Kay's Summoner Memorial Page | New Guide is linked inside!

Onin_in_Sweden a écrit :
kayella a écrit :

SO have special mechanics so DPS calculation is:
Trigger cast speed x Police dagger average damage x 3 (shotgun effect).

Does this mean that the dps (value before impale or poison is added) for SO in PoB shall be multipied by 3 to be able to compair to other spectres?

It would make sense.

Yes that's right. Multiple by 3. But only 3! It doesn't matter Volley, Great Volley, LMP, GMP, Awaken GMP. Some people think they can multiple by number from the projectile support gem. But there is only 3 source projectiles so the limit is 3 shotgun effect. The reason for projectile support is make the daggers cross over so they hit the same target.
🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶
einzen a écrit :

superb Kay!!!
will waiting for that update :)

Aegon_V a écrit :

Thank you!

I hope you will like updated version... It's close to the build I streamed for delve event.
🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶
Turbo32 a écrit :
Hi kay, I wanted to ask if you know what the base armour of an AG is.
Because POB is showing me 1129 while on PoeDB it's saying it's 24242.
Would you happen to know which one is correct?

Actually not sure. But I think trust POB numbers.

poedb also shows AG base life is 34285.
🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶
kayella a écrit :
Onin_in_Sweden a écrit :
kayella a écrit :

SO have special mechanics so DPS calculation is:
Trigger cast speed x Police dagger average damage x 3 (shotgun effect).

Does this mean that the dps (value before impale or poison is added) for SO in PoB shall be multipied by 3 to be able to compair to other spectres?

It would make sense.

Yes that's right. Multiple by 3. But only 3! It doesn't matter Volley, Great Volley, LMP, GMP, Awaken GMP. Some people think they can multiple by number from the projectile support gem. But there is only 3 source projectiles so the limit is 3 shotgun effect. The reason for projectile support is make the daggers cross over so they hit the same target.

Thanks Kay :)
kayella a écrit :
einzen a écrit :

superb Kay!!!
will waiting for that update :)

Aegon_V a écrit :

Thank you!

I hope you will like updated version... It's close to the build I streamed for delve event.

so explode skelly :)
sure will love to wait for it
I'm adding in new levelling guide to page 1.

This is the old levelling guide if anyone wants to check it.

Pre-3.13 levelling guide

This levelling guide and walkthrough is a mix of 3.11 and 3.12. I am writing a new guide based on what I did in gauntlet/mayhem/delve/flashback!

Intro and Early Levelling Main Skills

Tip: Always check vendors when you are in town for 3-link or 4-link items!
In act 1, sell unid rare and magic items to get transmute orb to buy gems.
In act 2, Sell id rares to get alteration orb to buy gems.
In act 3, craft flask of animation and +1 minion helmet.

For Act 1 - 4, use a mix of zombies and skeletons with support spectre. Then Act 5, switch to DPS spectres.

Act 1:
1. Holy Flame Totem area damage and 6% heal
2. Summon Skeletons
3. Zombies meatshield (need to resummon them)

Act 2:
3. Skitterbots + infernal legion are permanent burning aura.

Act 3:
4. Support Spectres
Use Carnage Chieftain from Act 2 Old Fields to give big DPS boost to skeletons and zombies.

Act 4:
5. Stone Golem* - extra damage and life regen. Use if you have a spare red socket

Act 5 -> maps
Change to Slave Driver as DPS spectre.

See: Gem Checklist for Each Act for more details.

Useful Crafting for Levelling

Craft 10% ms boots

Sell to town vendor: white boots + augmentation orb + quicksilver flask. Socket links and colours do not change.

Craft Flask of Animation (heals minions)

Keep your minions alive in Acts 1 - 5.

Sell to vendor: Orb of Transmutation + Any life flask + Bone Spirit Shield.

Craft +1 minion gem helmet

Increase minion damage in Acts 3+.
Only do this craft if you find a 4-link helmet.

Sell to vendor: Orb of Alteration + Flask of Animation + blue helmet.

