald and had no idea how the fight would go. The portal was created with blue talisman in the Dried Lake. I lost sight of him at 1:14 but still saw my Essence Drain on the ticker. Figured it out at 2:54 when I saw the blue in the lower left corner. So yea, that is a almost 2 minutes of the run with me lost and wondering if my client is crashing or the game is glitching.

Queen B*tch Of The Universe (QBotU)

QBotU_DyNess - www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1171890
Dernière édition par DyNess#2755, le 4 oct. 2016 15:54:18
Dernier bump le 27 juil. 2018 07:40:12
SWEET BUILD. went up against you with my max block build which wins 90% of all pvp and i couldnt even put a dent in ur awesome regen ability :D
This tank is impressively scary.
Im playing this game for 5 month n this is my 3rd chr bt never see someone with 17k ES that's unbelievable and the 3k Reagan most player will not keep up to kill this build. 2nd nice think about this build is Firestorm has less damage bt U have 3 20lvl Cast When Damage taken gems, if one 20lvl CWDT gems do 6k damage then 6*3 18k damage and 900 per fire ball damage total 18900k approximately that much damage can give back to their enemies. its seems like also offensive build too.........If someone like defence I think this is the right build
Dernière édition par SunyMax#7328, le 17 janv. 2015 01:07:11
Can't explain it quite yet,

but my 307k DPS heavy strike could barely put a dent in this guy. Crazy shit
IGN - Xukai

Mirror Service - /1046531
This is the tankiest build i've seen so far.
Couldn't even put a dent in it in pvp.
Could this be scaled down for a cheaper build and PVE?
Would this build be good to pick up the skill Ghost Reaver on? It seems like it would benefit from keeping the shield up at a much greater pace.

Questions were answered in a section called: Responses To Questions/Posts at the end of my build. Thank you for the input!

QBotU_DyNess - www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1171890
It's an interesting build and I like being tanky, as long as my dps doesn't suffer from it. Could you post some videos of your build running through maps (Preferably the more tougher ones) to show the clear speed and tankiness?


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