[2.4] The Dy'Ness Tank
I am currently planning to switch from IceNova+Warp/Supernova-Build to yours. I am actually 8x and farming 100 regrets and stuff and besides that gear for that build. The Problem so far is (and thats why I wanna switch) that i absolutely can't beat Atziri and I didn't even try because of the huge lack of surviveability of the build I at least try to play. As an unexperienced player I don't feel ready to build on my own and stuff, you know - thats why I am sticking onto guides. So first, the catalyst is no option for me so far. Second one is Shavronnes Revelation which, at least wiki says so, cannot be obtained anymore because its league restricted + its price is 20-50 exalts. Third one is, the taming is restricted too and I already tried to farm the divination cards on grotto maps (over 70 by now) so this one seems to be impossible too. So what should I go for now? It's a dead end, seemingly. ~Libra My Hideout -> https://hideoutshowcase.com/hideout/show/2881 (PoE1)
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The unique rings are not required for this build. Of course it would be nice if you want to farm high level content, but this is what I am currently using:
As for killing Atziri? I personally couldn't do it yet with my entirely self-found gear, so you are going to have to ask someone else in this thread. |
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Hello there , this is my gear at the moment
but im bad at pvp lol , im too slow , firestorm is slow too , fast enemies run and attack me ,or random enemies just run , my survavility is very good but i think i need more dps, maybe i will need change some things of my skill tree? or replace my main skill? , i hope somebody could help me :( im following the normal skill tree , im lvl 90 https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwABAW8GDgn2C2EMXw18EVAV1xhWGS4aPhpsGyUcpxzcIvQn7Sj6KS4pTyymLL8vbzQKNbk2xTdmPC1DY0WdSVFJsUuuU1JTpVZjVw1XyVugXGtfP19qaHRo8mwLbRlwu3FNfA58S3y4fll_xoKbgseDX4RIhq6Leox2j_qQ1pMnlKCaO5rPmuCdrp48pwinK6dVr2y0DLaGuJO-isHFw23EFcRYxPbGrsrT0NDUfNWm18_YJNhN2RPZW9lh2mLfiuL35CLpAuq66-7sGO0g7TzviPDV8az2SPfB-Tf56A== |
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Hi! I like this build, probably try this in talisman league.
What about use Bladefall as primary skill? Has damage comparable to Incinerate or Firestorm, is that type of skills that has high base damage and doesnt need hard investment on tree or gear for get nice tooltip. With this build can access easily to spell dmg, cast speed and aoe on templar zone, aoe on witch and 71% of physical dmg with some chaos conversion near Ghost reaver and CI nodes. Something like this... |
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By far, one of the best 3 tankiest builds I have ever played against, together with some very good DPS. My only suggestion, for PvP only, would be to randomize your warp teleport locations and the teleport interval times, so people cannot pre-cast on them so easily (the warp locations and intervals, when using CWDT, are very predictable). A lvl 20/21 warp, instead of a lvl 19 one, for manual casting, perhaps.
Dernière édition par aryosgr#3381, le 22 janv. 2016 05:47:42
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@EspadaDelPanico: For the warp, switch out the faster casting gem for a reduced duration gem. It will benefit both the warp speed and the wall duration. I prefer the shorter wall duration as you never know when it might block a path you want to run down. Slow speed is also an issue for me in PvP. Most will learn your name and style and then just keep running away from you to cause a draw. Maybe with aryosgr's suggestion of trying warp on a manual cast. @LibraExAnima: Ring wise, I would try to find one with a nice +ES and craft on a +max% ES. If you wanted an easy way to run a dual curse. @sergio_thor92: I have not used Bladefall, sorry. [edit] Bought the best one I could from vendor, recolored Elaynes to RGB, ran Bladefall + Added Fire + Spell Echo. It works well enough for me to continue leveling Bladefall. Less point damage because of Firestorms duration on target, but more 1 hit damage, better for PvP. ~Dy'Ness QBotU_DyNess - www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1171890 Dernière édition par DyNess#2755, le 25 janv. 2016 09:28:05
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Hey all,
Just noticed this wicked build. I really like theory crafting and thought I'd give it a go to see if I could make a more efficient 2.1 Tree. Wasn't successful damage wise, but tanky-ness. I was able to increase ES a fair bit. Thought I'd post it here as, was interested to see if what I see on paper pays off on an actual build, if anyone wanted to try it. I made four iterations, not sure which is the best of if anyone would even like: 1) The Highest ES Gain of all three, no spell damage, least regen,
This one requires you to double dip Energy Within. See below images:
![]() ![]() ![]() Tree
https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwAA8pfYTZtdlKComtpie8NodBhW-eiCx0GHKPq3PlfJuJODzP4KN4MNfBzcPC3yRabr6rrr7o8axq6DXzrhLKY0CrQMmuCnCAthDF-mVzdmytNFnZ2u2CSvbBynTeO-ilNSGmw2xWjyU6X-j5MnoS_3weQii3pDY3wONZJsC3_G74gpTwFvms8i9BGW-TeePOL3cU1tGQ5IBx7Xz4x2hEgRUNlbXfK3MJUuSbG3MVxrNbkbJSsK6Frw1cNtpysdT0uuES8miI_6SVHpAutj7Bi1SHC7LL9tbNkTFdfndC9vhq7bGlZjEHu-OvVLwQDfig== 2) The Second Most ES Gain, Keeps a bit of spell damage, but looses a fair bit of regen.