Gem Checklist for Each Act

Make sure you have these gems at the end of each Act.

End of Act 1

1. Summon Skeleton + Minion Damage + Infernal Legion (BBB)

2. Raise Zombie + Minion Damage (BB)

3. Holy Flame Totem + Summon Phantasm (RB)

Frostblink, Flesh Offering

End of Act 2

1. Summon Skeleton + Minion Damage + Melee Phys (BBR)

2. Holy Flame Totem + Summon Phantasm (RB)

3. Summon Skitterbots + Infernal Legion + (BB)

4. Raise Zombie + Minion Damage + Predator (BBB)

Frostblink, Flesh Offering, Desecrate

End of Act 3

1. Summon Skeleton + Minion Damage + Melee Phys (BBR)

2. Holy Flame Totem + Summon Phantasm (RB)

3. Summon Skitterbots + Infernal Legion (BB)

4. Raise Spectre + Minion Life (BB)

5. Raise Zombie + Minion Damage + Predator + Feeding Frenzy (BBBB)

Frostblink, Flesh Offering, Desecrate, Convocation

End of Act 4

1. Summon Skeleton + Minion Damage + Melee Phys + Stone Golem (BBRR)

2. Holy Flame Totem + Summon Phantasm (RB)

3. Summon Skitterbots + Infernal Legion (BB)

4. Raise Spectre + Minion Life (BB)

5. Raise Zombie + Minion Damage + Predator + Feeding Frenzy (BBBB)

Frostblink, Flesh Offering, Desecrate, Convocation, Spell Echo

End of Act 5

1. Raise Spectre + Minion Damage + Spell Echo + Predator (BBBB)

2. Raise Zombie + Minion Damage + Physical to Lightning + Stone Golem (BBBR)

3. Summon Skeleton + Minion Damage + Melee Physical Damage (BBR)

4. Wrath + Generosity + Skitterbots (BRB)

5. Armageddon Brand + Hextouch + Conductivity (BBB)

Flame Dash, Flesh Offering, Desecrate, Convocation

Passive Trees

Here is the list of notables in order:
1. Enduring Bond
2. Lord of the Dead
3. Heart and Soul
4. Death Attunement + 1 regen passive
5. Sacrifice + 1 leech passive
6. Indomitable Army
7. Quick Recovery
8. Retribution
9. Discipline and Training
10. Sanctity
11. Elemental Equilibrium
12. Gravepact
13. Spiritual Command
14. Constitution
15. Cruel Preparation
16. Tireless
17. Barbarism
18. Juggernaut
19. Solidity
20. Warrior’s Blood
21. Heart of the Warrior
22. Mystic Bulwark
23. Devotion
24. Righteous Army

Full Walkthrough for Acts 1 - 10

Act 1

Needed links:
1x blue, blue, blue (BBB)
1x blue, blue, red (BBR)

starting zone:
link: fireball + arcane surge.
kill hillock. go: town.

take: freezing pulse
buy: raise zombie

link: freezing pulse + arcane surge

the coast -> mud flats -> submerged passage -> coast -> tidal island

tidal island: kill hailrake. take medicine chest. go: town.

take: Summon Raging Spirits, Summon Phantasms, Frostblink, Quicksilver flask.
buy: Holy Flame Totem

link: holy flame totem + phantasms

go: submerged passage.

submerged passage -> ledge -> climb -> lower prison -> submerged passage -> flooded depths

flooded depths: kill deep dweller. go: town.

take: skill book, infernal legion
buy: minion damage x2

summon raging spirits + minion damage + infernal legion
holy flame totem + summon phantasm + minion damage

go: lower prison.

lower prison: labyrith trial -> upper prison

upper prison: kill boss. go: town.

take: flame dash.

go: prisoner's gate.

prisoner's gate -> ship graveyard -> ship graveyard cave

ship graveyard cave: get the allflame. find canvern of wrath.

cavern of wrath: go: ship graveyard.

ship graveyard: kill fairgraves. go: town.

take: skill book, flesh offering.

