[2.6] EK/BV MoM Pledge Kaoms Pathfinder 10k+ EHP.

This is my first Guide so it is perhaps not as good as other guides. Also there are probably much stronger / more DPS / more defense builds out there, that use the same skills or similar mechanics. I got inspired from nugiyens dual void battery pathfinder, it uses the same concepts but he used only blade vortex and a lightning coil.
At the end this was my first level 100 char that finished all content in the game including Uber Atziri, Shaper and Hall of Grandmaster. It is somewhat tanky and maybe hc viable for more skilled players than me :D
Also english is not my first language, so if you want me to correct something, send me a message.

The Story
At the start of 2.6 Mind over Matter got a nice buff so my first char was a generic life based MoM pizza stick caster. Pushing hard to lake the first day of the league i got a bit lucky and an ancient reliquary key dropped for me there. That gave me a unique topaz flask and my level mate a top reddit post. With this two things in mind my next char would obviously be something with physical damage, that could handle flasks well and is based on the buffed MoM.

The Concept
This build is based on a big EHP pool utilizing mainly gear that profits high a life and a high mana pool. For killing stuff, it uses Blade Vortex or Ethereal Knives as they are currently very strong in the game. I will provide skill trees with small differences for two versions of this build. Blade Vortex is used for bosses and hard content. Ethereal Knives with the new nova jewel is very good for fast clear speed. As it did not incorporate very strong poison scaling and it uses the more buffed Mind over Matter it could be very viable for 3.0.
Except for the juicy flasks and the optional headhunter for clear speed it as almost a budget build at the moment, because in 2.6 no one was looking for life and mana gear, so gearing in these slots was decently affordable.

Stats with flasks and charges



The Tree

The tree is almost the same, to enable easy switching between Ethereal Knives and Blade Vortex. If you don’t have some kind of instant life leech add Vaal Pact, it is only one point to take.

For Ethereal Knives

- get the projectile nodes in the shadow area
- do not travel to the area nodes in the witch area
- take the pierce nodes if you do not wear voidwalkers
- consider the frenzy charge in the shadow area if you wear Victario's Acuity

For Blade Vortex

- take the area nodes in the witch area
- take the skill effect nodes under the scion start
- if you do not plan to ever play ethereal knives with this char, consider going left around the scion start
Ethereal Knives leveling tree lvl 45ish

Ethereal Knives lvl 100 Tree balanced life and damage - 7k life, 3.7k mana with my gear

Ethereal Knives lvl 99 leveling tree, a bit more tanky for double beyond shaped shores

Blade Vortex Level 90 Tree

Ascendancy Class

As said earlier we take the Pathfinder ascendancy because of the high speed it gets and the current state of flasks in the game. Here i would say the first three passives i strongly recommend. The fourth is a matter of personal liking.

Veteran Bowyer

We benefit from all three stats!

Gain 10% of Physical Damage as Extra Damage of a random Element - our base is physical damage, so we get the 10% extra elemental damage.

Damage Penetrates 10% Elemental Resistances - with hatred, Taste of Hate, Vinktars and possible heralds we have significant amounts of elemental damage, so the 10% penetration is also very good.

Enemies you Kill that are affected by Elemental Status Ailments grant 100% increased Flask Charges - as we are crit based, we apply lots of elemental status ailments and get 100% increased flask charges all the time.

Nature's Boon

8% reduced Elemental Damage taken - this is like 2% maximum elemental resists

Flasks gain a Charge every 3 seconds - helpfull in lab and tough spots
20% chance for your Flasks to not consume Charges - nice quality of life feature

Master Alchemist

Immune to Elemental Status Ailments during Flask Effect - ignore all that annoying map mods, ignore freeze strongboxes, vinktar itself removes it’s own downside.

40% increased Elemental Damage during Flask Effect- nice to have, over the half of our damage is elemental.

20% chance to Freeze, Shock and Ignite during Flask Effect - ok, we do not need that but the first point is just to strong to pass on that node

for the last two nodes you have the choice between, take the one you like more.

