WulfKnightz13 a écrit :
gathering the remaining veiled waepons and currency for finishing weapon but does geting aspect of avian on my weapon prior to crafting multi mod and crafting effect anything at all? just feels better to have another step out of the way as im building this weapon
you can add the suffix, as long as you have the 2 prefixes down ^^
Posté parQlidascope#2925le 30 déc. 2019 22:25:53
drinsane a écrit :
I am running out of things to upgrade here any suggestions ?
You can squeeze in alot of better stats on some of your rares, you can also get +1 boots and work on the watchers eye. You can also buy a bottled faith if you so desire. Theres lots to go, even some BiS skillgems ^^
Posté parQlidascope#2925le 30 déc. 2019 22:55:35
Django2991 a écrit :
Hello Guys, any1 else got huge problems with Al Hezmin Poison dude? My Spectre and my Animated guardian ripped of... dang!
Low chaos resists of your minions. Bad convocations, Zombies running into poison pools due to feeding frenzy, No leech/low leech on minion, low regen on minions. Those should be the errors :)
Posté parQlidascope#2925le 30 déc. 2019 22:57:07
Seawee a écrit :
I suppose with the reworked tree its the Brawn jewel socket that was moved to the upper right?
yeah the flat str is better than the brawn, and its quite close tue to picking up grave intentions :D
Posté parQlidascope#2925le 30 déc. 2019 22:57:46
lkainn a écrit :
Senekum a écrit :
I'm pretty new, especially to summoner, so please excuse me if this is a dumb question. I can't seem to be able to get enough strength (for the 1k threshold) and enough resists at the same time running the uniques listed in the first post (Femur/crafted 2h, baron, Geofri, Meginord, Alberon and Astramentis).
Even when swapping a heavy resist belt for the Meginord and running two fairly high resist rings I'm barely able to get the 76% resist, but that still leaves me about 100 strength short. When I look at the OP's gear it doesn't seem to get the resist up to 76% either. Am I missing something major here?
With the node bone barrier from the necro ascendacy minions cap your res.
Ok i just completed merc lab and got bone barrier node. I don't see my resists budge? Am I missing something?
edit: nvm.... my resists just went down by 30 because i finished the normal acts. I went to town and could see the difference without minions!
IGN: Sweethart Dernière édition par haenic#2566, le 30 déc. 2019 23:10:10
Posté parhaenic#2566le 30 déc. 2019 23:09:10
Senekum a écrit :
I'm pretty new, especially to summoner, so please excuse me if this is a dumb question. I can't seem to be able to get enough strength (for the 1k threshold) and enough resists at the same time running the uniques listed in the first post (Femur/crafted 2h, baron, Geofri, Meginord, Alberon and Astramentis).
Even when swapping a heavy resist belt for the Meginord and running two fairly high resist rings I'm barely able to get the 76% resist, but that still leaves me about 100 strength short. When I look at the OP's gear it doesn't seem to get the resist up to 76% either. Am I missing something major here?
you're able to pick up quite abit of resists from the tree / ascendency class aswell ^^ You can also run purity of elements early on as a suppliment for resistances.
Posté parQlidascope#2925le 30 déc. 2019 23:21:32
supafiya1989 a écrit :
how did u get that crimson jewel with 10% inc str and +38 str?
It is a placeholder for lethal pride timeless jewel ^^
Posté parQlidascope#2925le 30 déc. 2019 23:22:00
the_Arkain a écrit :
What can i do against reflect maps? Minions die realy fast.
And what can i put out of the skill gems to put skeleton in?
Whould like to use them.
Thanks for the help.
i'd recommend you to not run physical reflect maps, as they're brutal to your minions. Not all maps are meant to be run :P
Posté parQlidascope#2925le 30 déc. 2019 23:23:01
Aldonés a écrit :
Hey everyone! It’s jlh165. I had support change my account name. I finally don’t have to use my Steam account name (which also happens to have been my username for my high school way back when). Lately I haven’t had much time. I think I may revert to Standard this league just so I can clear all the new bosses. I hopefully can still be reasonably active on the forums here since most of that time I can’t be playing in any case.
Glad to have you back, i actually wondered where you'd gone :D I myself have had some downtime due to christmas and the stomach flu :(
Posté parQlidascope#2925le 30 déc. 2019 23:24:30
supafiya1989 a écrit :
why do my spectres disappear after every lab q_q
Your helmet slot gets reset everytime you enchant your helmet in your headslot ^^
Posté parQlidascope#2925le 30 déc. 2019 23:25:01