3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game
Same as above, I feel like there are a lot of differences in the guide vs what your doing are these things we need to change or is the guide still perfectly fine to follow?
Interested in trying this, so just doing some small research while at work.
I do have some currency saved up, but not nearly enough to buy a staff which seems to go for atleast 15ex unlinked if you want minion damage and +1 to level of socketed gems..
So my question is, can this build do all content with all the gear except for staff?
Lets say, i have enough currency to buy everything needed for this build, apart from the staff. Jewels, gear, 6 link armour etc..
And if i were to buy all the gear, and use a Queens 2h sword, can it clear most content?
Im not looking to do delve 1000 or sirus farm.
I want a comfortable build to do T16 mapping and the new guardians. Maybe Shaper / "Normal" elder when i get the chance to.
So to recap, can afford 6 link armor, 6 link queens sword and the rest of the gear, but not staff.
Never played a minion build before in my life so excuse me if i seem stupid!
u will be fine at all content without crafted staff too, after all once u rich 1k delve or sirius farm, u probably will have some resources for crafting weapon. if u plan to delve, my personal advice is to go with geofri chest, instead of newly suggested victario. with that shield from spirit offering and geofri+shaper gloves and u will be able to travel in darkness for getting hidden fossils without any fear. it takes about 40s+ running in dark for me, before ill get killed by darkness dmg. also be sure to get chaos resist, preferably without CI.
Don’t buy a QE, get a QD and upgrade via the prophecy “The Misunderstood Queen”. Far cheaper that way.
Sweet, thanks.
I will buy queens escape and victario chest, i wont be delving at all. Just mapping :)
Actually i have another question, what are the main differences for Victario chest and Geofri chest?
Also i noticed that maybe the gem list is outdated? Says minion in chest but most people seem to run auras in chest now?
Why my dps is very low ? Before when i test your build i playing 5 x raise sceptre and my dps has huge. I spend all my currency and can't play :/ Please check my profile . Dont look at flask. This is old setup.
Nick : Kapeeeerrrr
My gear :
Dernière édition par kaperekk#3932, le 27 déc. 2019 13:37:06
why u think that u need to summon skelles during mapping? im running t16 with zombies, and summoning skelles for boss/morph. switching from geofri is good idea in terms of dps or if u stick to standard league with bunch of exalts u got. maybe in standart u just doing sonic adventures to boss area, here in metamorph league we are running map all around to get organs, and summonong a boss which is more powerful than any map boss we've ever seen.
since i felt lack of dps at t16 for bossing (mobbing for me was fine), i bought 6L queen, and placed there zombies+skelles with frenzy/multistrike/melee phys/impale(probably minion dmg is better, but 4blue sockets is pain). with this i have zombies and skelles in my build, and i free up 5L chest for auras. because running zombies in weapon with frenzy/multi/phys/minion dmg and skelles with frenzy/splash/phys/minion is stora weird idea, i was just duplicating support gems. 3 of them. im mobbing with zombies only, and firing skelles for boss+morph.
in my 5L i placed hatred/war banner/vulnerability/blasphemy/generosity. using geofri, its 5khp+4700ES under offering buff, and i wouldnt say that im immortal, im tanky enough to facetank all packs of mobs, but at t16 130% some rare kitava guardian can shot me from 9k eHP, running victario makes shaper gloves unefficient, i assume ill end up with 2k ES at best case. i dont think that 7k eHP is enough to to stay alive.
maybe if i had watchers eye or random kalandra drop, i would invest to watcher's eye to get ES from it, pick some HP/ES nodes and after that grab victario for auras, once ill have enough ES without geofri, but well not now.
also u seems really underestimate skelles, they are really useful if u know how to use them effectively. at any delve encounter they are useful, u just summon them while mobs are spawning and they with couple of zombies melting everything. skelles are also EXTREMELY useful at blight/legion encounters. at blight u can spam skelles at one spot of blight portals, while u with ur zombies can go to opposite side. legion can be cleared fully just by summoning vaal skelles at right place, u just need only to run at outer ring to kill rare mobs by using convocation to teleport zombies and then go to next spot. after all while morph is spawning from bottle, u have like 2-3s to spawn all those skelles. i just think that 50skelles will give u more dps than any support gem for ur 6L zombie setup.
Yeah, I like this idea too, but is it better to keep Impale or Empower? We do get a slightly weaker impale from Dread Banner, if we run that.
Dernière édition par XeLLoS47#3970, le 27 déc. 2019 13:42:38
It wasn't until I ramped up my strength that I could begin doing some serious damage (about 180k dps with my zombies)--Not particularly high, might I add, but it's certainly doing some output when dropping them in with Convocation. My totem build friend is doing much better than I am, clearing T16 and he's doing it with much more ease than I am--perhaps he's just a better player. The main issue I have after doing some major overhaul, is my survivability; I seem to be stuck at level 88 when being unable to avoid one-shot mechanics or simply, against anything above tier 10 maps where my zombies aren't standing in the right spot or I'm rushing ahead and getting obliterated by chaos. My observations so far, is that playing melee in this game is rough and with a 4.5yr mid-range PC, my computer struggles at times to deliver the performance I once had, making some encounters stressful.
My chest was luckily 1x Vaal'd and so I will probably keep it around until I can 6-link Geofri's. Short-term: get a 6-link weapon to move my zombies there and have the chest for auras. I spent some "coin" on the neck, gem, and flasks, as of late and there has definitely been a noticeable increase in damage (~80k DPS). My empower gem is being leveled-up However, dying at this stage is a pretty big dampener on any momentum I once had and I feel like I'm being left in the dust by other builds.
I'd love some feedback towards my progress so far and any advice is appreciated. I'm playing the Metamorph league.
Dernière édition par maplewalnut#7542, le 27 déc. 2019 15:10:41
Edit: the tree is not 100% optimal (about 3 or 4 points I would change - might and agility being the obvious ones) but I don't have a need to at the moment. Still thinking what's best to use those points for but you can easily spec them into more minion damage or life, whatever you want :)
Would you recommend using the soul tether belt you had in the video for more survivability? For some reason I find myself dying a lot..