Nature's Adrenaline
15% increased Movement Speed while using a Flask
20% increased Attack Speed while using a Flask

Pros: Movement Speed, more Flask duration as travel node

Master Herbalist
+30% to Chaos Resistance while using a Flask
20% increased Damage with Poison
20% increased Poison Duration
Always Poison on Hit while using a Flask

Pros: a bit of extra damage with poison, but not at a abusable state since we have no real scaling/ double dipping, some extra chaos resist (wich is really usefull if you are not CI ;)


You can start leveling using a bow and the projectile nodes in the ranger start. You could also use ek, but i would recommend it earliest when you get the “Ring of Blades” Jewel and maybe some caster leveling gear. It is not an ideal league starter, because spell caster rangers have a somewhat slow start. But if you don’t mind not being first to maps you could start with a bow skill.


Normal: help Oak for extra life

Cruel: kill all for an additional skill point (or help Alira/Oak),

Merciless: help Alira for an additional Power Charge

The Gear / Items

The Flasks

obviously we have to start with the most important gear part for a pathfinder. I strongly recommend the first 4 flasks for this build. For the fifth flask i see some possible options.

Diamond Flask - since we do spend many points in life and mana nodes we do not invest that heavy in crit, we also have no dagger or shield with crit chance. With a diamond flask and power charges you get close to crit cap. I rolled bleed immunity on mine.

Quicksilver Flask - as a non attack based staff user we have to run, so quicksilver flask is mandatory. But with flask effect nodes you run pretty fast with it. I recommend the “of Adrenaline” suffix for more movement speed

Vessel of Vinktar (physical damage conversion variant) - Is there anything more to say about this flask? Tons of leech, shocks nearby enemies (50% more damage), thanks to Master Alchemist Node no downside. Use the legacy one to instantly leech back 7k life and 3k mana. Also puts you at 84% lightning resistance.

Taste of Hate (better)hatred and (better)ligthning coil in a flask. With the flask effect nodes you get 45% of physical damage as extra cold damage (hatred is 36/37%). With the regular Taste of hate you get 25% physical damage reduction, with legacy variant it is 38% (flask effect and resists included). Also puts you at 84% cold resistance.

Options for the 5th flask slot

a Life Flask - i played without because vinktar gave so much leech on both pools. It may look funny, but with a EHP pool that high, life flask do not even help that much and it even misses our mana pool.

Rumi's Concoction(my choice) - with flask effect you get some block and armour on use, with the legacy variant you are block capped at 38% block roll. A 37% roll gets you at 74% including pledge block.

Ruby Flask: - could be Dying Sun - but since AOE got nerfed it does not do that much on Blade Vortex and the 3 extra projectiles are not needed for Ethereal Knives nova. But with an ruby flask you get the elemental triple 84% maximum resistance, so it could be worth it.

Stibnite, Basalt, Jade Flask - for general defenses or smoke clouds

Sin's Rebirth - normally the unholy might should not scale with flask effect, but maybe it does due to a bug or unclear wording, but we do not scale chaos or poison, so that this is not in the top 4

Atziri's Promise - nice damage boost, should scale flask effect. If you take vaal pact this could be a good alternative for leech if the vinktar is out of charges. Also gives some chaos resistance, which is useful on a non CI build :)

Weapon - Pledge of Hands

This provides us with an 7-link, 100% mana (awesome for MoM) and some spell damage. Using a staff also provides some block and frees our chest sockets for using a Kaoms Heart.
Sure you could put out some more damage with dual void batteries, but then we can not wear the Kaom’s Heart

Body Armour - Kaom’s Heart

500 Life, nothing more to say. Pretty cheap in softcore leagues these days. Could get more expensive in 3.0. If you have more currency to spend than me, get the legacy version :D

Amulet - Victario's Acuity, Bisco's Collar, Voice of the Storm, good rare Amulet

Victario's Acuity - very good for EK, would not use this in the BV form of the build, genrate charges and add more projectile speed and damage.

Bisco's Collar - generally too good at the moment to left behind

Voice of the Storm - probably the best damage amulet, with vessel of vinktar we should have enough lightning resists, also added stats and inc % max Mana. I don’t think the updated version (Choir of the Storm) is needed, because our damage should be a good mix between elements and we don’t want the -lightning resists.

