[2.6] TheoryCraft - Edge of Madness Slayer

Based off the 2.6 Patch notes Edge of Madness and Cherrubim's Maleficence have been buffed, Growing Agony got changed (arguably buffed massively).

Edge of Madness: No longer has Life gained on kill per level. No longer has Increased Elemental Damage per level. Now has 1-2 Physical Damage added per level.

Cherrubim's Maleficence: Increased Chaos Damage mod increased to 50-80%.

The Growing Agony unique threshold jewel now also has a 10% chance to grant Unholy Might when for each poison stack on an enemy you hit with Viper Strike. It is now limited to 1.

So Edge of Madness should have, assuming max rolls at level 100;
Phys Dam: (24 + (1 x 100) - 49 + (2 x 100)) * 1.8
Chaos Dam: 68 - 102, plus 100% global increased chaos dam
Attack Speed: 1.2

DPS: Phys 223 - 448 = 402.6; Chaos 68 - 102 = 85
TOTAL - 487.6

This puts the Edge of Madness on par with Doomsower (433 dps) and Kondos Pride (456 dps) in terms of raw DPS, not taking into account the increased chaos damage.

From gear you can achieve 180% global increase Chaos Dam, and 100% increased life leech. Testing would need to be done on the trade off with the newer Ming's heart as well. Two of these will cost 20% of your life but gain 40% Phys as Chaos damage as well as basically capping off your chaos res (2 x max 63% = 126%). Theoretically, you could reach 95% bonus Phys to Chaos damage with Atziri's Promise + 180% increased Chaos dam from 2 Ming's Heart and Unholy Might from Viper Strike.

Add to this changes to Viper Strike threshold gem Growing Agony to allow 100% up-time of Unholy Might (additional 30% of physical damage as chaos damage), and you have a nice chaos slayer build. Abyssal Cry would be an obvious additional choice for pack clearing as well, plus a fairly standard Wither spell totem setup and Vuln + Blas or Vuln Curse on Hit Gloves.

Main Skills 6L: Viper Strike + Multi-Strike + Faster Attacks + More melee Dam + Void Manipulation + Added Chaos Damage/Rapid Decay.


Passive tree - Will need to wait for the changes to the sword clusters near the ranger side of the tree. It would be great to reach the chaos/phys dame cluster in the shadow area but the build will need well off 200% bonus life to compensate for the 2 x Ming's Hear so we'll have to see.

Required Gear - Edge of Madness + Cherrubim's Maleficence + Growing Agony threshold jewel
Testing Gear - Ming's Heart x 2
Main Skill - Viper Strike

Any additional ideas/items I may have missed?

Edit 1
Changes to Carnage Heart make the item more viable for leech build;
Carnage Heart: No longer has Reduced Life or Reduced Energy Shield. Now has 30-40% Increased Damage While Leeching. Now has Increased Life Leech Rate of 50%.
The amulet now provides increased dam while leeching (ie always with a a Slayer), more leech (phys dame), up to 20% res and up to 56 to all attributes. Good item to test.
Other items to test - Perseverance, Belt of the Deceiver (updated version)
Dernière édition par bluetalon, le 1 mars 2017 20:05:53
Dernier bump le 10 avr. 2017 20:42:10
Im interested on the idea, i tried to make a quick passive tree, dont know if it will help you but i think the idea of making a Viper Strike endgame build is there with the new buffs.

Seems like an awesome build, albeit a very expensive one. I have a feeling Cherrubim's Maleficence with its huge chaos buff is going to cost quite a lot.
I'm sure you could use this as a decent league start though? just go a standard 2h slayer build and build currency to buy the needed items.
Wouldnt the buffs from Edge of night be just 100-200 damage at lvl 100?
Dernière édition par Graiseperiod, le 1 mars 2017 23:31:32

Disterric a écrit :
Seems like an awesome build, albeit a very expensive one. I have a feeling Cherrubim's Maleficence with its huge chaos buff is going to cost quite a lot.
I'm sure you could use this as a decent league start though? just go a standard 2h slayer build and build currency to buy the needed items.

