Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary

UtherSRG a écrit :
UtherSRG a écrit :
AzUther a écrit :
Awesome build. I'm having a bunch of fun with it.

In regards to your buying guide, specifically for gloves "to run a 6L Lightning Spire Trap", I have a question. Let's say we do get gloves that have one of the Trap supports on it, like Advanced Traps; should we then ditch the Advanced Traps support gem in the setup and swap in some other support gem? Or add in another trap gem?

Anyone have an answer on this? I'm fairly certain that if you have gloves with Advanced Traps on them, we can drop the Advanced Traps support gem and add in aother support gem. I think that would mean one of these: Multiple Traps, Charged Traps, or Cluster Traps.

Multiple Traps and Cluster Traps allow us to throw a more traps out there: 2 more for either, but with all traps being at 50% less damage (for Multiple) or 55% less damage (Cluster). So, if we throw a bunch of traps all together, we get 150% (for Multiple) or 135% (for Cluster) of our trap damage; this is great for bosses that don't move around much. Or we can spread the traps out further to always have good coverage for bosses that move around a lot.

Charged Traps seems less interesting.

Does anyone have a feel for which is better, Multiple or Cluster? Or am I way off base here?

.....aaaaand I'm off base. I forgot about Mine and Trap Damage Support. Much better. :D

Not sure if you totally answered your own question here, but you would want to tailor your actual gem setup around the supplemental "links" on the gloves. These are the three core gems that won't change:
Lightning spire trap
Elemental focus support
Controlled destruction support

These are the three skills that are possible to roll with shaper gloves:
Advanced traps support
Trap and mine damage support
Faster casting support

For the optimal 6L, you need two of the three directly above on the same pair of gloves; your fourth gem would then be whichever of these three is not on the gloves. Hopefully that makes sense.

The ideal pair of gloves would have the faster casting and advanced traps mods because then you get a global cast speed boost and increased trap throwing speed as bonuses (since they are two-part mods). However, beggars can't be choosers, and now that maximizing ES is an important consideration, our options are way more limited. I've had to make due with a 5L, myself, and they still weren't cheap. If you have to drop anything from the 6L, I would recommend dropping trap and mine damage. It is a really big damage boost, but, as Enki points out, the slower trap throwing speed really hurts unless you can balance it with the speed increases from faster casting and advanced traps.

Regarding multiple/cluster traps, you have to keep in mind the very substantial cooldown on LST. These use up multiple instances of LST and that is a very bad thing if your target moves at all, since you'll have lost a lot of discretion when it comes to saving your traps until the right moment.
Dernière édition par WorderMostFoul#7154, le 25 avr. 2019 11:49:01
Well now, I'm on the road to Uber Elder. I've attempted him twice with the fragments given, but failed miserably.

For now I'm trying to get my second multimod dagger, but don't have the exalts to do so yet. I'm also upgrading gears for the fight.

Bought a lv21 Vaal Arc for only a little under 20c. That should help boost damage substantially.

For one, I want to replace the mods on this helmet to have more life and resists, ES too if possible. The right enchants are really hard to get tho.

Also bought Kaom's Roots that has low life for some chaos (2? I forgot) then used divines and got a really high one. Now I just have to get the added lightning damage enchant on it.


Now the problem would be when I switch to Kaom's, I have to drop a gem setup. The one I would drop is CwDT/IC setup, since the fight has too many oneshots already that the CwDT proc won't save us, and the fight use little physical damage too. For Storm Brand users, sorry but you either have to drop it or use Hungry Loop setup. Then you have to swap the Lightning Spire setup to your weapon slots. This would mean dropping Advanced Traps Support and it'll hurt the cast speed, sadly.

Also, I'm thinking of upgrading my gloves to insanity gloves, but that's for much later crafting and isn't really necessary for this preparation.
Dernière édition par jester147#5774, le 25 avr. 2019 13:26:31
Hi, I am trying this build now. I am 81 level now but I am very squishy which is normal on the other hand i do not think that my damage is enough. For example I can not use my Arc skill full capacity because I do not have a 6 linked body armour or Tabula Rasa. How can I find a 6 linked good armour or Tabula Rasa(I do not have currency to buy), by the way Tabula Rasa not that much good because of no defensive stats. Can you look at my profile and give me advise(especially for when should I use my flasks my skills, proper distance to attack etc.). And what is the functionality of attack without move button i did not understand.

Thank you

Razersblade a écrit :
WorderMostFoul a écrit :
Razersblade a écrit :
Hi. Thanks for previous answers.
Currently have an issue where damage bypasses the energy shield completely, resulting in one shot kills to my character. I'm not certain where this went wrong. Can anyone assist?

Make your profile public and we will be able to help with this.

Should be updated now.

