Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary

Pegglea a écrit :
Everything about this build is great - apart from bossing.

I've got decent gear, and I've also tried a 2x void battery crit variant.

The DPS on bosses just feels rediculously weak, and I have no idea why.

All my gems are 20/20 - I have 6L Inpulas - Mark of the shaper ring, etc.

No matter if I play the build as its presented here or my 8 power charge void battery version bosses just wreck me because I do next to no damage.

Any ideas?

I've just took a short look on your gear and setup.

You are not playing something even CLOSE TO THIS BUILD.

You gems are just a mess.

Assasin's mark should be replaced with Efenable.

You have no Spell Echo on your 6L - which is crucial for us.

Immortal call and Cast when dmg taken - you leveled them up way too high - read the guide about those setup, and link them to Increased duration support gem.

You have Ice golem, instead of Lightning golem.

You have Herlad of Ice, which isn't used in this build.

Where is your Lightning Spire Trap setup - our main source of dmg to bosses? Where is Decoy Totem?

You've sepnt a lot of currecy, buiyg those Void batteries and Diadem, but you have no Watcher's eye - which is crucial of our build?

Men, you are complaining about this build, but you are not even playing anything similar to it... You've changed a lot by yourself, and then complain about it?

DPS is ok. Curently, i've just changed from Storm Brand to Immortal Call setup, to incease survi vs stupid deaths by burst. Before that, i had more than 1,2mln DPS on Shaper/ Elder. Killing Shaper or red Elder was more than a fun, than an achivment for me. (can't kill uber elder, as i can't handle the mechaninc of bossfight, not by lack of dmg etc).

Curently i will try to get Hungery Loop affected by elder, build the Trap setup in there and manage somehow my resistants, so i would be able to use both, Storm Brand and Immortal call setups, at the cost of 1 ring survival buffs. Now i was lucky to set all my res at 80%, so my flask gives huge boosts :D And i will have to mess it, while changing to hungery loop.

Hello guys, I started the league with this build and I really really loved it but then some day everything was so slow it was unplayable, then I realized that my mov speed is -3%. Anyone know how I can fix it? I really want to play this build but this way is impossible. Thanks
Zeratul_PL a écrit :
Pegglea a écrit :
Everything about this build is great - apart from bossing.

I've got decent gear, and I've also tried a 2x void battery crit variant.

The DPS on bosses just feels rediculously weak, and I have no idea why.

All my gems are 20/20 - I have 6L Inpulas - Mark of the shaper ring, etc.

No matter if I play the build as its presented here or my 8 power charge void battery version bosses just wreck me because I do next to no damage.

Any ideas?

I've just took a short look on your gear and setup.

You are not playing something even CLOSE TO THIS BUILD.

You gems are just a mess.

Assasin's mark should be replaced with Efenable.

You have no Spell Echo on your 6L - which is crucial for us.

Immortal call and Cast when dmg taken - you leveled them up way too high - read the guide about those setup, and link them to Increased duration support gem.

You have Ice golem, instead of Lightning golem.

You have Herlad of Ice, which isn't used in this build.

Where is your Lightning Spire Trap setup - our main source of dmg to bosses? Where is Decoy Totem?

You've sepnt a lot of currecy, buiyg those Void batteries and Diadem, but you have no Watcher's eye - which is crucial of our build?

Men, you are complaining about this build, but you are not even playing anything similar to it... You've changed a lot by yourself, and then complain about it?

DPS is ok. Curently, i've just changed from Storm Brand to Immortal Call setup, to incease survi vs stupid deaths by burst. Before that, i had more than 1,2mln DPS on Shaper/ Elder. Killing Shaper or red Elder was more than a fun, than an achivment for me. (can't kill uber elder, as i can't handle the mechaninc of bossfight, not by lack of dmg etc).

Curently i will try to get Hungery Loop affected by elder, build the Trap setup in there and manage somehow my resistants, so i would be able to use both, Storm Brand and Immortal call setups, at the cost of 1 ring survival buffs. Now i was lucky to set all my res at 80%, so my flask gives huge boosts :D And i will have to mess it, while changing to hungery loop.

I appreciate you taking the time to look.

I should clarify a few things:
Prior to moving to crit based Void batter the skill tree was identical to this buld - and using 2x decent daggers.

I was running efenable prior to moving to crit (Assassin's mark was swapped for power charge generation).

Spell echo was also used in place of controlled destruction.

I'll fix the immortcal calls setup.

Fair point on the golem front - I'm an idiot.

HoI isn't actually used.