Pro tip: use 2x sapphire ring for Merveil fight (act 1 final boss)

buy: iron ring x2
sell: fireball + iron ring
sell: freezing pulse + iron ring

go: cavern of wrath.

cavern of wrath -> cavern of anger
cavern of anger: kill boss.

Act 2

Needed links:
1x BBB
1x BBR
1x BR

southern forest -> forest encampment -> old fields -> crossroads -> broken bridge

broken bridge: find & kill kraitlyn. go: town.

town -> riverways -> find waypoint -> go: left -> wetlands

wetlands: find & kill oak. find waypoint. go: riverways.

riverways -> western forest

western forest:
kill blackguard. pick up thaumetic emblem, open path.
find & kill alira.
find weaver's chamber.

weaver's chamber: kill weaver and get maligaro's spike. go: town.

talk: eramir (2 passive points)
take: death mark
buy: elemental focus

go: act 1 town.

act 1 town:
take: skill book.
buy: combustion.

go: crossroads.

crossroads -> felshrine ruins -> crypt

level 1: labyrith trial
level 2: find & kill geofri. get golden hand. go: town

go: crossroads

crossroads -> go left -> chamber of sins

chamber of sins:
level 2: labyrinth trial, kill fidelis -> baleful gem.

go: town.

take: desecrate
buy: summon skitterbots, melee physical damage, wave of conviction

holy flame totem + phatasms + combustion
skitterbots + infernal legion + minion damage
summon raging spirits + mininon damage + melee physical damage

go: wetlands.

wetlands -> poison the tree roots -> vaal ruins -> northern forest -> caverns -> ancient pyramid

ancient pryamid: kill boss

Act 3

Needed links:
1x BBB
1x BBR
1x BR

city of sarn: talk to clarissa. go: town.

town -> slums -> crematorium

labyrinth trial.
find & kill piety. take tolman's bracelet. go: town.

take: sewer keys, convocation
buy: elemental weakness.

go: slums.

the slums -> the sewers

the sewers: find 3 quest items.

marketplace -> catacombs

labyrinth trial.
go: town.

take skill book.

go: marketplace.

marketplace -> battlefront

battlefront: find Blackguard chest -> ribbon spoon. go: solaris temple.

solaris temple
level 2: find dialla. take jade amulet. go: battlefront.

battlefront -> docks

docks: find container -> thaumatic sulphite. go: solaris temple level 2.

solaris temple level 2: dialla -> infernal talc. go: the sewers.

sewers: clear the undying blockage. find ebony barracks.

ebony barracks: find & kill gravicius. go: lunaris temple.

lunaris temple: find waypoint. go: town.

take: raise spectre
buy: animate guardian

go: act 1 town
act 1 town:
buy: minion damage

link: raise spectre + minion damage + elemental focus + deathmark

go: the ledge

the ledge: use desecrate to create corpses. look for 'cannibal fire-eater'. raise two spectres. go: lunaris temple.

lunaris temple: find & kill piety. take the tower key. go: town.

take: skill book.

go: ebony barracks.

ebony barracks -> imperial gardens

imperial gardens: labyrinth trial. go: library.

the library & archives: find siosa. find 'loose candle'. find golden pages. return to siosa. take feeding frenzy. buy added fire damage (need transmute orb).

summon raging spirits + mininon damage + added fire damage

go: imperial gardens.

imperial gardens -> find 'locked door' -> scepter of god

upper scepter: find & kill dominus.

