Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary
" The phase you are talking about is annoying for most characters. Just move through each smoke cloud as fast as you can to make him stop hitting you. Try to use a defensive flask during that phase so you don't die. |
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Hey Enki, I played this build during 3.6 and enjoyed it.
Now with 3.7, my question is: does the finalized build feel better with your current setup? With all the dodge and no EB? Does it feel better at all since 3.6? If not, then I hope you do feel satisfied with the current setup after all the play testing and tweaking to suit 3.7 |
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" Your setup is pretty respectable, especially for you having just started playing the game! You've obviously read and followed the guide well and understand the fundamentals. I'm not wild about swapping Flame Dash in for Lightning Warp, but I'm guessing it feels too slow to you. I would recommend you look for a helmet with the reduced LW duration enchantment and put LW back in, per the guide, as the cooldown timer on FD is a real problem for both map clear speed and sustained defensive repositioning. Getting some increased cast speed will help you out a lot, too. The Shaper guardians are really tough fights until you're familiar with them. While they're all very mechanical once you know the patterns, I would say Chimera is particularly dangerous in general and for this build, even if you're experienced at the fight, and the black smoke phase is why. You have to be extremely prepared for and aware of when and where the black clouds appear, pop your defensive flasks as soon as they do, and use a teleport skill to position yourself close to as many at a time as you can. You MUST run through them manually to disperse them until you find the one shrouding the Chimera; teleport skills are good for getting you close, but not for actually clearing them. If he starts hitting you in this phase, pop your life flask immediately. For the rest of the fight, you need to constantly be repositioning to avoid getting slaughtered, and this is where Flame Dash is hurting you. Other than that, pay close attention to the map mods and reroll them if they aren't favorable. You can even run the t16 maps white just to get completion, although I wouldn't recommend it as a general practice. Since you're using a shield, it might be worth swapping in a Rumi's Concoction for additional physical damage mitigation and block. Hope this helps a little--others may have some useful pointers, too! Dernière édition par WorderMostFoul#7154, le 1 août 2019 12:57:42
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Hi Enki,
Just wanted to drop by and say thank you! Enjoying the build alot so far. Just clowning around with unique at the moment and only at T5. Cheers |
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" Wow, thanks so much for all the helpful tips! Good to know that my current set up should be capable of taking on the endgame bosses. I played a lot of D2 back in the day which I guess certainly helped with understanding the fundamentals of this game/build. Will take your suggestions and give it another shot. As far as lightning warp/flame dash goes, I was using lightning warp for the most part and wanted to test out flame dash to see how it felt. My next goal is to replace my shield/weapon with the dual wielded multimodded weapons from this guide but am a little too poor for that at the moment. Again, thanks for the tips it's much appreciated. Cheers |
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" My pleasure to help! I came to this game 3 leagues ago from the same background. You've undoubtedly noticed it's far more complex than any of the Diablo games, which leads to much more diversity. You picked the perfect build to start with. Multimodded weapons are exactly what your next step should be. You can whisper me in-game if you need help with the crafting; I have unlocked most of the mods that you would need for this build and am happy to help a brother out. ^^ |
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Dernière édition par Ratsneve#9638, le 21 août 2019 02:45:57
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Hello, I am back I am wondering if the current character still needs some min-maxto take on UBER Elder? I've already beaten T16 bosses, Shaper, and a really buffed up level 83 Atziri at the Temple of Atzoatl (she had a crap ton of buffs...). Just wondering if this one is capable of taking on the UBER Elder since I mentioned pages back I don't really have the resources to craft, I've just been getting along with the wands I found from maps (I think they're pretty good though).
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Much better. The 3.6 setup had too many flaws and limitations, and wouldn't even work properly anymore except for with some huge compromises. The 3.7 setup is just better in all regards, and also suits the intended purpose of this build better.
Hey, i'll just go through all the questions one by one.
1. As you guessed already, the stash is league-wide and its items can't be accessed from other leagues. However, temp league stashes do get merged into their parent league at the end. 2. Will get to this in question #8. 3. Yes it's possible, that's one of the aspects i've designed this build around. To prove it further, i've leveled an older, weaker version to 100 and done all content with ease in SSF Incursion league. 4. Shouldn't be an issue, you can still access all the passive trees here in the guide. 5. A few leveling uniques, namely Tabula Rasa, Goldrim and Wanderlust can last you into maps, everything else should be kept updated as you find upgrades with focus on capping resistances and getting some life. The Creafting Bench helps with that for very low investment. It's also all laid out in the Leveling Section. Once at maps, check out the indepth Flasks-, Jewels- and Gear Sections, they should be easy to follow. Don't neglect any of that, they're all part of making a good build work properly. Especially Flasks, which unlike to any other ARPG i've played give lots of buffs and sustain in this game to the point that it's balanced around using them. 6. No, unless you slack with the above. Generally speaking you shouldn't have a hard time, the build is not very demanding on gear and SSF aside, extremely cheap to put together this league. Only thing it's not made for is safely delving beyond depth 1k, which is irrelevant for 99.9% of the playerbase and the few who care will roll specific builds for that anyway. 7. You need some Str and Dex for Support Gems anyway, the passive tree is laid out to cover that tho. Any missing attribute can be covered through amulet implicits if needed. Getting more Str doesn't hurt since it gives flat life, Dex doesn't help as much. 8. It's possible but won't turn into a good Fireball build, since this build isn't designed around that skill. A quick search brought up this Fireball build which looks pretty solid and not difficult to gear. 9. Answered in question #1.
You're more than ready for Uber Elder, just switch to Kaom's Roots and the upgraded Arakaali/Ryslatha Pantheons for the fight. If you're not capped with the boot switch, you could cover that with a jewel or even better, get a helmet base with "30% reduced Lightning Warp Duration" and try to craft it to cover resistances and some life/mana. I'd also recommend to use a Quartz Flask instead of Rotgut.
For the fight itself, try to keep an eye on both and find a rhytm between casting and moving away from their skills. Kill any adds they spawn and try to pop bubbles somewhere around the edge. When Elder does one of his expanding novas, try to stay in the outer ring for a bit just in case one of them decides to do a slam, which you couldn't avoid in the inner circle. Good luck with the fight! twitch.tv/enkivt
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Thanks for the response! I was just worried since I am literally just going with whatever gear or gems I had in my inventory that I gathered along while mapping with my necromancer (it's how I was encouraged to play Arc witch). I'm familiar enough with the fight so it'll be interesting to see how it plays out as Arc Witch. As for the flasks no worries I just run with this set up for mapping, since rotgut works great when I just want to clear the map in roughly a minute or two.
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