Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary

UtherSRG a écrit :

OoS is like a mini totem. Cast it at a cluster of enemies, which hits them with Lightning and so has a chance to Shock and increase the damage you do, then use Freezing Pulse to take them out.

Once you get Storm Brand, that's more effective and you swap out OoS for Storm Brand.

Alright, thanks. I take out trash so fast it hardly seems worth the extra cast so far, but can see it helping with elite mobs and bosses. Appreciate the input.
Sebash6 a écrit :
Cendrake a écrit :
Sebash6 a écrit :
I got serious question, how do we don't get bored in this game?
For 3 days I was pushing hard with exp and following every leveling section in the guide. I managed to get 66lvl playing like 4-5 hours per day.

But after these days Im like, meh "again I need to just run and spam arc and easy kill everything."

How can I have some fun in this game?

Should I spend more time on looking on poe.trade?

I have a currency to buy almost every gear but a thought in my head telling me "what for?" What do I do it for? I don't even know what are the rewards for this Flashback Im playing and what will I do after it ends (for sure I will not want to play again and following a guide again).

Im missing some knowledge what can I do, maybe some crafting? idk

all I do is just follow the leveling section because I dont even know what else I could do, and all I do is just push the lvl like some pro

Maybe the game just isn't for you or you're burned out. There are a lot of other games in this world and it's not wrong to play something else instead.

I actually have this with every game I play, it might be depression. :|

I played a lot of games in my carrier.

Or maybe im juts old (27) lol

Can't find any game which fits me

Haha unless you're a professional athlete 27 isn't old, but for a lot of people transitioning from the things we did in our 20s to what we enjoy in our 30s is drastically different. I dabbled in gaming during my 20s, but enjoyed going to shows (local indie and punk scene) way more than sitting around at home. It wasn't until my 30s that sitting at home gaming was what I did 4-5 hours a night "for fun".

Beyond that if you are struggling with feelings of anhedonia or depression, maybe getting out more and getting the blood flowing will help you out. Sorry to offer advice on a thread like this that is not related to gaming, but when someone drops the word depression in my line of work (counseling) I get concerned for them. Depression is no joke, but a lot of people see an improvement in their cognition with simple changes in die and exercise.
For whatever it's worth I hope you feel better. There are more ways to enjoy life than gaming.
Proletariate1984 a écrit :
Haha unless you're a professional athlete 27 isn't old, but for a lot of people transitioning from the things we did in our 20s to what we enjoy in our 30s is drastically different. I dabbled in gaming during my 20s, but enjoyed going to shows (local indie and punk scene) way more than sitting around at home. It wasn't until my 30s that sitting at home gaming was what I did 4-5 hours a night "for fun".

Beyond that if you are struggling with feelings of anhedonia or depression, maybe getting out more and getting the blood flowing will help you out. Sorry to offer advice on a thread like this that is not related to gaming, but when someone drops the word depression in my line of work (counseling) I get concerned for them. Depression is no joke, but a lot of people see an improvement in their cognition with simple changes in die and exercise.
For whatever it's worth I hope you feel better. There are more ways to enjoy life than gaming.

For what it's worth, as the thread creator and someone fighting this illness for over a decade now, this is the kind of OT that i'd always allow, unlike trade posts for example. I know how hard it can be to speak up and have seen the consequences of people never doing so. But just for the sake of this thread, let's keep it to one public message and then handle the rest in private messages.

Some probably got the hint, but this is also one of the reasons why i'm not as active in the thread currently. I still read all comments and really appreciate all the feedback and people taking their time to reply!
Hello guys,

I wanted to ask you about lvling this build. I would like to get 100lvl one day as I really love this build and want all skill points. But it seems that I cannot exp successfully and I got stuck at 91 lvl. I know my items are not the best but I have no problem clearing red maps.

The thing is that I always got killed by Syndicate buggy spawn (SBS) and some bosses in higher tier maps but I started to not killing those bosses, regrettably it did not help at all cuz of SBS.

Do you have any advice how to exp this build? So far I thought about 3 ways. First, wait for 3.7 patch and new tankier build and hopefully fixed SBS. Next, I was thinking about cheap respec the build into HOWA CI Occultist with Molten Strike (My other char is HOWA CI MS Jugg), exp to 100lvl and then respec back to Arc. Lastly, I was thinking about running only unique maps with increased exp gain but I really do not know which ones are most efficient.

Thank you for your help.

P.S. I am sorry if this issue has been discussed before.
P.S2. Super-awesome build Enki! :)
Dernière édition par mcnugget5599#7442, le 19 mai 2019 12:47:28
What changes can I make to gain more survivability for uber elder push? Especially the guardians are one-shotting me, I can barely complete their maps in 6 portals.

With the amount of life nodes we skip, I only have 4.7k HP. I feel like that needs to be at least 6.5k. Even there I think I'd struggle, you get stuns & slows constantly and I can't keep the mobility up.

My gear is pretty good too, though I didn't have the recipes to go full level 3 enchants on daggers, but still delete everything up to guardians now. Killed red elder several times, shaper also easily. Minotaur I need at least 4 portals to kill, chimera probably all 6 if I can kill it at all. The burrow phase is extremely deadly as any hit is a near instakill % slows you down and the areas you have to hit spawn all of the arena.

