Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary
" Yeah, I tried Heartbreaker for a while and it was alright, but it didn't seem nearly as effective as Moonsorrow especially as I progressed into mid-tier maps. Now, I haven't tried dual-wielding anything yet because it tanks my resistances and ES too much, and I know DW is a big part of this build, so... Can't blame Enki when I'm not even following the guide, but for someone like me that is very new (relative to folks around here) to PoE and still extremely slow at everything, trying to get gear for this build is tough. I will say, however, that the flask section was spot on and probably the most fun I've had in PoE was crafting all my flasks. If crafting regular gear was more like that (i.e. even remotely possible for a noob), I'd love this game even more. As it is, I spent probably 80 chaos "crafting" my current set of gloves... just throw money down the toilet while praying to the RNG gods. They came out alright, but man. Next time I'll make sure to have two identical bases so I don't feel so bad after rerolling some decent mods and immediately regretting it. |
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" Thanks, 1) i crafted 2x Sai as described in: https://pastebin.com/dtt2S941 2) upgraded belt to 'Stygian Vise' with 'Cold Damage to Spells'-Jewel Next step would be better boots or a better 'Devouring Diadem'? |
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" In my opinion, your next step should be better rings and amulet. I'd suggest seeing if you can get an Elder ring with a ton of resistances to support a Mark of the Shaper. |
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Hello, in the original post, in the gem setup section, the author said "For this to properly work, we need to keep CwDt at Level 1 and Immortal Call at Level 3!"
My Question is: how can i keep those gems at level 1 and 3? (i'm playing on ps4) Thanks. |
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OK. I am at a loss. I have been following this guide and have made a few changes. It is still roughly the same.
However, I am dying CONSTANTLY. I die almost immediately if I take a hit or two. I get 1-shotted on a regular basis and can't even come close to killing the guardians. I could only make it to phase 2 on the mastermind. Could some kind souls check out my profile and see what I am doing wrong? I have about 500 chaos to spend at them moment with an Inpulsas's up for sale. https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/finneusfalcor/characters?characterName=ashayany A appreciate any advice. |
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" You simply don't level them up by pressing the "+" once they reached enough experience for the next level. I don't know how that works on console tho. " Only took a short glimpse, but honestly, I see no issue. Good gear, 3.9k life, 2.2k ES, leech seems fine, res are capped... I mean, you did some changes to the tree and dropped Blood Siphon, which cost you about 350 hp, plus you're not using the IC+CwDt setup. But apart from squeezing a few hundred hp more life out of the gear and tree and use IC, I wouldn't know what to tell you. What is one-shotting you? If you're messing with the guardians or certain bosses in higher tiers with certain mods on the map or the Betrayal stuff in general, sure, I guess there's a lot of stuff that can one-shot us. Just don't get hit. I know it's not easy. I had way better gear last league and I couldn't do any of the guardians deathless. Some of them even cost me almost all of my portals. Also didn't manage to kill the mastermind. It's because I'm not familiar with the fights. I guess you have to do them a few hundred times, so you could do them blindfolded without getting hit. edit: So you dropped Coordination, Blood Siphon, Trickery, Mysticism and Static Blows. Then I wondered where all those points went; You picked Practical Application, Nimbleness, Dark Arts, Lightning Walker, Breath of Lightning and there are 2 points invested into small int nodes leading nowhere for whatever reason. I don't know... I understand the last three, but Practical Application and Nimbleness? Maybe better invest those points into Mysticism so you have more block chance. It would also increase your dps. Dernière édition par Cendrake#0301, le 6 mai 2019 12:21:17
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" So I took the Practical Application and Nimbleness because I was getting stun-locked when casting and I figured that was contributing to me getting smeared so much. The 2 int nodes were taken to boost my Transcendent Mind gem. The others were for some extra DPS. As it stands now, my tooltip DPS is 90k. I'll definitely take the IC/CwDT setup again. I had dropped it in lieu of Storm Brand/Blindness/Onslaught. I'll also try switching out of the PracApp and Nimb. I'll also pick up Mysticism again. Thank you for the advice! |
