[3.x - Discontinued for now] Burning Spectres - Torch the Atlas - HC Shaper, Elder, Uber Atziri

what stats are we looking for on jewels for tv spectres
I love the build, going for Shaper with it. Which gems would you advice to quality that would have most impact on the build?
I've tried a 6L Spectres helmet with 6L Flame Golems, but I went back. It's a bit of an upgrade for clearspeed, but I was losing my AG on Guardians with damage rolls and on Shaper. There was just not way to keep him alive.

I went back to a helmet with +2 level to minion gems and Abyss jewels with regen or taunt on them. I'm no longer losing my Spectres or AG in heavy fights. The damage on Bosses also feels pretty much the same, if not better.

I might try it again if I get enough currency to get a level 4 empower or a level 3 empower with level 21 AG, to get a minimum of +3 levels without the helmet. The clearspeed only feels slightly faster with Flame Golems when doing straightforward maps like Guardian maps.

I do have to admit that I'm using Enfeeble with this setup while I was using Temporal Chains with the Flame Golems. That's also probably a contributing factor.
Dernière édition par Ivonbeton#0624, le 18 janv. 2018 16:16:53
Ivonbeton a écrit :
I've tried a 6L Spectres helmet with 6L Flame Golems, but I went back. It's a bit of an upgrade for clearspeed, but I was losing my AG on Guardians with damage rolls and on Shaper. There was just not way to keep him alive.

I went back to a helmet with +2 level to minion gems and Abyss jewels with regen or taunt on them. I'm no longer losing my Spectres or AG in heavy fights. The damage on Bosses also feels pretty much the same, if not better.

I might try it again if I get enough currency to get a level 4 empower or a level 3 empower with level 21 AG, to get a minimum of +3 levels without the helmet. The clearspeed only feels slightly faster with Flame Golems when doing straightforward maps like Guardian maps.

I do have to admit that I'm using Enfeeble with this setup while I was using Temporal Chains with the Flame Golems. That's also probably a contributing factor.

Thank you for your feedback
Oarin a écrit :
I love the build, going for Shaper with it. Which gems would you advice to quality that would have most impact on the build?
Minion Damage is the only one that gives you more than a 10% increase, so do that one first. After that, they all give you the same 10% increase, so any order you please.

The increase on Raise Spectre itself, and GMP is trivial, so do those last.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
healzr a écrit :
what stats are we looking for on jewels for tv spectres
Life / Mana / Spectre damage - see note - / minion life / minion resists / dex / anything else you like.

Note: For TVs, Minion Damage means you need something that doesn't require a hit. So all the ones that add x to x damage don't apply. Neither do the ones that boost attack and cast speed. You need % damage increase.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
Krompir a écrit :

I'm currently using with success this build and I'm able to finish also maps at tier 15 (have not gone further yet).

I've combinned the original build from the main page and also used the 3 fire golems also. Here is my current gear:

I would like to keep my spectres at 6 link and release golems at full power by changing my weapon and my shield by a Two handed weapon.
I'll certainly swap bone offering with descecrate as I never use Bone offering.

Do you think it's a good idea and I should give a try ? In that case have you some advice concerning what I should look for 2H weapon ?
Or is it not viable at all ?


If you really want to try max flame golems, I'd suggest picking up one of the new helms that's a pseudo 6 link instead. Should be significantly cheaper than laying out for a 6L 2hand weapon, plus you won't need to change movement skills.

A couple other things you could improve on...
- Ascendancies - you've taken Spirit Eater. Swap that to Commander of Darkness.
- One of your rings has increased % armour, but you don't have any armour. This is a really nice affix if you take advantage of it.
- I don't see any spell block. I highly recommend getting either a shield or amulet with % of block applied to spells, and then a Rumi's flask to top up your block to max. Blocking is a major part of this build, it's how we recover life.
- Grab a single socket Stygian Vise with life / armour / resists. It will work better than the dual socket one.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
Sawtyss a écrit :
Would it be too much to kindly ask you to look at my gear and tell me what I should upgrade now, considering I have a 10ex budget?

I'm sometimes having trouble with Shaper due to AG dying quite a bit... I know I still need to level him up, but thats just 1 gem level - I don't think it's gonna be that much of a difference.

Apart from that I kinda feel squishy... Am currently at 75/60 block chance, still need the lab enchant I know, thats my next target.

But apart from that... Anything jumps at you?
Usually I tell folks to drop the dual socket belts in favour of a belt with life / armour / resists... and I think that might be an incremental improvement over your setup, but your setup is pretty nice, given the 50% boost from the belt.

If you are using that Clarity, you should swap Spirit Eater for Commander of Darkness. You could drop Herd of the Flock and use that point for more life.

Other than that, you're setup rather well. From here you're looking at expensive items... corruptions that help, like an additional curse amulet, culling strike Scourge, Empower 4, that kind of thing.

As for AG dying, I've only managed to keep him alive during shaper fights by giving him his own dedicated 4L with minion life, fortify, and empower level 3+, in +2 minion gems helm. Otherwise, I tend to put him in my shield, so I can unsummon him quickly by weapon switching - hit X twice and he's gone.

Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
Dernière édition par grimjack68#6087, le 18 janv. 2018 17:18:16
JayChow a écrit :

First of all thanks for the build. I'm completely new to leveling summoners so I've been following the leveling guide step by step for passive points. Once I hit level 28 I was 6 points off death attunement, unable to get +1 to spectres. I did every passive point quest/bandits and I'm still short by 6 points. Just thought to let you knoW!

Also, I went into the Lunaris Temple to spawn flame sentinels but they keep on dying. Do I have to go back every time when the spectre dies?
No - as a matter of fact, quite the opposite. If you summon them in the Lunaris Temple, they will only be level 29 or 59 depending on whether you are using act 3 or act 8. Those spectres would tend to die a lot.

What you want to do is go summon 1 there, then go to the highest level area you can and use desecrate to create corpses that are much higher level, and raise those instead.

As long as you have brought the spectre type into the area, you can desecrate corpses for new ones and the area level.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
Wukufyze a écrit :

Good news and bad news. Spectres are a lot easier to work with since the necronomicon came out because of the 3.1 changes to how they work - ie: you get to keep your spectres until they die.

Quick question I'm going off of you character profile what do you run in your AG? I saw some people arguing about Double Dyadus and other saying just make it an aura buffer.


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