Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary


1st of all - HUGE thanks to you for your hard work on this guid. This let's me to get pretty easy started the game, and the descriptions about leveling is amazing (even my more experience friends speak that they've never seen such detailed leveling guid)!

Now some particular questions, regarding my own playstyle and current status (1st character, fresh 80lvl on standard):
1) I've took all items off, and i see -43 ress on cold/fire, -28 on lighting and -19 chaos. Then i calculated all Your item stats, and it seems like you don't even have cap on most of them? (76 lighting, 58cold, 51 fire and 13chaos) Or my calculations are somehow wrong/ i've made something wrong in my passive tree?
2) I know i've picked ascendency in wrong sequence, but today i've dropped Kitava, and now i've realised why "consue corpese" might be so usefull :D
3) There is something wrong with the "Passive Tree, Ascendancy & Pantheon" tab. When i'm trying to open Path of Building, i'm receiving some kind of notebook LONG LONG text (looks like some kind of website code)
4) Little sugestion - it would be amazing, if you would add some "end-games" tips (which maps to farm, to look for which modes etc). Curently i'm tring to fill the atals as much as i can. Is it ok, or should i be more focused on farming low lvl maps? Curently, with around 9k dps from Arc, and with Kitava, it's pretty easy to make run for Rare mode of some t5 and t6 maps.
5) What do you think about Lighting Golem? Is it worthy to keep him with me, or should i already change him to something else (or exp diffrend gem instead of it)?
6) Where should i be more focused on the Passive tree right now? As for this moment (lvl 80) on 81 i will get additional gem socet, but what should go take next? Any suggestions? :)
7) Another thing - i have pretty large problem with getting the dexterity needed for gems. How may i get rid of it? Currently, my neckles gives very alrge boost to dex, but finnaly i will have to replace it - what then? Base dex is around 14 for my character, and it's not enought even for some gems with 1 lvl :(

Once more, thanks a lot of your hard work! Without it, probably i would never start playing PoE :)
Dernière édition par Zeratul_PL#2990, le 2 févr. 2018 05:35:34
Excellent guide, which is well updated with information for all levels of player.

My one and only criticism is the red font colour for the headers over the spoilers is hard to see (read) on the grey background.
Specially at my age :)

Dernière édition par BL1P#0333, le 1 févr. 2018 20:46:57
Is there any way to make an arc build viable for all content? Or would I be better off looking for another skill? I really like the way Arc works and have been wanting to try it for some time. Any advice?
"Bonus points if it is Scion/Witch because they have nice knees. Ranger has ugly knees and other characters are men so playing them would be homoerotic." - CAKE, 10/20/21
SirGrinol a écrit :
so i just hited 90 with this build and i decided i wont lvl any other build and want to push this to max. Could u take a look at my character? Sustaining mana isn't issue no more since i swapped onslaught with mana leech but i'm feeling lack of damage. Also is there big difference from using 20 lvl arc from 21+3 arc?

At lvl24, Arc chains an additionnal time so yeah, it's worth it.
Although added lightning support actually adds a tiny bit more dmg than a lvl4 empower for way cheaper. So unless you can reach arc lvl24, added lightning is better. Or do like me, use both ;)
I've been doing ok without mana leech support though, are you using the spirited response jewel? (and keeping rallying cry up?)

Make your character tab public so others can look at it.
I've been doing the same lately and min-maxing it as much as possible, if you want to check my build.
I'm experimenting a bit with the passive tree right now though so nothing is set in stone and there's a few nodes I still want to switch around/try.
The biggest buff I think is using warlord's mark with a "1 additionnal curse" corruption on amulet, I got rid of my life leech gems for more damage and of any mana problems.

My resistances are all at 111 that's why I'm using the wise oak flask.
And I've been using the blind shaper mod on my gloves for a while now (only using the % global chance) and it's amazing, procs very easily with this build.

darciaz a écrit :
Is there any way to make an arc build viable for all content? Or would I be better off looking for another skill? I really like the way Arc works and have been wanting to try it for some time. Any advice?

This build is perfectly viable if you're willing to invest some currency into it, I beat red elder and more recently the shaper with (mostly) the gear i'm running right now (I upgraded a few things since).
A few bosses are challenging, but mapping is a breeze.
I haven't tried the shaper with a budget build but I reckon it would be pretty damn hard, if not impossible.
Dernière édition par Trudorc#0071, le 2 févr. 2018 00:42:25
Trudorc a écrit :

Make your character tab public so others can look at it.

Ok, done. Yes i've been using spirited response but i dont like the idea of casting rallying cry every few seconds ;/
SirGrinol a écrit :
Trudorc a écrit :

Make your character tab public so others can look at it.

Ok, done. Yes i've been using spirited response but i dont like the idea of casting rallying cry every few seconds ;/

Base duration is 8s, that's 10s with the necromancer nodes, casting it once every 10s should be manageable. You can also link it to an increased duration support, that's what I did.
Not only does it give very good mana regen with the jewel but the damage buff is pretty nice in big packs.

You're using the wrong Vinktar flask, there's multiple versions, we want the one that gives lightning penetration.

Using a lvl2 empower is pretty useless, that's the same damage added as a lvl11 added lightning support. Unless you can get a lvl4 empower with lvl21 arc you should stick to a lvl20 added lightning (that's like 2-3c). You can keep leveling the empower in your other weapon slot in the meantime.

It seems to me you're using way too many ressources on mana regen (lots of nodes, leech gem, 2 jewels). If you keep the mana leech support you could at least get some nodes back for more ulitity/damage in the tree (more jewel sockets maybe).
Getting a life & mana leech/regen enchant on your boots might help getting some of those back too.

