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I have equipped an 'Unending Hunger' in the jewel socket by 'Mystic Balkwark'.

I seem to be killing things a little faster, but I do not see any indication that 'Soul Eater' is being activated. Is this normal?
Skua99 a écrit :
I have equipped an 'Unending Hunger' in the jewel socket by 'Mystic Balkwark'.

I seem to be killing things a little faster, but I do not see any indication that 'Soul Eater' is being activated. Is this normal?

Unending Hunger is for your spectres, it gives 5% attack speed and cast speed per stack, you won't see it as a buff on your character. You can notice it affecting your spectres because some of them will grow really big as they kill a lot of mobs for example in an Ultimatum.
setissleeping a écrit :
Waltzbear a écrit :
Any suggestions to which Passive Skill Points I should allocate next (approximately 5)?


Also, if there's any suggestions on gears or gems, will be appreciated!

You have a Watcher's Eye, they only work on you and not your minions so you can remove that and socket in either a ghastly jewel or a cobalt jewel with minion damage and inc life. Also, you're missing the Gravepact minion damage circle that's top-left to the constitution wheel. I can't seem to find a ghastly jewel on your gear that has either taunt on hit or blind on hit, this is really important as it allows you to go through packs of minions without being hit as mobs are either focused on your minions and/or blinded at the same time.

I see you have an Aul's ammy with free Hatred aura, and you also have Dread Banner + Flesh and Stone + Skitterbots. So, I would remove Dread and Flesh since they either do not scale with the minion's damage because they are cold conversion.. or they give too little damage to be worth using. Instead, use Haste and Skitterbots, it will feel a lot better.

You're also using Bone Offering but your shield doesn't have %hp on block like this:
I'd wholly recommend it before getting +max res mod on your shield.

Also, if you have any issues with survivability, remember you can slot in
to maximize block chance, furthermore making a shield with %hp on block a lot more worth using.

And finally, I would remove the points you have on and around Spiritual Aid, and Sacrifice - and allocate them towards Righteous Army and Redemption. Those nodes give your minion's more HP and regen and also adds a considerable amount of DPS.

Hope that helps!

Thank you for reviewing and suggesting the improvements, Setissleeping!! That really helps me a lot! Appreciate it! I have a few queries, would be great if could help to clarify:

1. "Watcher's Eye, they only work on you and not your minions"
Watcher's grant "Damage penetrates 15% Cold Resistance while affected by Hatred" - I thought it would work because I was using Hatred. Does it mean that the Damage also has to come from me and not Minions for it to work?

2. "using Bone Offering but your shield doesn't have %hp on block"
Are you referring to the fact that I am using Mistress of Sacrifice - Therefore there is 50% x 35% higher chance for myself to block damage. And therefore it makes sense for me to have a % HP on block on my shield?

3. "can't seem to find a ghastly jewel on your gear that has either taunt on hit or blind on hit"
I am using "Flesh and Stone" where 'Nearby Enemies are blinded' and 'You take 11% less damage from enemies that are not nearby.' Would this work? Does it blind nearby enemies all the time? Because if it does, then it would be better than having minions that only blind 6% of the time from ghastly jewel?
Also in a bind about replacing Flesh (blind effect) for Haste. Because Haste grants 'only' gives 16% attack speed for 50% mana reservation.

4. "can slot in
to maximize block chance"
Need help to understand how to use flasks in boss fights. Because the effects are only for 4-5 seconds, and it only has 2-3 uses. Many times I find myself running out of flask uses very early in boss fights, especially those with very few monster minions spawned. Am I doing something wrong? Or is that what is it?

5. "remove the points you have on and around Spiritual Aid, and Sacrifice - and allocate them towards Righteous Army and Redemption."
Do you mean removing from Spiritual Command and Sacrifice? For Redemption - is the 12% Damage increase for me or for the Minions? Is Redemption very similar to Spiritual Command in terms of effects?

6. " missing the Gravepact minion damage"
I was deciding between Gravepact and Enduring Bond. Not sure which one to allocate. Also considering Golem Commander as well - not sure if it's worth getting a second Golem as support (on top of having skellies as support).

Thanks in advance!!

Waltzbear a écrit :

Thank you for reviewing and suggesting the improvements, Setissleeping!! That really helps me a lot! Appreciate it! I have a few queries, would be great if could help to clarify:

1. "Watcher's Eye, they only work on you and not your minions"
Watcher's grant "Damage penetrates 15% Cold Resistance while affected by Hatred" - I thought it would work because I was using Hatred. Does it mean that the Damage also has to come from me and not Minions for it to work?

2. "using Bone Offering but your shield doesn't have %hp on block"
Are you referring to the fact that I am using Mistress of Sacrifice - Therefore there is 50% x 35% higher chance for myself to block damage. And therefore it makes sense for me to have a % HP on block on my shield?

3. "can't seem to find a ghastly jewel on your gear that has either taunt on hit or blind on hit"
I am using "Flesh and Stone" where 'Nearby Enemies are blinded' and 'You take 11% less damage from enemies that are not nearby.' Would this work? Does it blind nearby enemies all the time? Because if it does, then it would be better than having minions that only blind 6% of the time from ghastly jewel?
Also in a bind about replacing Flesh (blind effect) for Haste. Because Haste grants 'only' gives 16% attack speed for 50% mana reservation.

