[1.3.0]PewPewPews official Starter-Friendly Incinerate Build | Stronger than ever!
" I went with this one because mana leech was nerfed, but after getting dream frag, i'm thinking in switching to #% block chance to spells corruption, only problem is this one goes near 1 exa. Dernière édition par zixk#6051, le 10 avr. 2014 16:45:53
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Would Vaal Pact be good for this build now since the changes to it and leach in general?
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So atm people are probably getting 20% qual lvl 20 incinerate/GMP/faster casting/etc.
Will you guys be Vaaling these gems to hope to get the +1 level or +quality? My current 6L link:
I am leaning towards yes but I am nervous about it. |
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Why we should use greater projectiles instead of lesser projectiles?
What do u think about aura haste? I'm having rlly hard time while fighting with monster which are using chaos dmg: snakes for example. |
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" Greater projectiles have more beams in the same radius the incinerate is spreading than lesser projectiles, thus enemies caught within the radius takes more damage. see the image below for more clarification: ![]() Regarding Haste, don't think reserving a big portion of mana aka part of the defense (due to MOM) is not wise even for 16% additional cast speed considering u r using a lvl20 Haste aura. for chaos dmg dealers u should use amethyst flask whenever necessary. From tree u may get some chaos res. this is where CWDT+ LW comes handy. I myself now is facing a gear up gradation problem (in a good way though :D), as it seems i cannot find anymore upgrades for my item unless i spend 50+ exalts per item. Although very happy with the current gears as i am very much melting everything in my path right now (in standard ofc :P). Thanks to some good suggestions by my friend Rhayne1, i have adjusted the skill tree, dumped discipline and now doing better than ever. My skill distribution:
My stats r as follows: Life: 4.3K Mana: 2.7k Armour: 2.3 K DPS (Tooltip): 2.1 K Mana Regen: 260 Life regen: 190 IIR: 120 (without rarity gem, yet to have my 6 link) All res 83% (120+) Chaos res -12% My gears:
So far played all maps and most of the mods except for no regen and Blood magic. Loving it. Currently sitting at 87. Yet to fight Atziri. Will see how it goes. Cheers. Dernière édition par archzin#1759, le 17 avr. 2014 08:09:31
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how hard is Atziri for this build? got the midnight fragment and i'm contemplating running it.
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" High mobility is required to run Atziri well. Incinerate builds have poor mobility. I'd find something else. |
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" Its pretty hard to go wrong with vaal orbing 20/20, since youve got a 66% chance of positive or nothing happening. Ive done it to all of my 20/20 gems, and only had one drop down to level 19, not the worst thing that could have happened considering my added chaos and incinerate gems got a big boost. |
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" I have tried a few times, I wanted to figure it out for myself and wasnt really sure what to expect the first time, ended up not making it very far into the second boss fight, but after a bit more tweaking im convinced its possible. For second boss fight switching to perandus and fireball seems to be a good call, then do a big circle around them shooting the titty bitch whenver you can. Once shes down you can switch back to incinerate and facetank the other two, make sure to kill cyclone guy second, then the fire asshole third. They arent too hard, with a high level AA the titty bitch spawns do nothing to you, and can let you fill up flasks pretty quick. My atziri fights have not gone so well, Infernal Mantle makes her shit really really hurt. I've been looking at switching out armor just to get rid of that effect, was thinking Cloak of Defiance to free up passives from MoM. Also am going to try a Cybil's Paw, even tho its a pretty shit weapon late game, its got some good stats and allows me to use whirling blades to reposition faster. Anyways, instead of people saying this build cant run atziri, I think it may be a little more constructive to figure out how we can make this able, and help other people running this build. I'm sure its possible without completely respeccing, but there is some gear/gem swapping required to do it.
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Im at level 73 and enjoy this build a whole lot.
I recently switched from a 30% block/armor shield to Saffel's Frame and have started to get problems with physical damage. My is armor only at 721 is that too low? How do you handle phyiscal damage with the lack of block and low armor imposed by Infernal Mantle and Saffell's Frame? |
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