Im hoping Cherrubim's is still a lesser choice for any build that is not a chaos slayer. The combo of increased leech and chaos does limit its use for other builds when compared to Belly of the Beast and some of the newer ones from Breach and in 2.6.

As a league starter I think it's fine. Good amount of leeway to go from pure Phys damage to the endgame plan. Should be relatively simple to level.

Graiseperiod a écrit :
Wouldnt the buffs from Edge of night be just 100-200 damage at lvl 100?

You mean Edge of Madness, yes? At the moment, I am assuming that the + to physical damage per level is a local modifier. The language that is used in the patch notes seems consistent with that assumption.

If not, then the item will be worse than before :)
Dernière édition par bluetalon, le 2 mars 2017 00:37:05
to fit with the overall chaos damage theme might I also suggest


since it synergizes pretty well with high leech slayer using endless hunger

granted the increased chaos damage doesn't apply to the chaos damage the belt inflicts but as a thematic thing it's pretty neat
Dernière édition par Rudel0rd, le 2 mars 2017 01:04:41
I, too, have been thinking about building something using the revamped Edge of Madness. However, your calculations for the damage of the weapon are slightly off.

Assuming level 100, that's 100 - 200 additional flat phys, which is then multiplied by the items increases to physical damage. In this case, with a perfect roll, you get 80% from the roll + 20% fro quality.

So you get 124 - 249 * (1 + 0.8 + 0.2) which results in 248 - 498 physical damage.
For physical damage per second, it's the average damage multiplied by the attack speed, which is 373 * 1.2 = 447.6 physical damage per second.

Then the chaos damage per second is simple to get, since there are no multipliers for it on the item. The average damage multiplied by the attack speed, (68 - 102 / 2) * 1.2 resulting in 102 chaos damage per second. I'm not sure if the increased chaos damage is a local or a global mod, though I assume it's global. In which case it doesn't change the actual DPS of the sword, but if it's local it will slightly increase it.

The total damage per second on the weapon then comes out to be 549.6 at level 100 with perfect rolls. However, that's being VERY optimistic, since you're likely not going to hit 100 and likely won't have perfect rolls. A level 90 with average rolls results in 391.02 physical damage per second and 96 chaos damage per second, a total of 487.02 damage per second.

As for tips for your build, I would recommend getting 2 rare rings and an amulet, each with as much flat phys and as much added chaos damage (via level 7 Elreon) whenever possible, as they will likely provide you with a lot more damage than 2 Ming's Heart rings. You also won't have to deal with the downsides of -20% maximum life from 2 Ming's Heart's, and can ever get some extra life on the jewelry. While they might be very expensive to get early in the league, they will definitely benefit you the most.

I would also recommend trying to get an Atziri's Promise flask as soon as possible, the extra chaos damage and leech will be insanely useful for you. Added Chaos Damage support should be a higher priority for your setup than Faster Attacks, since it will substantially increase your damage. Leave Faster Attacks out of your 5 link, as it is in my opinion the weaker support, and then decide if you want to use it in your 6 link over Rapid Decay. I would personally use Rapid Decay for bosses no matter what, but Faster Attacks might be nicer for clearing maps.

Anyway, good luck with your build, hope it works out for you :^)
Your right Shazamarang, I completely forgot about the extra quality in my dps calcs. Cheers for that.

I don't think finding a good roll weapon will be too hard, not a gimme but something to work towards. If it ends up anything like Oro's Sacrifice, there should be a good number for sale. Saying that a decent roll is still a good budget weapon.

Rapid Decay is probably going to be my 6 link but FA is a good alternative, probably for poison immune bosses.

Cheers for the input.
So i took my time and made a passive tree on Path of building, its not complete yet in terms of items and flasks but i would appreciate any kind feedback about it
Here is the code:
Gyaja a écrit :
So i took my time and made a passive tree on Path of building, its not complete yet in terms of items and flasks but i would appreciate any kind feedback about it
Here is the code:

I can't open yours mate. I don't have Path of Planning. I use the browser based POEPlanner.com.

My build is;


188% life, 2 spare jewel sockets, around 470% increase phys damage, all the +max leech% nodes, and the dodge keystones.

I'm also not sure about Ming's Heart. I'll have to do some research...


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