Carried an Aul with one of the most terrible mods for it which is 100% inc aoe never again what a fucking horrid fight especielly when I'm on my summoner thankfully my slave drivers took a dump on him.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Carried an Aul with one of the most terrible mods for it which is 100% inc aoe never again what a fucking horrid fight especielly when I'm on my summoner thankfully my slave drivers took a dump on him.
Seemed easy. The Aul in my mine one-shots my spectres.
🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: 🔶🔷🔶
I went way tankier than the default build, I have to really mess up to die at anything less then UE fight.
Managed to kill UE for the first time after a few tries. The problem I had was keeping the SDs on shaper or elder when they weren't shielded. 1/2 the time the spectres would follow me and not attack them. I was hitting them with Armageddon Brand pretty consistently. What am I missing?
There's a leash distance at which your spectres will run back to you. I get around this by staying close to whoever I'm attacking.
🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: 🔶🔷🔶
I've been tossing up whether to go Ele Focus or Lighting Pen. Effectively, Lighting pen just gives 37% more since it'll push bosses further into negative resistance. Without concrete numbers, I'm not sure if their base damage including crit is enough to apply enough shock effectiveness to overcome the deficit between Lighting Pen and Ele Focus (12%). I'm assuming it would.
One thing I generally do when calculating if shock is worth it is not looking at damage but hits per second. In order to get a 12% more damage shock and make up for the deficit you need to do 2.4% of their health in a single hit.
Slave drivers are not in pob but other similar spectres with a cast speed penalty do around 4.5 casts per second (for my character anyway) x 4 specters is 18 hits a second. So if a single hit is doing 2.4% or more and you are hitting that often they will be doing 100% of the enemies life in 2.3 seconds without the shock, any target that takes longer and your individual hits are not high enough to produce a good enough shock.
Point well taken, I didn't really consider the hits per second. I'll update the guide with Ele Focus.
🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: 🔶🔷🔶
I'm currently leveling this build, and I was curious about what you think of Intensify? It grants AoE while clearing and damage while bossing, it looks like a good gem to me, though I'm not quite sure of what I would switch out. What do you think?
I've been tossing up whether to go Ele Focus or Lighting Pen. Effectively, Lighting pen just gives 37% more since it'll push bosses further into negative resistance. Without concrete numbers, I'm not sure if their base damage including crit is enough to apply enough shock effectiveness to overcome the deficit between Lighting Pen and Ele Focus (12%). I'm assuming it would.
One thing I generally do when calculating if shock is worth it is not looking at damage but hits per second. In order to get a 12% more damage shock and make up for the deficit you need to do 2.4% of their health in a single hit.
Slave drivers are not in pob but other similar spectres with a cast speed penalty do around 4.5 casts per second (for my character anyway) x 4 specters is 18 hits a second. So if a single hit is doing 2.4% or more and you are hitting that often they will be doing 100% of the enemies life in 2.3 seconds without the shock, any target that takes longer and your individual hits are not high enough to produce a good enough shock.
There is then positive variables like hoping for shock to land on a high roll & negative variables like having a low shock chance. There is also the factor that the hits before the first shock have less DPS regardless
I generally find that unless you can invest in shock effect any build that is hitting more then 8 times a second with their skill will just be worse with shock + lightning pen then elemental focus as it will only be a DPS increase on targets where the difference wouldn't really be noticeable anyway and will be worse on targets with big HP & targets where you did 80% of their life instead of one shotting them
Centhron a écrit :
I thought it would recude enemies ressistances limitless.
Otherwise elemental weakness and conductivity wouldn't work either...?
Nevertheless: thanks for this great build.
I love summoners and play them since closed beta. This is the build I'm enjoying the most till now :)
PoE Wiki says:
"Both reduction (as from curses), and penetration (as from Penetration gems), can reduce a target's resistance below 0%. There is no minimum resistance floor."
They are Incorrect and you are correct. Resistances can always be lowered further. The only consideration is that lowering a monster from 60% to 40% is a big DPS boost while as lowering them from -60 to -80 is only an ok boost so it has less value then it would for builds that don't already wreck their resistances