3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game

I am seeing alot of new faces in the thread this last week and some pretty disrespectful posts.

The OP assembled the most powerful and diverse build in the game for several leagues. He plays on standard yes, but when he tests his build he does so in common, non legacy gear.

This build has been so godlike for so long that GGG made nerfing it 1 of their top priorities this last patch. Between that and Delirium content being MASSIVELY over-tuned to the point that EVERY build is getting 1 shot you guys have no right to pop in here after 3 days of tourism and say its a fake or garbage build.

We have np helping you and love to share ideas but if you have a grand total of 4 days of experience playing this in about 8 alch orbs total worth of gear the build is not the problem, its you.

I hope to see a little less fortnite chatter and a little more teamwork going forward, we just have to adjust and figure out ways to adapt the build going forward due to the heavy handed energy shield, strength, and mana stacking nerfs.
1rst i dont find new pob link...

2nd, sorry for noob question... in craft section you say: "1) Buy the base that has (or goto Alva's temple to try drop it):"

but i dont understand how temple drop this staff... thx a lot for your guide.

Ive been taking it very slow this league. I used this guide a ton last 2 leagues.

I was just wondering do you guys think we can do withoput a dps gem in the 6 link zombies for say a Minion health? would that help with the zombies survivability?
JCOH35 a écrit :
I am seeing alot of new faces in the thread this last week and some pretty disrespectful posts.

The OP assembled the most powerful and diverse build in the game for several leagues. He plays on standard yes, but when he tests his build he does so in common, non legacy gear.

This build has been so godlike for so long that GGG made nerfing it 1 of their top priorities this last patch. Between that and Delirium content being MASSIVELY over-tuned to the point that EVERY build is getting 1 shot you guys have no right to pop in here after 3 days of tourism and say its a fake or garbage build.

We have np helping you and love to share ideas but if you have a grand total of 4 days of experience playing this in about 8 alch orbs total worth of gear the build is not the problem, its you.

I hope to see a little less fortnite chatter and a little more teamwork going forward, we just have to adjust and figure out ways to adapt the build going forward due to the heavy handed energy shield, strength, and mana stacking nerfs.

Well said.
Gutterflower a écrit :
Ayanad a écrit :

Agree about the challenges. It sucks i'm not able to put more playtime this league due to work. But the more i look at the changes made to this build the more i'm intrigued to walk away from the baron and str stacking all together and try something else. An Elder Bone helm with a 1-hand+Shield maybe.The Juju amulet is another defensive option. But we might come short on DPS.

after experiencing the kind of summoner that can leech from minions i can never go back to running around screaming and hoping i don't run out of life flask charges dodging everything

i'd rather play a non-summoner
then get fed-up with having to spam by damage ability so much and go back to summoner

Yes, it sucks to lose the leech from minions but the cost for 1k+ str is dictating a big chunk of the gear. I'm on a work trip for a week or so and won't be able to progress anyways, and hopefully we'll get more clarity by then on how the strength staking build is doing. Good luck everyone and thank you for sharing your ideas.
Minion Life gem and defensive nodes in the skill tree are pretty much a must have.

P.S. If you feel the need to post negatively here, just leave. You're parents failed you.
if someone want to try with bow + quiver, i can sell this one for you
I have had an exceptionally easy time leveling and progressing so far but I am doing it a bit differently.

The very 1st thing I did was path to the Sacrifice wheel, and then to Indomitable Army.

I am stacking life all over the place, running flesh and stone in the sand stance for the blind, and running meat shield support in my zombie link.

With all that I am still instantly vaporizing map bosses.

I dont have god tier gear, the most expensive things I have are probally 2 jeweller touch prophecies I paid 20c each for on day 2 to 5L my staff and chest.

If you havent done so yet make sure to get your hands on a RARE map with the "area is inhabited by sea witches and their kin" and find a MERVILS RETAINER.

Then (assuming you have death attunement annointed or manually pathed) use x2 carnage chieftans (act7 ashen fields) and the x1 mervil's retainer.

The Mervil will cast a god tier lv50 vulnerability on your enemies and that makes a huge difference.

My necro is also public if youd like to see what im doing atm, im behind alot of folks b/c I work on the weekends and im old and slow in rl so im still on mid tier maps but its going smooth.
JCOH35 a écrit :
I am seeing alot of new faces in the thread this last week and some pretty disrespectful posts.

The OP assembled the most powerful and diverse build in the game for several leagues. He plays on standard yes, but when he tests his build he does so in common, non legacy gear.

This build has been so godlike for so long that GGG made nerfing it 1 of their top priorities this last patch. Between that and Delirium content being MASSIVELY over-tuned to the point that EVERY build is getting 1 shot you guys have no right to pop in here after 3 days of tourism and say its a fake or garbage build.

We have np helping you and love to share ideas but if you have a grand total of 4 days of experience playing this in about 8 alch orbs total worth of gear the build is not the problem, its you.

I hope to see a little less fortnite chatter and a little more teamwork going forward, we just have to adjust and figure out ways to adapt the build going forward due to the heavy handed energy shield, strength, and mana stacking nerfs.

yes 100% aggreed with ur massage

Iam testin how much i can after 4 days Lig, and yes the nerf is real but manageable, the only hard thing at the moment are the delirium opponents. I have now arrived at T8-9 Maps and can race through all maps, only the Deli Maps are sometimes hard.
Play again with Geofris + Spirit Off + Mistress (chaos resi rocks) and have 1050 Str stacks for the Zombi leech, now I save on a crafted +3 weapon then T11-13 is also easy. I currently have 5600HP + 1600ES
My approach is to be as defensive as possible at first and then start respeccing to add DPS as my gear improves. Just got my 2nd efficient training jewel. Once I can get an astramentis I'll have my baron leech. Zombies haven't been dying so I'm thinking about drop minion life support for minion speed or another DPS booster. Biggest problem so far is that zombies are not aggressive at all. They trail behind me the whole time and I have to summon skeletons into mobs ahead of me. Once I can face tank mobs I'll probably link Convacation with cast when damage taken.

Build is working great so far though, no complaints. If So you can't farm T16's AFK on day 5, big deal. That's not how any game is supposed to be played anyways. Hell, the name of the developer is Grinding Gear Games. Should give you a hint of what they're about.


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