3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

brunowa a écrit :
Masouths a écrit :
Victarios influence isnt good anymore?
Can someone post a build or ideas with victarios influence i wanna try it

Awakened Generosity gives the same DPS output as victarios so victarios is less of a stand out now. So now Victarios is really only useful for the 30% mana reduction... But... That is just for socketed auras.

Whereas Saqawals gives 10% mana reduction for ALL auras.. plus some massive stats. So you would only be using victarios to try squeeze 1 more aura in. But it would not be worth it because you lose so much from the other stats.

Ah i see,ty for the reply been trying victario with curse on gloves will get to saqalaws with awakened generocity

So, i'm using 3.10 SPEED FARMING SETUP (WHAT I MOSTLY PLAY WITH) variant with some minor changes (belt for surivability and different amulet for str + additional zombies), and I think my DPS is lacking.

I'm not able to kill Phoenix -> It takes me long time and I'm dying. Also my minions are dying also here. Other fights I'm usually fine.

I have Hubris only for one 80% minion damage, so rest of points I put into jewel socket and %HP Increase. What can I do here to boost my damage and not lose much survavibility?

As spectres I have Host Chieftain, Carnage Chieftain, Undying Evangelist and Ruins Helion.

For auras: Flesh and Stone, Purity of Elements, Aspect of the Avian, Vaal Haste.

When fighting bosses I'm using Vaal Haste, Desecrate+Flesh Offering.

Character name: Corasek.
Anyone have a list of good leveling gear? The Useful Levelling Uniques section is only 55+.

Thanks in advance :)
We all know how hard is to get 4 red sockets on this chest, after spending about 1k I gave up and just bought the chest with 4 reds but today I got this crafting bench managed to slam 3 white sockets on the chest, I had to then divine it a little to get better stats as my previous stats were a bit low.

I am not going to change this chest ever again.

After my other video of end game bosses here is a quick and easy Aul kill with tanky setup

Sorry if it was answered before, im trying the spectrenin a hungry loop with spell echo...
How in the hell you guys do to raise one at the time?? The trick with remove spell echo obviously doesnt work because is in the hungry loop
My gear isn't that great but for shits and giggles I juiced a map up to 100% delirium t16 with all the bells and whistles and my damage was pretty laughable.

Anybody have success doing t16 100% deliriums? What kind of ex investment would I have to make in order to do them?
Any recommenditions for cluster jewels?
on poe.trade i cant search for i.e. "Minion Damage". Donno why not.

Large: 8 passives
Rotten Claws
Raze and Pillage
Vicious Bite
2 Jewel Sockets
Raze and Pillage
Vicious Bite
2 Jewel Sockets

Medium: 4 or 5 passive (iirc it doesn't matter which cuz you still end up spending 4 points either way)
Hulking Corpses
1 Jewel Socket
Fiesting Fiends
1 Jewel Socket
1 Jewel Socket

Small: 2 or 3 passives
Wall of Muscle
+ Str/Life/ES/Resists/Whatever
like this maybe?


add another mod as you wanted


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