Act 4

Needed links:
1x BBR
2x BBB

if get BBBR, link:
summon raging spirits + mininon damage + added fire damage + raise zombie

aqueduct -> town -> dried lake

dried lake: find & kill boss. get deshret's banner. go: town.

go: act 3 town.

act 3 town:
buy: elemental army, generosity.

go: act 4 town
open mines entrance. don't enter.
talk to oyun.
take stone golem.

go: mines

level 2: find deshret's spirit. go: crystal veins.

crystal veins: find dialla. go: town.

take skill book.
go: crystal veins.

crystal veins:
1. daresso's dream -> grand arena find & kill daresso. take 'eye of desire'.
2. kaom's dream -> kaom's stronghold find & kill kaom. take 'eye of fury'.

go: crystal veins.

crystal veins: talk to dialla. go: town.

talk to dialla. take spell echo.
talk to petarus and vanja. buy curse on hit.

raise spectre + minion damage + spell echo + elemental focus
wave of conviction + curse on hit + elemental weakness

go: crystal veins.

crystal vein -> belly of the beast -> bowels of the beast

bowels of the beast: defeat piety. go: harvest.

the harvest: find & kill doedre, maligaro & shavronne. talk to piety. go: black core.

the black core: kill boss. portal to town.

town -> the ascent

the ascent: find portal to oriath.

Act 5

Can do Labyrinth 1: Ascend to Necromancer -> Mindless Aggression

the slave pens -> town -> control blocks

control blocks: find miasmeter. go: oriath square

oriath square -> templar courts -> chamber of innocence

chamber of innocence: find & kill boss. go torched courts

torched courts -> ruined square -> ossuary

ossuary: find sign of purity. go: ruined square

ruin square -> reliquary

reliquary: find 3 quest items -> go: town

take skill book x2.

go: ruined square

ruined square -> cathedral rooftop

cathedral rooftop: find & kill kitava

Act 6

town -> twilight strand: kill all monsters.

take book of regrets.

go: the coast.

the coast -> the mud flats -> karui fortress

karui fortress: find & kill boss. go: the ridge.

the ridge -> lower prison -> town

take skill book x2.

go: lower prison

lower prison -> labyrinth trial -> shavronne's tower

shavronne's tower: find & kill bosses -> warden's chambers -> prisoner's gate.

prisoner's gate -> valley of the fire drinker: find & kill boss -> western forest -> riverways

riverways: find waypoint. go left to find entrance to wetlands.

wetlands -> spawning ground: find & kill boss. go: to town

take book of skill x2.

go: riverways

riverways -> southern forest -> caverns of anger: take black flag -> passage -> beacon

complete 'refuel the beacon' escort puzzle.

brine king's reef: find & kill boss.

Act 7

broken bridge -> crossroads -> fellshrine ruins -> crypt

the crypt: labyrinth trial. find maligaro's map. go: to town.

town -> crossroads -> chamber of sins level 1

chamber of sins 1: find silk. use 'maligaro's map' in the map device.

maligaro's sanctum: find & kill boss. take black venom. go: chamber of sins 1

chamber of sins 1: talk to silk. take obsidian key.

chamber of sins 2: labyrinth trial -> the den -> ashen fields -> fortress encampment -> northern forest -> dread thicket

dread thicket: collect fireflies. find den of despair: find & kill boss.

northern forest -> causeway.

the causeway: find waypoint. find kishara's star.

vaal city: find portal, go: town.


take book of skill x3

go: vaal city.

vaal city -> temple of decay -> arakaali's web: kill boss.

Act 8

Your Raise Spectre gem should hit level 13 in Act 8. Remember to get your 3rd spectre!

sarn ramparts -> town -> toxic conduits -> doedre's cesspool

doedre's cesspool: find & kill boss.

doedre's cesspool: -> the quay

quay: find 'sealed casket', 'ankh of eternity'. go: ressurection site -> kill tolman. go: quay: find grain gate.

grain gate: find & kill gemling legion. go: imperial fields.

imperial fields -> solaris temple.

solaris temple find & kill boss. take sun orb. go: town.

take skill book x2

go: toxic conduits

toxic conduits -> grand promenade -> bath house

bath house: labyrinth trial. go: high garden.

high garden: find & kill boss. go: to town.

take skill book.

go: bath house.

bath house -> lunaris concourse -> lunaris temple

lunaris temple find & kill boss. take moon orb. go: town.


go: lunaris concourse.