I wasn't aware the lightning traps were the key boss killers. I'll get those online tonight.

I'll also look at getting a decent watchers eye.

Thanks for the input.

No problems :)

Just take a closer look on what's Enki mentioned about setup. + Decoy totem and Lightning Spire are amazing on boss fights. If you know the timimng when the encounter start, you can get rid of 30-40% of boss HP within first 2 seconds of fight (i often throw traps a little too early, so they are starting shooting before the boss is active) ;P

By the way - if you have currency, i can help you with high end daggers :) Currently i have 1 base for crafting (rare dagger, 4% block chance implicit, and only extra chaos mod - so ready to start multi crafting). Also, i've manage to unlock all needed crafting recepies we need, so we can make a deal and i can provide you 1 fully crafted dagger for this build :)
Zeratul_PL a écrit :

No problems :)

Just take a closer look on what's Enki mentioned about setup. + Decoy totem and Lightning Spire are amazing on boss fights. If you know the timimng when the encounter start, you can get rid of 30-40% of boss HP within first 2 seconds of fight (i often throw traps a little too early, so they are starting shooting before the boss is active) ;P

By the way - if you have currency, i can help you with high end daggers :) Currently i have 1 base for crafting (rare dagger, 4% block chance implicit, and only extra chaos mod - so ready to start multi crafting). Also, i've manage to unlock all needed crafting recepies we need, so we can make a deal and i can provide you 1 fully crafted dagger for this build :)

Unfortuatly the only currency I'll have avaliable will be 2ex once I sell the void batterys - I imagine a watchers eye will cost like 1ex, then getting the right colors on the rest of my gear to fit all the gems I need will cost a bit. I'm imagining a decent dagger for this build is what, 3-4ex each minumum (2ex for multi-craft at the very least)?

I'll possibly shoot you a message tonight if I get stuck if you don't mind?

I'll have some currency avalaible a little later tonight after I do some delve farming :)
Well, this bese i mentioned is priced 3ex currently - as it's not that easy to hit 19-20% extra chaos + anul all the rest.

Crafted verion would be much more costly.
Multi mod = 2ex
Cast speed = 1ex
4% extra chaos + 46-50% spell dmg = 1ex
And rest are few chaos each.

Fully crafted will still be much more costly than buying the base + paying for crafting.

Simple calculation:
3ex base + 2+1+1+ additional one (can't remember price for rest of craftings + fee for craftin) ~ 7 ex

Buying fully crafted one - i assume at least 10ex. And i mena, realy AT ELAST (with bad rolls etc).

I didn't craft it and set to sell only because i assume it will be easier to sell just base, than fully crafted dagger "specificly for Enki's build", and i prefer smaller, but more constant income, than getting one big deal, but very rarely ;)

Regarding contacting me - feel free to add me to friend list. But i've already met some problems with contacting people from this threat - we are from all over the world, so Time Zones are also a big deal :) I'm writting from Poland, so we've time zone UTC + 1. And i'm online almost every evening between 8 PM and 12 PM - that's the easiest time to "catch me" ;)
Zeratul_PL a écrit :
Well, this bese i mentioned is priced 3ex currently - as it's not that easy to hit 19-20% extra chaos + anul all the rest.

Crafted verion would be much more costly.
Multi mod = 2ex
Cast speed = 1ex
4% extra chaos + 46-50% spell dmg = 1ex
And rest are few chaos each.

Fully crafted will still be much more costly than buying the base + paying for crafting.

Simple calculation:
3ex base + 2+1+1+ additional one (can't remember price for rest of craftings + fee for craftin) ~ 7 ex

Buying fully crafted one - i assume at least 10ex. And i mena, realy AT ELAST (with bad rolls etc).

I didn't craft it and set to sell only because i assume it will be easier to sell just base, than fully crafted dagger "specificly for Enki's build", and i prefer smaller, but more constant income, than getting one big deal, but very rarely ;)

Regarding contacting me - feel free to add me to friend list. But i've already met some problems with contacting people from this threat - we are from all over the world, so Time Zones are also a big deal :) I'm writting from Poland, so we've time zone UTC + 1. And i'm online almost every evening between 8 PM and 12 PM - that's the easiest time to "catch me" ;)

I'm in the UK and play on evenings/nights when I get home from work so I'll deffo catch you online.

I'd like the dagger, suspect it'll take me a few days to farm the 8ex for so youd ask for it :P

You're also not using the proper flask setup. Get Atziri's with a high ele dmg as extra chaos dmg roll, it's another damage boost you're missing out on that shouldn't be underestimated.