4. "can slot in
to maximize block chance"
Need help to understand how to use flasks in boss fights. Because the effects are only for 4-5 seconds, and it only has 2-3 uses. Many times I find myself running out of flask uses very early in boss fights, especially those with very few monster minions spawned. Am I doing something wrong? Or is that what is it?

5. "remove the points you have on and around Spiritual Aid, and Sacrifice - and allocate them towards Righteous Army and Redemption."
Do you mean removing from Spiritual Command and Sacrifice? For Redemption - is the 12% Damage increase for me or for the Minions? Is Redemption very similar to Spiritual Command in terms of effects?

6. " missing the Gravepact minion damage"
I was deciding between Gravepact and Enduring Bond. Not sure which one to allocate. Also considering Golem Commander as well - not sure if it's worth getting a second Golem as support (on top of having skellies as support).

Thanks in advance!!

Glad to be of assistance :)

I'll tackle each one of your pointers below:

1. So as the watcher's eye mod says "Damage penetrates 15% of.." the jewel is referring to your damage and then you would be the one with the additional penetration, so your minions would never be affected by it.

2. Exactly, it's not going to make or break the build since Bone Offering is already affecting you and giving you HP on block, but if you have say 6K HP and you block, you would get the HP from bone offering and also about 300 HP from your shield as well, making you tankier and harder to kill.

3. As far as the build goes, if you're using Syndicate Operatives, they are constantly barraging enemies with A LOT of projectiles, therefore taunting and blinding everything around you as you run past mob packs, it will feel immensely stronger in Ultimatums as well, meanwhile.. you have to reserve 35% of your mana for a blind aura that won't blind all the mobs on your screen, instead just a small area around you. You're sacrificing a lot of mana that could otherwise be used for more DPS, and all you would have to do to counter the loss of FnS is slot in a taunt+blind jewel, or have 2 ghastly jewels in your setup; one with blind, and one with taunt. About 5% for each mod should be good enough.

4. It's hard to use flasks on boss fights, I'd say you would use the defensive flasks like Rumi's if you're about to receive damage from a boss or you feel you will. It will depend on you how you will use them as flasks have limited charges.

5. I was wrong, it is Spiritual Command, not Aid, sorry! I tested the combination of both nodes on my PoB and the DPS is higher for Righteous Army + Redemption. Righteous Army is better than Sacrifice: minions have 20% more life, you regen 1% more life per second, minions deal 20% increased damage, and minions also regenerate 1% more life per second. Sacrifice is a purely defensive node with no DPS increase% for your minions (it has +10% all res for minions but your minions will most likely already be res capped, so you wouldn't really need that). Finally Spiritual Command is just a worse version of Redemption. I'd say you can eventually spec out of Command or Redemption for something else that's more useful as those nodes aren't that great.

6. Gravepact is vastly superior in terms of DPS increase for your minions compared to Enduring Bond, it just adds a lot more damage with minion damage% mods. Getting a second golem is considerable, but make sure you aren't sacrificing a lot of either damage or tankiness to get an additional one. Only do so if you're not gimping yourself at the same time.

Hope this helps!

Skua99 a écrit :
I am currently at level 72 and have a simple question on the logistic of running Kay's Army.

For general mapping is it better to hit Convocation and then lay down a 'Storm Brand' or use Convocation followed by 3 or 4 SRS's?

I keep trying different ways and can't come up with the best key mappings for my skills.


Usually just use storm brand for tough monsters and bosses. SRS is also just for boosting DPS when you need it, but you can cast it to help clear too.
🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶
xDeicidium a écrit :
Hi Kay

are there any other spectres that can be used in Pledge of Hands aside from Slave Drivers? Are slave drivers still viable now?

I think Scale of Esh is better in pledge build than wand and shield. The triple cast helps with the whip cooldown and triple cast arc+lightning orb melts bosses.

SD not viable now because their HP is too low now (spectre level nerf).

Templar Tactician and BP are ok. extra ball lightning is great for boss killing, but the triple cast and slow cast time is bad for clear speed.
🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶
General question. Been playing with phys zombies - killing everything easily and quite promptly in top maps incl. Sirus, but as soon as I play for example a
Maven invitation with many solid mods - the damage is disappointing.

Is there a point in sticking with phys impale zombies, or better go cold conversion and elemental EQ build.
I have those, but gotta work on survivability of my witch then...

Now trying zombies with Mon'tregul's and extra fire dmg for the heck of it.
I was looking around in PoeDP:s monster section and Daughters of Valako caught my eye with their fire conversion Rain of Arrows and "Ice spear"

Was wondering if anyone has any opions about them before i go farming legion encounters trying to get them?
"An it harm none, do what you will"
Is 4 spectres good enough for the pure spectre build? the chest is too expensive for me right now
TheChosenOne_ a écrit :
Is 4 spectres good enough for the pure spectre build? the chest is too expensive for me right now

Should be fine if you get enough spectre lvl.


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