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KalHirol a écrit :
Hey Kay,
I need your advice.

Ive been playing spectres forever now and always HC and my build is quite different because of that but I ran into a problem.
While i was able to literally kill any boss in this game, I struggle A LOT with the awakener, esspecially with the last phase.

I ve been only using slave drivers for the last leagues and I feel like they are just not good for this fight (or minions in general are not good).
I have about 2million sirus DPS, but I feel like with the way SD move, even with deathmark on the boss, their DPS uptime is terrible and they react poorly to the boss moving, esspecially in the last phase their DPS uptime is just so bad.
Also they actually die to the beam, many times in this fight I randomly lose spectres and I cannot resummon them inside the area because they are not in the desecrate table...

So can you recommend a spectre for the awakener fight?
I dont even care about the most "sheet DPS", Im really looking for a spectre who have the most DPS uptime and them not dying would also help a lot.
Should I try melee spectres maybe? (this would mean changing alot since my build is based on ele damage, and my AG has -lightning resist helm and stuff, but maybe worth a try?)
I ve watched your videos about different spectres, but I cant really decide or tell which one is best :(
(nice videos btw tho :D)

I would even be okay to farm a second set of gear just for this fight to switch spectres, but I would need to know its worth it and what actually works best.
This fight is really the only thing in the game I struggle with A LOT :(

Would be cool if you could give me some advice ♥

DPS uptime is really complicated. I don't explain this usually. Also GGG changed the fight so much and Sirus moves around too much now.

5 things affect DPS uptime:
attack/cast rate
attack/cast range
hit time (projectile speed / melee / aoe)
movement speed
ability switch

Also important in HC is visibility. Some spectres use really big effects that block vision.

About the popular spectres:

Slave Driver has OK cast rate (1.2 with spell echo), short cast range, instant hit (aoe), good movement speed, 2 abilities (spell and melee), medium visibility. Short cast time and instant hit is the best, but they want to cast in melee range, so if boss move they need to chase after. They also seem to stop casting sometimes, I think they hit with default melee attack then. And they also die easily in storms >_<

Redemption Knight has good attack rate (1.23 with multistrike), short attack range, instant hit (melee), good movement speed, 2 abilities (but same DPS), high visibility. Similar problem as SD, they attack in melee range, so they must chase boss if boss moves. It's not too bad because they move quickly! You need to use convocation to move them if Sirus teleports a long way.

Redemption Sentry has slow attack rate (0.67), long range, delay hit (projectile), good movement speed, 4 abilities (big drop in DPS), high visibility. The long range helps because they don't need to move. But the projectile will miss if the boss moves. Also the attack time is so slow so they take time to shoot again. RS has really bad DPS uptime actually. The spectres seems good in 3.10 because of crit/hatred stacking so they hit really hard.

Maybe old school spectre is better for your build (no cluster) and HC!

Solar Guard has fast cast rate (2.0 with spell echo), long range, delay hit (projectile), good movement, 2 abilities. The damage is actually pretty good and the fast cast time helps a lot with DPS uptime. The fireball moves quickly and has a small size, so visibility is good.

3.9 fight was easier, but you can see the DPS uptime. Fireball shoots so so quickly it's like a laser beam. https://youtu.be/VmsatHljnzg

*I check attack/cast rate with POB. Just add raise spectre and no passive points to see basic stats.

🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶
Dernière édition par kayella#0845, le 8 juin 2020 14:37:09
If anyone want to practice levelling. I have updated the levelling guide for Act 1 - 4.

Walkthrough should be smoother/faster. Also changed spectre to Cannibal Fire-Eater for more DPS.

Notable progression works better with DPS focus.
1. Enduring Bond
2. Lord of the Dead
3. Heart and Soul
4. Death Attunement
5. Sacrifice
6. Spiritual Command
7. Quick Recovery
8. Indomitable Army

Levelling tree in https://pastebin.com/dCDzzsXw

I am doing a test run in SSF (character: kaytttttnttntnt). Deathless so far and no time I felt in danger. No spectre died. one zombie die against piety when she did the spinny beam.

Holy Flame Totem is the most important thing in the build! It gives 6% regen and adds good DPS. It will also pull agro.

If you try this update. Please let me know how it is.

Early Levelling Notes

In act 1, use holy flame totem and SRS. Totem gives 6% heal for you and minions. Don't use zombies yet.

In act 2, you will get skitterbots. Link them with infernal legion gem. They will burn and kill most monsters. Keep using totem and SRS.

In act 3, you will replace SRS with Cannibal Fire-Eater spectres. Keep using totem. Start using zombies.

In act 5, you will switch to Slave Driver spectres.

Useful Crafting for Levelling

Craft 10% ms boots

Sell to town vendor: white boots + augmentation orb + quicksilver flask. Socket links and colours do not change.

Craft Flask of Animation (heals minions)

Keep your minions alive in Acts 1 - 5.

Sell to vendor: Orb of Transmutation + Any life flask + Bone Spirit Shield.

Craft +1 minion gem helmet

Increase minion damage in Acts 3+.
Only do this craft if you find a 4-link helmet.

Sell to vendor: Orb of Alteration + Flask of Animation + blue helmet.

Gem Checklist for Each Act

Make sure you have these gems at the end of each Act.

End of Act 1

1. Summon Raging Spirit + Minion Damage + Infernal Legion (BBB)

2. Holy Flame Totem + Summon Phantasm + Minion Damage (BBR)

Flame Dash, Bone Offering, Flesh Offering, Raise Zombie

Buy amber amulet from Nessa if you need strength to level up Holy Flame Totem.

End of Act 2

1. Summon Raging Spirit + Minion Damage + Melee Phys (BBR)

2. Holy Flame Totem + Summon Phantasm + Minion Damage (BBB)

3. Summon Skitterbots + Infernal Legion (BB)

Flame Dash, Flesh Offering, Desecrate

Levelling (can be in weapon swap):
Bone Offering, Raise Zombie, Deathmark, Controlled Destruction, Elemental Focus

End of Act 3

1. Raise Spectre + Minion Damage + Controlled Destruction + Elemental Focus (BBBB)

2. Raise Zombie + Minion Damage + Feeding Frenzy + Deathmark (BBBB)

3. Holy Flame Totem + Summon Phantasm (BR)

4. Summon Skitterbots + Infernal Legion (BB)

Flame Dash, Flesh Offering, Desecrate, Elemental Weakness

Levelling (can be in weapon swap):
Bone Offering, Controlled Destruction, Wrath, Elemental Army, Generosity, Animate Gurardian

