Fatkids a écrit :
Does the Diabolist enfeeble count towards my own curse limit ? I already have vulnerability on gloves, will the Diabolist override it ?
yep u need https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Windscream
Posté parActiveSlay#7791le 29 déc. 2019 13:45:52Banni(e)
But then I lose 18% strength from Alberon Warpath which is huge, that doesnt seem worth it.
Or I need to give the vulnerability gloves + windscream to the animate guardian ?
Posté parFatkids#7071le 29 déc. 2019 13:52:37
Fatkids a écrit :
But then I lose 18% strength from Alberon Warpath which is huge, that doesnt seem worth it.
Or I need to give the vulnerability gloves + windscream to the animate guardian ?
yep on anime guardian. I prefer running speed aura boots + ruin hellion instead
Posté parActiveSlay#7791le 29 déc. 2019 13:59:32Banni(e)
Posté parKheld#6836le 29 déc. 2019 14:11:44
vadash a écrit :
Fatkids a écrit :
But then I lose 18% strength from Alberon Warpath which is huge, that doesnt seem worth it.
Or I need to give the vulnerability gloves + windscream to the animate guardian ?
yep on anime guardian. I prefer running speed aura boots + ruin hellion instead
You mean Ruin Hellion as 4th spectre right ? That does seem convenient for now. Thanks !
Posté parFatkids#7071le 29 déc. 2019 14:24:11
anoint ravenous horde on your amulet, get fortress covenant or quickening covenant jewel
in place of the timeless jewel?
Posté parTYZILLA1#6439le 29 déc. 2019 15:40:05
wong007 a écrit :
how many zombies are people able to run?
14-15 with budget gear
16-17 with good gear
17-18 with very good gear.
Posté parQlidascope#2925le 29 déc. 2019 15:42:22
hellnhavoc a écrit :
At what point do you move to shapers gloves? if this is discussed somewhere if you could point me to the page id love that! thanks so much.
I'd say somewhere after you being able to sustain above 1000 strength and not loosing a zombie. Personally i am looking into figuring out sustaining 1200 strength without and getting them without dropping a zombie ^^
Posté parQlidascope#2925le 29 déc. 2019 15:44:23
Django2991 a écrit :
What is your Lethal Pride doing? Thats not well written in your guide.. Thank you!
http://www.vhpg.com/lethal-pride/ a really well described wiki for it ^^
Posté parQlidascope#2925le 29 déc. 2019 15:45:24
Lorac78 a écrit :
Hi guys,
i have a question regarding Fortify.
If this has been answered here before ... sorry, I did not read through all 390 pages :)
Actually there you suggest Fortify in the CwC 6L
But what if the Animated Guardian has Kingmaker equipped, which gives Fortify to all Allies.
Is Fortify still nice to have? Or can I switch it to something like Warlords Mark or Enfeeble?
Thanks a lot
This Build is lots of fun :)
The fortify from kingmaker is very unreliable, since the radius is super small, so i prefer both getting fortify on zombies aswell as CWC.
Posté parQlidascope#2925le 29 déc. 2019 15:46:30