Cridac a écrit :
RawDamage a écrit :
Cridac a écrit :
so little bit offtopic, but farming my delve 6l and getting out of niko quests fast for farming the vult.. any tipps whats the best way to trigger niko in maps and how?
Use Sulphite Scarab with maps
there is nothing on the market to buy, searching poe trade since 3 hours
Try this instead
Posté parBanana_Lee#1463le 30 avr. 2021 05:44:02
SAi___ a écrit :
can anyone share their crabbies?
struggling to find one in grove
trying to convert my minion army to pure spectres
Go to /global 6666. There are usually people happy to share spectres there.
Posté parBanana_Lee#1463le 30 avr. 2021 05:44:26
Hi everybody ! :)
i love SO build with 5 spectres, i have a question,
Item Class: Jewel
Rarity: Unique
Watcher's Eye
Prismatic Jewel
Adds 65 to 99 Cold Damage while affected by Hatred
This is work with my hatred and SO ?
thxfor reply
Dernière édition par Loocyfer#3892, le 30 avr. 2021 06:19:39
Posté parLoocyfer#3892le 30 avr. 2021 06:18:54
Banana_Lee a écrit :
SAi___ a écrit :
can anyone share their crabbies?
struggling to find one in grove
trying to convert my minion army to pure spectres
Go to /global 6666. There are usually people happy to share spectres there.
Dernière édition par SAi___#2089, le 30 avr. 2021 06:54:48
Posté parSAi___#2089le 30 avr. 2021 06:53:07Banni(e)
deimudda69 a écrit :
binpikes a écrit :
I'm a very noob at this game
You must be a pro-noob then, if you can afford gear and awakened gems worth ~50ex in total.
You should bought the complete account with the desired character instead of just plain currency next time.
I was confused by that as well. Looking at the Standard character on his account, it seems like he knows what he's doing. XD
And the white guys says, I'll have a Coke then.
For pure spectres what would be the ideal chest gem links if you had a 6 link helm for for SO?
I was thinking something like Carrion Golem/AG/Elemental Army/Minion Life/Feeding Frenzy/Minion Damage.
Dernière édition par Vaildez#6753, le 30 avr. 2021 08:27:16
Posté parVaildez#6753le 30 avr. 2021 08:25:38
evillook a écrit :
Hi everybody ! :)
i love SO build with 5 spectres, i have a question,
Item Class: Jewel
Rarity: Unique
Watcher's Eye
Prismatic Jewel
Adds 65 to 99 Cold Damage while affected by Hatred
This is work with my hatred and SO ?
thxfor reply
No, unless it specifically mentions minions it only works for you.
Posté parFencatffxi#7746le 30 avr. 2021 08:56:31
Westwood1121 a écrit :
deimudda69 a écrit :
binpikes a écrit :
I'm a very noob at this game
You must be a pro-noob then, if you can afford gear and awakened gems worth ~50ex in total.
You should bought the complete account with the desired character instead of just plain currency next time.
I was confused by that as well. Looking at the Standard character on his account, it seems like he knows what he's doing. XD
Dernière édition par binpikes#3092, le 30 avr. 2021 09:46:47
Posté parbinpikes#3092le 30 avr. 2021 09:10:43
binpikes a écrit :
Well I just bought some exalted / chaos orbs and followed this build blindly.
But now i'm kinda stuck cause I don't do damage in T1 maps... any help of you guys?
And the white guys says, I'll have a Coke then.
I followed the minions army guide and is currently upgrading to pure spectre build. The passive trees look very different, do you have any recommendations to shift the nodes?
Posté parrkelvin#2456le 30 avr. 2021 09:21:03