Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary
@chapppy: You will lose the spell damage, that goes for enchanting any item with an implicit mod.
Kitavas and boots however is fine, nothing to lose there. @PshychozPath: All i can say is try around until you find a setup that suits you. Arc is indeed somewhat weak early on, not because it lacks raw damage but more because of the low amount of chains at early gem levels - something i've been criticizing for a long time. This causes a clear discrepancy to other spells at early levels. If we look at f.e. Firestorm or Freezing Pulse, these spells can implicitely hit more enemies while also dealing similar/better damage. Only at around gem level 16, when Arc gains the 6th chain it becomes atleast somewhat better. Unfortunately that's an issue with the gem level progression itself that i can't fix. The passive tree progression is laid out for a good balance of damage and survivability and felt very smooth in all testruns i did, but that may vary from player to player and their expectations. Instead of neglecting one for the other, i'd recommend just stick with Ball Lightning for clear aswell until Arc feels better. twitch.tv/enkivt
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I'm currently having a lot of trouble getting a 5L staff with +2 lightning in SSF. I randomly picked up a +1 lightning staff:
But I'm not sure it's worth changing over from my current setup with a wand and shield: The tooltip dps on Arc indicates it's a loss (10k vs 8k) as-is, and I'm not sure I have sufficient currency to try crafting anything better. I don't have any of the +2 lightning essences, and blew through most of my alts trying to get +2 on another 5L staff. I assume it's best to just keep farming currency at this point? Also, Frost Wall works very nice paired with Immortal Call on CWDT while leveling this build. It usually gives plenty of breathing room to recast Decoy Totem and Orb of Storms while enemies are running around the wall. |
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@CorenMajere: It's worth to switch if it allows you to use Arc and your single target spell in their own seperate 5Ls, and if you don't need the res from that shield. The damage loss shouldn't be too bad while farming more alts in lower level zones. Good luck with the crafting!
Thanks for the Frost Wall idea! Gonna add it to the list of things to try in 3.1, and then probably add to the guide. I can see it being useful especially in some of the more hectic A5/10 zones. twitch.tv/enkivt
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Ooooo! I like the Frost wall idea. It could be great with the Lightning Golem chest. Plus, I never notice IC proccing and I have a tendency to be in the middle of a mob before I notice them. xD
@Enki91 poe-profile.info/profile/chapppy I think I ran out of stuff to upgrade. Everything else pretty much cost over 2ex and I only have 25c now (Opal rings are expensive!). Haha! For the third flask, you suggest a Topaz flask. I've pretty much given up on reflect maps. And I cant seem to tell if a monster have a reflect mod (I'm not fast enough to read mods without dying). I dont think I'll need a Topaz flask...I think. I'm guessing it comes down to Wise Oak vs Atziri's Promise. My resistances are: Fire: (119) Cold: (124) Lightning: (117) Chaos: (-13) So Atziri's Promise would be the better of the two? Also, my Dex is too low to get Onslaught and Slower Projectiles to lvl20 (likewise for IC, CwDT). If I want to get their quality to +20%, I'll have to use 20 gemcutters? I cant use the vendor recipe? Or I buy off poe.trade? Dernière édition par chapppy#2528, le 14 nov. 2017 02:54:18
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@chapppy: Buying the gems with 15-20% quality would be much cheaper.
Wise Oak wouldn't be worth it since your uncapped lightning res isn't the highest one. Rest of the gear looks good, nothing really to upgrade there. twitch.tv/enkivt
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Hi, I've reached 74lvl with yout guide and it's amazing. I have one problem, I can't build 75% resist. It shows me, that I have 33F, 25C and 59L in defence tab but in gear I have much more. I completed Act 5 and Act 10 and merciless labyrinth. I dont know what to do with it:/
P.S. I have -43% on all resist when I dont wear any equip. Dernière édition par RAPublicus#1420, le 14 nov. 2017 11:12:07
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@RAPublicus: There's a permanent -30% resistance penalty after each Kitava fight. We get 17% elemental resistance from the base passive tree and another 20% from Commander of Darkness in our ascendancy, which means you will need another 98% of each on gear.
Looking at your gear, you don't have much res nor life on it, both of which are vital stats for us in endgame. You should be able to upgrade your gear cheaply with some planning, check the gearing section which slot should have which stats and by what amount, look for that on poe.trade and keep open suffixes in mind, masters can add up to 30% of a resistance (25% on jewelry). To help you with that you can use a site like poeaffix.net, which shows you all possible prefixes/suffixes for each gearslot. twitch.tv/enkivt
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Thank you so much for the answer.:) One more question, wouldnt be Two-Toned Boots better option? :)
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" If you need the resistances they're ok, but you can't use a boot enchant since it'll override the implicit resistances. twitch.tv/enkivt
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I'm back! =)
So after your feedback, I've been trying to further upgrade my jewels, some equips and gems. I've been trying to look for better gems but they cost pretty much an arm and a leg. So now I'm resorting to collecting jewels and trying my best to alt/aug/regal them. Question: Between Spell Dmg/Lightning Dmg/Ele Dmg with Atk Skills, which one benefits Arc and BL more? Next, I manage to pick up 2 Empowers. Trying to level them to Lvl 3 and then chancing a Vaal Orb on them =X Question: With a lvl 24 Arc (L4 Empower + L21Arc), would +40% Arc Damage helm enchant be better than the +X Arc Chains since L24 already arcs about 8/9 times? Lastly I saw someone mention using a Frost Wall, and I find that idea kinda cool! Question: What would you recommend changing on the gem setup for Frost Wall in 3.0? Thanks in advance for the advice! |
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