End of Act 4

1. Raise Spectre + Minion Damage + Elemental Focus + Spell Echo (+ Deathmark if 5L)

2. Raise Zombie + Minion Damage + Feeding Frenzy + Summon Stone Golem

3. Holy Flame Totem + Summon Phantasm

4. Summon Skitterbots + Infernal Legion

Flame Dash, Flesh Offering, Desecrate, Elemental Weakness

Levelling (can be in weapon swap):
Bone Offering, Controlled Destruction, Wrath, Elemental Army, Generosity, Curse on Hit, Animate Gurardian, (Elemental Focus if not linked)

End of Act 5

1. Raise Spectre + Minion Damage + Elemental Focus + Spell Echo (+ Deathmark if 5L)

2. Raise Zombie + Minion Damage + Feeding Frenzy, Summon Stone Golem

3. Armageddon Brand + Flame Dash + Curse on Hit + Elemental Weakness

4. Generosity + Wrath

Flesh Offering, Desecrate, Summon Skitterbots, Convocation

Levelling (can be in weapon swap):
Bone Offering, Controlled Destruction, Elemental Army, Animate Gurardian, (Elemental Focus if not linked)

Buy all remaining gems in Act 6

Phase Run, Cast When Damage Taken, Immortal Call

Passive Trees

Levelling trees are at my imgur account: https://imgur.com/a/fNsDpC1.


The level ranges are labelled below the image. The level ranges are based on my own playthrough which included doing the side quests for extra passive points. You might be slightly ahead or behind.

Note that the trees are not designed for Cluster Jewels.

Full Walkthrough for Acts 1 - 10

Act 1

Needed links:
1x blue, blue, blue (BBB)
1x blue, blue, red (BBR)

starting zone:
link: fireball + arcane surge. kill hillock. go: town.

take: freezing pulse
buy: raise zombie
sell: fireball
link: freezing pulse + arcane surge

the coast -> mud flats -> submerged passage -> coast -> tidal island

tidal island: kill hailrake. take medicine chest. go: town.

take: Summon Raging Spirits, Summon Phantasms, Frostblink, Quicksilver flask.
buy: Holy Flame Totem
sell: freezing pulse
link: holy flame totem + phantasms

go: submerged passage.

submerged passage -> ledge -> climb -> lower prison -> submerged passage -> flooded depths

flooded depths: kill deep dweller. go: town.

take: skill book, infernal legion
buy: minion damage x2
summon raging spirits + minion damage + infernal legion
holy flame totem + summon phantasm + minion damage

go: lower prison.

lower prison: labyrith trial -> upper prison

upper prison: kill boss. go: town.

take: flame dash.

go: prisoner's gate.

prisoner's gate -> ship graveyard -> ship graveyard cave

ship graveyard cave: get the allflame. find canvern of wrath.

cavern of wrath: go: ship graveyard.

ship graveyard: kill fairgraves. go: town.

take: skill book, flesh offering.

go: cavern of wrath.

cavern of wrath -> cavern of anger
cavern of anger: kill boss.

Act 2

Needed links:
1x BBB
1x BBR
1x BB

southern forest -> forest encampment -> old fields -> crossroads -> broken bridge

broken bridge: find & kill kraitlyn. go: town.

town -> riverways -> find waypoint -> go: left -> wetlands

wetlands: find & kill oak. find waypoint. go: riverways.

riverways -> western forest

western forest:
kill blackguard. pick up thaumetic emblem, open path.
find & kill alira.
find weaver's chamber.

weaver's chamber: kill weaver and get maligaro's spike. go: town.

talk: eramir (2 passive points)
take: death mark.
buy: melee physical damage, (controlled destruction, elemental focus)

link: zombies + minino damage + deathmark

go: act 1 town.

act 1 town: take skill book.

go: crossroads.

crossroads -> felshrine ruins -> crypt

level 1: labyrith trial
level 2: find & kill geofri. get golden hand. go: town

go: crossroads

crossroads -> go left -> chamber of sins

chamber of sins:
level 2: labyrinth trial,kill fidelis -> baleful gem.

go: town.

take: desecrate
buy: summon skitterbots, melee physical damage

skitterbots + infernal legion
holy flame totem + phatasms + minion damage
summon raging spirits + mininon damage + melee physical damage

go: wetlands.

wetlands -> poison the tree roots -> vaal ruins -> northern forest -> caverns -> ancient pyramid

ancient pryamid: kill boss

Act 3

Needed links:
1x BR
1x BB

city of sarn: talk to clarissa. go: town.

town -> slums -> crematorium

labyrinth trial.
find & kill piety. take tolman's bracelet. go: town.

take: sewer keys, convocation.
buy: wrath, elemental weakness.

go: slums.

the slums -> the sewers

the sewers: find 3 quest items.

marketplace -> catacombs

labyrinth trial.
go: town.

take skill book.

go: marketplace.

marketplace -> battlefront

battlefront: find Blackguard chest -> ribbon spoon. go: solaris temple.

solaris temple
level 2: find dialla. take jade amulet. go: battlefront.

battlefront -> docks

docks: find container -> thaumatic sulphite. go: solaris temple level 2.

solaris temple level 2: dialla -> infernal talc. go: the sewers.

sewers: clear the undying blockage. find ebony barracks.

ebony barracks: find & kill gravicius. go: lunaris temple.

lunaris temple: find waypoint. go: town.

take: raise spectre
buy: animate guardian

link: raise spectre + minion damage + elemental focus + controlled destruction

go: the ledge

the ledge:use desecrate to create corpses. look for 'cannibal fire-eater'. raise two spectres. go: lunaris temple.

lunaris temple: find & kill piety. take the tower key. go: town.

take: skill book.

go: ebony barracks.

ebony barracks -> imperial gardens

imperial gardens: labyrinth trial. go: library.

the library & archives: find siosa. find 'loose candle'. find golden pages. return to siosa. take feeding frenzy.

link: raise zombies + minion damage + deathmark + feeding frenzy

go: imperial gardens.

imperial gardens -> find 'locked door' -> scepter of god

upper scepter: find & kill dominus.