Rare Amulet - as high mana and life as possible. Best damage mods should be Critical Strike Multiplier, Critical Strike Chance. Essence of Insanity craft could be an option, but it is not needed if you have instant mana leech.

Rings - Essence Worm, Rare Ring, Essence of Hysteria

Essence Worm - to save our precious mana unreserved as life pool, this ring is a good option to run a single aura like hatred. it saves us more EHP a rare ring could give us. I would not pass on this one.

Rare Ring - As usual, as much life and mana as possible. Resists and stats as needed.

Essence of Hysteria - a crafted ring should be the highest damage output you could get on a ring slot.

Gloves - Rare Gloves, Atziri's Acuity

Atziri's Acuity - I got lucky with my legacy Vessel of Vinktar, which is one of two sources of instant mana leech in the game. This is a huge advantage for MoM. The other possibility is to go with Atziri's Acuity where leech is applied instantly on critical strike. With the removal of Vaal Pact on energy shield in 3.0 i could imagine they become a bit more expensive.

Rare Gloves - In the current form i just use rare gloves with as high life and mana roll as possible and resists/stats as needed. For a small boost you could also try essence crafted gloves for inc. crit chance, more cast speed for flame dash.

Helmet - Rare Helmet, The Gull, Enchants

Rare Helmet - For the most part go with the old school, as much life and mana as possible. Add resist and stats as needed.

The Gull - I also fitted the Gull in for some time, as it is a fun mechanic and gives you random defense or offense boosts. It also has some life and resists.
If you want to run a second aura or don’t want to play with Essence Worm you could play arround with the Essence of Loathing craft on a helmet for a bit more mana if you run a herald.


Ethereal Knives - as Ethereal Knives is the clear speed part of this build, projectile speed is the king here.

Blade Vortex - my personal favourite is the “30% increased Blade Vortex Duration”, but use the one you like most.

Boots - Rare Boots, Voidwalker(EK), Brinerot Whalers, Skyforth

Reare Boots - Stats are as always as much life and mana as possible, but also movement speed. Suffixes: go for stats and resists.

Voidwalker - With Ethereal Knives i really like the free pierce. If you don’t have them, you should skill the pierce wheel on the tree and fit in the pierce gem. The other stats like evasion, 30% movement speed and phasing are good too.

Brinerot Whalers without life and mana and as a pathfinder which is already immune to shocked ground i would only consider them as a leveling option.

Skyforth Sure they provide mana, reduced reservation and power charge generation. But the no life regen mod could be a serious downside here. And with 7k HP you do not get stunned that often. If you want to go all for damage you could consider them, but i would recommend to put your money in the other slots first.

Enchantment - For Boots, as we are not critcapped i like the “120% increased Critical Strike Chance if you haven't Crit Recently” at least with the EK Version. But movement speed is a viable option too.

Belt - good rare rustic sash, unique belts

Rare Belt - High Life, Strength, #% increased Flask effect duration, #% reduced Flask Charges used are the best rolls on there. fun fact: with the Arcane Chemistry Node and a descent reduced flask charges used roll on the belt, you will get 3 uses out of a legacy vinktar :D

possible unique alternatives - Headhunter(clearspeed), The Magnate(Str, physical damage, flask charges), Bisco's Leash (Rampage, Quantity), Belt of the Deceiver (Life, resist, Intimidate[10% more damage], reduced damage from crits, physical damage)


Ring of Blades for Ethereal Knives, take it, it clears the whole screen. Good spot to hit a immune to silence corruption.

The Blue Dream / The Blue Nightmare - this can be used if you lack other options to generate power charges. there is a good spot under the scion start. Nightmare also provides you with some spell block. The extra damage is somewhat small, because only a small part of our damage is lightning.

The Green Dream / The Green Nightmare - this can be used if you lack other options to generate frenzy charges. there is a good spot under the scion start. Nightmare also provides you with some dodge. The extra damage is a bit more than on the blue variant, because the portion of our cold damage should be much higher than lightning. But still somewhat questionable.

rare Jewels - prioritize %max life, critical strike multiplier for spells, critical strike multiplier also useful: %spell damage variants, % max mana, resists. If you don't want to switch consider prjectile damage and area damage as stats.