Enki also explicitly stated not to use any of the unique Sulphur Flasks. Better take a regular Sulphur Flask as mentioned in the guide. It lasts longer and can have another suffix that helps with defense.

Throw away the Quicksilver Flask and rather use Daggers and Whirling Blades again to get around quickly. Not only does that give you room for the Jade Flask for defense, the Whirling Blades together with Fortify are even more defense on top of it.

Throw out the Silver Flask, use the Storm Brand setup instead. That comes with Onslaught + Blind and depending on whether you use the Hungry Loop or how you build your setups, you can even add more stuff to it, like Culling Strike for example, which would also be a good thing to have against bosses.

The Storm Brand also helps a lot with building up Elemental Overload, which grants a noticeable ele dmg boost (you should pick that node again, once you switch back).

Golem has been mentioned already. You're losing out on 10% Cast Speed there. And the Flame Golem grants you another damage buff.

And take Spiritual Aid, geeezus!! That's probably the worst of all... That's another HUGE damage boost from that entire wheel you're willfully missing out on. Plus the 25% increased dmg from Lord of the Dead node that also doesn't apply to you because of it. All the damage buffs to your Golems aren't applied to you! There's a good reason we take those nodes and on almost every page in this thread people ask why we take them and on almost every other page (and in the FAQ) it's explained that we do it, because of the massive damage buff that comes with it.

Everything in this build is meticulously thought through. With your changes to the tree and the gem+flask setups you practically crippled it.

Decoy totem and the Golems can help a lot with distracting non-stationary bosses. Then you throw the Lighting Spire traps on it. They're more or less crucial when it comes to harder bosses. They're melting them.

Also, do you have any source for Cold damage to spells? I couldn't find anything (you said, you don't use HoI). If you don't then Hypothermia doesn't do much.

But it's not a zulul boss faceroller build and single target damage of Arc will never be astonishingly good, I can already tell you that. The LS traps help a lot. But if you're looking solely at single target damage, there are probably better builds out there.
Dernière édition par Cendrake#0301, le 15 avr. 2019 08:36:19
Also @Pegglea--

In addition to what everyone else had said--all of which is accurate--i assume, based on your gear, that your energy shield is quite low; probably not at least 43% of your maximum life, which is crucial for survivability!

Before you do anything else, max out the quality on your helmet and boots. That's a super cheap and quick way to get a boost.

Next, replace your gloves with some with the sorcerer's gloves base that has a good % increased ES and ideally +# to maximum ES, then max out quality on them. This will be a big boost, too.

Amulet is next; you want ~+20% to maximum energy shield here because it's the only slot that offers that boost.

You also ideally want +# to maximum ES on your belt and ring. Shoot for at least +40 on each.

All of that will help survivability quite a bit. I know your original complaint was lack of damage, but you need a solid survivability base for your damage increases to matter. I can tell you it's a massive damage boost against bosses to drop enfeeble+blasphemy for enlighten+Zealotry, but that does hurt survivability, so you need to shore up your defenses elsewhere (and listen to the advice others have already offered here) before considering that.

Side note here for everyone, since I haven't seen it mentioned in this forum yet: I found myself with an extra hotkey slot and so started running Vaal Discipline. If your ES pool is below 43% of your life and/or you ever find yourself drained of ES and unable to escape a dangerous situation because you don't have enough mana to use a movement skill, using VD is kind of like popping a mana flask for your ES. If your ES is already over 45% of your life, though, you most likely never run into this problem and therefore have no reason to try this.

Edit: it also mechanically makes no sense to use controlled destruction in a high-crit version of this build--you're shooting yourself in the foot there on several levels. As already mentioned by someone else, replace that with spell echo support and add at least 1 point of cold damage to spells somewhere and you'll see a colossal spike in your damage just from that. If you can work storm brand into the build, then you can replace unleash with controlled destruction, but otherwise your crit chance on arc is too important in triggering both EO and shock to justify sinking it with CD.
Dernière édition par WorderMostFoul#7154, le 15 avr. 2019 09:08:20
Hey guys, I started following this guide last league and I have continued to play in Standard. I used my skill reset to switch over to the new skill tree at the start of 3.6

I seem to be hitting a wall at red tier maps, and I am struggling to figure out what to upgrade to next. I think in general I am just short on ES on my gear, but would appreciate some advice. I would love to get some decent gear boosts to push into red maps as I save up for an Inpulsa's

Character Name is Mathmusicw, thanks!


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