Act 4

Needed links:
1x BR
1x BB

aqueduct -> town -> dried lake

dried lake: find & kill boss. get deshret's banner. go: town.

go: act 3 town.

act 3 town:
buy: elemental army, generosity.

go: act 4 town
open mines entrance. don't enter.
talk to oyun.
take stone golem.

go: mines

level 2: find deshret's spirit. go: crystal veins.

crystal veins: find dialla. go: town.

take skill book.
go: crystal veins.

crystal veins:
1. daresso's dream -> grand arena find & kill daresso. take 'eye of desire'.
2. kaom's dream -> kaom's stronghold find & kill kaom. take 'eye of fury'.

go: crystal veins.

crystal veins: talk to dialla. go: town.

talk to dialla. take spell echo.
talk to petarus and vanja. buy curse on hit.

link: raise spectre + minion damage + spell echo + elemental focus

go: crystal veins.

crystal vein -> belly of the beast -> bowels of the beast

bowels of the beast: defeat piety. go: harvest.

the harvest: find & kill doedre, maligaro & shavronne. talk to piety. go: black core.

the black core: kill boss. portal to town.

town -> the ascent

the ascent: find portal to oriath.

Act 5

the slave pens: find entrance to overseer's tower (town).
town: talk to lani. take whichever ring helps you balance your resists. go to act 3 town
act 3 town:talk to clarissa. buy armageddon brand. return to act 5 town.

Start using Slave Driver Spectres.
control blocks: desecrate corpses. look for 'Slave Driver'. raise 2 spectres.

gem removal: holy flame totem, summon phantasms, infernal army
unlinked: skitterbot
link: wrath + generosity
link: armageddon brand + curse on hit + elemental weakness + flame dash
link: raise zombie + minion damage + stone golem + feeding frenzy

You can do Labyrinth after getting Slave Drivers -> Ascend to Necromancer -> Mindless Aggression

control blocks: find miasmeter. find entrance to oriath square.
oriath square: get waypoint. waytpoint to town.
town: talk to vilenta. take skill book. waypoint to oriath square.
oriath square: head to top-right to find entrance to templar courts.
templar courts: get waypoint. find entrance to chamber of innocence.
chamber of innocence: find boss room. defeat avarius. talk to sin. exit boss room. enter torched courts.
torched courts: find entrance to ruined square.
ruined square: find the ossuary. get waypoint.
ossuary: find sign of purity. exit to ruined square.
ruined square: find reliquary. ignore utula.
reliquary: get waypoint. find the 3 quest items. portal to town.
town: talk to lani. take skill book. waypoint to ruined square.
ruined square: find cathedral rooftop.
cathedral rooftop: find and kill kitava. talk to sin. talk to lily roth.

Act 6

town: talk to lilly. go to twilight strand.
twilight strand: kill all monsters.
town: talk to lilly. take book of regrets. go to the coast.
the coast: find the entrance to mud flats. get the waypoint. enter mud flats.
the mud flats: find & kill boss. take quest item. find & talk to nessa. find entrance to karui fotress.
karui fortress: find & kill boss. find entrance to the ridge.
the ridge: waypoint to town.
town: talk to tarkleigh. take skill book. talk to lilly. buy cast when damage taken, immortal call, phase run.
the ridge: find entrance to lower prison.
lower prison: grab waypoint. portal to town.
town: talk to tarkleigh. take skill book. portal to lower prison
lower prison: find labyrinth trial. find entrance to shavronne's tower.
shavronne's tower: find entrance to prison rooftop.
prison rooftop. kill shavronne and brutus. talk to sin.
warden's chambers: find entrance to prisoner's gate.
prisoner's gate: find entrance to valley of the fire drinker (top-right).
valley of the fire drinker: kill abberath. talk to sin. return to prisoner's gate.
prisoner's gate: find entrance to western forest
western forest: follow path to top to find waypoint. grab waypoint. continue to find entrance to riverways.
riverways: follow path upwards to find waypoint. grab waypoint. go left to find entrance to wetlands.
wetlands: find entrance to spawning ground.
spawning ground: kill rysratha. talk to sin. portal to town
town: talk to bestel. take book of skill. talk to tarkleigh. take book of skill. waypoint to riverways
riverways: find the entrance to southern forest.
southern forest: find the entrance to caverns of anger. grab the waypoint.
caverns of anger: open flag chest. take black flag.
passage: find entrance to beacon.
beacon: grab waypoint. complete 'refuel the beacon' escort puzzle. light the beacon. click on beacon. talk to weylam.
brine king's reef: find the brine king's throne.
brine king's throne: kill boss. talk to sin. talk to weylam to go to act 7.

Act 7

broken bridge: follow path to entrance to crossroads
crossroads: follow path to the waypoint. grab waypoint. head to the right of the map. find entrance to fellshrine ruins.
fellshrine ruins: follow the path to the crypt entrance.
the crypt: grab waypoint. find labyrinth trial. find sarcophagus (entrance to next area). enter stairs. search map for 'container of sins'. take maligaro's map. portal to town.
town: take waypoint to crossroads
crossroads: find entrance to chamber of sins level 1.
chamber of sins level 1: find silk. grab the waypoint. use 'maligaro's map' in the map device. enter portal to maligaro's sanctum
maligaro's sanctum: find maligaro's workshop.
kill maligaro. take black venom. portal to chamber of sins level 1
chamber of sins level 1: talk to silk. take obsidian key. find entrance to level 2.
chamber of sins level 2: complete labyrinth trial. find entrance to the den.

Can do labyrinth 2 now -> Unnatural Strength

the den: grab the waypoint. find entrance to the ashen fields.
the ashen fields: grab waypoint. follow path to find entrance to fortress encampment (boss room).
boss room: kill greust. talk to sin.
northern forest: find entrance to dread thicket.
dread thicket: collect fireflies. find entrance to den of despair.
den of despair: kill gruthkul. portal to town.
town: talk to eramir. take skill books. waypoint to northern forest.
northern forest: find the entrance to the causeway.
the causeway: find waypoint. find kishara's star (close to vaal city entrance).
vaal city: find waypoint. portal to town.
town: talk to weylam. take book of skill.
vaal city: talk to yeena. enter temple of decay level 1.
temple of decay level 1 & 2: find entrance to arakaali's web.
boss fight: kill arakaali. talk to sin. talk to yeena. enter sarn ramparts.