- generally, pretty much all of your gear is absolutely terrible

- you're not using two daggers (edit: my bad, you can use Whirling Blades with one dagger + shield, right??)

- instead you're using a dagger and a terrible magic shield, which doesn't even give you anything besides a tiny amount of life and some regen; there are not even resistances on it

- you're using a likewise super terrible magic armor that only gives you +10 intelligence, doesn't have a lot of ES, no resistances whatsoever and only 4 links

- you're using a unique amulet, two unique rings and a unique belt that are all rather bad; you'd be better off using even mediocre rare ones

- you picked at least 11 nodes in your skill tree that you shouldn't have picked and forgo nodes that you should have picked, worst of all:

- you didn't even pick Eldritch Battery, but also have no Diadem; so you have no EB! This version of the build revolves around Energy Shield together with Eldritch Battery!

- I can't import your character into PoB, since it's a Sony account and I have no clue how to do that or if it's even possible without pastebin link. But if I haven't overlooked anything you get: +26% fire res, +98% cold res, +24% lightning res from your gear. Then +12 to all from Holy Dominion, +5 to all from Cruel Preparation; +6 from the Elemental Damage and Resistances node in the Ascendancy tree; you didn't pick Faith and Steel.

So this means you have +49% fire res, +121% cold res, +47% lightning res. After part two, base resistance is -60%. Which would mean your resistances are: -11, 61, -13. Not a single ele res is capped at 75 and two are even in the negative. Am I right? If yes, then this is absolutely abysmal.

- you're not using Wrath, but still have Herald of Thunder (I mean, you couldn't even use Discipline, Wrath and the Enfeeble Aura at the same time, since you haven't taken the reduced mana reserved nodes)

- you're not using the proper Storm Brand setup; your Storm Brand is linked to... another Arc gem in your boots? Why? If you just want to level a gem and not use it, put it into the sockets of your secondary weapons.

We really can't afford to waste any sockets. Since you're not using a Hungry Loop, there's simply not enough sockets for the Lightning Spire Trap setup, the Storm Brand Setup, the Whirling Blades Setup, the Immortal Call setup, the Aura setup, the Lightning Golem, the Decoy Totem, Flamedash and the Fire Golem later on. You can't squeeze all of that in there, plus another Arc gem that you don't even use. Put that Arc gem in your secondary weapons. And if I was you, I'd also put Decoy Totem or Flamedash away for now, whatever you think you need less. Replace Herald of Thunder with Wrath and link Blind + Onslaught to Storm Brand. You'll have to move around gems for this, recolor some sockets with chromatic orbs and use a handful of orb of fusings to create links.

- you're not using the proper flask setup... at all; you don't even have a flask with "of Staunching" in there that could help you when bleeding; you're using 4 life flasks and a hybrid flask... take a look at the flask section in the guide again. There are also instructions on how to craft the flasks.

- you have no jewel in one of your jewel sockets, why not? It's a minor thing and kind of nitpicking, but get something in there that does even remotely anything for you at least. So far it's just an empty jewel socket that does nothing for you.

Bottom line: Sorry to break this to you... I don't know what you're playing there, but it doesn't really have anything to do with this build. It seems, as if at some point you decided to not follow the guide anymore and e.g. spec into nodes in the skill tree that you should've never taken and completely disregard what the guide says.

Take a look at the guide again. Take a look at the skill tree. Take a look at the gem setups. Take a look at the gear section what is recommended there and what stats you should look out for on your gear. And get everything in order.

It's really no wonder that you're getting one-shotted and completely rekt by everything.

edit: If you want, then whisper me ingame. I still have the two Heartbreakers, my old Necro Circlet and a Leather Belt. It's also far from good gear, but still better than what you have there. At least you get more resistances out of it.

edit2: Wait... you're on console, right?

How much currency do you have? You can't tell me you have no currency. Because by the looks of it, you haven't spent a single scroll fragment on anything yet. Are you doing your Chaos Orb vendor recipe regularly? Surely you must've picked up a few chaos by now or things you can trade to other players? You should really invest in a Tabula Rasa or some rare 5L Vaal Regalia, rings and ammy.

Word of advice: This might've sounded like a lot and pretty devastating. But don't give up! We all started there. I certainly did. Took me a few leagues and characters, digging the guides and wiki to get a grasp of what is going on in this game. But the community is great and most people will happily help you where they can.
Dernière édition par Cendrake#0301, le 26 avr. 2019 00:42:40
Sacrivoid a écrit :
Hi, I am trying this build now. I am 81 level now but I am very squishy which is normal on the other hand i do not think that my damage is enough. For example I can not use my Arc skill full capacity because I do not have a 6 linked body armour or Tabula Rasa. How can I find a 6 linked good armour or Tabula Rasa(I do not have currency to buy), by the way Tabula Rasa not that much good because of no defensive stats. Can you look at my profile and give me advise(especially for when should I use my flasks my skills, proper distance to attack etc.). And what is the functionality of attack without move button i did not understand.

