Crit Ele Split Ripper - Fastest map clearer? You decide! Up to 95 crit
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Feel free to go there and follow me if you'd like to know when I'm online as it will be the easiest place to get answers for questions related to builds and such. AWAKENING UPDATE New Passive Tree Crit Elemental Bow with either Split Arrow or Tornado shot feels stronger than ever, especially Split Arrow. Split arrow received quite some buffs in Awakening including starting at 5 arrows and going up to 10 at max level as well as Chain's reduced multiplier being lowered, resulting in very fast clear speeds and high dps numbers. Windripper itself took a minor nerf and as such can no longer be considered the "Be All End All" for the build but it is still a very strong option as well as having the nice MF properties. I believe the best bow will now be a rare Sniper or some such with high tri elemental rolls, crit, attack speed and crit multi. Most bows have had their base crit raised and the maximum elemental damage rolls have been buffed across the board on all weapons which means a large part of your damage will now come from your weapon rather than just auras. Running the build is still very similar except we now utilize frenzy charges(I keep them up with Frenzy as a single target) and I run Wrath + Herald of Ice + Herald of Thunder on a Rat's Nest rather than Alpha's. The reason there is no Alphas is because going that route you use Anger + Wrath + 1 herald and invest 4 points getting Charisma. After trying this I had a few hundred higher dps but I believed the utility of Rat's Nest to be higher paired with a 2nd herald. Running both heralds I attach Curse on hit to both with Assassin's Mark and get the best of both worlds for gaining power charges. As well as that you get run speed/attack speed from Rat's Nest. As a chest I recommend whatever you are most comfortable with. An Evasion chest, Hyrri's Ire, Belly of the Beast are some good options but the chest slot is rather flexible. Remember, to really scale the build highly you need great WED, Crit Multi, Accuracy, high levels, quality gems, good links and good elemental damage everywhere. Please check out the video guide to see how I went about remaking the build. It should answer alot of questions and show off the character's potential. VIDEO GUIDE FOR AWAKENING p.s. I reached 225m xp/hr doing Aqueducts with the build from 68 to mid 70s. Nothing else to me has come close. Yet another full elemental build from myself because hey, aurasOP. This time we have a crit version inspired by the new unique Windripper imperial bow. Let me just say this is not a noob friendly build as the bow itself costs quite a bit and takes a bit of skill/ability to play correctly. For a more beginner/all round bow build I recommend my Phys crit tornado/puncture. Videos of funstuff are at the bottom. Holy balls look at that almost 10 crit. This bow is definitely not op. I repeat, not op. Deeps:
![]() Now, if you're unfamiliar with tornado shot builds, over 35k with GMP is quite insane especially for such a fast attack speed and Vaal Pact. To reach my dps numbers (and higher) you'll need a 6L in either your Voll's or Windripper. Keep in mind you only need one 5 or 6 link as Tornado Shot is the master race and does all of your dps. Everything I did for this spec was a rather quick slap together so the gear isn't too amazing or strict in what you use. Likewise with the spec. I felt this was the most efficient use of points to get the best clearing speed/feel and dps numbers whilst still managing to stay alive. Even though my defenses are absolutely shite I rarely die these days due to killing everything faster than it has a chance to hit me. You can opt to build it more defensively and lose quite a lot of dps because even at 15k+ tornado you're annihilating endgame maps. Defense:
![]() 108 point Scion start build 107 point Ranger start build A bit about the spec: Vaal pact is completely essential at high dps levels (20k+) and most of the crit passives are highly recommended. The aura passives are also essential to be able to run anger/wrath/herald of ice/herald of thunder and as they are the source of most of your damage buffing them is a good idea. You can always trade some damage passives and grab Acrobatics or extra evasion, life, whatever else. I'm happy with my 3700 life and 1 shot killing abilities atm so I haven't felt the need to. My gear:
My gear is pretty decent at this stage and with the master system getting similar gear isn't too much of a challenge. Alpha's Howl is essential to running all 4 of our buffs and helps boost the damage of Anger/Wrath. Accuracy on gear is hardly needed but I recommend a high amount on 1 piece, though not essential since you get a lot from the passives/dext. The Voll's was a recent addition and I love it. I was wearing a tabula up until about 86 so I didn't feel a loss of defense, only a gain of 25% crit. You can of course choose to wear a sturdy rare chest to up your defenses, entirely up to you. Getting the right colours for Tornado Shot on a 6L is way easier on a Voll's though which is something to note. Atziri flask is recommended since it gives a nice dps boost and helps kill ele resistant mobs quite a lot. Try to get high WED everywhere you can as well as crit. So crit rings with WED/life are ideal but make sure you're getting sufficient resists too. Your quiver should have attack speed, WED and hopefully be crit based with crit on it too. Life & crit multi are good bonuses here. You can easily wear a large amount of mf and turn this into a MF spec. You'll probably sacrifice a few thousand dps but not much else. My crit and dps for the most part is from the passives and the bow. I clear virtually every map level and mod quite comfortably as you will see in the videos so this spec with reduced dps can still melt through lower level maps or lunaris farming. Gems:For your Tornado Shot the essentials are Tornado Shot, Blood Magic, Life Leech or Life on Hit (if you don't have over 15-20k dps), GMP. After which you will get Weapon Elemental Damage and then Critical Damage. That said I don't recommend playing it without at least a 5L. Both WED and Crit damage are such a large dps gain that to not use them is very brutal. Bandits: Passive point, Kraityn (8 AS), Alira (Power charge). Leveling:Leveling was quite comfortable, especially if you use some of the rings/amulets with reduced mana cost from