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" A lot of good info in Cendrake's post. I'm on a phone, so I can't see the whole skill tree to be able to comment there. Here are my thoughts: 1. 3.9k life is NOT enough to play this build at high levels, at least not the way it is currently configured. You need to aim for at least 5k life. Your ES should be pretty good to support that. Remember, you have so much +% to maximum life from your passive tree that you only need 400-500 more flat life to get to a good place. 2. Your tooltip DPS is excellent. With flasks and buffs, it's definitely enough for Uber Elder. Do not worry about improving it. Your weapons, helmet, body armor, and even amulet (despite mana) are also good. Boots work well with this build, per Enki's advice. The rest of the gear (and possibly passives; can't tell) is what you need to focus on. 3. In my opinion, cwdt is an inferior option to storm brand. It's a great little mechanism if you've got a quick barrage headed your way, but it won't solve your core problem. The extra damage, blindness, and culling strike all help you out defensively. 4. Swap your quicksilver flask for a Wise Oak (or quartz if you want more defensive options). Movement speed is irrelevant to this build in most cases. This brings us to the next point: 5. How much attack speed do you have in the build? You don't have onslaught in your SB setup (I would drop decoy totem and shuffle gems; the decoy doesn't even work against guardians or Shaper/Elder), nor do you have the extremely useful boot enchantment 16% increased attack and cast speed if you've killed lately. Both of those will make maneuvering much smoother and dramatically increase your ability to dodge attacks with WB. 6. The gear stuff: jewels, rings, gloves, belt. The gloves have good life and ES, but need more resistances. You need a belt of the same type that ideally gives you at least +80 life and 80%+ total elemental resist. Do not worry about damage mods here until you have your life pool much higher--again, your damage is fine! For rings, get the best Elder ring you can, one with a ton of resistances and life (and hopefully ES) and replace Vengeance Finger with it. Get a Mark of the Shaper and replace Beast Hold with it. That'll be a life and damage boost, but you need to get your resistances shored up first so they all stay capped. Finally, I can only see two of your jewels, but they're both suboptimal. Go for cobalt jewels with increased maximum life and attack and cast speed + another good mod and that should help a lot. If you're using any abyss jewels other than the one in your belt, make sure they all have at least +40 in flat life. 7. Then comes actually practicing the fights. I used to find Minotaur almost impossible, but then I read up on his attacks and started using flasks correctly, and now the fight is usually over within 10 seconds. Let him target you with his underground burrowing attack and then move a short distance away, as he can only go in a straight line and won't follow you. Then, when he pops up in the location you baited him into burrowing to, roll your offensive flasks and let everything rip. For Chimera, you need a lot of attack speed to stay nimble and to make sure you keep your golems up to distract him. Roll offensive flasks and blast away while he's distracted, use SB and LST to kill the adds as they come out, hit him with WB immediately each time he reappears so you can proc fortify before he goes into his smoke phase. Roll defensive flasks (life and jade) every five seconds as you use WB through the clouds to disperse them--attack speed is PARAMOUNT here--until you find the one he's hiding in. Rinse and repeat. Phoenix is easiest; whirl around him, zap him whenever possible, dodge his attacks (they're slower than you), avoid the fire vortexes, and kill the birds as they spawn. Hydra has become trickiest for me. The frostbolts coming from the sides are really dangerous and are best avoided on foot or with FD, in my experience. Stay close to her but directly behind her whenever possible as you blast away. I myself have dealt with stunlock by building around the UE fight and always wearing Kaom's Roots, which prevent stun (and also render a jade flask useless, btw). I therefore always run hungry loop for storm brand. The setup cost me 30k tooltip DPS at first, but I've decided to just keep doing UE runs for the rest of the league so I can get better at it. This build still clears insanely fast with that boss setup, so I figure I might as well keep it so I don't need to shuffle everything around just for that fight. (I am NOT encouraging anyone to do the same; I just am explaining this in case anyone looks at my gear and wonders why I'm wearing the setup I am!) Hope this also helps. Good luck! Dernière édition par WorderMostFoul#7154, le 6 mai 2019 18:33:22
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" Thanks for the help, Enki. Moved the Hypnotic to my Stygian and put another normal jewel in my passive, got a nice little boost. Acquired a decent dagger base and started working on crafting it. Spent my 1 annul and bought a 2nd one after failing to get the good stuff after regal. :( Ah well... that's RNG for ya. Now I need to learn how to identify what will sell well so I can make chaos faster.... |
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How's that SB setup in Hungry Loop working out for you so far? Could you help me push me into some direction (see one of my previous posts)? I absolutely have no clue what would be best for me. |
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