[3.x - Discontinued for now] Burning Spectres - Torch the Atlas - HC Shaper, Elder, Uber Atziri

Which gem combination do you run on a 5 link Vis Mortis?
Masterfulidea a écrit :
Which gem combination do you run on a 5 link Vis Mortis?
For which spectres?
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
darksage48 a écrit :
Updated! Is it visible now?

First, and most important: Your amulet has to go. It's adding fire damage to attacks, which will trigger Elemental Equilibrium and boost the fire resist on monsters, sabotaging your minions damage output.

Actually, both of your rings are in dire need of an upgrade as well. You want to look for life, mana, and resists. Dex if you can get it. While you are at it, find a rare belt - preferably a Stygian Vise - with life / resists / armour or energy shield, and drop another spectre gem in it.

Rathpith was a Best in Slot item last league, however, this league it can be replaced by shaper amulets or shields that also give you a percentage of your block for spell block. The one I am using replaces Rathpith and boosts resists and mana recovery - this one is overkill, and it was expensive. Finding an elder shield that's better than Rathpith isn't that hard or expensive. Here's mine for reference:

Your jewels are Solar Guard jewels. They aren't going to help Tukohama's Vanguards at all. You need life / mana / % increased minion damage. Those flat rolls are for minions that hit, TV's do not 'hit', they apply fire damage over time.

You have taken the Spirit Eater ascendancy, and only the first attribute of that helps. The other three affect you, but not your minions. Commander of Darkness gives you the same boost in damage, plus it boosts your resists, at the cost of a level 1 clarity aura. I'd switch that.

You've taken the bottom two nodes on the way to Gravepact, which again are Solar Guard nodes. They don't affect TVs. I'd respec those two for the top route.

You've taken some armour / life nodes - for instance, Combat Stamina. However, you don't have any armour to speak of - 160 on your helm is all I can see. Maybe respec those points? Or grab a granite flask, and possibly a flask multiplier?

I'd swap out Temporal Chains - which is a great defensive curse - for Elemental Weakness, which is a great offensive curse. Temporal Chains is, IMO, for Hardcore league. It's unnecessary for Normal.

Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
Can someone check my set-up? Everyone is over-capping res like crazy while I had to resort to using purity of elements + CoD to reach 80ish%. Which makes those scary MoM moments happening quite often.

Shield, amulet, glove, or rings. Which ones to switch out and redo the math? And is it possible to just drop MoM and reach for those hp and extra jewel nodes.
Ah ignore the part I said about possibility of dropping MoM. lol what was I thinking. Extra question since I never see spectre hp bar moves at all, is the %minion life necessary at all on the jewel. I mean they already seems unkillable just from the passive trees.
grimjack68 a écrit :
darksage48 a écrit :
Updated! Is it visible now?

First, and most important: Your amulet has to go. It's adding fire damage to attacks, which will trigger Elemental Equilibrium and boost the fire resist on monsters, sabotaging your minions damage output.

Actually, both of your rings are in dire need of an upgrade as well. You want to look for life, mana, and resists. Dex if you can get it. While you are at it, find a rare belt - preferably a Stygian Vise - with life / resists / armour or energy shield, and drop another spectre gem in it.

Rathpith was a Best in Slot item last league, however, this league it can be replaced by shaper amulets or shields that also give you a percentage of your block for spell block. The one I am using replaces Rathpith and boosts resists and mana recovery - this one is overkill, and it was expensive. Finding an elder shield that's better than Rathpith isn't that hard or expensive. Here's mine for reference:

Your jewels are Solar Guard jewels. They aren't going to help Tukohama's Vanguards at all. You need life / mana / % increased minion damage. Those flat rolls are for minions that hit, TV's do not 'hit', they apply fire damage over time.

You have taken the Spirit Eater ascendancy, and only the first attribute of that helps. The other three affect you, but not your minions. Commander of Darkness gives you the same boost in damage, plus it boosts your resists, at the cost of a level 1 clarity aura. I'd switch that.

You've taken the bottom two nodes on the way to Gravepact, which again are Solar Guard nodes. They don't affect TVs. I'd respec those two for the top route.

You've taken some armour / life nodes - for instance, Combat Stamina. However, you don't have any armour to speak of - 160 on your helm is all I can see. Maybe respec those points? Or grab a granite flask, and possibly a flask multiplier?

I'd swap out Temporal Chains - which is a great defensive curse - for Elemental Weakness, which is a great offensive curse. Temporal Chains is, IMO, for Hardcore league. It's unnecessary for Normal.

This is a a very detailed reply, I really appreciate it! Thank you! :)

1) Will try to switch the equipment as advised!

2) Would 'herd the flock' be a plausible alternative to 'Combat stamina'?

Great build, i have 5L Vis Mortis and i just started to get Solar Guard so which gem combination do you recommend ?
darksage48 a écrit :

This is a a very detailed reply, I really appreciate it! Thank you! :)

1) Will try to switch the equipment as advised!

2) Would 'herd the flock' be a plausible alternative to 'Combat stamina'?

I haven't used Herd of the flock since about level 65. I still never lose Spectres. Actually, I haven't taken the Puppet Master or 2 minion life nodes past that, either, and I still haven't seen my Spectre's lose life except in Labyrinth traps.

Honestly, I'd probably put the points into Agility / Expertise / Prectical Application. That will likely free you from needing Dex on your gear.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
grozar a écrit :
Great build, i have 5L Vis Mortis and i just started to get Solar Guard so which gem combination do you recommend ?
Raise Spectre / GMP / Spell Echo / Elemental Focus / Minion Damage.

Add in Controlled Destruction when you get a 6L. And swap GMP for Slower Projectiles if you need extra single target damage on bosses.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
gelade11 a écrit :
Can someone check my set-up? Everyone is over-capping res like crazy while I had to resort to using purity of elements + CoD to reach 80ish%. Which makes those scary MoM moments happening quite often.

Shield, amulet, glove, or rings. Which ones to switch out and redo the math? And is it possible to just drop MoM and reach for those hp and extra jewel nodes.
You are going to have some challenges with resists simply because you're running so many uniques. This build relies on your rings, gloves, and belt for most of it's resists. Your rings are weak in the resist department. I'd drop those gloves - get some rares with life and resists and room to craft added damage for spectres from Catarina.

I'd also drop either the amulet or the shield for one of the new rares with % of block chance applied to spells - probably the amulet, although I haven't priced them to compare with shields. If you get one of the shields you can drop the Lazhwar for a rare amulet with lots of resists, and vice versa.

If you're really struggling with resists, consider dropping a couple life nodes on the tree and taking Diamond skin.

Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.


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