Elreon. Grab a Stormcloud unique bow at lvl 12 and use it with Wrath or Anger up until you can get Herald of Ice/Thunder and then use 1 of those as well. Aim to get to the aura nodes early on to start using more auras/heralds and linking a reduced mana. Once you swap into Blood Magic it's a good idea to use either Thief's Torment ring while leveling or Life Gain on Hit gem with quality. I used LoH up until I was breaking maybe 15k dps with tornado shot and it's perfectly fine up to that point. Once you start hitting higher dps numbers you'll want to move to Vaal Pact with Life Leech. Once I reached enough crit levels from passives I swapped to a Death's Harp ( around lvl 40 ) and used it up to 70ish when I put on Windripper. Death's Harp is an amazing bow for a budget version of the build. For maps I was doing levels 80-89 within an hour each. It was completely absurd as I was clearing 75-78 maps in 5 minutes a piece on average. Reflect:Get your light/fire res up to respectable levels and you'll be fine with vaal pact/life leech. A light/fire flask help when you shoot into it but isn't necessary when you're capped/near capped. An Atziri flask helps greatly as well since it adds an extra source of damage and leech which doesn't reflect during its duration. Grouping: With the 2 dps auras you provide some damage support for those you group with. That said, who cares because you're going to be completely carrying your friends on your mighty muscly back with this spec. At my dps I can comfortably carry 1-2 people without noticing much or any difference in clear speed. From level 80+ I often opened a public party and let a person tag along in my 75+ maps because it's not any slower and they could tank for me, or something, it was just for fun. VIDEOOOOOOOOS: 1.2 Videos First Atziri Run Double Palace Dominus fast and easy Using Death's Harp in place of Windripper for a map 77 Shrine with fast clear and discussion of build. Videos below here are from before 1.2 and using Split Arrow. Double courtyard boss 78 map, elemental equil, fire res, -max, etc Typical fast map clear, a 77 shipyard Insane 78 map noone has any business even entering but why not Death and Taxes unique 75 map Will add more videos as I play/can be bothered thinking of something. Can take request too possibly. A list of all my builds and guides - streaming daily Dernière édition par Mathil#3128, le 2 oct. 2015 04:09:41 Dernier bump le 21 déc. 2016 14:53:33
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Pretty insane bow. Spec seems to rival lowlife crown builds.
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" Yea somewhat. And even though I consider this a rather expensive spec it still pales in comparison to needing a shavs + a CoE... lol A list of all my builds and guides - streaming daily |
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Big fan of the buzzsaw build, i"m at lvl 91 on it in Ambush now so ready to take a break and try this one out for a bit. I had pretty much reconstructed it from seeing the videos but it's good to see it all laid out here. I've got the Windripper, just need to socket/fuse it, picked up a 5L Voll's for cheap, probably gonna try to use as much MF gear as possible in the other slots.
You aren't using whirling blades or leap slam for mobility this time, just move speed / quicksilver is enough? Also seems like those gloves from uber Atziri with the built-in 100% Vaal Pact would be insanely good with this build if you can get hold of them. |
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" Yea I can't be arsed weapon swapping for whirl/leap slam and didn't care to get a lightning warp. It's advised though as it'll help you get over obstacles faster. Your move flask is up most of the time and yea I've found it's good enough along with all of the move speed I have. The Atziri gloves would definitely be crazy. They'd let you reallocate about 10 pts and give you stronger leech. Somehow manages to be more OP than Windripper. GG A list of all my builds and guides - streaming daily |
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Would you say this build is only efficient with a 6link? I've been running a more defensive build with ripper and I'm curious if I should consider respeccing, but I've only got 2x 5link.
Current build
The jewelry is god-awful and I'm in the process of replacing it (hit me up if you've got some cheap WED jewelry, it's all gone away ever since your buzzsaw became popular), but this is what I'm working with since I just respecced to split from cast on crit. It seems like what I would lose in evasion/dodge/etc with your build you essentially make up in leech, but if I'm not mistaken the power charge stacking isn't nearly as efficient without the multi gem on split in a 6L. Edit: I was actually envisioning a tree somewhat like this to pick up vaal pact. It trades a little bit of the damage for a whole metric shitload of extra life and survivability (acrobatics, ondars, etc). Dernière édition par demonguard#5146, le 31 mars 2014 13:33:11
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I ran a tabula rasa from lvl 1-85 and would use it over a 5L for sure. I suggest 1 of those if you can't get your hands on a 6L Voll's or 6L your Ripper.
Additional links are huge for this spec. The 5L for WED gives like 50% more damage and then the 6L for crit multi gives you another 50%. They're not exact numbers but it's something big like that. A list of all my builds and guides - streaming daily |
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" With a tabula, though, you wouldn't be generating power charges, which seems kind of huge for the way you build. I think moving to a tabula from my current setup would be trading a massive amount of survivability for a little bit of damage, but a 6l volls on the other hand would be a massive amount of damage. It's pretty terrifying that you somehow stay alive with barely any life passives, non-cap resists, and no armor/ev. |
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" He said that the power charges add about 20% crit, so even without volls he was at about 65% crit. Still not bad. But yeah it is crazy, barely any defenses and waltzing through crazy maps. With how much damage it does, I'm not very surprised. IGN: A_Moosen
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IGN: xBilldozerx Dernière édition par xBilldozerx#6283, le 31 mars 2014 16:12:36
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