Skills and Gems

Ethereal Knives

We have some options here and some are a matter of personal taste. My choice was not the option with the highest damage numbers in path of building. I chose a combination for fast clear speed and good feeling :)

EK + Crit Strikes + controlled destruction + crit damage + faster projectiles + faster casting

- In that setup you could swap out for slower projectiles or pierce if you have a tough boss fight
- you should have pierce in your setup if you don’t have voidwalkers
- crit damage gem is somewhat dependent on your jewels, gear, tree. It has some diminishing returns on higher values.
- Other options for this spot are added fire damage, pierce, a high level empower, phys to lightning(bad for high resits monsters)
- faster casting and faster projectiles are mainly for clear speed and that good feeling

Blade Vortex

This variation of the build has someone less clearspeed in maps and is more melee, but it's quite tanky, because blade vortex provides consistent leech and has good damage output on single target.

BV + Crit Strikes + controlled destruction + inc AOE/Conc Effect + crit damage + Added Fire

- if your Area is fine for you, you could run with concentrated effect and inc AOE at the same time.
- crit damage gem is somewhat dependent on your jewels, gear, tree. It has some diminishing returns on higher values. Other options for this spot are a high level empower, phys to lightning(bad for high resits monsters)
- you could consider running increased duration gem while mapping for convenience

Aura, Herald, Curse

Hatred (my choice) - placed in the Essence Worm, good damage output

Grace - placed in the Essence Worm, descent Evasion, we have some increases in the tree

Assassin’s Mark - our damage is mixed between phys and elemental, so vulnerability or elemental weakness would only buff a part of it.
Since we are not critical strike capped i prefer running Assassin’s Mark in a Curse on Hit setup. If you don’t have The Blue Dream, Skyforth or Victario's Acuity this is your option to generate power charges.

Herald of Ice - You can link your curse on hit with Herald of Ice or Herald of Thunder. Even if Herald of Ash would be better in raw damage numbers, it does not hit, so it can not apply curses. I prefer Herald of Ice for the nice shatter and the somewhat bigger area of effect you get. As the main aura goes in an essence worm, the mana reservation is a bit higher for your herald. you could compensate that with an enlighten gem.


Vaal Skill - I'm somewhat lazy using them. With Blade Vortex and the duration nodes from the tree it is easier to sustain them. I would recommend Vaal Haste for offense or Vaal Grace for Defense. You can link that with your Cast When Damage Taken, Immortal Call, Increased Duration Setup for the duration buff

Movement Faster Casting, Flame Dash. As Ethereal Knive variant you could consider a lightning warp setup, but it is bad if you have increased duration skilled in the tree.

Cast when Damage Taken - linked with Immortal Call and increased Duration. Stable in many builds

Golems - Sure you could take an Ice Golem for Crit or a Lighningt Golem for Cast Speed, but they die to much without investment, so i'll pass on them

BoE Tags

Dernière édition par cirf, le 17 juin 2017 14:18:36
Dernier bump le 5 sept. 2017 10:32:23
3.0 update?
As i did not have seen the final patch notes, i could not say it for sure. Until now everything looks more like a buff to this build. MoM got another boost.
cirf a écrit :
As i did not have seen the final patch notes, i could not say it for sure. Until now everything looks more like a buff to this build. MoM got another boost.

Sounds cool then, i wanna play EK in 3.0...I bookmarked your guide!

Dernière édition par Steamr0ller, le 17 juin 2017 11:08:02
How good would this build be as a league starter?

It is not an ideal league starter, because spell caster rangers have a somewhat slow start. But if you don’t mind not being first to maps you could start with a bow skill.
really good guide, cheers.
risko a écrit :
really good guide, cheers.

thank you very much :)
Would you mind listing Pros and Cons for these 2 setups (in terms of gameplay and such)? I really want to try out this build but I'm unsure which route to go. Thank you!
Dernière édition par Yusheex, le 6 juil. 2017 05:17:46


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