Thank you


- Why aren't you using Mind over Matter? It redirects 30% of damage taken to your Mana. That's 30% of damage that you let go to your life pool, instead of letting it get absorbed by your Energy Shield. It will help you being less squishy.

- According to PoB you have 3.4k life but only 1.2k energy shield. You should really try to get gear that boosts your ES (take a look at the gear section and the recommended bases and stats). If I remember correctly it should be at least 40% of your life? I think I read that somewhere. 1200 definitely seems a little low. I figure that's the reason why you haven't taken MoM? Because if your ES gets hit, you suddenly can't cast anymore?

- Your Whirling Blades setup is wrong. You have no Faster Attacks Support in there, instead you linked it to Slower Projectiles??? So your movement skill is painfully slow.

- Your Storm Brand is linked to Blasphemy and Enfeeble? It's supposed to be linked to Blind and Onslaught. Onslaught helps with damage, Blind helps with defense.

- Your Cwdt+IC setup is wrong and severely overleveled. Both, Cwdt + IC are level 18. It's not properly working like that. You have to take a bunch of damage before it even gets triggered. Cwdt is supposed to be level 1, Immortal Call is supposed to be level 3.

- You're not using the proper flask setup. They're really not that hard to craft on your own. And the unique flasks aren't super expensive either.

Regarding your question about the 6L armor and how to find it. You probably won't. The chance that the right base armor with 6 links drops for you or comes even with the right stats and good rolls on it, is practically non-existant. So you either buy one or you craft a little bit until you have something that'll make do. Both costs orbs/currency. You either invest or you wait until the right stuff drops... which is improbable.

You could farm certain areas for certain divination cards of course. Like for the Tabula. But that requires a lot of farming and might even take longer than just farming currency and buy the stuff on the market.

One thing you could do with the armor you have right now is use Jeweller's Orbs to give it 5 or 6 sockets. So you could level gems in there at least. Although I wouldn't recommend it. Rather buy a rare 5L.

Why do all of you guys have no currency for flasks or a rare 5L or at least a Tabula? I really wonder. Surely you must've found orbs on your way and items you could trade to other players? You're level 81, you should have a few transmutes, alts and captured beasts by now to (beast)craft the flasks. And a few Jewellers, Fusings, Chromatics to get your gem setups in order. And maybe 5-50 Chaos to get a 5L rare Vaal Regalia, with 150+ ES, 80+ life and some resistances.


Are you doing the vendor Chaos recipe?

Trade in a full set of unidentified rare Items with item level 60 to 74 and you receive 2 Chaos Orbs for it. Just with that you should be able to afford a few things after a while. I made almost 40c just from that in the last few hours. This league for some reason you're getting showered in rings and amulets - the two things that usually are the bottleneck in this recipe.
Dernière édition par Cendrake#0301, le 26 avr. 2019 00:58:15
Hello from Korea! I'm KZRT.
As you know, GGG is finally making korean server (open about June), and because of it, a lot of new player from Korea is now comming. Here is he problem. Since we don't have a big communicate to talk & feedback the guide, we only have few of them, and for beginners it is really hard to understand how to level, or how to progress the game. Sure there are a lot of guides from forum, but some of our users can't even read English. (And although they can, it is so much easier to read in Korean then English).

Therefore, I'd like to translate & upload your guide on here
Since this is the biggest POE community in Korea as I know. And to do it, I would really appreciate if you allow me to.

If you have any questions, please let me know.
What should i buy next for my Arc Witch?
I have enough Currency to upgrade.
Better Daggers? Or a better Watchers Eye?
What would you guys recommend?

jester147 a écrit :
Well now, I'm on the road to Uber Elder. I've attempted him twice with the fragments given, but failed miserably.

For now I'm trying to get my second multimod dagger, but don't have the exalts to do so yet. I'm also upgrading gears for the fight.

Bought a lv21 Vaal Arc for only a little under 20c. That should help boost damage substantially.

For one, I want to replace the mods on this helmet to have more life and resists, ES too if possible. The right enchants are really hard to get tho.

Also bought Kaom's Roots that has low life for some chaos (2? I forgot) then used divines and got a really high one. Now I just have to get the added lightning damage enchant on it.


Now the problem would be when I switch to Kaom's, I have to drop a gem setup. The one I would drop is CwDT/IC setup, since the fight has too many oneshots already that the CwDT proc won't save us, and the fight use little physical damage too. For Storm Brand users, sorry but you either have to drop it or use Hungry Loop setup. Then you have to swap the Lightning Spire setup to your weapon slots. This would mean dropping Advanced Traps Support and it'll hurt the cast speed, sadly.