Act 8

Your Raise Spectre gem will hit level 13 in Act 8. Remember to get your 3rd spectre!

sarn ramparts: grab waypoint. find entrance to town.
town: enter toxic conduits.
toxic conduits: find doedre's cesspool.
doedre's cesspool: find boss room ('loose grate').
the cauldron: kill doedre. enter 'sewer outlet'.
doedre's cesspool: find entrance to the quay.
quay: find 'sealed casket'. open and take 'ankh of eternity'. find ressurection site. talk to clarissa. kill tolman. find grain gate.
grain gate: grab waypoint. find & kill gemling legion. find the imperial fields.
imperial fields: follow path. grab waypoint. find solaris temple.
solaris temple level 1: find waypoint. waypoint to town.
town: talk to maramoa. take skill book. talk to clarissa. take skill book). waypoint to solaris temple level 1.
solaris temple level 1 & 2: find & kill boss. take sun orb. portal to town.
town: waypoint to toxic conduits.
toxic conduits: find the grand promenade.
grand promenade: find the bath house.
bath house: complete labyrinth trial. kill hector. take wings of vastiri. find high garden.
high garden: kill yugul. portal to town.
town: talk to hargan. take skill book. waypoint to bath house.
bath house: find entrance to lunaris concourse.
lunaris concourse: grab waypoint. find lunaris temple.
lunaris temple level 1 & 2: find & kill boss. take moon orb. portal to town.
town: waypoint to lunaris concourse.
lunaris concourse: find the harbour bridge.
harbour bridge: find the sky shrine. kill both bosses. talk to sin.

Act 9

blood aqueducts: find entrance to town.
town: find the entrance to 'the descent'
descent: find exits.
vastiri desert: find the waypoint. find storm-weathered chest (yellow !). take storm blade. continue towards top of map. go to the right. find blocked entrance to 'the oasis'. find the entrance to the foothills.
foothills:find the waypoint. near waypoint is the entrance to the boiling lake.
boiling lake: find and kill boss. take basilisk acid. portal to town.
town: talk to petarus and vanja. ignore items. talk to sin. talk to petarus and vanja again. take bottled storm. waypoint to vastiri desert.
vastiri desert: go to entrance to the oasis.
oasis: find and kill boss. portal to town.
town: talk to irasha. take skill book. waypoint to foothills.
foothills: find entrance to the tunnel.
tunnel: complete labyrinth trial. find waypoint. find entrance to the quarry.
quarry:find waypoint. find entrance to shrine of the winds. kill boss. talk to sin. return to quarry.
quarry: find entrance to the refinery.
refinery: find and kill boss. open theurgic precipitate machine. take trarthan powder. portal to town.
town: talk to irasha. take skill book. talk to sin. waypoint to quarry.
quarry: enter belly of the beast.
belly of the beast: -> rotting core -> black core.
black core: talk to sin. kill shavronne, maligaro and doedre. talk to sin. enter the black heart.
black heart: kill depraved trinity. talk to lilly. sail to oriath.

Act 10 & Epilogue

town: enter cathedral rooftop.
cathedra rooftop: enter cathedral apex. kill monsters. talk to bannon. return to town.
town: talk to bannon. talk to lani. take quartz flask. go to cathedral rooftop.
cathedra rooftop: find entrance to the ravaged square
ravaged square: find entrance to the control blocks.
control blocks: find waypoint. find arena. kill boss. portal to town.
town: talk to lani. talk skill book. waypoint to control blocks.
control blocks: enter ravaged square
ravaged square: ignore reliquary entrance. find entrance to the ossuary. take waypoint. enter ossuary.
ossuary: complete labyrinth trial. find sealed chest (yellow !). take elixir of aullure. portal to town.
town: talk to weylam. waypoint to ravaged square.
ravaged square: find entrance to the torched courts.
torched courts: find entrance to desecrated chamber.
desecrated chamber: take waypoint. find sanctum of innoncence. kill avarius. take staff of purity. portal to town.

Can do labyrinth 3 now -> Mistress of Sacrifice

town: talk to bannon. talk to innocence. waypoint to ravaged square.
ravaged square: find and talk to innocence. enter the canals
the canals & feeding trough:
find and kill kitava. go to oriath.
oriath: talk to lani. talk skill book. talk to kirac. do epilogue quests.

🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶
Dernière édition par kayella#0845, le 8 juin 2020 15:27:41
I love your guide. I have one question

Which spectre would be best for mapping and bossing without gem swapping?

I'm considering Necro or some melee guy for next league
kayella a écrit :
wasabexx a écrit :
Hi Kay,

I wanted to suggest a different setup for the 1-Cluster build. For Slave Drivers it gives the same DPS, but you gain 2 passives. For Redemption Sentries/Knights it gives better DPS and you gain 2 passives. Those passives can be used for either better DPS or more life or whatever. Also, the cluster jewels are MUCH cheaper, only a few chaos each.

This is only good for the 1-cluster build, it loses DPS against the 2-Cluster build. The cluster setups rely on 2 things to boost DPS - increased Aura Effect from Vengeful Commander, and increase Critical strike/multiplier. But with only 1 cluster, you just don't get enough Critical Strike / Multiplier to make a big difference. Especially with RS as their base Crit is only 5% (Slave Drivers base crit is 6% so they are slightly better). If you go with 2 cluster setup, then the critical stacks enough to make a huge difference and that is definitely the route to go. However, if you are only using 1 cluster, there is a better setup.

Instead of going critical, we instead boost the aura effect even higher. For this, we can use a 8-passive Large Cluster Jewel with 2 jewel sockets, Overshock, Vengeful commander, and ANY other 3rd notable. The last notable will be a suffix so it will be positioned at the end of the cluster and we won't allocate it. So this is how we gain 2 extra passive skills. In other words, on an 8-passive large jewel, we only allocate 5 passives instead of 7.

For the medium cluster jewels, we use a 4-5 passive Medium Cluster Jewell with 1 jewel socket, Vengeful commander, and First Among Equals.

This setup will boost DPS, give 2 extra passives, and costs a LOT less.

One thing to note is that the notable "Overshock" DOES boost the shock effect from your skitterbots (it shows 54% boost to shock effect in tooltip). So the shock effect is effectively 23.85% (15% x 1.54). This will have to be manually changed in PoB.

If you want to see an example of this, you can look at my character here:

https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/wasabexx/characters (WasabeMinion)


Hope this gives another idea if anyone prefers the 1-cluster setup.

Interesting idea! I think those cluster jewels will be a lot cheaper than my version.

I made a slight different version of yours. It has a bit more DPS, more life, less ES (no mom) https://pastebin.com/xWMvtk7X

The plan for 3.11 is no MOM because taking big hit = 0 es = can't flame dash/dash out of trouble!

By the way, the single cluster plan (not cheap build):
RS has 2.75M DPS (no vaal haste), 98k life, 11k leech, 2k regen
Player has 7.6k life & 711es (no MOM). VMS. endurance changes from enduring composure, 49/10 block (with rumi's, no bone offering).

I'm waiting for patch notes before I share builds. Might be a big change.
I was looking around along these lines and came up for an option for S&S.