I'm sure Enki will have more insight than me on what you should do from where you're at.
Hey, thank you for the guide.

Utter noob here with some pretty basic questions.

First off, you mention in the guide keeping the linked gems above CwDT's level threshold. Either I'm reading something wrong or the gem has since been changed, but CwDT works on gems below a certain threshold, not above. Has this part of the guide been revised since, or am I missing something obvious?

Second, the build doesn't to pick up any dex nodes. Doesn't this severely limit gear choices? If it weren't for a random belt I haven't replaced yet, my character wouldn't even be able to equip Desecrate at lv75. How do you even use stuff like Impulsa's?

Sorry if this is all silly. I just picked this game back up after a couple of years and I wasn't particularly knowledgeable back then either.
@Trudorc: Thanks for taking care of the replies here, and grats on the Shaper kill! I really like the Blind idea, was actually planning to get Blind into the setup for next patch and this might be the best way, especially if the whole block concept should be nerfed.

@SirGrinol: Aside from what Trudorc already suggested, you can also get mana sustain through a Watcher's Eye with Wrath Mana Leech mod. With enough damage and mana regen/s this would enable you to drop Rallying Cry and Spirited Response completely, unless you want to keep them in just in case.

I would recommend to get more jewel sockets asap, switch out the Blood Sacrifice jewel with a good rare and after all that maybe get the Flask nodes. Other than that gear looks decent, only thing i'd recommend there would be a rare Shaper amulet with life and spellblock mod, kinda like the one i've linked in the guide, and keep working on those enchantments.

A Lv21 Arc would give you about 10% more DPS, or rather about 10% more per level and as Trudorc mentioned, also another chain at Lv24. Same goes for Ball Lightning minus the chain stuff.

@Zeratul_PL: Hi there, thanks and welcome to the game! I'll go over your questions one by one:

1) This is probably missing the 20% Elemental Resistances we get while running an aura, and the resistance i get from my jewels.

2) If this is about Spirit Eater, yeah it will rack up lots of cast speed in combination with Kitava's Thirst and easily makes up for the cast speed penalty on the item.

3) This is the code you need to implement into Path of Building, which is a seperate tool. I was under the impression i had it linked in the First Steps section, but seems i forgot that. Will add it once i got more time, get the tool here in the meantime.

4) I'd love to expand the guide even more, but i'm already dangerously close to the post character limit that even a small addition could require me to delete something else. Just as a heads up, you don't really need to run red maps before Lv88+.

5) If you can fit him in without dropping anything from the recommended gem setup, he's alright.

6) Mind over Matter + the nodes behind, then jewel sockets.

7) Put a Careful Planning jewel in the socket near Mind over Matter.

One thing i've noticed is your flask setup, especially the missing Basalt Flask. Try to get the right setup for a big survivability boost in maps.

@BL1P: Thanks! I'll look into this with the next update.

@darciaz: There are some ways, but they either require lots of currency or a completely different playstyle. Arc Miners are pretty good at bosskilling i heard, but i'd assume it will be pretty annoying for clearing.

Arc is balanced around the fact that a single cast can chain to the same enemy multiple times under perfect conditions, it's just that this is pretty much never met during the full course of a bossfight. Currently it's simply better to use a secondary skill for single target until GGG gives us a reliable and more importantly, attainable way to really use the skill with all its features at bosses.

@Akkuron: Hi there, welcome back! Some gems are meant to be leveled above the CwDt level treshold, and some should be kept at the shown levels. Probably just missed that part.
Easiest way to get Dexterity is putting a Careful Planning jewel in the socket near Mind over Matter, alternatively you can get it on gear/jewels or even pick the +30 Dex node.
Heey Enki,

Sick build thanks for all the explaining you did in it.

I have a problem tho... I always die in Uber Lab, against Izaro.

Is there anything you can advice me?
Thanks Enki for your sugesstions, i will try to follow them :)

I've tried the mind over matter passive, but with it, i always have 0 mana ;( around 120mana per sec regen isn't enought to use this passive i think ;(

Also, i realised, i'm "too stationary" - in most cases i can face-tank everything, and then some rare monster/ boss getting something strange and one-shots me even on full buffs (molten shield etc). Strange thing is, that my HP is not runing down slowly or rapidly - it's just instant death ;( Yesterday i've played with my friend (rogue based on tornado shot). We started with the same amount of exp, and after few hours, i was on 81lvl with 0%, he was on 83lvl.... i simply died too often compared to him :( could you give me some ideas, why is it so often that i'm dead while he is not even losing 50% hp? (i have higher ress than he has, same amount of HP) Is it just a matter of class?

Currently, tier 7 yellow maps are pretty hard for me, not even speaking about boss fights. I have no idea, how is it possible that my survi was whole time so great and now "boom" - squishy caster appeared. I was trying to figure it out by myslef, but there is nothing like "damage log" etc for PoE, so i don't even know how once i can face tanks for few minutes without problems, and then instant death -.-'

I've just watched those 2 YT films from your guid - how is it possible, that with Mind over Matter, you are simply standing and face-tanking bosses, and your Mana is not even droping below 75%? :O When i picked on 81lvl this passive, my mana was runing away from me like a river flow, so even mornal mobs were able to "took all my mana pool away from me" :( Eh, it's so hard to understand the mechanics of this game for someone who just started ("just" = around 80h of playing) :(
Dernière édition par Zeratul_PL#2990, le 3 févr. 2018 05:26:02


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