lunaris concourse -> harbour bridge -> sky shrine

kill both bosses

Act 9

blood aqueducts -> town -> descent -> vastiri desert

vastiri desert:
find storm-weathered chest. take storm blade.
find blocked entrance to 'the oasis'.

go: foothills.

foothills -> boiling lake

boiling lake: find and kill boss. take basilisk acid. go: town.

town: talk to petarus and vanja. talk to sin. talk to petarus and vanja again. take bottled storm.

go:vastiri desert.

vastiri desert -> oasis

oasis: find and kill boss. go: town.

take skill book.

go: foothills.

foothills -> tunnel: labyrinth trial -> quarry -> shrine of the winds: kill boss -> go: quarry

quarry -> refinery: find and kill boss. take trarthan powder. go: town.

take skill book.

go: quarry.

quarry -> belly of the beast -> rotting core -> black core

black core: kill shavronne, maligaro and doedre. enter the black heart.

black heart: kill boss

Act 10 & Epilogue

town -> cathedral rooftop -> cathedral apex: kill monsters -> cathedral rooftop -> ravaged square -> control blocks

control blocks: find & kill boss. go: town.

talk to NPCs.
talk skill book.

go: control blocks.

control blocks -> ravaged square -> ossuary: labyrinth -> ravaged square -> torched courts -> desecrated chamber

desecrated chamber -> sanctum of innoncence: kill avarius. take staff of purity. go: town.

talk to NPCs

go: ravaged square.

ravaged square -> canals -> feeding trough: find and kill kitava. go to oriath.

oriath: talk to lani. talk skill book. talk to kirac. do epilogue quests.

How to transition to mapping

Congratulations! You did it! I hope the early acts were not too difficult.

Now that you have reach maps, follow the gems and equipment for 'Base Build'.

If you are in trade league, you can push the build further with 'Pure Spectres' or 'Spectres & Spiders'.

🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶
Just wanted to say this is by far the best guide I have seen, can't wait for leveling section rework
I know you put lot of work into this leveling guide, but i would highly recommend not going for minion instability with srs. As you are squishy early on you want to stay away from enemies and srs + infernal legion + minion instability would just die before even be able to deal damage to enemies. Minion instability is decent with summon skeletons as you spawn them on enemies but still making them disappear when they reach 35% life is not something i like.

As for raise zombies i would suggest putting them in second weapon set to level and not to use them until you get indomitable army or sacrifice cluster for minion survivability.

Act 1
BBR for holy flame totem + Summon phantasm support + infused channeling for clear
BBB flame wall + arcane surge lvl 1 + frostblink can do on 2 link helps with clear. or just drop arcane surge if you dont have sockets
BBB SRS + Minion damage + Infernal legion later swap with summon skeletons.
End of Act 2 Drop holy flame totem for raise zombie with melee splash and minion speed / minion damage. I prefer minion speed as i find that they are faster in getting to enemies.
Vitality is nice aura but you need to keep close to your minion for it to affect them but its still worth using.
Holy flame totem also provides regeneration to minions that stand on concetrated ground thus getting minion instability is even bigger minus for me.

Kmanchine a écrit :
I know you put lot of work into this leveling guide, but i would highly recommend not going for minion instability with srs. As you are squishy early on you want to stay away from enemies and srs + infernal legion + minion instability would just die before even be able to deal damage to enemies. Minion instability is decent with summon skeletons as you spawn them on enemies but still making them disappear when they reach 35% life is not something i like.

SRS + MI can survive long enough to completely off screen kill Merveil and Brutus. It's very safe.

Actually I used plain skele, skele + MI, plain SRS, SRS + MI, in ziz gauntlet which was HCSSF with too many damage mod. SRS + MI + infernal was the only way I could offscreen all the content.

Skele can't do it because of max cast distance is shorter than edge of screen. So they can't do anything without feeding frenzy.

PoE 3.12 - Ziz Gauntlet - Act 1 to 5 - Boss Fights

🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶
Hmm, okay fair point.
What do you think about putting SRS on spell totem with minion damage.
There are so many options i guess there is no correct way of doing it i guess, everyone has preferences.


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