Swap the lightning for cold so you can get Cold-Blooded Killer instead of Overshock. Leaves you free to get a different life notable.
ShmooDude a écrit :
kayella a écrit :
wasabexx a écrit :
Hi Kay,

I wanted to suggest a different setup for the 1-Cluster build. For Slave Drivers it gives the same DPS, but you gain 2 passives. For Redemption Sentries/Knights it gives better DPS and you gain 2 passives. Those passives can be used for either better DPS or more life or whatever. Also, the cluster jewels are MUCH cheaper, only a few chaos each.

This is only good for the 1-cluster build, it loses DPS against the 2-Cluster build. The cluster setups rely on 2 things to boost DPS - increased Aura Effect from Vengeful Commander, and increase Critical strike/multiplier. But with only 1 cluster, you just don't get enough Critical Strike / Multiplier to make a big difference. Especially with RS as their base Crit is only 5% (Slave Drivers base crit is 6% so they are slightly better). If you go with 2 cluster setup, then the critical stacks enough to make a huge difference and that is definitely the route to go. However, if you are only using 1 cluster, there is a better setup.

Instead of going critical, we instead boost the aura effect even higher. For this, we can use a 8-passive Large Cluster Jewel with 2 jewel sockets, Overshock, Vengeful commander, and ANY other 3rd notable. The last notable will be a suffix so it will be positioned at the end of the cluster and we won't allocate it. So this is how we gain 2 extra passive skills. In other words, on an 8-passive large jewel, we only allocate 5 passives instead of 7.

For the medium cluster jewels, we use a 4-5 passive Medium Cluster Jewell with 1 jewel socket, Vengeful commander, and First Among Equals.

This setup will boost DPS, give 2 extra passives, and costs a LOT less.

One thing to note is that the notable "Overshock" DOES boost the shock effect from your skitterbots (it shows 54% boost to shock effect in tooltip). So the shock effect is effectively 23.85% (15% x 1.54). This will have to be manually changed in PoB.

If you want to see an example of this, you can look at my character here:

https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/wasabexx/characters (WasabeMinion)


Hope this gives another idea if anyone prefers the 1-cluster setup.

Interesting idea! I think those cluster jewels will be a lot cheaper than my version.

I made a slight different version of yours. It has a bit more DPS, more life, less ES (no mom) https://pastebin.com/xWMvtk7X

The plan for 3.11 is no MOM because taking big hit = 0 es = can't flame dash/dash out of trouble!

By the way, the single cluster plan (not cheap build):
RS has 2.75M DPS (no vaal haste), 98k life, 11k leech, 2k regen
Player has 7.6k life & 711es (no MOM). VMS. endurance changes from enduring composure, 49/10 block (with rumi's, no bone offering).

I'm waiting for patch notes before I share builds. Might be a big change.
I was looking around along these lines and came up for an option for S&S.

Swap the lightning for cold so you can get Cold-Blooded Killer instead of Overshock. Leaves you free to get a different life notable.

Doesn't work like that, the other notable gets placed between jewel sockets. You will need 3 notable cluster, which is more expensive

Also not sure if on kill effects trigger on minion kills. Pretty sure they don't

And if you're getting 3 notable cluster might as well take Blanketed Snow for big damage
Dernière édition par DixuMixu#1719, le 8 juin 2020 21:02:57
DixuMixu a écrit :
ShmooDude a écrit :
I was looking around along these lines and came up for an option for S&S.

Swap the lightning for cold so you can get Cold-Blooded Killer instead of Overshock. Leaves you free to get a different life notable.

Doesn't work like that, the other notable gets placed between jewel sockets. You will need 3 notable cluster, which is more expensive

Also not sure if on kill effects trigger on minion kills. Pretty sure they don't

And if you're getting 3 notable cluster might as well take Blanketed Snow for big damage
I meant literally swap the large jewel they were talking about:
(8-node lightning: Overshock, Vengeful Commander, Any Suffix Notable, 2 Socket)
(8-node cold: Cold-Blooded Killer, Vengeful Commander, Any Suffix Notable, 2 Socket)
which share the same layout with the suffix notables in the back.

Kill effects don't work on minions which is why I specifically said it's for S&S which uses Speaker's Wrath. Blanked Snow also doesn't apply to minions.

Dernière édition par ShmooDude#1337, le 8 juin 2020 23:21:04
kayella a écrit :
If anyone want to practice levelling. I have updated the levelling guide for Act 1 - 4.

Walkthrough should be smoother/faster. Also changed spectre to Cannibal Fire-Eater for more DPS.

Notable progression works better with DPS focus.
1. Enduring Bond
2. Lord of the Dead
3. Heart and Soul
4. Death Attunement
5. Sacrifice
6. Spiritual Command
7. Quick Recovery
8. Indomitable Army

Levelling tree in https://pastebin.com/dCDzzsXw

I am doing a test run in SSF (character: kaytttttnttntnt). Deathless so far and no time I felt in danger. No spectre died. one zombie die against piety when she did the spinny beam.

Holy Flame Totem is the most important thing in the build! It gives 6% regen and adds good DPS. It will also pull agro.

If you try this update. Please let me know how it is.

Early Levelling Notes

In act 1, use holy flame totem and SRS. Totem gives 6% heal for you and minions. Don't use zombies yet.

In act 2, you will get skitterbots. Link them with infernal legion gem. They will burn and kill most monsters. Keep using totem and SRS.

In act 3, you will replace SRS with Cannibal Fire-Eater spectres. Keep using totem. Start using zombies.

In act 5, you will switch to Slave Driver spectres.

Useful Crafting for Levelling

Craft 10% ms boots

Sell to town vendor: white boots + augmentation orb + quicksilver flask. Socket links and colours do not change.

Craft Flask of Animation (heals minions)

Keep your minions alive in Acts 1 - 5.

Sell to vendor: Orb of Transmutation + Any life flask + Bone Spirit Shield.

Craft +1 minion gem helmet

Increase minion damage in Acts 3+.
Only do this craft if you find a 4-link helmet.

Sell to vendor: Orb of Alteration + Flask of Animation + blue helmet.

Gem Checklist for Each Act

Make sure you have these gems at the end of each Act.

End of Act 1

1. Summon Raging Spirit + Minion Damage + Infernal Legion (BBB)

2. Holy Flame Totem + Summon Phantasm + Minion Damage (BBR)

Flame Dash, Bone Offering, Flesh Offering, Raise Zombie

Buy amber amulet from Nessa if you need strength to level up Holy Flame Totem.