Also, I'm thinking of upgrading my gloves to insanity gloves, but that's for much later crafting and isn't really necessary for this preparation.

I know EXACTLY what you are going through. I've failed at Uber Elder 6 times now--that's worse than last league, when it was my first time even attempting the fight! Unfortunately, the current EB version of this build, which I consider to be more powerful in terms of damage output, introduces more challenges. I am curious how people have dealt with this and if anyone has any specific advice on tactics or strategy when facing UE with this build. Obviously it can be done--there's a video of Enki doing it deathless early in the league with sub-optimal equipment, for christssakes--but I'm just not solid enough on the mechanics, I guess.

You already mentioned the first challenge: Kaom's Roots. The second half of the fight is so much more dangerous without them, and yet working them into the build introduces complications that one hardly needs if one is already doing the hardest boss fight in the game.

The obvious one is the gem setup. I'm sorry, but I just cannot imagine losing storm brand or LST, and obviously arc, auras, movement skills, and golems are all necessary. LST is crucial for quick single-target damage, especially against Elder, and does a lot of our work for us while we're busy dodging all the insane BS flying around the screen. If you take out storm brand, you lose reliable elemental overload proc, which is a ton of damage loss, and also the buff(s) from Inpulsa's, to boot. You also lose onslaught, which is a notable loss of both movement speed and DPS, and culling strike, which we obviously want for the last and craziest phase of all. I just can't justify sacrificing all that synergy...which means we need to run Hungry Loop if we want Kaom's roots. That means our resistances are extremely squeezed. Between boots, helmet (Devouring Diadem), weapons, Inpulsa's, and Hungry Loop, you're putting a ton of pressure on your other four items to get your resistances capped (assuming you're not using jewels). 6L gloves for LST? Mark of the Shaper? Amulet with nothing but damage mods? Pipe dreams if you need Kaom's roots.

We have 43% elemental resist from passive tree (if I didn't mess up my count), so need a ring, amulet, belt, and gloves to provide us 92% lightning and fire resist and 117% cold resist (Shaper's highly dangerous projectiles penetrate 25% cold resist). That's 301% total elemental resistance, assuming perfect distribution between cold/lightning/fire. And yes, Shaper's beam deals damage from all 3 elements, so skimping on lightning and fire resists is not a good idea. That means heaviest possible resist mods on ring and belt (120+% total for each) and 2-3 more solid resist mods between gloves and amulet. All of these pieces of equipment need as much life and ES as possible, not to mention any dexterity or damage mods. So there's very little margin for deviation.

On top of that, the boots throw the life/ES balance way, way off. Personally, the swap takes my ES down to 35% of my life total, which is about 10% less than it needs to be. So we run into the problem of getting stranded with no ES again after taking a big hit.

Does anyone have a strategy for successfully dealing with all of these considerations? I'm losing my mind trying to master this fight, and it's an expensive one to practice! (And yes, I've tried the online simulator, but it is of limited use when our build is about as diametric to a Juggernaut as you can get.)
KZPE a écrit :
Hello from Korea! I'm KZRT.
As you know, GGG is finally making korean server (open about June), and because of it, a lot of new player from Korea is now comming. Here is he problem. Since we don't have a big communicate to talk & feedback the guide, we only have few of them, and for beginners it is really hard to understand how to level, or how to progress the game. Sure there are a lot of guides from forum, but some of our users can't even read English. (And although they can, it is so much easier to read in Korean then English).

Therefore, I'd like to translate & upload your guide on here
Since this is the biggest POE community in Korea as I know. And to do it, I would really appreciate if you allow me to.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

PM Enki on the forums and ask him. He has put an unimaginable amount of work into creating this incredible build, so you absolutely need his blessing. I do think this guide would be amazing for a bunch of new players!

I taught English in Korea for a year, and I understand the huge linguistic hurdles between English and Korean--alphabetical, syntactical, contextual differences abound, to say nothing of wildly different phonetic structure and cultural norms (for instance, sarcasm is not really a thing in Korean). Enki's guide is incredibly specific, so whoever is translating the guide will need to be very good at English and have a good understanding of the game's mechanics, or else people won't understand how to optimize the build. Things like distinguishing between "more" vs "increased" and "adds lightning damage" vs "adds lightning damage to spells" are really, really pivotal and even some native English speakers--plenty, as you can see if you read through the thread--have difficulty grasping concepts when they are explained very clearly in their native language.

Also, I would definitely wait until Enki posts his plans for a 3.7 guide before translating anything, because a lot of the information is going to change. Best of luck to you!
Dernière édition par WorderMostFoul#7154, le 25 avr. 2019 22:28:32
commandment of reflection:

does 140% increased minion damage scale with spiritual aid?
wouldnt that be insane?


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