https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwAA2E2UoNpiaHQYVvnogsdBhyj6tz5XybiTg8z-CjeDDXwc3Dwt8kWm6-q66-6PGsaug1864SymNAq0DJrgpwgLYQxfplc3ZpDWytNFnZ2u2CSvbBynTeO-ilNSGmw2xWjyU6WTJ6Ev98HkIot6Q2N8DmwLf8bviNWmKU8Bb5rPp1Ui9BGW-TeePOL3cU1boG0ZDkgHHtfPjHaESBFQ2Vtd8rcwlS5JsbcxXGs1uRslKwroWvDVw22nKx1PS64RLyaIj_pJUekC62PsGNDQtUhwuyy_X2ptbNkTFdfndC9vhq7bGlZjEHu-OvVLwQDfig== 3) Next Highest ES Gain, No spell damage, looses less regen
https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwAA2E2UoNpiaHQYVvnogsdBhyj6tz5XybiTg8z-CjeDDXwc3Dwt8kWm6-q66-6PGsaug1864SymNAq0DJrgpwgLYQxfplc3ZsrTRZ2drtgkr2wcp03jvopTUhpsNsVo8lOl_o-TJ6Ev98GLekNjfA41kmwLf8bviAFvms-nVbXyIvQRlsHF-Tfi91ugeA1tGQ5I7BjXz4RIwBoRUNlbtzCP-nC7LL9JsVxrqW5vOzW5GyXoWvDV2RMV18Ntd-OnK0uuJohJUS9vhq4B3OkCVmOE2Ud-L8y9NsGCZU1NRmLshO_awXTtLlMFLdNveu9xTQ== 4) Least Highest ES Gain, No spell damage, looses the least regen
https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwAA2E2UoNpiaHQYVvnogsdBhyj6tz5XybiTg8z-CjeDDXwc3Dwt8kWm6-q66-6PGsaug1864SymNAq0DJrgpwgLYQxfplc3ZsrTRZ2drtgkr2wcp03jvopTUhpsNsVo8lOl_o-TJ6Ev98GLekNjNZJsC3_G74gBb7XyIvQRlvk34vd4DW0ZDkgHHtfPhEjAGhFQ2Vtd8rcwlS5JsVxrqW5vOzW5GyUrCuha8NXDbXfjpytLrhEvJoiP-klRAdzpAutj7BiE2XC7LL9Hfi_M2RMV1702wYIvb4auZU1NRlZjYuyE79rBdO0uUwUt02967w== In all three scenarios, Energy from Within goes in the Scion middle node to convert all those Life nodes. In scenario 3 and 4, Energy from Within also goes in the Jewel node in the Duelist area. Note none of these are really designed for actual play, just about getting the Max ES possible for theorycrafing purposes. I imagine Scenario 2 might be possible though, as that one actually keeps Ghost Reaver. It should also be noted that scenario 4 should in fact increase the regen per second. Although it has lower regen percentage than the original, the higher ES more than makes up for it (theoretically). ES Amount Summaries for comparisons (includes original 2.1 tree in first post)
Original for Comparisons Sake (Total 346% Increased ES)
247% Increased ES 12.9% Regen +40 Max ES 29% ES from Converted Life nodes 70% ES from Intelligence 15% More ES 1) SuperMax (Total 482% Increased) 344% Increased ES 8% Regen +54 Max ES 79% ES from Converted Life nodes 59% ES from Intelligence 15% More ES 2) SecondMax (Total 462% Increased) 344% Increased ES 8.8% Regen +54 Max ES 54% ES from Converted Life Nodes 64% ES from Intelligence 15% More ES 3) ThirdMax (Total 425% Increased) 279% Increased ES 10.2% Regen +40 max ES 92% ES from Converted Life nodes 54% ES from Intelligence 15% More ES +65% Increased Shield ES 4) FourthMax (Total 405% Increased) 259% Increased ES 11.4% Regen +40 max ES +92% ES from Converted Life nodes 54% ES from Intelligence +65% Increased Shield ES 15% More ES IGN: Ikbosh Dernière édition par Ikbosh#6526, le 29 janv. 2016 01:20:35
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Hi Ikbosh,
I'm currently playing a level 90 witch in the hardcore league and am running a tree fairly similar to some of the ones you posted below.
https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwMBAW8B3AUtC2EMXw18DkgRUBGWFdcYVhpsGyUcpxzcIvQmiCj6LL8uUzWSNbk2xTrhPC1Bh0WdR35JsUrIS65N41NSU6VWY1fJW6Bca18_YSFko2h0aPJsC20ZbqpvO3C7dO1343gNeWh7w3wOf8aCx4Nfg8yESITZhO-Groqvi3qPGpARkyeUoJrgna6hL6ZXpwinK6dVqW6vbLQMtfK3MLc-uJO9Nr6KwBrBBMHFw23EWMauytPTb9fP2CTYvdkT2VvaYtrB34ri9-ha6QLquuvu7BjviPZI98H5N_no_gr-jw== The builds you posted are quite reasonable, although some pathing could generally be improved. Of note, the 14% life node in the scion wheel is in the range if you put an energy within jewel in the jewel slot almost directly below it, which means you can take out one of the 5% life nodes in the life wheel that doesn't receive an energy from within overlap (and get 9% energy shield for free). My gem setup is slightly different than the original build (I use iron will, for instance), but things are fairly similar. It's a fun build to play, so glhf. |
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Not very tanky for a "tank" build.
Jkjk bladefall is OP, this build is annoying as hell for almost everyone else. I spent 5 minutes kill it on my CoC discharger. You need better freeze immunity, and some block would go a long way with all that regen. All my builds /view-thread/1430399
T14 'real' clearspeed challenge /1642265 |
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