End of Act 2

1. Summon Raging Spirit + Minion Damage + Melee Phys (BBR)

2. Holy Flame Totem + Summon Phantasm + Minion Damage (BBB)

3. Summon Skitterbots + Infernal Legion (BB)

Flame Dash, Flesh Offering, Desecrate

Levelling (can be in weapon swap):
Bone Offering, Raise Zombie, Deathmark, Controlled Destruction, Elemental Focus

End of Act 3

1. Raise Spectre + Minion Damage + Controlled Destruction + Elemental Focus (BBBB)

2. Raise Zombie + Minion Damage + Feeding Frenzy + Deathmark (BBBB)

3. Holy Flame Totem + Summon Phantasm (BR)

4. Summon Skitterbots + Infernal Legion (BB)

Flame Dash, Flesh Offering, Desecrate, Elemental Weakness

Levelling (can be in weapon swap):
Bone Offering, Controlled Destruction, Wrath, Elemental Army, Generosity, Animate Gurardian

End of Act 4

1. Raise Spectre + Minion Damage + Elemental Focus + Spell Echo (+ Deathmark if 5L)

2. Raise Zombie + Minion Damage + Feeding Frenzy + Summon Stone Golem

3. Holy Flame Totem + Summon Phantasm

4. Summon Skitterbots + Infernal Legion

Flame Dash, Flesh Offering, Desecrate, Elemental Weakness

Levelling (can be in weapon swap):
Bone Offering, Controlled Destruction, Wrath, Elemental Army, Generosity, Curse on Hit, Animate Gurardian, (Elemental Focus if not linked)

End of Act 5

1. Raise Spectre + Minion Damage + Elemental Focus + Spell Echo (+ Deathmark if 5L)

2. Raise Zombie + Minion Damage + Feeding Frenzy, Summon Stone Golem

3. Armageddon Brand + Flame Dash + Curse on Hit + Elemental Weakness

4. Generosity + Wrath

Flesh Offering, Desecrate, Summon Skitterbots, Convocation

Levelling (can be in weapon swap):
Bone Offering, Controlled Destruction, Elemental Army, Animate Gurardian, (Elemental Focus if not linked)

Buy all remaining gems in Act 6

Phase Run, Cast When Damage Taken, Immortal Call

Passive Trees

Levelling trees are at my imgur account: https://imgur.com/a/fNsDpC1.


The level ranges are labelled below the image. The level ranges are based on my own playthrough which included doing the side quests for extra passive points. You might be slightly ahead or behind.

Note that the trees are not designed for Cluster Jewels.

Full Walkthrough for Acts 1 - 10

Act 1

Needed links:
1x blue, blue, blue (BBB)
1x blue, blue, red (BBR)

starting zone:
link: fireball + arcane surge. kill hillock. go: town.

take: freezing pulse
buy: raise zombie
sell: fireball
link: freezing pulse + arcane surge

the coast -> mud flats -> submerged passage -> coast -> tidal island

tidal island: kill hailrake. take medicine chest. go: town.

take: Summon Raging Spirits, Summon Phantasms, Frostblink, Quicksilver flask.
buy: Holy Flame Totem
sell: freezing pulse
link: holy flame totem + phantasms

go: submerged passage.

submerged passage -> ledge -> climb -> lower prison -> submerged passage -> flooded depths

flooded depths: kill deep dweller. go: town.

take: skill book, infernal legion
buy: minion damage x2
summon raging spirits + minion damage + infernal legion
holy flame totem + summon phantasm + minion damage

go: lower prison.

lower prison: labyrith trial -> upper prison

upper prison: kill boss. go: town.

take: flame dash.

go: prisoner's gate.

prisoner's gate -> ship graveyard -> ship graveyard cave

ship graveyard cave: get the allflame. find canvern of wrath.

cavern of wrath: go: ship graveyard.

ship graveyard: kill fairgraves. go: town.

take: skill book, flesh offering.

go: cavern of wrath.

cavern of wrath -> cavern of anger
cavern of anger: kill boss.

Act 2

Needed links:
1x BBB
1x BBR
1x BB

southern forest -> forest encampment -> old fields -> crossroads -> broken bridge

broken bridge: find & kill kraitlyn. go: town.

town -> riverways -> find waypoint -> go: left -> wetlands

wetlands: find & kill oak. find waypoint. go: riverways.

riverways -> western forest

western forest:
kill blackguard. pick up thaumetic emblem, open path.
find & kill alira.
find weaver's chamber.

weaver's chamber: kill weaver and get maligaro's spike. go: town.

talk: eramir (2 passive points)
take: death mark.
buy: melee physical damage, (controlled destruction, elemental focus)

link: zombies + minino damage + deathmark

go: act 1 town.

act 1 town: take skill book.

go: crossroads.

crossroads -> felshrine ruins -> crypt

level 1: labyrith trial
level 2: find & kill geofri. get golden hand. go: town

go: crossroads

crossroads -> go left -> chamber of sins

chamber of sins:
level 2: labyrinth trial,kill fidelis -> baleful gem.

go: town.

take: desecrate
buy: summon skitterbots, melee physical damage

skitterbots + infernal legion
holy flame totem + phatasms + minion damage
summon raging spirits + mininon damage + melee physical damage

go: wetlands.

wetlands -> poison the tree roots -> vaal ruins -> northern forest -> caverns -> ancient pyramid

ancient pryamid: kill boss

Act 3

Needed links:
1x BR
1x BB

city of sarn: talk to clarissa. go: town.

town -> slums -> crematorium

labyrinth trial.
find & kill piety. take tolman's bracelet. go: town.

take: sewer keys, convocation.
buy: wrath, elemental weakness.

go: slums.

the slums -> the sewers

the sewers: find 3 quest items.

marketplace -> catacombs

labyrinth trial.
go: town.

take skill book.

go: marketplace.

marketplace -> battlefront

battlefront: find Blackguard chest -> ribbon spoon. go: solaris temple.

solaris temple
level 2: find dialla. take jade amulet. go: battlefront.

battlefront -> docks

docks: find container -> thaumatic sulphite. go: solaris temple level 2.

solaris temple level 2: dialla -> infernal talc. go: the sewers.

sewers: clear the undying blockage. find ebony barracks.

ebony barracks: find & kill gravicius. go: lunaris temple.

lunaris temple: find waypoint. go: town.

take: raise spectre
buy: animate guardian

link: raise spectre + minion damage + elemental focus + controlled destruction

go: the ledge

the ledge:use desecrate to create corpses. look for 'cannibal fire-eater'. raise two spectres. go: lunaris temple.

lunaris temple: find & kill piety. take the tower key. go: town.

take: skill book.

go: ebony barracks.

ebony barracks -> imperial gardens

imperial gardens: labyrinth trial. go: library.

the library & archives: find siosa. find 'loose candle'. find golden pages. return to siosa. take feeding frenzy.

link: raise zombies + minion damage + deathmark + feeding frenzy

go: imperial gardens.

imperial gardens -> find 'locked door' -> scepter of god

upper scepter: find & kill dominus.