Syndicate are even worse, if they spawn past T13 I can almost consider the map bricked. Just die to intervention and get it the fuck over with. Which means I haven't got the crafting recipes I needed for the daggers as I've had problems with Syndicate outpacing map difficulty all league & have been avoiding it.
Dernière édition par ScaryAtheist#7621, le 19 mai 2019 13:45:50
JulianSlink a écrit :
Hello guys, The thing is that I always got killed by Syndicate buggy spawn (SBS) and some bosses in higher tier maps but I started to not killing those bosses, regrettably it did not help at all cuz of SBS.

Syndicate interventions are still broken-ass trash and the major reason I won't spend another penny on supporter packs or MTX until they fix it. They outpace map difficulty all the way through the game, and are as hard if not harder than guardians to kill, at least for this build.

They also happen to be required for the crafting recipes at the same time.
Dernière édition par ScaryAtheist#7621, le 19 mai 2019 13:47:56
Oooook. I Decrafted my Helm Today but i will fix that^^ wanted it at 30% qual and some better rolls, hoped for a Reduced mana reserved roll to only jump 1 lvl up, anyway lost over 4k flat dmg ^^ (+ alot of currency xD) but before i was able to beat the Cortex Boss today for first time =)

Anyway i think iam quite finish with this build, only better rolls and the last good vaaled gems missin. Still want to improve.
I freshly learned we can put Abyss Jewells in the passive Skill Tree.
Saw better DPS (+life/es) builds with Abyss Jewells usin instead of regular Jewels.
Is it worth? Collecting a bunch of lvl 82 for crafting but dont wanna Chaos Spam/ Exalt for nuffin.
Since flashback market death its hard enough to get currency from sellin
ScaryAtheist a écrit :
What changes can I make to gain more survivability for uber elder push? Especially the guardians are one-shotting me, I can barely complete their maps in 6 portals.

With the amount of life nodes we skip, I only have 4.7k HP. I feel like that needs to be at least 6.5k. Even there I think I'd struggle, you get stuns & slows constantly and I can't keep the mobility up.

My gear is pretty good too, though I didn't have the recipes to go full level 3 enchants on daggers, but still delete everything up to guardians now. Killed red elder several times, shaper also easily. Minotaur I need at least 4 portals to kill, chimera probably all 6 if I can kill it at all. The burrow phase is extremely deadly as any hit is a near instakill % slows you down and the areas you have to hit spawn all of the arena.

Syndicate are even worse, if they spawn past T13 I can almost consider the map bricked. Just die to intervention and get it the fuck over with. Which means I haven't got the crafting recipes I needed for the daggers as I've had problems with Syndicate outpacing map difficulty all league & have been avoiding it.

Looking at your gear, I am puzzled as to how you have less than 5k life. All your stuff is pretty on-point (not sure I'd keep Stormfire over Mark of the Shaper, I but I don't know the interaction very well). They only thing I can suggest is a Devouring Diadem. You'll lose some flat life at first, but you'll gain a bunch of skill points that you can use to shore that up (and then some). Socket to the right of the starting point would be a good first place to put a +% increased life jewel, for starters. Make sure every jewel you have (minus transcendent mind, if you use it) has at least 6% increased life or 40 flat life. You should definitely able to do enough damage to kill the endgame bosses. My strategy in most of those battles is to melt them from a safe spot as quickly as possible to keep things from getting out of hand. That is especially applicable to Minotaur. Once he dives underground, he only moves in a straight line, so you should flame dash away and lay 3 LSTs in the area right around where you just were.
Cendrake a écrit :
Hey, @WorderMostFoul

I got me some new low budget gloves, an Inpulsa and I'm using that Stygian Vise I had laying around now. Res are all capped, although I didn't reach 109% with everything, like I wanted. I'm still at roughly the same amount of life now (4150) and my ES dropped from 3200 to 2200. Which seems to be fine, although I have to play some more.

Now that I have my 6L Arc, I threw out Unleash. It's hard to make any comparisons to it, especially since PoB doesn't take it into account yet afaik.

Anyways, I threw in Added Lightning Damage instead. At level 20 it'll bring my tooltip DPS in HO to ~74k (with Unleash it was ~58k)

Now I saw that you're using Controlled Destruction instead. You think it's better than Added Lightning Damage?

Congrats on the Inpulsa's! It's such a huge QoL improvement. Regarding unleash, I wish I knew more about it. PoB gives us no clue what the change in damage output is when we add it, which makes it impossible to make a truly informed decision. But with all the +casting speed we have, I do think it makes sense to drop it when you get an Inpulsa's for somewhat better single-target damage.

I'm using CD instead of ALD mainly because that's what Enki's guide recommends. I have not thought to compare the two in PoB, but I'm assuming CD gives better overall DPS (check me if I'm wrong here!). It only makes sense to switch to CD if you're using storm brand, though, since that is what we use to apply shock. As long as you're constantly laying them--I probably cast SB as much as or even more often than arc when I'm clearing levels.

Anyone NOT using storm brand should definitely not be running controlled destruction, though!

95 lvl.
64k tooltip without buffs/flasks, but with bad daggers and jewels :O
5200 hp, 2200 es.
thanks for the build.


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