[3.x - Discontinued for now] Burning Spectres - Torch the Atlas - HC Shaper, Elder, Uber Atziri

Bibibabibu a écrit :
Hi, I'm tempted to try tukohama's shield for the extra totems.
How much will it impact my survivability?
I'm thinking the extra killspeed will make up for it in fights. Thanks!!!

I think GGG purposely invalidated this mechanic in 3.1. It definitely worked in 3.0.

Tukohama's Vanguards no longer summon multiple totems at a time while spectred, and the duration of their totems has been lowered to 5 seconds (from 10). They are less likely to place additional totems while they have at least one totem.
Dernière édition par hobbes3k#5061, le 19 janv. 2018 23:13:57
grimjack68 a écrit :

Here's a starter search for those types of helms: http://poe.trade/search/oukitumohihana

I see burning damage supports, FG gets no benefit from that I think. best helmet to aim for ur FG would be something like:

+2(3) minion skill (huge dps boost to FG)
or Minion Life support (big boost on FG's tankiness and overall Minions' HP)
Immolate support (big help when TVs are burning things)
minion damage(must have)
Concentrated support (2 out of 3 FG skills AOE)
Krompir a écrit :
grimjack68 a écrit :
Krompir a écrit :

I'm currently using with success this build and I'm able to finish also maps at tier 15 (have not gone further yet).

I've combinned the original build from the main page and also used the 3 fire golems also. Here is my current gear:

I would like to keep my spectres at 6 link and release golems at full power by changing my weapon and my shield by a Two handed weapon.
I'll certainly swap bone offering with descecrate as I never use Bone offering.

Do you think it's a good idea and I should give a try ? In that case have you some advice concerning what I should look for 2H weapon ?
Or is it not viable at all ?


If you really want to try max flame golems, I'd suggest picking up one of the new helms that's a pseudo 6 link instead. Should be significantly cheaper than laying out for a 6L 2hand weapon, plus you won't need to change movement skills.

A couple other things you could improve on...
- Ascendancies - you've taken Spirit Eater. Swap that to Commander of Darkness.
- One of your rings has increased % armour, but you don't have any armour. This is a really nice affix if you take advantage of it.
- I don't see any spell block. I highly recommend getting either a shield or amulet with % of block applied to spells, and then a Rumi's flask to top up your block to max. Blocking is a major part of this build, it's how we recover life.
- Grab a single socket Stygian Vise with life / armour / resists. It will work better than the dual socket one.

Thank you for valuable advices.
I have one question (certainly a noob one) what is a pseudo 6L helm ? Have you an example ?

Like this
Hi, just started this build recently. Trying to make a Boss killer. I have a tabula rasa atm, I can afford a 5L Vis Mortis. My questions is, which should I use?
I tried shaper.. but it definetly not worked..

My specrtes couldnt survive .. any ideas ?
Berkleys a écrit :
I tried shaper.. but it definetly not worked..

My specrtes couldnt survive .. any ideas ?

Just tried Hall of grandmasters and they can't survive too.
1 shot by the caustic arrow and cyclone
Does less Duration support work with TV's totem? anyone tested it and how was it, is it worth to have it on elder helm?
Nickums a écrit :
Hi, just started this build recently. Trying to make a Boss killer. I have a tabula rasa atm, I can afford a 5L Vis Mortis. My questions is, which should I use?
5L Vis Mortis.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
Berkleys a écrit :
I tried shaper.. but it definetly not worked..

My specrtes couldnt survive .. any ideas ?
Depends on what attack they were getting hit with. Most of the shaper fight is mechanics, not setup. However, there are a few things I can suggest:

You've taken the Spirit Eater ascendancy instead of Commander of Darkness. Spirit Eater only gives your minions the 30% damage boost, the other tags don't apply to spectres. CoD, on the other hand, gives you the same damage boost, plus another 20% resists to all elemental damage.

You're still using the Violent Dead jewel. Drop that and grab another Minion damage boost jewel. The DPS that your zombies put out is trivial by comparison. I don't even bother using zombies - ran several map tests and the clear speed with and without them was exactly the same.

On the way to Gravepact, you've taken the bottom two nodes to increase attack and cast speed. Looks like you are set up for Tukohama's Vanguards, and they don't benefit from attack and cast speed. Respec those to the top two nodes for some extra life and leech instead.

After those little bits, it really comes down to tactics. Try to use your attacks and movement skills to keep your minions out of his attacks. Try to save your convocation for the bullet hell phase and emergencies.

Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
kanon1 a écrit :
Berkleys a écrit :
I tried shaper.. but it definetly not worked..

My specrtes couldnt survive .. any ideas ?

Just tried Hall of grandmasters and they can't survive too.
1 shot by the caustic arrow and cyclone
HotGM is the toughest content in the game for Spectres. There are some tricks you can use, but even knowing the fight, it's going to be a tough battle.

Try to pull one out at a time. Bring along a long ranged projectile skill, link it up with faster projectiles, fire it down the hallway and hope to tag one guy with it, let him pursue you back a ways and then battle just him alone.

It's extremely likely that you'll have to run away quite a bit, resummon spectres, and go back. I wouldn't suggest using Animated Guardian at all, or if you do, put him in the shield so you can unsummon him by double tapping X.

Consider bringing some other tactical gems as well - frost wall can separate masters and let you gun down one at a time.

It's a long, slow, fight, but it can be done.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.


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