Act 4

Needed links:
1x BR
1x BB

aqueduct -> town -> dried lake

dried lake: find & kill boss. get deshret's banner. go: town.

go: act 3 town.

act 3 town:
buy: elemental army, generosity.

go: act 4 town
open mines entrance. don't enter.
talk to oyun.
take stone golem.

go: mines

level 2: find deshret's spirit. go: crystal veins.

crystal veins: find dialla. go: town.

take skill book.
go: crystal veins.

crystal veins:
1. daresso's dream -> grand arena find & kill daresso. take 'eye of desire'.
2. kaom's dream -> kaom's stronghold find & kill kaom. take 'eye of fury'.

go: crystal veins.

crystal veins: talk to dialla. go: town.

talk to dialla. take spell echo.
talk to petarus and vanja. buy curse on hit.

link: raise spectre + minion damage + spell echo + elemental focus

go: crystal veins.

crystal vein -> belly of the beast -> bowels of the beast

bowels of the beast: defeat piety. go: harvest.

the harvest: find & kill doedre, maligaro & shavronne. talk to piety. go: black core.

the black core: kill boss. portal to town.

town -> the ascent

the ascent: find portal to oriath.

Act 5

the slave pens: find entrance to overseer's tower (town).
town: talk to lani. take whichever ring helps you balance your resists. go to act 3 town
act 3 town:talk to clarissa. buy armageddon brand. return to act 5 town.

Start using Slave Driver Spectres.
control blocks: desecrate corpses. look for 'Slave Driver'. raise 2 spectres.

gem removal: holy flame totem, summon phantasms, infernal army
unlinked: skitterbot
link: wrath + generosity
link: armageddon brand + curse on hit + elemental weakness + flame dash
link: raise zombie + minion damage + stone golem + feeding frenzy

You can do Labyrinth after getting Slave Drivers -> Ascend to Necromancer -> Mindless Aggression

control blocks: find miasmeter. find entrance to oriath square.
oriath square: get waypoint. waytpoint to town.
town: talk to vilenta. take skill book. waypoint to oriath square.
oriath square: head to top-right to find entrance to templar courts.
templar courts: get waypoint. find entrance to chamber of innocence.
chamber of innocence: find boss room. defeat avarius. talk to sin. exit boss room. enter torched courts.
torched courts: find entrance to ruined square.
ruined square: find the ossuary. get waypoint.
ossuary: find sign of purity. exit to ruined square.
ruined square: find reliquary. ignore utula.
reliquary: get waypoint. find the 3 quest items. portal to town.
town: talk to lani. take skill book. waypoint to ruined square.
ruined square: find cathedral rooftop.
cathedral rooftop: find and kill kitava. talk to sin. talk to lily roth.

Act 6

town: talk to lilly. go to twilight strand.
twilight strand: kill all monsters.
town: talk to lilly. take book of regrets. go to the coast.
the coast: find the entrance to mud flats. get the waypoint. enter mud flats.
the mud flats: find & kill boss. take quest item. find & talk to nessa. find entrance to karui fotress.
karui fortress: find & kill boss. find entrance to the ridge.
the ridge: waypoint to town.
town: talk to tarkleigh. take skill book. talk to lilly. buy cast when damage taken, immortal call, phase run.
the ridge: find entrance to lower prison.
lower prison: grab waypoint. portal to town.
town: talk to tarkleigh. take skill book. portal to lower prison
lower prison: find labyrinth trial. find entrance to shavronne's tower.
shavronne's tower: find entrance to prison rooftop.
prison rooftop. kill shavronne and brutus. talk to sin.
warden's chambers: find entrance to prisoner's gate.
prisoner's gate: find entrance to valley of the fire drinker (top-right).
valley of the fire drinker: kill abberath. talk to sin. return to prisoner's gate.
prisoner's gate: find entrance to western forest
western forest: follow path to top to find waypoint. grab waypoint. continue to find entrance to riverways.
riverways: follow path upwards to find waypoint. grab waypoint. go left to find entrance to wetlands.
wetlands: find entrance to spawning ground.
spawning ground: kill rysratha. talk to sin. portal to town
town: talk to bestel. take book of skill. talk to tarkleigh. take book of skill. waypoint to riverways
riverways: find the entrance to southern forest.
southern forest: find the entrance to caverns of anger. grab the waypoint.
caverns of anger: open flag chest. take black flag.
passage: find entrance to beacon.
beacon: grab waypoint. complete 'refuel the beacon' escort puzzle. light the beacon. click on beacon. talk to weylam.
brine king's reef: find the brine king's throne.
brine king's throne: kill boss. talk to sin. talk to weylam to go to act 7.

Act 7

broken bridge: follow path to entrance to crossroads
crossroads: follow path to the waypoint. grab waypoint. head to the right of the map. find entrance to fellshrine ruins.
fellshrine ruins: follow the path to the crypt entrance.
the crypt: grab waypoint. find labyrinth trial. find sarcophagus (entrance to next area). enter stairs. search map for 'container of sins'. take maligaro's map. portal to town.
town: take waypoint to crossroads
crossroads: find entrance to chamber of sins level 1.
chamber of sins level 1: find silk. grab the waypoint. use 'maligaro's map' in the map device. enter portal to maligaro's sanctum
maligaro's sanctum: find maligaro's workshop.
kill maligaro. take black venom. portal to chamber of sins level 1
chamber of sins level 1: talk to silk. take obsidian key. find entrance to level 2.
chamber of sins level 2: complete labyrinth trial. find entrance to the den.

Can do labyrinth 2 now -> Unnatural Strength

the den: grab the waypoint. find entrance to the ashen fields.
the ashen fields: grab waypoint. follow path to find entrance to fortress encampment (boss room).
boss room: kill greust. talk to sin.
northern forest: find entrance to dread thicket.
dread thicket: collect fireflies. find entrance to den of despair.
den of despair: kill gruthkul. portal to town.
town: talk to eramir. take skill books. waypoint to northern forest.
northern forest: find the entrance to the causeway.
the causeway: find waypoint. find kishara's star (close to vaal city entrance).
vaal city: find waypoint. portal to town.
town: talk to weylam. take book of skill.
vaal city: talk to yeena. enter temple of decay level 1.
temple of decay level 1 & 2: find entrance to arakaali's web.
boss fight: kill arakaali. talk to sin. talk to yeena. enter sarn ramparts.

Act 8

Your Raise Spectre gem will hit level 13 in Act 8. Remember to get your 3rd spectre!

sarn ramparts: grab waypoint. find entrance to town.
town: enter toxic conduits.
toxic conduits: find doedre's cesspool.
doedre's cesspool: find boss room ('loose grate').
the cauldron: kill doedre. enter 'sewer outlet'.
doedre's cesspool: find entrance to the quay.
quay: find 'sealed casket'. open and take 'ankh of eternity'. find ressurection site. talk to clarissa. kill tolman. find grain gate.
grain gate: grab waypoint. find & kill gemling legion. find the imperial fields.
imperial fields: follow path. grab waypoint. find solaris temple.
solaris temple level 1: find waypoint. waypoint to town.
town: talk to maramoa. take skill book. talk to clarissa. take skill book). waypoint to solaris temple level 1.
solaris temple level 1 & 2: find & kill boss. take sun orb. portal to town.
town: waypoint to toxic conduits.
toxic conduits: find the grand promenade.
grand promenade: find the bath house.
bath house: complete labyrinth trial. kill hector. take wings of vastiri. find high garden.
high garden: kill yugul. portal to town.
town: talk to hargan. take skill book. waypoint to bath house.
bath house: find entrance to lunaris concourse.
lunaris concourse: grab waypoint. find lunaris temple.
lunaris temple level 1 & 2: find & kill boss. take moon orb. portal to town.
town: waypoint to lunaris concourse.
lunaris concourse: find the harbour bridge.
harbour bridge: find the sky shrine. kill both bosses. talk to sin.

Act 9

blood aqueducts: find entrance to town.
town: find the entrance to 'the descent'
descent: find exits.
vastiri desert: find the waypoint. find storm-weathered chest (yellow !). take storm blade. continue towards top of map. go to the right. find blocked entrance to 'the oasis'. find the entrance to the foothills.
foothills:find the waypoint. near waypoint is the entrance to the boiling lake.
boiling lake: find and kill boss. take basilisk acid. portal to town.
town: talk to petarus and vanja. ignore items. talk to sin. talk to petarus and vanja again. take bottled storm. waypoint to vastiri desert.
vastiri desert: go to entrance to the oasis.
oasis: find and kill boss. portal to town.
town: talk to irasha. take skill book. waypoint to foothills.
foothills: find entrance to the tunnel.
tunnel: complete labyrinth trial. find waypoint. find entrance to the quarry.
quarry:find waypoint. find entrance to shrine of the winds. kill boss. talk to sin. return to quarry.
quarry: find entrance to the refinery.
refinery: find and kill boss. open theurgic precipitate machine. take trarthan powder. portal to town.
town: talk to irasha. take skill book. talk to sin. waypoint to quarry.
quarry: enter belly of the beast.
belly of the beast: -> rotting core -> black core.
black core: talk to sin. kill shavronne, maligaro and doedre. talk to sin. enter the black heart.
black heart: kill depraved trinity. talk to lilly. sail to oriath.

Act 10 & Epilogue

town: enter cathedral rooftop.
cathedra rooftop: enter cathedral apex. kill monsters. talk to bannon. return to town.
town: talk to bannon. talk to lani. take quartz flask. go to cathedral rooftop.
cathedra rooftop: find entrance to the ravaged square
ravaged square: find entrance to the control blocks.
control blocks: find waypoint. find arena. kill boss. portal to town.
town: talk to lani. talk skill book. waypoint to control blocks.
control blocks: enter ravaged square
ravaged square: ignore reliquary entrance. find entrance to the ossuary. take waypoint. enter ossuary.
ossuary: complete labyrinth trial. find sealed chest (yellow !). take elixir of aullure. portal to town.
town: talk to weylam. waypoint to ravaged square.
ravaged square: find entrance to the torched courts.
torched courts: find entrance to desecrated chamber.
desecrated chamber: take waypoint. find sanctum of innoncence. kill avarius. take staff of purity. portal to town.

Can do labyrinth 3 now -> Mistress of Sacrifice

town: talk to bannon. talk to innocence. waypoint to ravaged square.
ravaged square: find and talk to innocence. enter the canals
the canals & feeding trough:
find and kill kitava. go to oriath.
oriath: talk to lani. talk skill book. talk to kirac. do epilogue quests.


Thanks Kay. Will give this a go.
Hi Kay, great job with guide! Pretty amazing this has reach past 1,000 pages and the attention to details is simply staggering.

Would like to ask more experienced players here, how would this build hold up against A8 Sirus in Day 2/Day 3 league start conditions without heavy investment in the cluster jewels.

I had pretty rough experience with Slave Driver dying quickly to the beams, which is a problem since we can't resummon them in the arena. Redemption sentries has higher HP but not sure how much it translate to survivability without renewal CJ.
creshia a écrit :
Hi Kay, great job with guide! Pretty amazing this has reach past 1,000 pages and the attention to details is simply staggering.

Would like to ask more experienced players here, how would this build hold up against A8 Sirus in Day 2/Day 3 league start conditions without heavy investment in the cluster jewels.

I had pretty rough experience with Slave Driver dying quickly to the beams, which is a problem since we can't resummon them in the arena. Redemption sentries has higher HP but not sure how much it translate to survivability without renewal CJ.

This is a good question, and I'm pretty sure that Redemption Sentries will do just fine. But honestly, by the time I switched to Redemption Sentries, I already had really good gear and cluster jewels, so I can't be 100% sure.

But, I was able to do A6 Sirus with Slave Drivers very early in the league with only 4 spectres and a Vis Mortis and no cluster jewels, without them dying, so it should be very much doable on A8 with Redemption Sentries. They have 4.5x the HP as Slave Drivers. . .

With or without cluster jewels, Redemption Sentries should be fine, even in Sirus A8 or Uber Elder. I think that the danger would be to your Animated Guardian, if you use it. If you have expensive uniques equipped to him, you probably will want to invest into some defensive passives for your minions on the tree.
New Broken Faith might be a good item for AG.

While holding it you now create Profane Ground instead of Consecrated Ground. This new ground effect reduces all enemy resistances as well as making them more likely to be critically hit, but does not provide the life regeneration that Consecrated Ground does.


Res debuff and extra crit chance! Not bad for a 5c unique.

Maybe combine with Singularity for aoe Hinder?

Compared to Kingmaker: Fortify aura is actually really small so it doesn't protect your necro much. 50% crit multi is good, but not a big damage boost because crit chance is not high against bosses. The culling strike is useful for endgame bosses, though.
🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶
Dernière édition par kayella#0845, le 9 juin 2020 11:45:48


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